POC Collaborative Community Resource Center (POC Collaborative): A Renaissance for the Historic Calvin Memorial/North Presbyterian Church




POC Collaborative Community Resource Center (POC Collaborative)


3105 N 24th Street Omaha, NE 68110


PO Box 11515 Omaha, NE 68111






Katrina Adams


Executive Director




+1 (402) 321-8428




Katrina Adams, Owner; Blair Freeman Group, General Contractor; Leo A Daly, Architects; POC Board of Directors


POC Collaborative has provided its aspirational organization chart demonstrating full staffing. Currently, the executive director is the only full-time, paid position. Please see document: OER_POC_2026_OrgChart


NOC Redevelopment Group, LLC, of which Ms. Adams is a 50% partner/owner, is purchasing the former Native Omaha Club Building from the City of Omaha. This building has significant historical and cultural relevance to the North Omaha community. It serves as an anchor for Omahans who have moved away to find their way home again. This project features a mixed-use facility with three residential units on the second floor with semi-private patios. There are three commercial units on the first floor for office space, a small meeting room, and a restaurant with outdoor seating. Another major accomplishment is the acquisition of the Calvin Memorial/North Presbyterian Church (24th and Wirt Sts). Ms. Adams purchased the historic property in 2019 and has been managing the upkeep and stabilization efforts for the site. This property was sold to Ms. Adams because of her vision for the space and commitment to bringing it to fruition. This proposal supports our organizational goals through the following pillars: - Amplify BIPOC Voices: POC Collaborative is intentionally creating physical space that boosts Black, Indigenous, and People of Color’s (BIPOC) voices and experiences to effect positive, impactful change in North Omaha, and across the metro area. - We serve as a Point of Connection. As one of the largest and most recognizable landmarks on the North 24th Street Corridor, POC Collaborative is uniquely positioned to serve as a connector. We provide residents with access to community resources and technology, support community-building and neighborhood activities, and deliver technical assistance programming to entrepreneurs and emerging businesses. - We leverage the Power of Community. We offer dedicated spaces for dining, co-working, convening meetings of any size, and to just BE in a safe, affirming environment. We invite area neighborhood associations and community groups to utilize the space to increase connectivity and relationship building. - We Protect, Organize, and Create for the benefit of our community. Through our preservation work we are committed to safeguarding our shared history and meaningful physical spaces for future generations. We bring together community residents and neighbors to advocate for transformational, systemic change. We forge pathways to opportunity by leveraging the abundance of resources we have within our community.


A Renaissance for the Historic Calvin Memorial/North Presbyterian Church






Combination of capital project and service/program


POC Collaborative is seeking $7MM in funding to renovate, modernize, and activate the former Calving Memorial/North Presbyterian Church (CMPC). CMPC is located at 3105 North 24th Street, on the northeast corner of the intersection of 24th and Wirt Streets. The facility is a local landmark and on the National Register for Historic Places for its representation of the Neo-Classical style of architecture. The site is in both a Qualified Census Tract and a designated R/ECAP area. POC Collaborative has two components: • Shared Physical Space. POC Collaborative is a hub for co-working, community convening and connectedness, access to advanced technology, and entrepreneurship and business technical assistance and support services. The facility will also house small businesses and nonprofit organizations aligned with our mission. • Direct programs and services. POC Collaborative offers shared resources for small and emerging businesses and entrepreneurs (e.g., copiers, hotspot access, meeting rooms, and back-office administrative staff), and customized technical assistance and support services (e.g., consulting, organizational assessments, strategic planning, and special project support). The redevelopment of CMPC is critical to the renaissance of North Omaha because it will: • catalyze other preservation and redevelopment projects, • protect a landmark and its storied history in our community, • serve as a community resource center for residents, • support economic development and entrepreneurship, • create livable wage temporary and permanent jobs, and • amplify asset-based community development and partnership efforts. POC Collaborative anticipates full project completion by late 2024/early 2025 but no later than early 2026 as dictated by the program requirements.


All renovations will be complete by late 2024/early 2025. We do not have a formalized timeline as there are several pre-development tasks that need to be completed first. We will continue to work with our team to button-down our construction and programmatic milestones during this process. ANTICIPATED MILESTONES: • Engagement: Community Listening Sessions – 2023 – 2025 • Capital: Emergency Roof Replacement – early 2023 • Capital: Structural Assessment – early 2023 • Capital: Architectural Design Drawings – early 2023 • Programs: Formalize Program/Service Partnerships – early 2023 • Programs: Develop Program/Service Infrastructure – early 2023 • Capital: Exterior Tuckpointing and Waterproofing – mid 2023 • Capital: Interior Demolition and Cleanout – mid 2023 • Programs: Post Job Descriptions – early 2024 • Engagement: Develop a Community Advisory Team – 2024 • Capital: Build out and FFE Installations – 2024 • Capital: Call for Building Partners (lease up) – mid 2024 • Programs: Hire and Train [POC] Program Staff – mid 2024 • Programs: Pilot [POC] Programming – mid 2024 • Engagement: Launch Marketing Campaign – mid 2024 • Capital: Complete Construction – late 2024/early 2025 • Engagement: Grand Opening Celebration – early 2025 • Programs: Launch [POC] Programs – early 2025 Please see document:




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



POC Collaborative is in a unique position to catalyze transformational change through its shared innovation space and the direct programs and services it offers. This proposal incorporates four of the five indicated focus areas:  Sustainable Community – We are creating a community-driven resource facility that is dedicated to advancing programs and services that address critical needs: o Bridging the digital divide in our community: We are providing space devoted to technology access and training to decrease the digital divide in our community. o Unemployment and underemployment: Partnerships with organizations such as Do Space and Code Black will create opportunities for deeper relationships in community while also offering training in H3 tech jobs. This training is especially needed for youth and elders. o Entrepreneurship and business development and support: We are offering technical assistance and individualize support for small and emerging business owners to ensure they have the tools and resources to ensure they are operating with a solid business model and a sustainability plan.  Other Infrastructure • Developing partnerships that can begin to address the aging connectivity infrastructure in North Omaha (broadband, high speed internet, etc.). This includes increasing access to technology complemented by training on how to use it. • Developing a North Omaha technology library (e.g., a satellite Do Space) • Support the existing N 24th St Business District  Quality of Life We are located next door to HMC and have been in discussions about developing sustainable projects and programs and partnering in a concentrated effort to provide one-stop services for community and employment opportunities that offer livable wage jobs.  Policy • Convene partners to develop effective shared practices and guidelines for community-level work around: o Personal financial literacy o Business financial literacy o Community Health improvement initiatives o Advocacy and Civic Engagement


Applicable Findings: 1. Insufficient Infrastructure 2. Development within Cultural Context 3. Access to Tools to Leverage Community Resources (1) We are addressing both infrastructure in two ways: closing the digital divide in our community and renovating aging spaces to give it and the community new life. There is a need to develop more advanced technology infrastructure; our facility will offer free broadband on-site. Also, we will partner with organizations to provide training and development in the areas of computer/technology literacy, personal finance, and other community-centered programs. Additionally, POC will be the centralized, physical structure that provides dedicated resources and programming to support BIPOC entrepreneurship and business development. (2) We are from the community we aim to serve. Our culture and character are integrated into the neighborhood. Part of our mission is to provide access to resources and services in a culturally inclusive environment. Additionally, we anticipate connecting with businesses and organizations in South Omaha to build bridges across geographical boundaries that support the cultural make up of our city. (3) POC will leverage asset-based community development principles to increase and support community and civic engagement initiatives. We will provide training space and resources to advancing the understanding and utilization of community assets.


Transformational: Help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North and South Omaha’s function or appearance. CMPC, more popularly known as the “Popcorn Ball Church” is a local and national landmark. There are generations of people in our community that can share a story about the impact this incredible space had on them growing up. The renovation and reactivation of this space will further activate the N 24th and Wirt Street node by bringing in new businesses (and business support services), a technology center, plus meeting, event, and training space to our community. Further, this project demonstrates what it takes to breathe new life into historically significant facilities in North Omaha. We believe investment in this project with serve as a conduit for additional community-centered collaborative efforts. Fundamental Change: Continue to elevate North and South Omaha’s presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development. The POC Collaborative redevelopment project will spark other opportunities for investment along North 24th Street and surrounding areas. We are creating a unique, safe environment for BIPOC people to connect with each other and to the businesses that cater to their cultural needs. This is structural change—we are meeting people where they are—bringing businesses and services to them. Due to historical events like white flight in the 1950s, the Omaha race riots in the 1960s, and the pervasiveness of disinvestment and redlining that still lingers, there has been a hollowing out of North Omaha. As a result, businesses have been incentivized to move out of our community for more prosperous, higher density areas of town. However, the needs of the people who still live here remain. Our community has historically sustained countless businesses and with the right investments, can do so again. Long-Lasting Economic Growth: Foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha. Our project will create at least 15 permanent jobs for community members. We believe we can ignite future investments in the 24th and Wirt St node by creating opportunities to support entrepreneurs and businesses launch, grown, and become sustainable. Additionally, we want to develop opportunities to keep more dollars circulating in our community for longer. On average dollars circulate in the Black community for approximately six hours compared to other communities where the circulation time is measured in days, if not weeks. Also, we aim to build stronger relationships between North and South Omaha; that foster support, connectedness, and the exchange of information and resources.


70+ permanent and temporary jobs will be created as outlined below; all will offer livable wages--meaning at least $17-19/hour.






$17 - 60/hour depending on role, FTE, and experience


We are intentional and mindful in our hiring practices and how they can impact community. We will prioritize reaching out to residents and neighbors in the QCT and BIPOC contractors and businesses through the REACH Program at the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. We will do everything within our power to inform businesses and contractors in QCTs about the project and the bidding process to ensure they are ready to bid competitively.


The POC Collaborative facility will house several small and emerging businesses and nonprofit organizations under one roof. Working with other community partners such as Spark and Heart Ministry Center, we will be part of a larger community effort to bring businesses and direct service providers into a shared space. A vibrant community resource center will draw additional visibility to North Omaha and the renaissance that is happening in the area. There will be 20 new, permanent jobs established in addition to the 50+ temporary construction jobs created during the renovation phase. The POC Collaborative facility will increase livability by:  Developing new and emerging BIPOC leaders  Engaging folx in civic activities  Deepening residents’ connectivity to each other and thus their sense of community  Practicing consistency and open communication, especially regarding challenging topics  Connecting people to resources and support services  Providing space where people can gather organically


We are bringing in several economic drivers to the community such as businesses and entrepreneurs, human capital/job creation, and physical space and place-making initiatives. Additionally, we are leveraging existing infrastructure to create something new and innovative which maintains the unique character of the built environment. We have an abundance of green space that can be used creatively to enhance our property and the neighborhood. Overall activating the POC Collaborative site will increase foot traffic and engagement in the area. People will be drawn to the community kitchen, the technology labs, meeting rooms, rentable office spaces, and a variety of community-based programs located on-site.


We are learning from what other similar communities have done in terms of revitalizing neighborhoods and community-centered development. Bringing new concepts to Omaha like: o Innovation Hubs – POC Collaborative received a grant from the Kaufman Foundation to do a comparative analysis on Urban Innovation Hubs and corresponding legislation that supports these institutions. That final report is due in November 2022. o Co-operative Groups – POC Collaborative has done extensive research on co-ops and how to ensure that structure can work in and for the North and South Omaha communities. o The Gathering Spot founded in Atlanta, GA and Vector90 founded in Los Angeles, CA are both examples of creative community spaces that center around collaboration and opportunity. We know that engaging the community from the beginning is a proven practice that we will incorporate into our development. Asking, listening, and implementing what residents say they need is critical to the success of our work. Our intention is to work alongside residents to create a resilient, flexible, sustainable, inclusive community space that meets the needs of the many. Ultimately, we are combining four unique functions into one facility: o Our vision incorporates a technology library like Do Space on 72nd and Dodge; a shared services model like the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center (located on the UNO campus); the incubation and training focus of the former Omaha Small Business and Technology Center (formerly located at 24th and Lake St); and the familiarity and welcoming atmosphere of a community center like the Florence Community Center in Near North Omaha.


• Improved technology access and education; surveys- qualitative interviews and quantitative scoring; internal and external evaluators • Measuring the creation and retention of livable wage jobs; binary scoring; internal evaluation • Community connectedness; surveys- qualitative interviews and quantitative scoring • Partnership efficacy; surveys- qualitative interviews and quantitative scoring


Most of the core data collection could be done in-house; however, for a more objective assessment of efficacy, an outside evaluator trained in equitable evaluation would be beneficial.


Yes, the structure and framework of our organization is intentionally designed to drive further co-investment opportunities both from private investors, philanthropic donors, and municipal agencies.




CURRENT: The Simple Foundation - educational and cultural programming; Nebraska Enterprise Fund - small business education and training; Omaha100 - small business technical assistance; Spark CDI - real estate development training and support. PROSPECTIVE: Do Space/OPL/Heritage Services - satellite tech center; Heart Ministry Center - family resource center; NONA and SONA + Neighborhood Associations - addressing community vitality. o POC Collaborative will work with partners that have innovative programming that aligns with our mission and objectives. We want this space to serve as a conduit for new ideas, partnerships, and collective impact, thus partners will participate in the development of the space and how it will be used to best serve our shared community. While this can take many forms, the intent is to have dedicated space to bring programs into community.


At this time, we have working agreements with Nebraska Enterprise Fund and the Simple Foundation to conduct specific programming and services. In the future, all partnerships will require an MOU including a scope of work and deliverables.





The former Calvin Memorial/North Presbyterian Church (CPMC) is located at 3105 North 24th Street, on the northeast corner of the intersection of 24th and Wirt Streets. The site is in both a Qualified Census Tract and a designated R/ECAP area. Designed by F.A. Henninger in 1910 as a house of worship, this facility was at the heart of religious desegregation efforts in Omaha during the 1960s as captured in the 1966 film, A Time for Burning (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrMKY2n-EPc). In 1985, CMPC was designated as an Omaha landmark, and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1986 for its representation of Neo-Classical Revival architecture.


Within one or more QCTs


We are unclear what this field is for, but didn't want to leave it blank.













The 2019 construction cost estimates are included as well as a roughly updated estimate that reflects supply chain challenges and inflation-based cost increases.






It was important as a Black woman real estate developer to work with and direct business to a Black women-owned construction business. We will work through the Chamber’s REACH Program as the development and construction work continues.


Not available


Funding from LB1024 will be used to 1) complete emergency stabilization of the building (e.g., replacing the roof), 2) redesign and renovate the building, and 3) hire staff and implement community programming.




As with any new business, especially one that is focused on transformative change, it will take time to activate, stabilize, and become revenue generating. We are confident that we can complete the build out and seed sustainable operations with the funding that is being requested.


We are exploring other funding sources to include: African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund City of Omaha - CDBG Funds Local and Regional Foundations Fundraisers and Donations In-Kind Donations


not applicable at this time


To preserve and reactivate this building for our community, all of the funds are necessary.


This project is scalable in that the model can be repeated in other communities; we do not believe there is a way to divide the project into phases.



POC Collaborative is financially committed to this project and has been maintaining the building and developing programming for the last three years.










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule