Healthy Housing Omaha: East Omaha Healthy and Affordable Housing Hub




Healthy Housing Omaha


1425 S 13th St, Omaha NE 68108




Facebook: @HealthyHousingOmaha - Instagram: @healthyhousingomaha - Twitter: HH_Omaha -


Kiernan Scott


Executive Director



+1 (402) 934-9700




Kiernan Scott, Executive Director, has been with Healthy Housing Omaha since 2018 when she began as the Director of Operations. In 2019, when she stepped into the Executive Director role community input and holistic operationally sustainable programming were prioritized for the organization. Kiernan worked with the Board of Directors and staff to create the Community Engagement arm of the organization. A pivotal and impactful decision going into the Covid-19 pandemic. This team was able to provide education and resources to Omaha residents during the global shut-down when the impacts of substandard housing on health was at its highest. Kiernan has experience in working with families in the early childhood education sector and has extensive operations and project management experience that allows her to work with the leadership team at HHO to design and implement high quality programs. Shannon Consolino, Senior Director of Operations, is responsible for grant management and compliance, programmatic strategy and supervision of the direct service staff. She has five years of experience in Homeless Services with Heartland Family Service as Director of Homeless Prevention and Diversion. She is also a Certified Trauma Specialist. Kathleen Vinton, Director of Programs and Construction, is responsible for the supervision of all HHO construction interventions. She works directly with the Construction Specialist and monitors all contractor relationships. She is responsible for the management of the construction pipeline and quality assurance of all construction activities. She has 10 years of experience in healthy housing, residential building science and construction. She is also a licensed radon measurement specialist and lead risk assessor. Shomari Huggins, Director of Community Engagement and Development, is responsible for overseeing the development and execution of the educational and outreach programs of HHO. He previously served as the director of the NOAH Summer Health Internship for almost six years, developing educational curriculum, building relationships in the community, planning and executing community programs.


HHO’s organizational chart focuses on building a strong team infrastructure to support collaboration while also utilizing a simple organizational chart to prevent silos amongst teams as much as possible. Organizational Chart attached.


Healthy Housing Omaha (HHO) was awarded the HUD Healthy Homes Production grant in 2021 for a 42 month funding cycle. This was a major accomplishment for the organization as it marks a large investment into the organization’s construction rehabilitation program but also marks the first time that HHO is the primary grantee for HUD instead of a sub-grantee under the City of Omaha. This award will help HHO increase the dollar amount available to each home for construction services and allow more families to be served than previous years. It also shows that the construction program is impactful, scalable and has a track record of success. In 2019, HHO was awarded the Asthma Management Award from the EPA. This is the highest honor that a not-for-profit organization can receive for an asthma program in the United States. Each year a different organization is honored in addition to a health system. This shows that not only does HHO provide an exemplary construction program but that its programing also has a strong impact on health outcomes for children with asthma. HHO hopes to continue to grow the construction and asthma programs and continue to achieve this level of recognition well into the future. Healthy Housing Omaha also has a track record of successful community education and outreach regarding healthy housing resources that increases use of housing resources. In 2020, HHO launched the Dig into Lead Safety Campaign for the City of Omaha Lead Registry, This campaign reached a total of 27,000 residents residing in the Omaha Lead Site and over 23 million impressions through social media, bus benches, and billboards. This impactful campaign led to a 600% increase in traffic to The success of the Dig into Lead Safety campaign shows that HHO can educate the community in a culturally competent and engaging way to increase the use of healthy housing resources. NebraskaBEST (NEBEST) started in June 2019 as Sarpy County Long Term Disaster Recovery Group (SDR) to assist residents of Sarpy County impacted by the Heartland Floods of 2019. Recognizing the need for disaster case management, in November of 2019, SDR began assisting the most vulnerable population affected by the flood. Disaster case management included finding temporary and permanent housing for those displaced, providing resources to repair or demolish damaged homes, connecting to medical resources to address health concerns caused by the flood and clean-up efforts, providing financial literacy education, and assisting with FEMA and insurance claims. Because of the positive and lasting impact SDR’s holistic disaster case management provided, funders requested SDR to create and pilot a Landlord Liaison Program offering long-term case management to assist with the safe and affordable housing crisis the Omaha metro is currently facing. NEBEST developed a delivery system that focuses on eviction prevention by providing education on financial literacy, lease compliance and right/responsibilities for both Landlord and Tenant; allowing participants to build skills in communication, maintenance/upkeep of rental property, and addressing safe and stable housing barriers. This delivery system also educates Landlords to expand their knowledge on current social and medical issues that may affect a tenant’s ability to comply with their rental agreement as well as education on connecting their tenants to the appropriate community resources. NEBEST has thus far prevented 80 evictions this calendar year. HHO and NEBEST have recognized the natural, strategic partnership the two agencies could form through providing both agencies’ services (in-home hazard identification and remediation and long-term case management) to every North and South Omaha resident without adding the burden to engage with each program separately. HHO also identified Habitat for Humanity as a natural partner in providing streamlined housing services through their homeowner programs


East Omaha Healthy and Affordable Housing Hub






Combination of capital project and service/program


Healthy Housing Omaha (HHO) is proposing the creation of a coordinated entry program for local healthy and affordable housing services for North and South Omaha residents that are currently housed to ensure the maintenance and affordability of units, familial success by breaking the cycle of eviction, and to build wealth through housing across the community. By creating a coordination center for housing services available in North and South Omaha for renters, homeowners, and landlords, HHO and community partners will be able to close the disparity gap as it relates to housing through collaboration and strategic partnership. This multi-pronged approach will allow HHO, Habitat for Humanity, NebraskaBEST, and other affordable and healthy housing agencies to turn the tide in the affordable housing crisis in North and South Omaha. The coordinated entry program will consist of a new website highlighting the specific healthy housing resources available to the residents of the North and South Omaha census tracts and a single request for service for all of the participating organizations’ programs. The three core agencies’ programs will provide no interest home repair loans for homeowners, free rehabilitation construction services, asthma trigger reduction education, intensive year long case management for those residents in housing crisis, and workforce training for lead safe construction practices and radon measurement to grow the available contractor pool knowledgeable on healthy housing practices. A person’s home has a tremendous impact on their health and wellbeing, people spend 90% of their time indoors. A majority of that time in their own homes. The health and safety hazards within a home negatively impact children in particular, as their rapidly developing bodies and consistent hand-to-mouth behaviors expose them to a higher concentration of environmental hazards. Children living in unhealthy housing conditions are more likely to experience negative outcomes such as missed school days and unplanned hospital visits which place an undue financial burden on families. HHO seeks to provide safe and healthy homes for Omaha’s most vulnerable residents that have been disproportionately impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. By keeping community residents housed in safe, affordable, and healthy units the East Omaha Healthy and Affordable Housing Hub can improve the livability and quality of life for residents of North and South Omaha.


In spring of 2023 the services of the East Omaha Healthy and Affordable Housing Hub will be available to residents. HHO, NebraskaBEST and Habitat for Humanity have already begun discussions on the best way to ensure seamless referrals between agencies and increased service needs to eliminate the gaps between our programs. All agencies have also identified the need to increase the accessibility of our programs for residents through simplified referral and inter-agency case management. Each agency offers unique programming and services, and by coordinating those services through one multi-agency program, clients will experience greater health and life sustainability outcomes. In fall of 2023, the coordinated entry program will launch a new housing service website specifically designed to maintain the affordability of housing stock and connect North and South residents to a simplified request for services into the housing programs. The goal is that all North and South residents are able to stay in the housing of their choice that is healthy and affordable and be confident in the resources and education available to them to make informed decisions and advocate for the housing stock in their communities. In 2024, eight radon measurement specialists and lead safe construction practice certifications will be offered. These trainings will allow small trade businesses the ability to increase their revenue by providing radon measurement and remediation services; it will also allow them to receive the required lead safe certification needed to bid on HUD backed construction projects in the Metro.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The purpose of the East Omaha Healthy Housing Hub is to enhance the currently available affordable, healthy housing programs through collaboration and a new coordinated entry program for housing services. This hub will allow for healthy, affordable housing programs to work together to ensure residents have increased accessibility to housing services with the goal of keeping residents housed and out of the homelessness continuum of care. By working strategically in unison, agencies like Healthy Housing Omaha, NebraskaBEST, Habitat for Humanity and others can ensure services are not duplicated and residents are flowing without undue obstacles through all agencies’ programs they qualify for. Currently, the only type of coordinated entry and continuum of care for housing service is for rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing. In order to access these programs a resident must have a notice to vacate. Those agencies that provide housing services such as home repair, supplies, rehabilitation construction, and healthy housing education would like to prevent Omaha residents from ever needing to enter the homelessness continuum of care. The core housing agencies propose to enhance and improve the current housing stock within the qualified census tracts through a Healthy and Affordable Housing Hub. In order, to improve the housing crisis in North and South Omaha residents need to be able to, 1. Easily access resources, 2. Receive culturally competent and holistic case management, and 3. Receive services where providers minimize the disruption to residents’ day to day lives but provide high quality, impactful programming. Each core agency involved in the Healthy and Safe Housing Hub will provide different programming to North and South Omaha residents. However, residents will not have to apply to each program separately and will be provided clear and personable case management throughout their interaction with the Hub. Habitat for Humanity will be able to assist long-term renters move towards home ownership if that is their wish. By coordinating with landlords on tenants’ behalf Habitat is able to support residents purchasing homes. Through homeownership residents are able to build intergenerational wealth and stability. Habitat’s membership in the Hub will also open resources to legal services to preserve and build resident wealth through transfer on death deeds and last will and testaments to ensure residents' beneficiaries do not lose the homes through high inheritance costs and probate. As a wrap-around service, NebraskaBEST will provide holistic and long-term case management services to residents to increase financial literacy and life skills. NebraskaBEST will also provide eviction prevention and utility assistance to residents and landlords enrolled in programming through the Housing Hub. The Housing Hub will provide programs and resources to homeowners, renters, and landlords, meeting residents where they are and working in a spirit of collaboration with the community to continue to add resources to the Housing Hub that are needed to address residents’ needs and concerns as they relate to housing.


In reviewing the Visioning Workshop Summary both the North and South Omaha communities named housing as a major concern. In North Omaha residents were concerned about the quality, affordability, and availability of housing. The Housing Hub will address this need through working with landlords on the quality and affordability of units by providing eviction prevention incentives, RentWise curriculum, and case management for both the tenant and the landlord. The Housing Hub will also provide free construction rehabilitation, supplies, and no interest homeowner repair loans to improve the quality of the North Omaha housing stock. In South Omaha, residents shared the concern of predatory housing practices and lack of knowledge about housing issues such as homeownership, quality, and their rights as it relates to renting. The age and lack of housing was also a concern for the community. The Housing Hub will address the lack of housing knowledge in the South Omaha community through it Grassroots Leaders in Environmental Education programming. These are community trainings and events that provide bi-lingual and culturally competent education. The GLEE program also trains community members to be promatoras in their neighborhood. These invaluable volunteers work with their neighbors to teach them about housing rights, healthy housing practices and how to improve the health of their home. The concerns of residents mentioned in the Visioning Workshops reiterate the concerns that the Housing Hub agencies hear regularly as well from clients, case managers, and the community. All three agencies are already poised to address these concerns at a higher level. Through our partnership we will be able to reach residents faster and serve them more efficiently to increase the number of families that feel secure and happy in their housing.


Two of LB1024’s strategic priorities are transformational change and long-lasting economic growth. The East Omaha Healthy and Affordable Housing Hub is proposing an innovative inter-agency program that will improve the housing stock in North and South Omaha. When houses and rental units are high quality and well maintained it encourages further housing development in the area. Housing quality is also a social determinant of health. Radon levels are very high in these communities. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and asthma rates are disproportionately high in North Omaha due to the excessive environmental hazards and poor housing conditions of the area. We know that health and housing disparities leave residents in a cycle of poverty. HHO and NebraskaBEST have the solutions to improving health through housing. Increased access to affordable, safe, healthy housing will transform the North and South Omaha’s appearance but more importantly its function. If residents are healthy and housing stable they can go to school, work, and participate in their community. The Housing Hub works to eliminate housing as a concern so that the community can focus on small businesses, investment and advocacy addressing other community needs.


This proposal creates 5 additional jobs within HHO and NebraskaBEST. These jobs are permanent full-time positions providing health insurance and paid time off benefit packages. These positions will be filled by those with lived experience of the housing system and from the North and South Omaha Community. They have a base salary range of $50,000-$60,000 annually. The 5 additional full time positions will provide education, case management and workforce training for residents in North and South Omaha. The Housing Hub will also provide training and certifications to trades people interested in lead safe construction practices and radon measurement and mitigation. This will develop a community workforce able to bid on HUD, City of Omaha, and HHO funded remediation projects and ensure that rehabilitation of the housing stock in North and South Omaha does not lead to additional environmental hazards for residents.








These certification programs will also create a workforce from the North and South Omaha Community that works in the neighborhoods they are from. This type of workforce development has a long-lasting impact on the North and South Omaha neighborhoods and will allow small trade businesses in these communities to be knowledgeable on how best to maintain houses and rental units without further health disparities caused by radon, lead poisoning, and mold.


Small scale interventions such as housing education and navigation services, low cost rehabilitation construction, and long-term case management have led to significant reductions in emergency department visits and evictions. Most families served by HHO, NebraskaBEST and Habitat for Humanity are significantly hindered by low income, costly medical bills and the cycle of eviction preventing them from obtaining high quality housing. By repairing in-home hazards, HHO and Habitat are able to prevent future costly medical bills and disrupt the cycle of poverty caused by evictions or foreclosure due to financial instability. According to CNBC and only 39% of adults can afford an unexpected $1,000 bill. HHO has found that housing program interventions when paired with education lead to significant increases in the environmental health and safety of a home, increases in positive health behaviors (such as cleaning frequently and changing furnace filters seasonally), and an overall increase in quality of life. By addressing health and safety hazards within the home, the Housing Hub will address the root cause of negative health outcomes, and simultaneously improves the quality and safety of the community's housing stock while improving the community’s health. HHO has found that minor improvements such as gutter or ventilation repair, led to improvements in health outcomes. Children enrolled in HHO’s asthma and construction program show a 54% reduction in missed school days. This means children do not fall behind in school and caregivers are able to work and engage in their community. By providing these improvements paired with education, case management and supplies to Omaha families, the Housing Hub is able to disrupt the major health inequities that exist in the Omaha community.


In each home, HHO staff will: Evaluate the home’s overall safety hazards and impact on residents' health. Interview clients to understand health concerns for all residents. Conduct HHO’s signature Healthy Home Assessment (HHA) and determine health and safety risks by utilizing OHKA’s proprietary Hazard Evaluation And Rating Test (HEART) Tool. The HEART Tool is a room-by-room assessment based on the 8 Principles of a Healthy Home. Hazards are weighted by their severity in each room and averaged throughout the entire property to result in a letter grade on an A to F scale. The property’s letter grade is directly related to the condition of the home and the hazards present. Using the HEART Tool at the initial assessment and upon clearance establishes the change that OHKA’s intervention made in the health of a particular home. Identify appropriate referral partners for other health and wellness services through the Healthy Housing Hub. Provide customized education for clients and families about identified healthy home issues. Deliver a written Healthy Home Report specific to each home that includes recommendations for behavior changes and healthy home remedies as well as a scope of work based on findings from the HHA to guide the construction intervention, when applicable. Test for radon using a continuous radon measurement (CRM) device. Provide a set of supplies to help residents create and maintain a healthier home; these supply kits may contain a mop and bucket, a carbon monoxide detector, and low toxicity cleaning solution and furnace filters. Conduct a final clearance inspection to confirm construction work is done completely and properly and in accordance with healthy homes practices. Provide a clearance document to clients that includes customized maintenance activities specific to the completed intervention. Available to each QCT Resident through the Housing Hub, Habitat for Humanity will: Provide legal services to protect the equity built in homeownership to build wealth across North and South Omaha. Identify long-term renters that are interested in purchasing their rental home and work with the tenant and landlord to provide the lending for that home purchase Continue its no interest home repair program for homeowners Available to each QCT Resident through the Housing Hub, NebraskaBest will: Offer RentWise trainings to renters and landlords Provide 12 months of case management to residents to ensure housing stability, financial literacy and necessary referrals to maximize the network of support available to each resident in North and South Omaha Eviction prevention services and utility assistance to renters The services provided by the above agencies and through the coordinated entry program will allow for the mitigation of asthma triggers, in-home fall and trip hazards, radon (the second leading cause of lung cancer), the increase in financial literacy and housing stability, and the building of wealth through homeownership.


All three agencies participating initially in the Housing Hub use research backed best practices to design and implement their programming. HHO has two peer reviewed published research studies showing the success and impact of its programming and a third paper expected to be published in 2023. However, housing agencies collaborating together to address gaps in service, duplication in services and to reduce barriers to service delivery is innovating the way our non-profit community looks at housing and the resources available to support residents in maintaining, improving and advocating for affordable and healthy housing. Coordinated entry programs and continuum of care for homelessness is a national model implemented at the local level by HUD. HHO is seeking to provide that level of programming and support for families, residents and landlords PRIOR to eviction and homelessness. Omaha can become the model to provide holistic housing services that improve the quality of housing and life for its residents.


HHO conducts surveys to document outcomes, improvement to the home environment, assess client satisfaction, and track changes in behaviors resulting from the complete intervention and services provided. These surveys are conducted at the initial intake and home visit and at 6 and 12 months post the client exiting programming. Information is gathered on the effectiveness of the construction intervention, if one was completed, case management and the educational component of services. The results of these surveys allow HHO to evaluate current services and strategize for needed programmatic shifts. The Housing Hub will also provide client satisfaction surveys and solicit regular feedback from residents that have accessed the Hub’s services to assess ease of access, improvement to health and quality of life, and additional housing needs that could be provided.



These surveys and measurement of outcomes will provide the data necessary to secure funding in the future to maintain the coordinated entry program and housing continuum of care through the Housing Hub. By being able to use the collected impact data that the services provided by organizations through the Housing Hub, HHO, NebraskaBEST, and Habitat for Humanity will be able to demonstrate that inter-agency collaboration is an effective public health model that can curb the housing crisis, improve the housing and quality of life in historical marginalized and underserved communities.




In addition to formally partnering through MOUs and sub-grantee agreements with Habitat for Humanity and NebraskaBest to form the Housing Hub, Healthy Housing Omaha currently has multiple formalized partnerships within the Omaha community. HHO is a member of the Metro Housing Collaborative. Through this collaborative, HHO partners with other area nonprofits focused on homelessness prevention in order to provide housing to nontraditional renters. The goal of the program is to incentivize housing for more traditionally difficult to house individuals and families in order to lower the rate of homelessness in the community. The collaborative provides individuals or families who are struggling with housing instability and homelessness with access to affordable, safe and healthy housing. The partnership is focused on engaging property owners and managers and providing resources and opportunities for individuals and families most at risk for homelessness. HHO advises on how to implement healthy housing practices within this collaborative. Through the partnership, HHO will provide property owners who have successfully housed a non-traditional tenant with a healthy home assessment and construction interventions. It is paramount that individuals and families are provided not just with a home, but with a home that is safe and healthy. The Metro Housing Collaborative is currently under the Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless. Healthy Housing Omaha is hoping that through the funding of this proposal once residents are housed they can move seamlessly to the coordinated entry program and continuum of care for housing through the East Omaha Healthy and Safe Housing Hub. HHO has piloted formal partnerships with Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) wherein HHO receives reimbursement from MCOs for providing services to families enrolled through the partnership. Currently, HHO has a partnership with Healthy Blue, a metro-area MCO, to provide services to families with children with severe asthma through HHO’s Asthma In-home Response (AIR) and Championing Healthy Energy Efficient Rehab (CHEER) programs. Families are eligible for both supplies and construction interventions to reduce the presence of asthma triggers in the home. Formalized partnerships with MCOs and other community organizations allow for HHO to maximize the benefits of programming for families while simultaneously increasing the sustainability of the organization’s programs. HHO has partnerships for the referral of severely asthmatic children through Children’s Hospital and Boys Town Asthma and Allergy Center. This demonstrates the success of the program in improving the health outcomes for children with asthma and the strong reputation of HHO in the healthcare community. HHO's AIR program is the only multicomponent, multi-trigger asthma intervention program in Nebraska. HHO has trained health departments and nonprofit organizations across the country on the AIR program model, and continues to do so. Dade County Health Department, MobileCare in Chicago, and Rhode Island’s Department of Health and Human Services have coordinated with HHO on asthma management best practices as a result of learning about our AIR program. HHO was also a partner in the creation of the Nebraska Asthma Coalition, a statewide initiative to bring stakeholders and community members together in order to improve health outcomes and quality of life for individuals affected by asthma throughout the state. Through this coalition, HHO has advised agencies and organizations throughout Nebraska how to implement asthma management best practices in their communities. With the Healthy and Safe Housing Hub participating agencies will use what HHO has learned on training on the AIR model across the country to show that inter-agency programs like the Housing Hub are scalable, replicable and impactful.


Yes, NebraskaBEST will be a sub-grantee of this proposal and Habitat for Humanity will be a formal partner through an MOU.





The program will reside at Healthy Housing Omaha’s (HHO) main office and training center at 1425 S. 13th Street in Omaha. Partnering organizations will provide programming out of their locations as needed and attend regular partnership meetings at HHO as well as be able utilize the training center resources to support their Housing Hub programming.


Within one or more QCTs


















The amount requested for this proposal will provide the creation of new high-quality jobs in the public health, housing sector and increase access to housing services in North and South Omaha. In the past year, HHO has served 105 families and 467 individuals with a medium income of $37,500. In maximizing the coordinated entry program and the Housing Hub 300 families annually will be able to receive the critical services they need to maintain their housing and prevent costly evicitions. This proposal increases capacity and available case management dollars to HHO and NebraskaBEST. This request also increases access to housing services through community education campaigns and events. When the community is knowledgeable about healthy and affordable housing they are able to request the services they need and advocate for improved housing conditions across their neighborhoods.


Grant funds will be used to fund the operational costs needed to administer the coordinated entry program, case management, and the personnel capacity to provide education events, in-home case management, eviction prevention services, and the Housing Hub website and educational materials.




HHO financially supports the majority of its operational costs through private donations, local foundation grants, and governmental grants. All of HHO’s programming is 100% grant funded. HUD and CyncHealth specifically allow a small portion of their grants to cover administrative and operational costs. HHO provides through private donations the remaining 80% of operational expenses associated with operating its programs. All other grant dollars for the CHEER, AIR and GLEE programs go directly to the program participants. NebraskaBEST receives 100% of its funding through private donations. These funds cover salary, operating expenses, programs, and direct assistance to clients. This proposal will provide the necessary funding to allow NebraskaBEST to provide eviction prevention to clients, including long-term case management, financial aid, education, and collaborations with landlords, tenants, and community partners. The initial investment supporting this proposal will allow both organizations to provide case managers, outreach coordinators, and programming specific to the QCTs outlined in request for proposals. This will also support the creation of the infrastructure (website, training center, inter-agency programing, and legal services through Habitat) necessary to create a Healthy and Safe Housing Hub for residents. Many of the programming costs associated with this proposal are one-time costs, including the website and certifications to become radon measurement and restore, paint, repair trainers. HHO and NebraksaBEST are dedicated to the North and South Omaha communities and will prioritize securing long term sustainable funding during 2023 and 2024 to ensure this level of support from the Housing Hub well into the future.


HUD - $400,000 - construction rehabilitation, restricted eligibility, not location dependent - secured CyncHealth Foundation - $100,000 - asthma construction only in 68111 and 68134 zip codes for 8 homes - secured FNBO - $30,000 - supplies and asthma only construction - not location dependent pending - April 2023 Mutual - $10,000 - asthma supplies only - pending - March 2023 Front Porch Investments - $425,000 - pending - December 2022 - construction anywhere in Omaha with AMI of 120% Wietz Family Foundation - $100,000 - pending - December 2022 - community events through Grassroots Leaders in Environmental Education programming







This funding proposal is scalable and can be broken down into smaller components as it has four main parts to the request. It can be completed in these smaller components. However, if broken into smaller pieces it could lead to additional challenges for creating the coordinated entry program and the Housing Hub at its fullest extent. The intensive case management available to residents to help with life sustainability, financial literacy, and RentWise programming provided by NebraskaBest is one portion of the coordinating entry program totaling $700,000. The Housing Hub website and community education programming will have a total cost of $106,000. Habitat for Humanity will provide legal services for transfer on death deed and last will and testament for $20,000 and Healthy Housing Omaha will coordinate the Healthy Housing Hub, website development, additional community education and agency recruitment and collaboration within this proposal for $861,418. The attached budget outlines these components and detailed line items.


This proposal is an extension of HHO's programs and is providing increased resources and support to the North and South Omaha QCT's. HHO, as shown above, has funding for various pieces of it's construction and education program programming. Currently, HHO supports the operational costs for all of its staff and offices. This proposal will increase the case managers available to serve North and South Omaha and create a coordinated entry into housing services.










Organizational Chart Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses