
National Community Of The Disadvantaged Enrichment, NCODE Inc


c/o S Boatman 3946 Kansas Ave, Lower Level Omaha, Nebraska 68111


PO Box 11714 NCODE Board Administration Omaha, Nebraska 68111


SocialMediaAccounts;; (In progress); ( in progress)


Sheila Boatman


President/CEO ; Corporate Government Program Compliance Analyst



+1 (531) 239-2372




Dr. Erma Jeffries, PHD RN : General Board; Health Disparities and Social Solutions Team; Larry Bolen: Board Officer and Interim Vice President Oscar Miller: General Board-Treasurer 1; Network Analyst Statistics ; Steve Childs: Treasurer Assistant-Omaha Latshia Griffin : General Board; Fundraiser; Women Issues; Volunteer Advisors: 1. Adam Sasse: Communities Historian; 2. G Boatman National Network Administrator


NCODE has one official board called the General Board. The board consist of a President, a Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer 1 Treasurer 2 or assistant, Board Officer and General Board. Our Board of directors are considered directors of their position. Our General board is our legal registered board. The General board, for pressing matter has an Executive board which function for a 3 vote quorum, when leadership is incapacitated for urgent; NCODE also has a junior board call the Regional board. This administrative board is composed of 1-2 General board directors, 2 community volunteers which provides program feedback between the regional office for volunteers in Omaha and to help with administration functions and staff.


Since 2005, we have accomplished much including assisting approximately 10,000 individual and families with increasing their quality of life, through food, outreach to the homebound, donation of toys, socks, walkers and more...we have also been successful in assisting disadvantaged persons meet their personal needs and goals, and we have also assisted with tangible dreams. We did not stop there, we progressed into other counties and social rural enclaves and communities, and then states assisting disadvantaged neglected communities, but some of our most compeling stories and examples is on the leadership of our Board of Directors, those who have achieved personal dreams and career goals and overcame barriers, obstacles, and challenges while simultaneously spending time to help others, and those with us now that dedicate a portion of their time to ensure NCODE will be able to better the lives of others. Our board of directors have progressed rapidly to finding more innovative ways to combat poverty and despondency, and now has completed scholarly level anti-poverty research. This research has now development of a unique anti-poverty innovative strategy, a non-traditional approach to not only feed the hungry but to improve self-enrichment activities that lead to community and personal transition and transformation. The approach has now developed into a program and has been relocated to Omaha Nebraska as a central point to have a significant local impact for North Omaha area residents and a national impact to similar deserving communities throughout the USA. Our board and volunteers have dedicated their thousands of hours since 2005. We have fed, clothed, and met the personal needs and goals of many. Today, we have successfully reached our final stage of meeting 90% of the necessary equipment for the program and its office, but the initiation of restrictions and difficult logistics associated with the National Health Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic have limited our business operation capabilities. We are now in the recovery mode.. You can discover more about our accomplishments and mission at www. where we are listed as a "Platinum" charity. We also hold thousands of photos of our program participant volunteers.








Combination of capital project and service/program


Proposal Summary This program will be located in a Qualified Census Tract of Omaha Nebraska as defined “For purposes of the Economic Recovery Act, qualified census tract means a qualified census tract as defined in 26 U.S.C. 42(d)(5)(B)(ii)(I), as such section existed on January 1, 2022.” 1 and will provide priority program as COVID-19 pandemic recovery program to residents in the Qualified Census Tract, low-income and those residing in areas considered as “blighted areas.” North Omaha is experiencing extreme poverty and detrimental effects resulting from 2 years of the pandemic and past years of socio economic stagnation due to a lack of employment, barriers to reaching and accessing opportunities, and racial inequalities. The result of detrimental effects of this combination has caused great suffrage and despair among the lowest income segments of Nebraska, that is the North Omaha residents who reside in the QCT zoned areas and especially those in areas that have been declared “ blighted areas The North Omaha Economic Recovery Coordination plan was created and developed to recover the residual harm and subsequent suffrage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The vision of the North Omaha Economic Recovery Plan is to transform North Omaha into a vibrant cultural and business community through repairing harms, recovering business loss b investing entrepreneurial efforts and economic opportunities toward recovery thus increasing quality of life and recovery for North Omaha. The National Community of the Disadvantaged Enrichment, NCODE Inc., is an experienced 501 c 3 IRS approved public charity has a compatible mission. NCODE, has a unique one of a kind key business transformation-transition program developed with North Omaha in mind. The program successfully ran it’s a pilot mode and began to launch its program when a National Health Emergency was declared due to COVID-19. Our charity has struggled to keep the program active to benefit disadvantaged low-income, but ran into program deficits due to pandemic related shut-downs, supply logistics, and state health restrictions which prevented us from earning the necessary donations to run the program and also accelerate our need for more space for a healthy, safe learning- work environment urgent relief to accelerate providing relief and recovery to those of North Omaha, We can only do so much with what we are have and are doing and urgently need your concern, expertise, and support to fully align as a community partner in the North Omaha Economic Recovery Coordination Plan. We feel together our mutual vision for North Omaha can be achieved, become a mutual community partner of sustainable investment for North Omaha as a recovered asset of economic resilience and vibrancy and growth that will provide generational wealth, We can accomplished this with measurable and evaluative results and without delay.


We will function by the timeline of the grant distribution schedule of the coordination plan. 1. A preferred timeline of January 2023 that would position our mission to assist the needy of QCT area with our program without delay. Our timeline includes major phases in June-July and ending Sept of 2023 2. We also have a timeline picture graph and will submit this pictoral excel graph as an attachment at the end. Our program will continue beyond the grant funding as a permanent program to North Omaha an d the QCT area.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)


Accelerates to attract business and investor interest, business development entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial (franchise) and growth in north Omaha and enhance business collaboration in North Omaha; (Other infrastructure = Social infrastructure)


NCODE NATIONAL INNOVATION SOLUTIONS BUSINESS CENTER OF NORTH OMAHA This program will be located in a Qualified Census Tract of Omaha Nebraska as defined “For purposes of the Economic Recovery Act, qualified census tract means a qualified census tract as defined in 26 U.S.C. 42(d)(5)(B)(ii)(I), as such section existed on January 1, 2022.” 1 PROPOSAL NARRATIVE “Since the 1960’s, America has made major strides in poverty reduction, and yet, there are still 35 million people living in poverty in the United States. What’s more, poverty would be twice as high if not for decades of significant investments through Social Security, unemployment Insurance, nutrition assistance, and low-income tax credits, among other successful anti-poverty programs. However, the concerning reality is that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic fallout obliterated those gains, putting individuals and families at a greater risk of being pushed into poverty”. 2 SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY When it comes to sustainable community development, the business community has a key role to play. Sustainable growth requires investment in new businesses and skills training for professionals. But businesses can also help to improve the quality of life in low-income communities by investing in projects that empower residents and improve cultural resources. Right now Nebraska is at a low 2% unemployment rate3, however empirically measured as a success among other states, this by far does not compare nor tell the story behind the 2%, of which a large majority that are not in the workforce reside in North Omaha QCT and LB551 low-income areas. The 2021 US Census show 12,926 families with incomes below 12,9264 and that the large majority reside in the North Omaha QCT zoned area and its blighted areas. Porterfield of Nebraska Heartland Workforce states, “ We hear from businesses that they are not getting the quantity of applicants. We are hearing from applicants that they are not yet getting that opportunity to talk about what their skills are”3 NCODE discovery reveals that employer to worker corporate human resource policy and procedures disconnect communication between the employer and the underemployed and unemployed, in particular the low- or no-income unemployed that lack of knowledge or communication strategy skills to bypass gate-keepers, resume filters and artificial intelligence. We also find that a large majority of North Omaha low-income residents are not in the workforce because they are dis-interested in the type of positions offered and the pay and do not attempt to decrease their happiness and social-quality of life. By working together with the residents, discovering their concerns, the business community, and the North Omaha Economic Recovery Coordination Plan, together, we will thrive toward a more resilient sustainable North Omaha community that benefit everyone.


The program NCODE’S program is direct-service which benefit targeted QCT populations and communities in North Omaha. We believe that together we can help to bridge wealth gaps and the wounds of poverty for many lives in North Omaha, in particular, the low-income which most are African-American. We want to pay significant attention to the suffrage of those that are not able to access help programs such as SNAP, HUD housing, unemployment insurance due to inequities in qualifying criteria and restrictions, and or certain prior felony convictions. These persons suffered greatly during the pandemic and even more so during this time of pandemic recovery. When it comes to focusing on community and those most in need, our program, since 2005 focuses on marginalized communities and populations such as those that live in the North Omaha QCT zoned area and those that live in what is defined as a “ blighted area.” We are experienced in creating and developing projects and programs to help increase quality of life, and our experience will also help during this time of pandemic recovery and especially for those who have felt the harm from the pandemic and continued racial inequalities, and abject poverty due to policies which create and sustain social and economic-systemic barriers. “Extremely blighted area means a substandard and blighted area in which: (a) The average rate of unemployment in the area during the period covered by the most recent federal decennial census or American Community Survey 5-Year Estimate is at least two hundred percent of the average rate of unemployment in the state during the same period; and (b) The average poverty rate in the area exceeds twenty percent for the total federal census tract or tracts or federal census block group or block groups in the area.” 2 ECONOMIC INVESTMENT DOES NOT RECYCLE WITHING THE NORTH OMAHA COMMUNITY; Our response to the problem Unfortunately, as mentioned above these deepening wounds and associated factors have widened the wealth gap and has contribute to continued poverty trends. These hidden barriers and associated factors that exacerbates poverty in North Omaha are not included in empirical results of census data, labor market studies, or future economic policy plans, and therefore, the wealth gap widens, investment does not yield returns and voiceless are not heard. How we will achieve this: Business Education Resource- Filling the Gap to increase quality of life: Our program, through our studies in abject poverty barriers, will provide and address specific removal of existing barriers to access immediate opportunities to participate in meaningful and gainful change through our transformative transition program. Participants enter the program through skill-set analysis, discussion and interview. Based on the conclusion of their analysis, discussion and training they are assigned to 2 interactive color stations equipped with networking technology. It is from these social issues and business centered color stations that the mentoring and experience begin. The interactive experience explores talents and gifts and helps build skills to close gaps necessary to bridge the divide in securing opportunities through self-enrichment to increase quality of life. This “non-traditional” approach used in the experience is a transformative open door strategy to empower program participant volunteers resulting in by-passing stumbling blocks, and override existing systemic barriers. The program will also allow flexibility for change, social crises, and shifts in labor market demands and integrate with new and emerging markets need for job-skill creation. Our “Non-traditional strategic approach and corporate poverty studies and corporate business plan aligns directly with the priorities of transformation in the North Omaha Economic Recovery Plan and the finding of visionary workshop findings: NCODE'S objective is to expand and accelerate our culturally diverse and inclusive direc


This proposal creates sweeping economic growth through eligible uses such as "investment' in employment, 'job creation', 'and entrepreneurship', When it comes to focusing on community and those most in need, our corporation (since 2005) and our current program, focuses on marginalized communities and populations such as those that live in the North Omaha QCT zoned area and those that live in what is defined as a “ blighted area.” We are experienced in direct service through a learning environment which is an investment to job growth for we know without the knowledge, skills, and or experience there is low compatibility for job growth in the North Omaha Community. This proposal leads to Transformation-through energizing and recharging those not in the workforce or those that would like to discover potential for entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship or a scalable startup; it transform and spur community interest and excitement through participation and collaboration with other businesses. the proposal aligns with fundamental change-it is a strategic business approach to empower low-income without recourse of income to participate in the community, and the transformative strategy is unique, not done before and is local to Omaha but with a national in-reach to Omaha, overall improving community integrity and thus quality of life for North Omaha and QCT residents. The proposal program encompasses the Theory of Change: it is a business magnet, is interesting to gain potential self-enrichment and will support and attract the most impacted by the pandemic and reduce community despondency and deprivation.


The job creation is the end-result of the experience in the program. The goal is for a permanent position, but based on the choice of the program participant volunteer. The program is this proposal creates jobs through experience and skill growth into new advancing titles acquired through a live work environment. This accelerates opportunity and opens access to job opening in high-demand. The unique experience acquire in the program can also produce specialize skills to enhance entrepreneurship. The job and wage depends upon the program participant volunteer's own choice which is one of the goal of the program to have choice rather than accept a low wage position because of a lack of skills. This is a direct-service live learning environment leads to building business potential confidence through live experience which is a qualifier to enter access a job with pay above the federal poverty guideline and or into the workforce at or above minimum wage for specialized skills. The programs diversion is to build the interest for the person to confidently act upon. The program will especially assist those not in the labor market and with limited experience or skills. For those on a fixed income the decision to rise above that income may be a longer duration. Incentives for gas and provision for snacks and childcare while participating is crucial. We estimate the center will attract 20 -30 per week with a seating capacity of 8 fully equipped color learning station. Once we obtain funding for a facility to operate the program, we can increase schedules toward a higher service-level to those in need of our program. Omaha Economic Plan and its coordination effort to provide an accelerated program with voice to spur fundamental and transformative change. NCODE’S program internal design and development will provide the North Omaha Economic Recovery Coordination plan a vehicle for targeted populations in the QCT zone to remove socio-economic barriers to jobs and accelerate access to community and business opportunities, and if funded, our program’s platform and internal applications can fortify final evaluation results and will be the catalyst for North Omaha sustainability for future decades


The end-result that produces the numbers of permanent jobs would be answered and coordinated and compiled with data from external job and job referral agencies and companies.



The wage will be the benefit and the end-result of acquiring experience and skills through live learning in order to access a job with high wages. The program monitors this information through follow-up with program participants at the end-result.


When program participants have completed their challenge and goals, the program manager schedule interviews with job agencies or an employer. The exciting part about the program is there is no pre-requisite to enter This opens opportunities for youth, those that have been convicted and have systemic barriers, those without experience, those who need to re-enter into the workforce. The experience begins with a mentor and within a few days, the program experience begins.


Omaha has a large marginalized population located in Qualified Census Tracts (or QCT) that has suffered socio-economic decline over the years and the pandemic exacerbated an even deeper decline. However, the North Omaha Community is resilient and its population are composed of culturally significant people who possess gifts, and talents and have aspirations yet to be discovered. The pandemic and the absence of social data, in other words, the lack of the voice of the people, has dramatically contributed to further pattern of abject poverty, fortified social and economic barriers, enhanced racial disparities such as a lack of disaggregated labor data, regional data, and even federal and American census data is void of subjectively captured culturally relevant opinions. In order words, to improve quality of life and transform a community, the mindset of those in the community must be included because the current statistics alone will not provide the full picture of suffrage and unhappiness plague deeply in the community. Jon Clifton, in his recently published book “ Blind Spot” associates the absence of key social indicator data as contributing to “A Global Rise in unhappiness,” ( enlarge to see the Gallup chart, notate the percentage of rise in unhappiness during the most recent pandemic year, 2021) 6 ‘Jon Clifton, of Gallup, further elaborates how global leaders missed the rise of unhappiness, and he examines some of the most important findings from the past 15 years, gleaned from asking the world’s citizens about their lives are going. North Omaha similar rise in unhappiness is a missing element to include in transformation and fundamental change for North Omaha. Reviewing past data is relevant and vital in understanding current patterns and trends and where improvement could have and can be made. For example, in 1993, an Omaha Community Conditions Survey was conducted and collected Omaha social opinion data. Unfortunately, no follow-up occurred using this data nor integrated with future vision and plans and empirical data. The trends, patterns, and crime patterns have been under-utilized and results and community respondents’ feedback could have been use to discover whether there are any connective key social issues or possible root analysis to indicate an “unhappiness” trend as an underlying factor to residual community and individual poverty. Surprisingly, many of the respondents of the past Omaha Conditions sample survey are still present today in the QCT-zoned area, of which many are of age as now baby-boomers5. NCODE programs will effectively receive feedback, hear the voices, opinions, and discontent as a measurable associated factor of lingering poverty from program participant volunteers from the QCT area, and especially the older generation as they face aging in poverty. Its time to reach them, not to ask why, but listen and equip. Its time to restore North Omaha, but this time as a leader of Solutions Business Magnet. Our program will open space for communities in social and business networking and research through participation the community countenance will be lifted. Abject poverty, recovery, transition to transformative plans and programs must include the voices of those most affected. NCODE’S program platform aligns with the North Omaha Economic Plan and its coordination effort to provide an accelerated program with voice to spur fundamental and transformative change. NCODE’S program internal design and development will provide the North Omaha Economic Recovery Coordination plan, a vehicle with a magnet for targeted populations in the QCT zone, to remove socio-economic barriers to jobs and accelerate access to community and business opportunities, and if funded, our program’s platform and internal applications can fortify final evaluation results and will be the catalyst for North Omaha sustainability for future decades .


If we receive funding for a building, residents from the QCT zone and North Omaha community will see a nice office building arise in North Omaha, a sign of hope and change. If they decide to enter and participate the will find an exciting work environment with options and opportunity and be able to enjoy a spacious and well-ventilated learning work environment conducive to remaining healthy and enjoying while making a transformation decision to increase their quality of life. It is our goal to customize the building as an office to compliment the environment and its scenery in North Omaha. The building can also be transported as needed to other parts of the QCT and blighted areas to inspire change and transformation.


Sharing North Omaha Economic Plan, and when the time is appropriate invite like- minded professions to join along to incorporate the innovation along with the vision into processes that provide innovation transparency and they are understood in consensus and adopted with a "one community" mind and voice which can further spur and accelerate transformation .


1. How many completed and received the opportunity ? Are happy with the experience. 2. Change in family life 3. Went further to college, vocation or additional education. 4. The value of the program experience they received a job at a high-level high quality position. Based on their experience will they refer at least 10 people to move to North Omaha? Our proposal will and can measure many social, economic, and financial measures. Our outcome should measure an increase in quality of life from program participants, disadvantaged persons by opening accessing higher-quality opportunitiess, remove systematic barriers, those hidden and unknown. The ultimate measure will be North Omaha, Omaha, and Nebraska Community Pride


Qualitative and Quantitative: Applications: Google Forms and Docs Analytics; CRM, WinCati and VCM Case Management 1. Program Participation- Surveys ; Levels attained surveys ; Performance indicators and Reviews; Success: Random Sample Surveys; Employment Internship Progress or Success follow-up and Benchmark for evaluation compilation, findings and reporting.


For those who select Intrapreneurship or interest in experience toward franchises as a end-result of the program but not a part of the program,




Pending receipt of fund to accomplish the goals of our mission. These have shown interest but not confirmed, to voluntarily participate on a voluntary basis; University of Nebraska at Omaha: College of Public Affairs: to provide volunteer students ; Grow Nebraska-voluntary-not confirmed : Financial Education education for those final program participants with interested in Business Entrepreneurship; Workforce Nebraska. We have plans to partner with other businesses on a voluntary basis.







Due to subsequent pandemic, variants and health concerns, the location is pending receipt of funding for a building with adequate space,accomodations and ventilation.


Within one or more QCTs


Uploading the prospective building for purchase as part of this proposal










So far the manager has discussed the option for a crawl space or basement as the foundation. She also discussed the need for land of a particular size as well as approval from city planning. In addition she will work with us to find an experienced contractor prior to the buildings custom completion, See the attachment " supporting needs."






Uploading statement on the specification of the modular building as part of the proposal request.


Program expense, program applications, databases, references, program related services, databases, learning tools, human services for the needy-post pandemic, technical ware, technical equipment, one-time technical installation assistance, maintenance, PPE, office equipment, service for the program, a one-time building purchase and related labor and basement foundation, cost associated with program participants: removing systemic, social, and economic costs in order for the participants to access the learning environment to acheive experience, knowledge and skills; 1 part time program manager, 1 part time secretary, fees associated with external services-non contracted; program education, materials, supplies, Travel for program education; office supplies, van for transporting the handicap and those without means to transportation; learning incentives to include transportation, snacks for program participants learning 3 hours, Expansion to add more participants: additional technical equipment and electronics.




Research for Grant funds -continued search; fundraisers; board support; individual contributions: Asset: liquidation of old items. The program can function on a minimal basis until funding is located.


The following are applied: 25,000 North Carolina Community Foundation 70,000 Community Foundation 10,000 NC Local News Fund 70,000 Joyce Pope foundation 10,000 Turnback Grant (Douglas County) 25,000 Philip L Avery Foundation 50,000 Sisters of Charity-South Carolina 150,000 Russel Sage Foundation 50,000 Golden Leaf Foundation 50,000 Well Fargo -Clausen



Software Applications; WinCati; Apricot Social Solutions; GoTo Communications


Yes, the proposal program has been and is on-going at very minimum based on in-kind donations and board and individual support; but support is needed due to the COVID-19 pandemic ,variants, and other air-borne viruses and program participant volunteers need an air quality space appropriate for a healthy learning business environment; this proposal can function without the purchase of the building, however interaction is limited and the progress of this program in this proposal would be effected and we have limited resources to expand to needy persons in North Omaha and QCT zoned areas.


Building is 650,000, a one-time purchase that would empower the proposal to be effective for years to come for North Omaha and the QCT deserving populations


The board of directors has supported the program on an average of 2,000 to 3,000, and the amount this year so far is 1,000 and with in-kind support the amount for this proposal is 43,199.00










Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule