Vasser Acdemy,LLC: Vasser Academy Grant proposal




Vasser Acdemy,LLC


5706 N 40th St 68111


2405 N 16th St 68110


Coming Soon



Jameea Vasser





+1 (402) 996-0872




Brandy Clements- Professional development specialist: Assists with incoming staff/ volunteers and sometimes parents I serve with all things personal development. Melissa Polendo Serves as my business consultant she has been assisting me with my entire business from the business plan to the LLC filing the list could go on.


I am currently working solo as the owner/provider I handle all dealings.


This proposal will help me complete my staffing goal. I am only one individual and not only are the children in need of my services, but I have mothers who need just as much as my attention. Im grateful for friendship. I have a friend assisting me with the parents personal development which I feel is an accomplishment for Vasser Academy, being able to help those in serious need for little to nothing. I know if we continue operating as is business will thrive and goals will continue to be met which is seeing healthier relationships and households.


Vasser Academy Grant proposal








With this grant I will be able to properly complete the set up of my advanced in-home childcare which in return will provide a safe and exciting learning space that attracts families located in North Omaha area and lead to expansion. What expansion looks like for Vasser Academy is more partnerships w/ local job training programs and counselors, and seasoned providers, Sponsored childcare, job, and housing assistance for single mothers to maintain and promote healthy living for their children.


I dont really have a specific timeframe, but once funds are granted it will be spent on attached budget immediately.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Vasser Academy is an advanced in-home childcare facility where we provide a safe environment working families can send their children (6weeks-13yrs old) to. A childcare facility where they receive the fundamentals to help them achieve new heights in life by focusing on Self-actualization and developmental milestones. Vasser Academy’s mission is dedicated to providing love, structure, and fundamentals. The vision for the childcare is to be the village that breeds future innovators and a community of positive mentors in North Omaha. January 2020 the idea to start an in-home childcare came about. Owner/Provider Jameea Vasser was a new mother herself and noticed there was an issue finding suitable childcare providers who not only had a real love for children and community but taught them what they needed to develop and excel once they aged into the school system. Jameea decided to work in an actual childcare facility to get a feel for the environment and learn as much as she could about how childcare facility was run. Due to Covid the time at Educare was cut short, but the information learned stayed with her. In November 2020 Jameea started her in-home “Perfect Pearls Childcare” starting with just 1-2 children. Fast forward a few months, Jameea decided to make her business more personal, so she changed the name from “Perfect Pearls” to “Vasser Academy, LLC”. With the name change she got her business registered through Secretary of State and once that was completed and she got approved for DHHS’s subsidy program she went public. After posting her work with the children she gained 8 more children plus plenty of inquiries and collaboration opportunities. With business starting to kick off smoothly the owner of Vasser Academy, LLC is now ready to expand.


Having working families enrolled into Vasser Academy, LLC means they can focus on workforce development and making a sustainable life for themselves. That leads to a healthier and happier community. Vasser Academy also provides goal-based services that prepares the youth for a formal school setting. Preparing the youth for school is vital to future literacy success, math and reading comprehension and prevention of behavioral issues. We have a issue in our community today when it comes to our youth. Vasser Academy is a home away from home we assist families with more than keeping their children 8+ hours a day We follow Maslow's hierarchy of needs chart when assisting families because we know its important for all children's needs be met in order for them to grow into their most highest self and with this grant we can not only continue the work but eaxpand it being it is a need in North Omaha and the work done at Vasser Academy is dynamic and necessary in a post pandemic society.


Vasser Academy, LLC is a fully operating advanced in-home childcare facility. From 11/2020-09/2022 Vasser Academy, LLC was a license exempt as of 09/26/2022 we are now state licensed childcare providing childcare services to 10 enrolled families. Our parents ages range from 20-35 with income ranging from 10k-30k meaning they are low income. Providing childcare hours that are flexible for families work schedules while the child is receiving childcare services. From Vasser Academy they receive extremely attentive care and goal-based services. At Vasser Academy 0-5yrs is to be the most vital time of a person’s development. It is extremely important that each child receives basic needs met as well as proper communication, goal based one on one care and the technology and curriculum to support those needs.


I wanted to create jobs for women like myself who were first time single mothers who couldn't bare leaving thier child with just anyone. I've worked solo for a year and a half and came across those exact women. I was introduced to Heartland workfocre soultions since I could not afford to pay anyone. With this grant investment I will be able to fully employ one lead provider (full-Time). Doing business with heartland workforce soultions I will be able to be reimbursed 50% of employees pay which will be used to hire another employee and then start job training and continue to grow staff as the childcare continues to progress to expansion to offer more jobs from childcare teachers down to maintence workers. Vasser Academy plans to expand tremendously and will need a village to properly maintain the accomplishment.




$15-$20 hourly


With HWS paid training I will be able to properly assess each candidate which are mostly hand picked reason being I specifically want to help those living in the community I to live and serve. As clientel grows I will always be inquiring about individuals who would be interested in making a difference, not only in the children and families lives but for themselves.


Those I service gain access to plenty of resources which in my community goes a long way. Some have experienced loss of income, housing and even their children due to not having proper guidance and resources and that is how Vasser Academy and this proposal will continue to benefit the community. With this grant Vasser Academy can continue the work by offering job and voluteer oportunites, Providing safe qaulity care for children lowering risks of continued trauma and assist families with maintaining a sense of love and belonging( culture), physiological and safety needs.


Vasser Academy will invest majority of the grant investment into hiring of one fulltime staff. I know as a owner what I can maintain financially and I want to secure one employee to train so that I can then focus more on hiring more individuals with the help of HWS and even maintaining young volunteers to keep the youth busy and off the streets. Another percentage goes to accounting and consulting services to ensure that I am meeting proper state business requirements and requirements of the Douglas County health department. Personal development services for all coming staff and families in need. The other percentage of the grant investment will be utilized for building maintenance, camera system, and cleaning services. The remainder of the grant will be utilized for appliances, memberships, curriculum, and supplies to assist with goal based, one on one personal development for each child. This will keep youth enrolled for long periods of time, which would keep profit coming into the business. Through marketing and word of mouth Vasser Academy will maintain an enrollment waitlist and begin to expand services to include more in-home childcares.


There is no handbook when it comes to parenting, but sometimes I always say I feel like there should be. I am no expert of al things but I do know with the right examples families in North Omaha can thrive in all aspects with just a more resources and guidance. As a provider I make it a priority to stay involved in my community and I make it a duty to attend all forums, trainings that could assist me wiith the enhancement of my industry to better assist those in the North Omaha community I serve.


I prepare children 0-3 for school setting with their weekly goal books we set up lessons to track their development. At Vasser Academy we take parent participation seriously because we stand on parents being the first teacher so we will be tracking progress through Wonderschool which is a childcare management software that will help mesure progress amongst other things. Of course creating job opportunities is vital. I've personally worked for little to sometimes nothing to learn and begin building this process and it is hard work and I believe hourly wages from $15-$20 is reasonable and should be offered to qualified employees to keep good workers in this field being we have a shortage of caring providers just to now have a shortage of teachers as well.


Childcare mamagement sofware by CEO and qualified staff.






Heartland workforce solutions-Provide funding reimbursement for staff and also paid training for opportunities for new staff. , Opulence- Non profit I co-found which will assist further with providing all necessary resources for families enrolled, Profide funding for children enrolled to have access to other programs that require fees familes in the North Omaha area can not afford.







5706 N 40th St 68110 residential neightborhood located in North Omaha.


Within one or more QCTs














Exact dollar amounts found per expense






See attachment


See attachment




See attachment


north Omaha Turnback grant (Pending)


2022-2023 North Omaha Turnback grant for $10,000, Pending, expected December 2022.






With or without the full amount requested the work can and will continue, but it would just make it a little harder to juggle all of this work alone. I have a team but they are even assisting me out of love for the community(free of charge). I've been a minimalist for a long time I would rather give the children enrolled the best childcare experience possible while assisting thier families with maintaining a great home life. I can only do so much witht he income i've made so far but with business getting ready to expand meaning more familes to help assist I'd rather have all tools on hand and everything budgeted has a necessay use.


Vasser Academy is a growing advanced in-home childcare facility. $80,000 is a lot to request and I tried my best to break it all down to the last cent as to what funds will be used for. The purpose of the $80,000 grant request is to cover the cost of labor, educational supplies, accounting record keeping, business operations, cleaning, and public health. Being able to provide the items listed in the budget allows Vasser Academy to provide a safe, updated, and healthy environment for enrolled families and ability to reach others in the community.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses