NEWbraska Partners: NEWbraska UrbaNatural: Build a Powerful NEWbraska with UrbaNatural branding for new workforces, new developments and new innovations.




NEWbraska Partners


1901 Howard Street, Suite 325 Omaha NE 68102


PO Box 43 Omaha NE 68101



LinkedIn: Lee-myers-omaha, growthdynamixconsulting, lukeaarmstrong


Lee Myers


Founding Partner



+1 (402) 598-4131




i. Principal partners include Lee Myers, Lynn Hinderaker, Luke Armstrong, NEWbraska Partners, RENMIND, NEWbraska CommonSense, NEWbraska Transportation, WOWbiz, Emergent Architecture with Patrick Leahy, CaliCommons, NCS International with Jim Beatty, Feysel Rahmeto, Omaha Star with Terri Sanders, and El Perico with John Heaston.


NEWbraska Partners grew out of a partnership agreement and will have a non-profit Nebraska corporation and a Nebraska Limited Liability Corporation.


1. We will help improve economic conditions (get jobs, create jobs) in North and South Omaha. The ideas that work in one area will be imported into the other via our UrbaNatural Institute. 2. We bring people together that are probably not aware of each other. This diversity can foster innovation. 3. We raise the quality of the thinking of recipients of LB1024. This brings unprecedented cooperation. 4. Our proposed buildings improve the health of its tenants/users and educates about sustainability. 5. This project melds capitalism and social responsibility in one package and platform. 6. This project serves North and South Omaha, but also accelerates talent attraction to the entire city...again, special to these times. 7. The buildings, the interiors and the landscaping will unleash new energy. Totally different. 8. This project goes beyond design and programming to include marketing and education. Very unusual. 9. All tenants, investors and trainers will be asked to become part of NEWbraska UrbaNatural and receive ecosystem-related support for more interdependence.


NEWbraska UrbaNatural: Build a Powerful NEWbraska with UrbaNatural branding for new workforces, new developments and new innovations.






Combination of capital project and service/program


Omaha’s LB1024 projects need to be powerful. As consultants in over 40 industries and Nebraska communities, we know that power doesn’t corrupt as much as powerlessness corrupts. If people aren’t provided with real power they create artificial power -- which wastes scarce energy on bureaucracy. Powerless Empowered Create bureaucracy Do the right thing Insecure Self-confident See ‘them and us’ See ‘we’ Focus on task Focus on result Follow rules Innovate/think See win-loss issues See win-win issues To keep businesspeople and community activists on the right path, everyone must focus on the “empowered” (above right). Making everything more difficult, two groups of people must be empowered: -- North and South Omaha stakeholders who have endured decades of setbacks and poverty. -- Knowledge workers who are reluctant to move to Omaha or those inclined to leave for more diverse environments. To succeed, someone must clarify the vision, meld the players, create new benefits, point to the next steps and reinforce progress. That is our proposal. This is known as ‘Concept Leadership.’ Our NEWbraska consulting team is the organization that will make this Concept Leadership compelling to Omaha people. Our concept is a new combination word: ‘UrbaNatural.’ Obviously, it connects two opposites – urban plus natural. UrbaNatural thinking will drive the architecture, construction, landscaping and interior design of two unique buildings in South Omaha and North Omaha. Inside these two buildings, opposites will come together creating a vibe and a physical platform for innovation in business and society. Research has proven that combining opposites fosters innovation. This speaks to both racial diversity and contemporary building design and cultural growth. NEWbraska Partners will use UrbaNatural concept leadership to create artistic environments that attract jobs and entrepreneurial employers. Training and tech upskilling will complement water, wood and metal that unleash creative/connective thinking. This is a new form of empowerment - a broad shift toward diversity, design, innovation and marketing -- a powerful, cross-cultural, job-creating strategy for North/South Omaha. NEWbraska’s Lynn Hinderaker and Lee Myers have broad and deep skills to drive change. Their integrative partnerships with other LB1024 projects will enable a new brand to connect all.


a. Year 1 i. Concept writing and agreements ii. Partnerships engagements iii. Architectural renderings for 2 similar buildings – one in North Omaha’s eligible tracts and one in South Omaha’s eligible tracts iv. Citizen engagement v. Choosing specific tracts for buildings in South Omaha and North Omaha b. Year 2 i. Engineering for 2 sites ii. Program activation around Omaha in anticipation of the programs to be offered in the community hub buildings iii. Citizen engagement c. Year 3 i. First building construction ii. Second building construction iii. Neighborhood engagement iv. Citizen surveys and narratives plotted over time d. July 2025 completion i. First building occupied and active ii. Second building nearly complete iii. Citizen surveys and narratives plotted over time




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Goals a. Transformational: With community hubs in North Omaha and South Omaha, citizens will continuously see a connection between their comments and action within the hub building in response to their inputs. b. Fundamental: With community hubs in South Omaha and North Omaha, perception within the region will see an activity focus on workforce development, economic development and citizen engagement. c. Long-lasting Economic Growth: With community hubs in North Omaha and South Omaha, cross-fertilization of ideas, efforts and funding will create widespread economic vitality with new partnerships visible to all. Community Needs a. Sustainable: With community hubs providing technology, coaching and social media support, new and fledgling organizations can start small and find their audience and supporters. b. Multi-modal Transportation: by locating these two hubs on existing bus lines and also providing space and support for a public transportation coordination center for first-mile and last-mile demand/response rides, Omaha will have a true system for scheduled trips from anywhere to anyplace at any time for anyone (in partnership with the LB1024 applicant “NEWbraska Transportation”). c. Other infrastructure: Business improvement districts in South Omaha and North Omaha will be supported with office space, technology and social media communications allowing them to develop and find a support network for what they most find productive. d. Quality of Life: With community hubs providing surveys, coaching, training and organization support for accounting, communications and leadership, North Omaha and South Omaha can develop the finance, health, city services and infrastructure that the citizens as priorities Proposal impact a. Description: i. Just as The Riverfront project in downtown Omaha set in place two separate efforts (first with construction, second with activation), this “Powerful NEWbraska” under an “UrbaNatural” brand will set in place construction elements and programming activation elements (to use the new construction). ii. A new community hub building in South Omaha and a new community hub building in North Omaha will be the focal points for activation elements all over North and South Omaha, not just in the hub buildings. iii. Besides the new construction, citizens will engage with efforts to begin new neighborhood surveys, public transportation rides, education and training, and small retail starts. b. Needs alignment i. The neighborhood activation elements will find those activities that can be sustained in the community, not only dreamed about but sustained. By using a partner, CommonSense Omaha, activation can be tracked over months and years. Therefore, sustainability will be a monthly focus. ii. Multimodal transportation will grow out of the partnership within NEWbraska Transportation that is starting public transportation coordination centers in the hub buildings that will start and demonstrate how “first mile” and “last mile” rides can extend the public transportation system to all corners of Omaha -- to arrange rides for anyone, to anywhere at any time. iii. Quality of life issues will be found in the new survey system of NEWbraska. These new methods for surveys will be found and developed by the CommonSense Omaha activation centered in the new hub buildings. iv. Civic policy issues also will be uncovered in the new survey system of NEWbraska, issues to be found and developed by the CommonSense Omaha activation.


i. A Powerful NEWbraska with UrbaNatural branding would combine new construction with community wide fundamental changes in citizen engagement, transportation, and neighborhood communications (with Partner RENMIND). ii. Combining new community hub buildings with community-wide activation of new communication tools, survey tools and transportation rides would transform South and North Omaha by offering many points of new interaction and new connections among the citizens. iii. Powerful NEWbraska with UrbaNatural branding would be long-lasting as it would not depend on one, large, complex effort, but would combine many smaller probes through innovation. This new effort would be sustainable for general business, industries, offices and civic/cultural organizations as the new communication and transportation tools would provide new ways to connect citizen to citizen.


This Powerful NEWbraska with UrbaNatural branding initiative aligns with the strategic priorities of fundamental change, transformational efforts and long-lasting economic benefits because it includes elements of new physical construction, community activation in transportation and communications, as well as all the soft skills of education, training and personal development spread across both North and South Omaha.


The permanent and temporary jobs created by this project cannot be counted at this time. The construction will create both permanent and temporary jobs. The activation of programs will create both permanent and temporary jobs.


Unknown at this early stage -- depending on who will own the buildings.


Unknown at this early stage -- depending on who will own the buildings.


Union scale for construction work. Others at competitive Omaha wage scales.


NEWbraska CommonSense will help to find the businesses and contractors from the Qualified Census Tracts.


The major community benefit from this project will be the overarching brand of “UrbaNatural” that will tie together the LB1024 projects into a brand standing for diversity in the neighborhoods and in the economy; a brand standing for improvements in the “vibe” and in the feeling of culture -- and thereby increasing the livability in the North and South communities. ii. With the ongoing “CommonSense Omaha” surveys and data the project will be able to do more of what is working and do less of what is not working – which defines sustainability for both the economic action and cultural action.


Powerful NEWbraska with UrbaNatural branding would be long-lasting as it would not depend on one, large, complex effort, but would combine many smaller probes through innovation. This new effort would be sustainable for general business, industries, offices and civic/cultural organizations as the new communication and transportation tools would provide new ways to connect citizen to citizen.


This NEWbraska UrbaNatural project demonstrates both the best practices from civic engagement practices world-wide as well as demonstrating innovation in the American Midwest. Having the LB1024 projects coordinated and branded especially for Omaha will demonstrate the best of up-to-date civic governance here.


Outcomes from this project will be seen by: NEWbraska Omaha surveys and data from current civic engagement and citizen input meetings and online activities – both as counts for a slice in time and as ongoing trend lines.


NEWbraska CommonSense will help this project measure attendance and activities at the community hubs. Measure job openings filled from increased transportation options. Measure healthcare appointments completed from increased transportation options.


Co-investment and secondary investment will be needed for the two buildings constructed and for the leased spaces in the two buildings. Also, the UrbaNatural label will attract other business, living and investment acts.




Principal partners include Lee Myers, Lynn Hinderaker, Luke Armstrong, NEWbraska Partners, RENMIND, NEWbraska CommonSense, NEWbraska Transportation, WOWbiz, Emergent Architecture with Patrick Leahy, CaliCommons, NCS International with Jim Beatty, Feysel Rahmeto, Omaha Star with Terri Sanders, and El Perico with John Heaston. Other partners we look forward to working with include Culxr House, Hot Shops, Benson Theatre, Union for Contemporary Art, Bluebarn Theatre, 1M Cups, ModeShift Omaha, Manne Cook, Omaha by Design, MAPA, Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Aksarben Foundation, Knight Moves of Des Moines, Modus Coworking Omaha


A memorandum of understanding has been signed with Emergent Architecture on the buildings design. No others have been signed.





The two locations will be determined by NEWbraska CommonSense community surveys and LB1024 oversight committees from among the Qualified Census Tracts.


Within one or more QCTs


Building renderings and cost estimates uploaded.










An architect's estimates






Budget i. Three years of activation beginning in 2023 and continuing through 2025 1. Budget = $233,000 per year 2. LB1024 = $166,000 per year ii. Construction costs on building 1 = $19,000,000 Architectural and Engineering work on 2 buildings = $7,000,000 per building 1. Budget = $7,000,000 in year 1 for building 1 from LB1024 2. Budget = $7,000,000 in year 2 for building 2 from LB1024 3. OR zero from LB1024 if the buildings’ owners were to be private iii. Construction costs on building 2 = $19,000,000


Activation and operations for 3 years at $166,000 per year from LB1024 Architectural, engineering and site preparations for 2 buildings at $7,000,000 per building -- unless private ownerships were brought in for capital costs. Construction at $19,000,000 per building -- unless private ownerships were brought in for capital costs. i. The ownership of the two community hub buildings can either be privately held or held by a non-profit organization. ii. If the ownership of the two buildings were to be held by a non-profit organization, then the contribution of LB1024 funds could be held to $7 million per building – with the balance of construction costs coming from philanthropic organizations. iii. If the ownership of the two buildings were to be held by a private corporation who largely funded the construction of them, then the contribution of LB1024 funds could be held to $1 million or less per building – with the balance of construction costs coming from banks and philanthropic organizations.




Grant funds usage i. LB1024 grant funds could jump-start this project with three years of activation funding at $500,000 ii. PLUS, LB1024 could jump-start the architectural and engineering work with $7 million advanced in the first and second years so as to enable definite construction cost bids. e. Financial Sustainability i. To explore this project’s financial feasibility, only $500,000 of LB1024 funds would be at risk as the architectural, engineering and construction costs could only be undertaken when a full financial plan can be funded and approved. ii. Future funding for the activation portion can be secured and committed during the first three years of activation.


i. Other funding for this project will be necessary from construction companies, banks and private developers – in some combination with philanthropic and private sources. ii. Decisions on other funding sources can be coordinated with LB1024 schedules.



Without activation and operations funds for three years, the project could not get started.


The buildings can be started in store-fronts and other smaller spaces if a transformational project can not be undertaken.


This project can be undertaken in smaller components by sequencing into the future some of the activation activities and spacing out the buildings construction.


Partners in this project have committed $100,000 to the groundwork and will have spent more than that amount getting ready for this application. That money is already committed.










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses