North Omaha Music & Arts (NOMA): NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio




North Omaha Music & Arts (NOMA)


2510 N 24th St Omaha, NE 68110


2510 N 24th St Omaha, NE 68110




Dana Murray


Executive Director



+1 (402) 819-8804




Dana Murray – Executive Director, Berklee School of Music scholarship recipient, professional jazz percussionist, recording artist, music educator, founder of Dojo (percussion team). David Hawkins – Executive Assistant, Omaha Native, Professional Percussionist, Percussion teacher, works at Audio Engineer as a producer. Karalee Picard – Chief of People and Operations, Doctorate in Leadership and Organizational Development, employed at the Defense and Intelligence Agency (DIA) for 16 years, Navy Veteran, member of Omaha Rotary Club, board member of two nonprofit organizations in Omaha. John McMillan – Director of Marketing, Bachelor's in Journalism and Advertising, Sr. Account Manager at Anderson Partners. Mike Wostoupol – Director of Finance, Bachelors in Accounting, Executive Education- Masters in Structured Settlement Consultant, LIMRA Leadership Institute Fellow, Managing Director/CFO of NFP Structured Settlements and NDC Advisors. Kelly Sanford – Director of Development, Bachelors in Business Administration/Sales Management, Masters in Public Administration, Certificate in Gerontology, Opera Omaha Guild past president, Suburban Rotary, 22 years of long-term care marketing and admissions. Christopher Leach – Director of Education, doctoral jazz student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), lead trombone in UNL Jazz Orchestra member of UNL Graduate Jazz Combo, directs UNL Big Band and coaches undergraduate jazz combos; teaches jazz piano lessons, masterclasses, and co-leads the monthly jazz jam sessions. Judi Unger – Music Talent Outreach, Masters in Education and Minor in Special Education, Mezzo-Soprano for Opera Omaha, Musical Theater, public school educator. Faye Comer – Director of Facilities, Sprint executive for 25 years, sales trainer and coach, Habitat for Humanity, managed fashion shows and hospitality services. Bobby Brumfield – Director of IT, Founder and Managing Partner of Leonum Advisors Corporate Protection Management, 15 years of service as an Omaha Police Detective, FBI Safe Streets Task Force Officer; co-founder of Men Against Domestic Violence Action Coalition; board member of Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Concord Mediation Center, and Inclusive Communities. Strawhecker Nonprofit Services – Fundraising Consultant // Board of Directors – LaVonya Goodwin, 24th Street Business Improvement District Cathi Roberts, Roberts Foundation Mike Wostoupal, CFO at NFP Structured Settlements Jim McKernan, Vice President., General manager WOWT Dan Swoboda, Anderson Partners advertising, Partner/Creative Director, Terri Sanders, Publisher, The Omaha Star


Dana Murray leads the team as the Executive Director of NOMA. He has recruited a team of professionals that share the same passion to revitalize the blues and jazz music and arts scene in North Omaha. The team has dedicated their time and effort to put forth the NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio. A visualization of the organizational chart is uploaded.


NOMAFEST – First North Omaha Music & Arts Festival to be held on North 24th Street in May 2022. It featured 14 local bands, food, and vendors. Masters Classes – In November 2021, we held a master class and concert with international Grammy-winning jazz artists Eric Revis, JD Allen and Nasheet Waits. In December 2021, we held another master class with legendary drummer and multiple Grammy winner, John JR Robinson. In September 2022, we held a master class and concert with internationally heralded trumpet player Russell Gunn. The master class was held at no cost to attendees and the concert was sold out.


NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio






Combination of capital project and service/program


North Omaha Music & Arts (NOMA) was founded to give children and youth of the Omaha community an opportunity to grow and develop their creative talents no matter their background. The NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio is part of the North Omaha community redevelopment efforts to present something truly transformative to the community. We have assembled an incredibly dedicated team that has developed a vision for the organization that will ensure the growth and sustainability for not only the North Omaha community, but the entire city of Omaha. The Academy and Performing Arts Studio will be located at 2510 N 24th St, Omaha, Nebraska. Our total estimated cost for the renovation and build out for the property is $18.5 million and our estimated operational and programming expenses for the next three years, not including construction is approximately $12.3 million. Our plan is to build in phases. The first phase will renovate the current space as it sits today and will occur after completing fundraising for $3.2 million. The second phase will involve the removal of the far north building (smallest of the three) and build out the combined space between it and the adjacent property once fundraising of $14 million is completed. Another $1.3 million is included in the $18.5 million capital budget to provide instruments, technology, and a mural on the south exterior wall. The remaining $12.3 million of the request for three years of operational and programming is key to ensuring economic recovery of the North Omaha, 24th Street district and neighborhood, where the quality of training and education will be accompanied by a world-class music and art talent creating an environment for social interactions with our Academy and Performing Arts Studio to be enjoyed by the entire North Omaha area.


Held first NOMA Masters Class – November 2021, Held first NOMAFEST – May 2022, Request transfer of ownership from city to NOMA – July 2022, City approved transfer – September 2022, Held first sold-out concert and Masters Class – September 2022, Complete fundraising for phase 1 – December 2022, Complete renovation of existing building – July 2023, Restart programming in renovated spaces – August 2023, Complete fundraising for phase 2 – December 2023, Begin construction of phase 2 – January 2024, Complete construction of phase 2 – July 2024, Begin programming and events in new spaces – August 2024




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio will improve North Omaha by helping to create the foundation of a sustainable community by providing increased services to the community in Music classes, Dance classes, Master Arts classes, and more. NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio will provide education to youth and adults. The education will grow artists in blues, jazz, and soul. Master classes will bring in top artists in their genre to teach, so adults and children can learn from great artists. NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio will provide a venue for blues, jazz, and rock artists to perform. This will include local artists, nurtured at NOMA, and imported in from throughout the country. NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio will increase the foot traffic on 24th Street through its events and classes. NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio will revitalize 24th Street as an epic center of blues and jazz, as North Omaha once was. NOMA is already working with District 2, the City of Omaha, and the Chamber, and many business development initiatives to ensure the NOMA aligns with the priorities of the area and city. NOMA’s part in rehabilitating the district will expand the number of multipurpose community facilities in the area and will be open to use for the entire community. While we are already partnering with community leaders, we look forward to partnering with the community further as the renovations of the current building are completed, musicians come to the area, and the new building is completed. NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio will improve quality of life for the residents of North 24th Street, North Omaha, and the Omaha Metro by providing a location for Blues and Jazz music and arts to thrive. Additionally, the location of NOMA includes the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park that will only be enhanced by the sleek design of the NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio and a mural depicting the essence of North Omaha. Befittingly, Dreamland Park is 350 feet from NOMA and embodies the spirit NOMA will bring to North 24th Street and North Omaha.


North Omaha is a “diverse, entrepreneurial, and proud” community. Insufficient Infrastructure Exists - From the North Omaha SWOT Analysis (STRENGTH): “North Omaha has several mobility resources including roadway networks on an easy-to-navigate grid system, publicly subsidized transportation, sidewalk infrastructure, and access to the Omaha Eppley Airfield.” NOMA will capitalize on this strength of North Omaha as it is located between two of the major transportation infrastructure. To the west is Highway 75 with an exit onto Lake Street easing participants to arrive at NOMA with ease from every part of the Omaha Metro. To the east is 24th street which is a main route for public transportation. From the North Omaha SWOT Analysis (WEAKNESS) “Large infrastructure bifurcates community.” To the west of 24th Street a large infrastructure, John F. Kennedy Highway, Highway 75, can be seen as a barrier to the western part of North Omaha. However, it is also an opportunity for easy access into North 24th Street to bring in an economic boost because of accessibility to the neighborhood. According to the Figure 5.3 North Omaha Internet Availability, less than 50% of the neighborhood surrounding NOMA have internet access. NOMA successfully brought Fiber Optic internet access to the neighborhood in 2022. Business owners and residents could now tap into higher speed internet access. Needs development that fits within the cultural context - Forever North focuses on the North 24th Street corridor, which was established as a Development Opportunity Area in the North Omaha Village Revitalization Plan (2011). The study provides a strategic action plan for vibrant, sustainable development that values existing residents while attracting new community members. The planning area covers an approximately 2.2-mile-long corridor along North 24th Street, generally bound by Ames Avenue to the north, Cuming Street to the south, Highway 75 to the west, and North 20th Street to the east. NOMA is a major asset in all four priorities – Development, Connections, Art, History, and Culture, Programs and Services. Needs access and tools to leverage community resources - The North Omaha region on North 24th street is deeply rooted in blues and jazz. With the great team and vision of NOMA, the community will now have access to a world of music education and cultural enlightenment at the NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio. It will also leverage the resources already established on North 24th Street, such as the Union for Contemporary Art, Culxr House, and the Great Plains Black History Museum.


NOMA’s mission aligns well with LB1024’s strategic priorities, including using the grant toward economic recovery of the North Omaha, 24th Street district/neighborhood, where the quality of training and education will be accompanied by a world-class music and art talent creating an environment for social interactions with our music venue, coffee shop, and bar to be enjoyed by the entire North Omaha area. This is in addition to creating at least 60-65 jobs in the area for local residents. NOMA is already working with District 2, the City of Omaha, and the Chamber, and many business development initiatives to ensure the NOMA aligns with the priorities of the area and city. NOMA’s part in rehabilitating the District will expand the number of multipurpose community facilities in the area and will be open to use for the entire community. While we are already partnering with community leaders, we look forward to partnering with the community further as the renovations of the current building are completed, musicians come to the area, and the new building is completed.


NOMA is in the beginning stage of a full economic study with Goss & Associates and will be able to provide specific numbers for the benefits that this group will bring to the Omaha area. According to a study done by Goss & Associates (3) in 2007 every $1,000,000 added to the budgets of nonprofit performing arts organization in Omaha produced: $3,661,266 in sales or overall economic activity $930,650 in wages and salaries $88,409 in self-employment income 46 jobs $185,831 in state and local taxes NOMA has a goal of $12 million for the first three years of operation costs. It is anticipated that NOMA will create 60 to 65 permanent jobs with $7 million in wages and salaries over the next three years. Staff will be offered benefits and professional development throughout the course of their employment. $3,661,266 in sales or overall economic activity $930,650 in wages and salaries $88,409 in self-employment income 46 jobs $185,831 in state and local taxes NOMA has a goal of $12 million for the first three years of operation costs. It is anticipated that NOMA will create 60 to 65 permanent jobs with $7 million in wages and salaries over the next three years.


The NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio capital project will bring in at least 60-65 full and part-time permanent jobs in the next two years. Staff will be offered benefits and professional development throughout the course of their employment.


The NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio capital project will bring in at least 40-45 temporary/construction jobs in the next two years.


It is anticipated that NOMA will offer $7 million in wages and salaries over the next three years. Staff will be offered benefits and professional development throughout the course of their employment.


Located on the north-west corner of 24th Street and Lake Street, NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio is within Tract 11 and adjacent to Tract 12. The positive impacts on Omaha via the direct employment of NOMA along with the creation of new businesses to support the growing music industry, will support the long-term brain gain of supporting local musicians and keeping them in Omaha and Nebraska, which is a problem now facing Nebraska. NOMA is anticipating that it will turn North Omaha into a designated creative district. This in turn will generate significant economic impacts for Nebraska but specially for North Omaha An Americans for the Arts study counts 300-plus designated creative districts in the nation and yet, Senator Megan Hunt said, “Nebraska was one of only two states without them.” Hunt argued districts enhance quality of life, which in turn helps attract tourists, employers and job candidates, plus retains young professionals. Without the designation, she said, “We were really missing a chance to keep young people here, to attract and retain talent and to tell the world about Nebraska’s rich history of cultural vibrancy.”


While the greater Omaha community will have access to NOMA’s services and facilities, the greatest area of impact will be on the North 24th Street corridor and the surrounding community. As such, NOMA will serve a majority BIPOC youth (largely Black). In addition, the area around NOMA's facility is significantly economically disadvantaged. As an example, the closest school, Conestoga Magnet School (OPS), has a free or reduced lunch rate of 91%. In response, NOMA will work to make opportunities for involvement with music affordable, offering free or reduced tuition when able, likely within a needs-based scholarship structure that will be funded by generous community support and earned revenue from ticketed events.


While outreach into underserved communities is important and beneficial, providing services that originate from WITHIN the community has generally been proven to have even greater benefit, allowing the community to help determine artistic needs and interests and assist the organization in bringing them to fruition. Giving a community artistic and cultural space they can feel proud of - with a sense of community ownership and belonging - can be extremely empowering. As part of a larger North 24th Street Revitalization Project, NOMA will positively contribute to the area’s efforts to draw on its history and help make a blighted area more attractive destination both for those living in the neighborhood and those from outside it. Further, establishing these cultural nonprofits within an economically disadvantaged area can create significant positive economic impact for the neighborhood, as these organizations also generate earned revenue and drive business into the areas in which they are located. In this case, NOMA will host nationally and internationally known musicians who will perform and teach masterclasses at the NOMA facility, bringing more money and patrons into North Omaha. Lastly, as determined by hundreds of studies through the years, music has been shown to provide young people with a wide breadth of benefits. Because of this, the predominately low-income, Black youth from the area will have easy access to high quality, affordable music education within their own community, which will help them develop both as artists and as people – becoming better students, family members, and contributing members of the community. These types of positive experiences and opportunities for personal and prosocial interaction and development can ultimately contribute to an individual’s ability to break the cycle of poverty.


Dana and his team have proven that their innovation to bring Masters Classes to North Omaha will attract attention in North Omaha and throughout the city of Omaha. In November 2021, we held a master class and concert with international Grammy-winning jazz artists Eric Revis, JD Allen and Nasheet Waits. In December 2021, we held another master class with legendary drummer and multiple Grammy winner, John JR Robinson. In September 2022, we held a master class and concert with internationally heralded trumpet player Russell Gunn. The master class was held at no cost to attendees and the concert was sold out. According to the Nebraska arts council, every $1 that government invests in the arts leverages an additional $9 in local match, private contributions, and earned income. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, states that arts and cultural production contributed $764 billion to the nation’s economy in 2015. This represents 4.2 percent of the GDP—a larger share of the economy than transportation, tourism, or construction. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that the Nebraska arts and cultural production accounts for $3.0 billion dollars and 2.2% of the Nebraska economy, contributing 26,888 jobs.


NOMA’s ultimate vision and mission includes that by 2024 it will be a destination of its own and will draw people from all of Omaha and the surrounding areas for entertainment. NOMA’s fiscal endeavors will fuel other economic entities, its agenda will broaden the economic environment because of 24th and Lake will be a destination. In addition to the economic and educational benefits of NOMA, the NOMA Vision also brings in tourism impact. An Americans for the Arts study counts 300-plus designated creative districts in the nation and yet, Senator Megan Hunt said, “Nebraska was one of only two states without them.” Hunt argued districts enhance quality of life, which in turn helps attract tourists, employers and job candidates, plus retains young professionals. Without the designation, she said, “We were really missing a chance to keep young people here, to attract and retain talent and to tell the world about Nebraska’s rich history of cultural vibrancy.”


The Nebraska Economic Development Council and the City of Omaha Economic Development Council will not only see an increase in the local economy of North Omaha, but an overall economic boost in tourism, arts and history, and more.


Yes, the city of Omaha will be able see that their investment into the Omaha tourism and services industry will be able to not only center around sports events, but it should also be able to include Arts & Culture events.




We have verbal collaborative efforts planned with Omaha Home for Boys(OHB), saving Grace Perishable food rescue, Duet(Marcy Browning), Zedeka Poindexter at Nebraska Writers Collective, The Omaha Star (Terri Sanders), Omaha Street Percussion, Boys and Girls Club, Blackburn Academy, and NorthStar Foundation. Since inception, we have collaborated with nonprofit organizations House of Afros, Capes & Curls for a Steampunk Tea Party Juneteenth celebration. Additionally, we have collaborated with The Union for Contemporary Art Executive Director, Brigitte McQueen.






NOMA was recently granted the ownership of the former Love’s Jazz building at 2510 N. 24th St. The NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio will be located at 2506 and 2510 North 24th Street, on the corner of 24th and Lake. Adjacent to the three buildings is the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park. Diagonally across the location is The Union for Contemporary Art, 350 feet south on 24th street is Dreamland Park with a homage to Jazz and Blues musicians, and one-fifth of a mile south of the location is the Great Plains Black History Museum. 0.3 miles north of the location is Culxr House. The capital project includes renovating the current building as the Academy, while student application progresses, which will enable initial programming of music education across several instruments to start. The current building requires extensive remodeling to provide private, sound-proof rooms for individual and small group lessons to occur. It also includes a café which will serve students and the community, in addition to funding a small bar for use during music events. The capital project also includes a Performing Arts Studio, a true entertainment venue drawing people from all walks of life and who are willing to pay to hang out and listen to world-class talented artists.


Within one or more QCTs




















We are requesting $30.8 million be granted for the NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio. Our total estimated cost for the renovation and build out for the property is $18.5 million and our estimated operational and programming expenses for the next three years, not including construction is approximately $12.3 million. Our plan is to build in phases. The first phase will renovate the current space as it sits today and will occur after completing fundraising for $3.2 million. The second phase will involve the removal of the far north building (smallest of the three) and build out the combined space between it and the adjacent property once fundraising of $14 million is completed. Another $1.3 million is included in the $18.5 million capital budget to provide instruments, technology, and a mural on the south exterior wall. The remaining $12.3 million of the request for three years of operational and programming is key to ensuring economic recovery of the North Omaha, 24th Street district and neighborhood, where the quality of training and education will be accompanied by a world-class music and art talent creating an environment for social interactions with our Academy and Performing Arts Studio to be enjoyed by the entire North Omaha area. A complete detail of the budget is uploaded.


LB1024 grant funds will be used for the capital construction and first three years of operations. Any portion of the request not granted will be fundraised through an aggressive capital campaign to ensure project completion by July 2024. The LB1024 grant will enable NOMA to begin renovating the current building as the student application progresses, which will enable initial programming of music education across several instruments to start. The current building requires extensive remodeling to provide private, sound-proof rooms for individual and small group lessons to occur. Without this grant, the open concept of NOMA’s current building is restricted to large group education sessions, which is not conducive to our education model and individuals will not be able to thrive, only groups. Without this grant, the remodeling will be put on hold until sufficient funds can be raised to start the project, and the new building probably will not be completed until 2026. This grant will also enable NOMA to pay staff and teachers to ensure they can afford to dedicate their talents and time to this worthy endeavor, which will enable more energy to be expended on the building the full programming to all genres and instruments, in addition to voice and dance lessons. Without this grant, we will not be able to attract the world-class talent in the area to teach our students the standards of excellence necessary to succeed in the entertainment industry. With this grant, NOMA will create the highest standards of music education in North Omaha. Additionally, this grant will enable NOMA to hire in masters from around the world to teach masterclasses, which will demonstrate to our students the caliber of musician they can envision themselves to become with our training and education. This grant would certainly enable the one section of building to be torn down in the near-term and to build the new events center, where the world-class talent from across the country will be drawn to perform. North Omaha needs this entertainment venue completed on the soonest timeline to ensure that NOMA can fulfill the vision of being the first entertainment venue in North Omaha and will enable raising further revenue to expand the campus to several venues which will draw people from across Omaha, Nebraska, and the surrounding states.




If NOMA is granted the full amount of the capital project and the first three years of operations, NOMA will be able to put all its efforts into fundraising for programming and an endowment fund to be utilized for operating cost of the building and teacher salaries. Our vision for NOMA is to be the foundation and impetus to re-building the 24th Street District into what will be again known as North Omaha’s Music District. This grant will fund NOMA’s Café which will serve students and the community, in addition to funding a small Bar for use during music events. NOMA’s future vision includes adding a music book and instrument store and a restaurant which will all create additional jobs and raise additional revenue for further expansion. NOMA will have a true entertainment venue drawing people from all walks of life and who are willing to pay to hang out and listen to world-class talented artists. If we receive the grant amount requested, by the time the new building is completed in 2024, we will be a self-sustaining nonprofit and will have created at least 60-65 jobs in the North Omaha area. We will then move forward with a solid foundation as we utilize the new building to raise revenue for expansion – while simultaneously drawing in additional developers who will add restaurants, shops, and venues to truly begin to re-build the area which will be known again as North Omaha’s Music District. NOMA’s Performing Arts Studio will be an immediate making-money music venue, drawing the world-class talent. NOMA has already confirmed a commitment from 1% Production to book the venue once it is complete. Because NOMA is a nonprofit, we will be able to use that revenue for operational funding because we know that people will pay for world-class talented artists’ concerts, and we will consistently draw live-music consumers into the venue. NOMA intends to build additional music venues for different genres – this first new building is simply a steppingstone. NOMA envisions a campus of buildings spread throughout North Omaha but using this first building to raise the revenue to build additional buildings, in the same model as Omaha Performing Arts. Because we intend to have programing and events that is diversified to suit the palates of the North Omaha community, it will automatically draw all of Omaha to enjoy our entertainment. One venue will be a place to showcase rising students’ talent, which will bring in less money than big-named artists but will help to develop their work in live-venues and will create its own revenue as well. Also, we know that while the big, well-known artists will bring in with draw consumers, we will be drawing in big donors as well who want to see this mission grow. We will be offering bespoke sessions or masterclasses with world-class talented artists to raise the bar for donations. As NOMA builds out the additional venues, the entire campus will broaden NOMA’s entertainment base, so further restaurants, shops, and venues are expected to emerge nearby.


NOMA has focused on ensuring there is a solid plan for the development of the North 24th Street district. It has not yet explored the complete fundraising plan for the NOMA Academy and Performing Arts Studio. The philanthropic planning study (feasibility) is expected to be accomplished in the fall/winter 2022.


NOMA will be exploring a full capital campaign and will update the city of this plan.


The flow of commerce and economic stimulus created by our proposed 450 Seat music venue is absolutely contingent upon raising the requisite funds for the project. At a minimum, we require the Capital funds of $18.5 Million to ensure the property is developed. Without this grant, the open concept of NOMA’s current building is restricted to large group education sessions, which is not conducive to our education model and individuals will not be able to thrive, only groups. Without this grant, the remodeling will be put on hold until sufficient funds can be raised to start the project, and the new building probably will not be completed until 2026. Without this grant, we will not be able to attract the world-class talent in the area to teach our students the standards of excellence necessary to succeed in the entertainment industry.


The timeline of the project is divided into two phases to ensure that programming and fundraising can occur simultaneously.


The phases of the project have been demonstrated in the timeline.


NOMA has not begun fundraising for the capital project. However, in the short time of existence NOMA has raised over $77,000 in grants and revenue and provided programming to the community in the form of a festival, master classes, and performances of high-caliber music artists. Dana Murray states, "If there is to be “real” change that moves the needle of progress, there must be an equal level of sacrifice. My personal sacrifice has been pivoting my life as a successful musician, music producer and recording artist in order to maximize the development of the vision for NOMA. This includes but is a little not limited to forgoing a salary while donating seven to $10,000 of my personal funds."










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule