V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club: North Omaha Stadium & Event Center Proposal




V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club


12416 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68154




Facebook: V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club; Instagram: @vupvikings; Twitter: @vupvikings


Jacqueline Glassman


Treasurer, V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club




+1 (402) 939-9040




V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club Stadium Committee Members; 1 - Jacqueline Glassman, V-Up Vikings Booster Club Treasurer; Retired Technology Company Executive; Current Executive Consultant with 15+ years’ experience in scaling small and mid-market technology companies with $10m - $500m revenue; Parent of Omaha North High Student-Athlete; Omaha Public Schools & University of Nebraska-Omaha Graduate. 2 - Gene Haynes, Former Omaha North High School Principal, 50+ years as a teacher and administrator for Omaha Public Schools, District II Administrator of the Year by the Nebraska State Athletic Administrators Association (2000), African American Award (2004), Tech High School Hall of Fame (2006); Magnet School Principal of the Year (2009); the House of Representatives African American History Award (2011). 3 - Ernest White, First Vice President, Community Development Officer at American National Bank, Ambassador for Carver Legacy Center


V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club Officers o Jacqueline Glassman, Treasurer o Dan Bartels, President o Glenn Mitchell, Vice President o Moniki Cannon, Secretary V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club Committees o Stadium Committee Members o Jacqueline Glassman o Gene Haynes o Ernest White o Activity Committee Members o Kelly Push o Moniki Cannon o Budget Committee Members o Jacqueline Glassman o Dan Bartels o Fundraising Committee Members o Jacqueline Glassman o Dan Bartels o Membership Committee Members o Glenn Mitchell


The V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club was recently established in August of 2022 to support the football program at Omaha North High School. The Booster Club’s goals are to: 1) Build a Booster Club membership of supporters, volunteers, and donors to raise money and contribute time and talent for the benefit of the Omaha North High School football program; 2) Increase transparency and communication with student-athletes, coaches, parents of athletes in the program, within the community and alumni, and with the school administration on behalf of the football program’s fundraising needs, activities, and schedule; 3) Host and support activities for the football team and their families including meals, camps, team travel, merchandise, fundraisers, community events, etc. which strengthen the bond and relationships within the team as well as throughout Omaha North High School and the broader community. In one month since being incorporated, the V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club has recruited 60 members, 4 business sponsors, and raised $6,000, without beginning an official fundraising campaign and through the efforts of 5 parents of current Omaha North High School student-athletes. We have found that people are looking for a big goal to get behind and want to donate larger amounts, but currently our organization is simply raising funds to host team dinners, merchandise, and activities for the football team, which while important, can be easily addressed with the support of the parents, families, and a few local businesses. We have dozens of large organizations who have verbally committed to thousand- and tens of thousand-dollar donations once we launch our fundraising campaign. This proposal supports each one of our organization’s goals by rallying Omaha North High School’s alumni, supporters, volunteers, and donors to build a stadium that our team can call home and not only bring the football team and our school together but be a beacon in the North Omaha community to host all types of community events within their own neighborhood.


North Omaha Stadium & Event Center Proposal






Capital project


The North Omaha Stadium & Event Center will consist of a football field enclosed within a 7,000-seat stadium with a three-story, multi-purpose event center. The genesis of this proposal is to provide a home field for Omaha North High School football team who has not had their own football field since it opened in 1924. However, this is more than a sports complex project, this is a community empowerment project. We want this space to be utilized by people throughout the North Omaha community as there are no other turf fields, event centers, meeting spaces, or community areas of this size that they can call their own. The stadium itself will include a synthetic turf football field as well as home and away locker rooms and a training room. When not in use for high school football, the stadium would be ideal for state meets across multiple sports, youth sports, training camps or other outdoor events and concerts. The three-story event center will include a merchandise store, restrooms, concessions, and commons eating area on the first story. The second story will include a press box, coach’s suite, pavilion, press eating area, restrooms as well as classroom and conference flex space which can be rented for academic or business activities and conferences. The third story will be the most open, multi-use space which could host school dances, awards ceremonies, team and company dinners, small concerts, and other student and community events. The North Omaha Stadium & Event Center would be adjacent on the east side to Omaha North High School between 34th to 36th Street and from the Butler-Gast YMCA Branch South Property Line (just North of Boyd Street) to Paxton Boulevard. Dependent upon LB1024 funds approval and fundraising timing as well as construction materials and labor availability, we plan to break ground in June 2023 and have the project completed by December 2025, with the ability to achieve key milestones along the way making part of the facility available for use as early as Summer 2024.


Ideal Timeline & Milestones: o November 2022 – May 2023: Secure funding, buy houses & land, complete architectural design and hire construction firm o June 1, 2023: Construction Begins o August 2024: Stadium Ready for 2024 Fall Football Season o June 2025: Event Center Ready for Use Summer 2025 Milestone Estimates: I. Secure funding: 3-6 months a. 50% of Funds dependent upon LB1024 Grant Timing b. 50% of Funds dependent upon Booster Club Fundraising Campaign Timing II. Buy houses and land to secure location: 3-6 months III. Complete architectural design and hire construction firm: 3-6 months IV. Build stadium & event center: 18-24 months a. Build stadium: 12-15 months b. Build event center: 6-9 months c. Replace practice field with parking lot: 2-3 months Items I, II, and III can be done concurrently, however they are also a dependency to begin item IV. However, the build process can be completed in at least three stages: stadium, event center, and parking lot and can also be done concurrently.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



We believe a stadium and event center in North Omaha will not only bring Omaha North High School but the broader North Omaha community together, retain and recruit more athletes and families who live and play in the nearby neighborhoods to attend and support Omaha North High School, and enhance the surrounding area by bringing new businesses and economic opportunities into the heart of North Omaha. We believe the North Omaha students, athletes, and community deserves the same kind of access and ownership as the state-of-the art athletic complexes and event centers available to the communities in West Omaha and Elkhorn. Now more than ever with the addition of new high schools in Bennington and South Omaha, more investment must be made in North Omaha to provide the opportunities and resources to make our students, athletes, and communities successful and have the access to conduct business and develop their skills to compete at the next level in sports, business, and life. A local stadium and event center will create and enhance athletic and academic services, education, civic uses, and recreation in North Omaha. The proposed location is within a residential neighborhood, but closely adjacent to a business area which will create a mixed-use space and enhance the existing public-school area and neighborhood. Having nearby access to athletic facilities as well as educational and developmental resources through the event center will improve the health of community members and continue to develop the mixed-use area. For all of these reasons, the North Omaha Stadium & Event Center will help foster a sustainable community, improve the quality of life for its residents, and positively impact the policies North Omaha most wants to address regarding education, health, and financial resources being made available to its residents.


The North Omaha Stadium & Event Center aligns with the Visioning Workshop Findings by directly addressing insufficient infrastructure, development that fits within the cultural context, and providing access and tools to leverage community resources. The proposed location will have existing infrastructure upgrades and be closely connected with Omaha North High School, which is the most prominent and attended schools in the area. The development of the stadium and event center is specifically aimed at addressing the needs of the North Omaha community by giving students, athletes, families, residents, and businesses within North Omaha a place to get together, attend educational, athletic, and business activities and meetings, as well as partner with other existing non-profits and youth organizations to leverage the space to its full potential. All of these efforts benefit the North Omaha youth and business landscape within the cultural context of North Omaha while at the same time providing access and tools to leverage community resources. Additionally, as stated previously, having the North Omaha Stadium & Event Center will help foster a sustainable community through providing additional business, office, and civic/cultural uses; improve the quality of life for its residents, and make a positive impact on the policies North Omaha most wants to address regarding education, health, and financial resources being made available to its residents.


The North Omaha Stadium & Event Center proposal aligns with LB1024’s strategic priorities because its creation will help energize, recharge, and spur significant and favorable advancements in North Omaha’s function and appearance by creating a place the community can call its own that rivals the scale and resources of other state-of-the art athletic complexes and event centers. The stadium and event center will elevate North Omaha’s presence and perception within the region and significantly improve the lives of area residents through physical development by rejuvenating a residential neighborhood while also strengthening the bond with the local Omaha North High School and existing area businesses, truly becoming a transformed mixed-use, diverse space for students, athletes, businesses, and families. The Stadium & Event Center will also provide long-lasting economic growth, fostering further desirable transformation and fundamental change of the area by building a community hub for academics, athletics, and business to be conducted in the heart of North Omaha. The planning, construction, and operations of the North Omaha Stadium & Event Center will also provide gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, and spur additional business expansion and new entrepreneur, non-profit, and business opportunities to flourish in the area.


Temporary: o Construction contractor & laborers o Architect and firm o Interior designer and firm o Furniture & lighting procurement o Construction materials procurement o Technology procurement o Technology installation Permanent: o Field maintenance o Stadium maintenance o Parking lot maintenance o Grounds maintenance o Technology maintenance o Event center coordinator o Event center marketing






Temporary Proposed Jobs' Wage Levels: Construction contractor & laborers: $20/hour; Architect: $100/hour; Architectural firm: $50/hour; Interior designer and firm: $40/hour; Technology installers: $30/hour. Permanent Jobs' Wage Levels: approximately $540,000 in new salaries/benefits per year: Field maintenance: $25/hour; Stadium maintenance: $20/hour; Grounds maintenance: $18/hour; Technology maintenance: $30/hour; Event center coordinator: $20/hour; Event center marketing: $24/hour


With the new North Omaha Stadium & Event Center being built in the heart of the North Omaha community, it would be expected that existing businesses in the area will also then complete upgrades and renovations and new businesses will be built to leverage the mixed-use nature of the area and the additional traffic that will be utilizing the stadium and event center. Many of the same construction, architecture, interior design, technology, maintenance, and marketing jobs and skillsets will be needed for other businesses in the area. Additionally, partners of the New North Omaha Stadium & Event Center will be positively impacted by its creation as they are already serving the youth, families, residents and businesses in the North Omaha area, so this will bring additional opportunities to them that they are well-suited to address.


The North Omaha Stadium & Event Center will improve the local neighborhood and increase livability in the community by providing many new resources and access to opportunities within walking distance for many of North Omaha’s residents. The Omaha North High School football team will no longer have to travel to other schools for their home football games, saving time and money. They will have state-of-the art facilities available to athletes across many sports and be able to retain students and athletes in North Omaha who were previously transferring to other schools because of better facilities, resources, and opportunities. Having a new Stadium & Event Center in North Omaha will bring new visitors into the area that do not typically visit North Omaha. These visitors will also patronize local restaurants, gas stations, and retail stores that they otherwise would not have. If we conservatively estimate that 750 visitors will be attending events at the new Stadium & Event Center on a weekly basis, and just 20% of them also buy a meal or gas at a local restaurant/gas station, this will bring $780,000 into area businesses annually. Visitors will also generate additional spending such as transport costs, hotel accommodations, and entertainment which isn’t factored into the estimate above. Our projections estimate these figures will be much higher as the Stadium & Event Center will have facility rentals available every day of the week for business and conference activities, in addition to the athletic rentals and sports games in the stadium. One sport event alone could have thousands of visitors. Over time, there will be a need for additional hotels, restaurants, gas stations, and retail areas to meet the needs of local and out-of-town visitors coming to the Stadium & Event Center. Additionally, the media coverage for the new Stadium & Event Center cannot be underestimated as the publicity and promotion provided by media reporting can bring unaccounted economic benefits both to the project and the area of town. There will undoubtedly be medium and long-term benefits to North Omaha in the form of increased capital expenditure and enhanced image of the area as a result.


The North Omaha Stadium & Event Center contributes to community sustainability by offering conference room, meeting, and athletic complex rentals within the North Omaha community rather than North Omaha businesses and residents spending their money in other areas of the city or simply not having access to these types of resources. By keeping business conferences, meetings, concerts, ceremonies, athletic events, etc. within North Omaha, this offers youth, athletes, and residents better access to these types of events without having to travel or not knowing these types of events are taking place. Additionally, the Stadium & Event Center will bring funds into the area that have typically been spent elsewhere, as mentioned in previous responses. Having a new Stadium & Event Center will bring millions to tens of millions of new spending into the North Omaha community in years to come and will foster additional development in the area.


This proposal incorporates best practices and innovation by building upon similar world-class stadium and event center designs in other areas of town and bringing them to North Omaha. Our students and community deserve to have the best athletic complex and multi-purpose business and academic event center to do business, learn, and grow within their own neighborhoods in a place that is their own. This proposal leverages best practices by establishing a community gathering space across a diverse set of business, academic, and athletic needs and provides the best tools and resources.


Here are some outcomes we would measure our success by with this proposal: New jobs created to run the stadium/event center; Number of partnerships with existing non-profits in North Omaha; Traffic to the stadium/event center; Number of businesses taking advantage of the Event Center – rentals, sponsorships, training, camps, etc.; Number of students/athletes attending events at the Stadium/Event Center – classes, activities, camps, games, etc.; Number of new businesses in the area within 3-5 years of project completion; Increased football team participation at Omaha North High School; Increased participation across all athletics at Omaha North High School; Increased enrollment at Omaha North High School; Funds raised for the V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club; Funds raised to support North Omaha community initiatives; Increased revenues to surrounding North Omaha businesses


We will partner with the City of Omaha, North Omaha businesses/community organizations/non-profits, Omaha North High School, and OPS to understand the impact against these outcomes as a result of building the North Omaha Stadium & Event Center.


The North Omaha Stadium & Event Center could potentially be a catalyst for co-investment/secondary investment in several ways. Additional businesses could be built or enhanced in the area to leverage the traffic and opportunities the new stadium and event center bring. With additional traffic and enrollment in athletics and the Omaha North High School, there will also be a need for additional youth services in the area in which existing North Omaha business and non-profits would be able to invest in to address. This could also be the start of further investing in additional athletic fields and resources for other sports or enhancing the reach of the event center by making additional space available based on the needs of the community. Over time, there will be a need for additional hotels, restaurants, gas stations, and retail areas to meet the needs of local and out-of-town visitors coming to the Stadium & Event Center.




The V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club was just incorporated in August 2022, however we have already discussed partnerships or have existing personal relationships from members of our board and club with the following organizations: Omaha North High School, Omaha North High School Foundation, Junior Vikes Youth Football, NorthStar Foundation, Boys & Girls Clubs of Omaha – North Omaha, The Viking Ship, American National Bank: Carver Legacy Center, Omaha Public Schools We intend to partner with youth sports, after-school & academic programs, and other North Omaha community organizations to host their activities, events, classes, practices, games, camps, and training utilizing the new North Omaha Stadium & Event Center. Additionally, we intend to partner with local business sponsors for food services, apparel & merchandise sales, marketing services, stadium & event center maintenance, and more.


None to date – in progress given our recent August 2022 non-profit creation and incorporation date.




Yes, we plan to buy 8 lots of land and 27 homes and their respective lots to secure an adequate location for the proposed North Omaha Stadium & Event Center. However, only 11 or roughly 30% are owner-occupied while many of the other properties are owned by out-of-town parties who are renting them to tenants. Given Omaha North High School is in the middle of a residential neighborhood, and we believe it is critical that the stadium is within walking distance of and adjacent to the school, we believe the advantages and benefits to the North Omaha community outweigh the potential displacement of up to 16 owners. We also would help the 11 tenants find other similar, adequate housing in the area by finding North Omaha property owners with vacancies. We do not plan to utilize eminent domain to secure the proposed location.


East/West Boundaries: 34th to 36th Street. North/South Boundaries: Butler-Gast YMCA Branch South Property Line (just North of Boyd Street) to Paxton Boulevard. Directly adjacent on the East side of Omaha North High School. Directly adjacent on the West side of the Omaha Early Learning Center at Skinner.


Within one or more QCTs


The proposed location resides within the Qualified Census Tract 59.02. Additional location documents and descriptions are attached.













No, cost estimates were determined based on similar projects in the local Omaha area: Marian Athletic Complex, Elkhorn Athletics, commercial buildings/event centers, from 2019-2022, as well as the estimated cost to acquire the land and real estate in the target location.






The $7,500,000 cost estimate was determined based on similar projects in the local Omaha area: Marian Athletic Complex, Elkhorn Athletics, commercial buildings/event centers from 2019-2022, as well as the estimated cost to acquire the land and real estate in the target location. The request for 50% or $3,750,000 request is based on a 50/50 fundraising model, but additional funds secured through LB1024’s grant will only mean the stadium and event center can be built faster and we will have to rely less upon private donations.


LB1024’s grant funds will immediately be put to work to secure the land and real estate in the North Omaha Stadium & Event Center’s target location as well as engage an architect and construction firm to finalize designs and begin land grading and leveling as soon as possible to facilitate construction of the football field and stadium.




The V-Up Vikings Booster Club will be responsible for the fiscal operations of the proposal following this initial investment. The Booster Club is a 501(c)(3) organization, specifically coded under the 509(a) public charity/private foundation status. The treasurer of the V-Up Vikings Booster Club will be responsible for the accounting and financial reporting, cash management, accounts payable, payroll, fixed assets, and internal controls, with the support of third-party accounting and tax firms as required. The proposal will be fiscally sustainable from admission/ticket sales, rental fees, sponsorships, concessions, and merchandise sales as well as ongoing donations through the V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club members, donors, and organizations.


Besides the requested LB1024 grant, the only other funding sources we anticipate at this time are through private donations to the V-Up Vikings Booster Club through booster club members and individual and business donors throughout the community.


Not applicable. Private donations are already being collected and will continue to be in accordance with our timeline to build.


This proposal requires at least $4,000,000 to build the stadium alone as it requires the purchase of the proposed real estate, in addition to the labor and materials for the preparation and construction of the stadium and field.


Yes, this proposal is scalable and can be completed in smaller components as broken down in the proposed timeline, namely by building the stadium & field, event center, and parking lot separately of one another. Each line item is broken out in the budget accordingly.


Yes, this proposal is scalable and can be completed in smaller components as broken down in the proposed timeline, namely by building the stadium & field, event center, and parking lot separately of one another. Each line item is broken out in the budget accordingly.


The V-Up Vikings Football Booster Club intends to raise $3,750,000, or 50% of the total budget for the North Omaha Stadium & Event Center through booster club members, Omaha North alumni, and new and existing private donors and business relationships in the community.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation