Forever North, LLC: Forever North Mixed Use Development




Forever North, LLC


2505 North 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110


1500 North 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110




Ashley Kuhn


President - Blair Freeman - Owners Representative for Forever North, LLC



+1 (402) 880-7918




Please see the attached "Team List and Lead Resumes"


Please see the attached org chart


Please see the attached Project Experience


Forever North Mixed Use Development






Capital project


A transformational project in the heart of North Omaha, Blair Freeman and North End Teleservices’s proposed mixed-use development will be a catalyst for renewed economic stability, affordable housing, and community ownership in North Omaha. The multi-story development features up to 80 mixed-income, affordable apartment units for rent, as well as a daycare, food services, retail, commercial office space, and community & collaborative spaces, at the center of North Omaha – the intersection of 24th Street and Lake Street. In addition to the multi-story, mixed-use development, single-family lots to the north of the multi-use site – on Ohio Street – will be transformed into an innovative pocket neighborhood that centers shared garden and green spaces connecting facing single-family homes. The project is inspired and lead by local, African-American, female leadership – Carmen Tapio, of North End Teleservices, in partnership with Blair Freeman, Owners’ Representative Firm. Its purpose is to ignite local leadership, entrepreneurship, ownership, and community from the inside-out, spurring additional growth and investment as the neighborhood continues to transform. With completion planned for December 2024 and preliminary design nearing completion, this project has the momentum, support, and leadership to be a successful driver for positive change in North Omaha.


Please see the attached project timeline




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



This proposed multi-story development, located on the northeast corner of 24th Street & Lake Street, is a continuation of the vision and leadership of Carmen Tapio, CEO of North End Teleservices (NET). It is driven by a people-centered approach. Forever North, LLC, the effort representing this project, will likewise value sustaining the community and centering the people who live, work, and play in North Omaha. The mixed-use, multi-story development features up to 80 mixed-income, affordable apartment units for rent, as well as a daycare, food services, retail, commercial office space, and community & collaborative spaces, at the center of North Omaha. Its anchor tenant, NET, has been a community-based employer since 2015. This location will allow NET to continue its mission and impact on the community through a local strategy, providing not only employment but aid and assistance for employees facing food, clothing, and housing crises. At the core of this development project is Forever North, LLC’s purpose: to bring jobs to an area of high unemployment and to help people overcome barriers in the workforce. Our mission is to help employees create and achieve a vision for their lives, as well as economic independence for themselves. Forever North, LLC measures success in the success of the people who work there, understanding the impact success has on the individual, families, and the community. As an employer, NET values employee diversity and inclusion, retention, and service delivery. We will advocate for the growth of every person, uplifting people and communities and embody performance-driven service excellence. Together, the mixed-use, multi-story development and the complementary single-family housing and green space development represent a commitment to fostering long-lasting, transformational improvements to quality of life in North Omaha. Enhancing the space to become a walkable, accessible, and welcoming hub for continued growth and expansion in the community, this effort has the potential, support, and leadership to be a catalyst for sustainable economic growth. From housing to employment to community-building and empowerment, this project will have a far-reaching impact on the lives and futures of those who live in North Omaha.


The North Omaha Visioning Workshop Session found many critical needs to achieve success within the community and promote long-lasting economic growth. The workshop found that North Omaha’s strengths – available land and vacant properties, socially connected community – come with challenges, including lack of jobs, commercial and retail businesses, safe transportation, and quality entry-level and next-level housing. Forever North aligns with and addresses many of these important necessities. The Forever North Project aligns with the following visioning workshop findings: 1. Lack of Jobs – There will 50 jobs provided through our anchor tenant, North End Teleservices. These would not be temporary and will have an annual economic impact (using IMPLAN methodology) of $472,086.85 per job for a total of $23,604,232.57 annually. 2. Lack of Commercial and Retail Businesses – The project will add 80,000 square feet of commercial office, 20,000 square feet of retail, and a childcare facility. 3. Lack of Transportation – Preliminary discussions with Metro Transit for an ORBT station to be located on the 24th Street side of our building and bike rental racks positioned in multiple locations for alternative travel to and from the site. 4. Lack of Quality Entry and Next Level Housing – The Project will incorporate approximately 100 mixed-income apartment units for rent in an area of some of the highest poverty in Omaha. In the Visioning Workshop Summary, community leaders of North Omaha expressed three major concerns: insufficient infrastructure exists, development that fits within the cultural context, and access and tools to leverage community resources. The visual sense of Forever North, LLC precisely addresses and serves as a solution to every one of these bullet points. The development of the physical structure will be brand new and constructed by highly-skilled contractors, providing safer working and living conditions for the community. The purpose of use catalyzes cultural needs that cater to surrounding disparities as well as while encouraging the enthusiasm of residents who see the intersection. This project will act as a hub for resources used to bring the livelihoods of locals to the next level using strong partnerships and group effort.


Forever North, LLC’s emerging location, intentionally placed within the heart of North Omaha, and within qualified census tracts, precisely aligns with LB1024’s strategic priorities. Directly addressing redlining in the North Omaha community, this project aides in celebrating North Omaha’s rich, black, historical culture while embracing a safe collaborative space for all. Forever North, LLC has the intention of contributing to closing the significant gap and need for the development of housing. Specifically, Forever North holds a vision of holistic care for residents and substantial contribution to the community. This vision included access to quality childcare, employment, food service, and housing. North End Teleservices (NET) will be the anchor tenant of this Forever North project, enabling its ability to expand its mission of job creation and economic independence. NET recognized the market to value gap and intends to assist in housing affordability by creating a housing fund for several units proposed in the development. Not only is Forever North a longevity growth opportunity in a disproportionately impacted metropolitan neighborhood, but this multi-story development also provides a safety net for numerous challenges. Forever North will curve disparities through its overall revitalization goals. Scoping the broader picture, this project will further streamline the alignment of both Forever North and LB1024’s hopes to changes lives.


North End Teleservices - 50 additional permanent jobs which would add to their current 350 employees. Temporary Construction jobs - 120 The availability of Class A office space will drive future employees to the building as well as retail jobs.








Forever North will be creating new office and retail space that will allow for new businesses to come to the area. Forever North is also working with Blair Freeman on intentional outreach for contractors and subcontractors. Blair Freeman also has a construction division which allows for subcontractors to continue working with them and gain introductions to other, larger general contractors in the City.


Our future anchor tenant currently employs hundreds of people and continues to grow. Moving NET’s headquarters to the heart of the 24th Street corridor will help increase employment in key zip codes. As a result, this directly contributes to growth in population density which will boost economic activity and diversification in the area. Our project will grant work opportunities, while building and molding a strong and talented labor force environment. With a goal of full employment and career development, Forever North will partner with community organizations to employ diverse individuals including re-entry, homelessness, and at-risk individuals, providing promotions from within. This project includes community amenities for food service, financial, and healthcare tenants in the mixed-use development. In the past 15 years, there has been a convergence of resources, energy and vision focused on rehabilitating the commercial intersection of North 24th and Lake Streets including Dreamland Plaza, streetscape improvements, Dreamstreet Townhomes, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Cornerstone Memorial, The Union for Contemporary Arts, Carver Bank, Love’s Jazz and Art Center, Lake Point Center, Fair Deal Village MarketPlace, Learning Community Center of North Omaha, and the Jewell Building. We believe Forever North will become an additional, historical, transformative, asset to the community and area within the Qualified Census Tract. We believe North Omaha to be the next up- and- coming economy and we recognize the vital importance of the area so deeply, we named the real estate company Forever North in acknowledgment of the strong investor involvement, visioning, planning, and collaborating with residents and the City of Omaha. We will provide much- needed high-quality neighborhood amenities with retail, childcare, food service and community- facing spaces on premise. Among other community efforts along the 24th Street corridor, we believe this will ignite further development and compliment many of the projects planned or underway. 24th Street is currently planned as an upcoming transit corridor for the ORBT line and the future streetcar.


Forever North's project goal is to serve this North Omaha community with affordable housing, jobs, and inclusive amenities. This in turn furthers sustainable community. The plan will incorporate approximately 80 mixed-income apartment units for rent and 10 single family homes for sale in an area of some of the highest poverty in Omaha, increasing livability. With the help of Forever North’s platform, the goal is to increase homeownership in such a poverty-stricken area, longtermly.


Forever North’s mission is to be a significant, inspirational catalyst for economic investment, development, and revitalization in North Omaha. Our project is already creating and instilling hope and aspirations of the future, and full realization of the people and the community as assets to our city and our state. Historically, development along North 24th street prioritized manufacturing/warehouses and creating manufacturing jobs. While this is important, we now need to shift our focus to new concepts. Forever North will bring an innovative space for Class A office space, which has not yet been seen in our community. The community has assessed a unique opportunity for bringing enough economic development to support establish businesses, and we plan to fulfill that. With the development of Forever North, established commercial and retail businesses will have the opportunity to bring their talents to North Omaha. Furthermore, small and local business will have a newfound opportunity to market their talents. Forever North is an innovative, multifaceted development that is vital to the long-term success of the North Omaha community. We endeavor to provide quality employment and housing opportunities, along with never-before-seen amenities to residents so they can fully participate in and be a part of the legacy rebuilding in an area rich in diversity and history. The collective efforts aim to create a headwind for community, neighborhood, entertainment, safety, well-being and security by being the first development of its' kind. We want to demonstrate through creative and bold measures that impactful development can be done in North Omaha.


We will be tracking the following metrics for our community impact outcomes:  Creating new and higher paying jobs  Increase pedestrian visits to 24th and Lake, to in turn support the business and entertainment offered on the 24th street corridor.  New business or business growth


 Creating new and higher paying jobs is a required outcome that must be tracked through our New Market Tax Credit Financing. Advantage Capital will be assisting in tracking this data.  We are still determining how we will track the increased pedestrian visits to the site.  New business and business growth – this will be tracked through our Real Estate Team (PJ Morgan), which will memorialize the size, location, footprint, etc. of businesses signing leases in the building and revisiting annually for growth.


This project aims to be the project that proves investment in North Omaha is supported and possible. We are looking to be the catalyst for future development along 24th to reinvigorate the once highly prosperous and walkable community it once was. We are simply taking the fabric of what was already in place and rebuilding that template.




• Child Care operator will be procured through an RFP process and will have preference placed on operators from the surrounding community. • As the project builds, we will partner with more organizations to fill the site with an array of services of the community.


None to date, we are wrapping up schematic design which allows us to show the picture of what will come to the site for the partners.





2505 North 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110 (North East corner of 24th and Lake Street, Omaha, NE)


Within one or more QCTs


Please see the attached Site Plan, Floor Plans, Title Commitment and Phase II report.













We are at Schematic Design phase and have construction estimates based on that package.






We are in the RFP phase of our project for General Contractor. The following Contractors have been invited to submit a proposal for services; Boyd Jones, Weitz Construction and CJR Construction. The award timeline is as follows:  Proposals due: October 10, 2022  Construction Interviews: October 12, 2022  Award Date: October 14, 2022. we were invite only to make sure we have a firm that understands the needs of the community and the partners we are working with. We will have a highly advertised approach to subcontractor engagement to ensure we are diverse and equitable in where our dollars will go for construction.


Funds from LB1024 will be used directly for construction costs.


Forever North will apply the LB1024 funds to direct construction in response to the increasing expenses of new construction, the high rate of inflation, and the growing need for the project in North Omaha.




Please see the attached financials. Operations of the building once built will be self sustaining through lease income.


Please see the attached budget with the sources/uses of funds


Please see the attached budget with the sources/uses of funds




No, the project will be completed at one time, as each component is necessary for the full success of the project.



Please see the attached budget with sources/uses, which includes the funding contributed by the organization via conventional financing.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule