Freedomtainmet: Freedomtainment






6720 N. 30th St Omaha, NE 68112




Freedomtainment Omaha: facebook, Instagram, twitter, linkedin, tiktok


Calvin Williams


Operational Manager



+1 (402) 686-8316




Freedomtainment, INC and its 3 Board of Directors are comprised of North Omaha citizens representing the diversity of the community (2male / 1 female; 2 African American / 1 Caucasian). While there are no paid staff members at this time, the Board is mindful of engaging vendors that bring diversity and inclusive business practices. The Board members are: President: Calvin Brown – Master’s Degree in child psychology and entrepreneur, retail Secretary: Michelle Jones – entrepreneur, commercial cleaning Treasurer: Michael Dunn – entrepreneur, marketing


Freedomtainment, Inc. is governed by a 3-person board and supported by a 5-member advisory committee to provide guidance and community connection. It has no employees at this time; but rather works with independent contractors, local businesses (to provide paid services) and students. This request has 2 parts; where the first part creates 3 new jobs and the second part creates 10-12 new jobs.


the pandemic. Freedometainment facilitates the Omaha Freedom Festival, Level Up Career Fair, and other educational and wellness programs that align with the mission of Education, Empowerment and Entertainment. It has been successful in raising funds from both private and public sources to support its programming. • Being at the forefront of diversity and inclusivity initiatives representing the City of Omaha, Freedomtainment Leadership planned to celebrate Juneteenth and tell the historical story to Omaha and the surrounding communities before Juneteenth was even a federal holiday. • During the inaugural festival year and during the height of the pandemic (2021), attendance was 3x as expected (6,000 attendees). This grew to 8,475 in 2022. • The 2020 festival was unable to be held due to the pandemic causing a start-up loss of approximately $20,000 that was carried by the Festival Manager, Calvin Williams. He was able to be reimbursed from the retained net proceeds from the next two festivals as a working model had been established where the festival operates at or slightly above breakeven. • Freedomtainment has positioned the festival as a tourist activity that has been supported by the Douglas County Tourism board and the State of Nebraska Tourism department. Numerous hotel stays and visits from multiple states bring economic development into North Omaha. The number of hotel rooms tracked in 2021 was 43 and in 2022 it grew to 87 bringing visitors from 13 different states. • First preference of supplier/vendor partners has been tried to be filled by North Omaha businesses to build stability, synergy and create/support others’ jobs and build economic wealth. Vendors used from North Omaha include: Le Flore’s Fashions, Ozone Production, Lionsgate, Four Horseman, Pekins Security, Stable Gray, Josh Jones, Houston Alexander, DJ Chain, DJ Chevy, Mitchell Enterprises, Malcolm X Memorial Foundation, Heavenly Dogs, Gourmet Cuisine BBQ, Off Duty Police Officer’s from North Precinct, Toni D. Smith Advance Tax, Jazzy For A Reason Consulting, BJ’s Convenience Store. Collectively, these businesses have received over $200,000.00 for providing services to support the Omaha Freedom Festivals. • In 2021 Freedomtainment garnered national coverage for the Omaha Freedom Festival and its mission to celebrate Juneteenth as the College World Series kicked off live from The Malcolm X Memorial Foundation. • In response to the Omaha community need, Freedomtainment was asked to create new programming to help solve the un/under employment gap and responded with successfully holding the Level Up Career Fair connecting job seekers to sustainable jobs paying living wages. It was held Labor Day Saturday, 2022 with 1,243 attendees seeking jobs. Fifteen employers and 10 resource providers were present. • Freedomtainment received a $10,000 monthly Google Ad Grant which has enabled us to market Omaha and the festival nationally in alignment with Visit Omaha’s target cities for tourism: Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Kansas City, Des Moines, Sioux City (the 8 cities which represent the 8 schools named to participate in the College World Series).








Combination of capital project and service/program


Freedomtainment, Inc, a 501c3 nonprofit serving North Omaha, has a mission to bring awareness about African American culture through Education, Empowerment, and Entertainment activities, showcasing the North Omaha, Nebraska community, its rich history and present-day attributes by expanding access to local, social and business resources. Established in 2020, it has 2 premier community programs: • Omaha Freedom Festival – a celebration of Juneteenth • Level-up Career Fair & Tailgating Party – a workforce development initiative This grant request is comprised of 2 areas: 1. Enable Freedomtainment to scale and build on its existing programs, create 3 new jobs, and expand services to include mental health/wellness, job support. ($2.5 million) 2. Identify, purchase and re-develop a building near the 24th Street revitalization area into an event venue (1,000- 1,500 flex seating similar to The Slowdown and The Admiral), appropriate carrying costs for the grant term (2023-2026); filling a gap of North Omaha eligible locations to provide for community assembly to host arts, cultural, education and empowerment activities; adding to the transformational change including safe neighborhood night life options. ($9 million) Supporting this grant would create 3 new jobs within the non-profit itself and 10-12 positions needed to support events in the building once open for public/private use. Freedomtainment will headquarter from the building, mitigating its need to rent its existing space and will rent out the facility when not being used for its own programming creating a revenue stream. The first initiative, to support and scale services, will begin immediately upon grant award. The nonprofit requests $2,500,000 to create 3 new jobs (Director, Assistant, Marketing Specialist – total $140,000), and the festival bringing it to a national level with branded performance acts and tourism development ($500,000/year), workforce career fairs regularly offered ($40,000/year) and capacity assistance ($150,000/year). These funds will be expensed across 3 years of operation: 2023, 2024 and 2025 years. The 2nd initiative, to identify, acquire and re-develop a small venue with 1,000–1,500 flex seating and appropriate for start-up carrying costs during the grant period, is budgeted to be $9 million ($5 million building purchase and renovation after consultation with an area architect and developer and reviewing available property in the targeted zone (16th-24th / Lake-Ames) plus $4 million operating costs). This building would be ready by 2025 and create trickle-forward economic development by creating 10-12 new jobs and impacting the 24th street revitalization zone by providing a place of assembly during the day and create a bountiful night life opportunity. The building would need dedicated parking for 500 vehicles (most attendees will come in groups of 2-4). Ideally, it would like to create roof top seating for private events and build in garage doors where the main floor can open to the outside.


First Initiative (scale and build programming): • June 2023, create 3 new jobs for non-profit (Director, Assistant, Marketing Specialist) • June 2023, acquire assets to decrease on-going rental fees to include: staging, sound system, tenting, lighting, fencing, security/communication equipment, truck/trailer, POS system, merchandise station, tables, chairs and misc. equipment identified. • June 17th, 2023, Omaha Freedom Festival • September 2, 2023, Level Up Workforce Initiative Program • June 19th, 2024, Omaha Freedom Festival • September 4, 2024, Level Up Workforce Initiative Program • June 17th, 2025, Omaha Freedom Festival • September 2, 2025, Level Up Workforce Initiative Program • June 17th, 2026, Omaha Freedom Festival (if funds remain) Second Initiative (identify, purchase and re-develop building for flex seating venue) • June 2023, hire commercial real estate broker to find and acquire building or new land. Engage with architect and development company such as OEDC. • June 2023 (or as soon there after), complete purchase and begin building/re-development project. • Open by Spring 2025 to be ready for seasonal nightlife activity support • Summer 2025, Public grand opening dedication during Omaha Native Days




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Freedomtainment, Inc, a 501c3 nonprofit serving North Omaha has a mission to bring awareness about African American culture through Education, Empowerment, and Entertainment activities, showcasing the North Omaha, Nebraska community, its rich history and present-day attributes by expanding access to local, social and business resources. Established in 2020, it has 2 premier community programs: • Omaha Freedom Festival – a celebration of Juneteenth • Level-up Career Fair & Tailgating Party – a workforce development initiative This grant request is comprised of 2 areas: 1. Enable Freedomtainment to scale and build on its existing programs, while expanding services to include mental health/wellness, job training and support capacity. ($2.5 million) 2. Identify, purchase and re-develop a building near the 24th Street revitalization area into an event venue (1,000- 1,500 flex seating similar to The Slowdown and The Admiral) and appropriate for start-up carrying costs; filling a gap of North Omaha eligible locations to provide for community assembly to host arts, cultural, education and empowerment activities; adding to the transformational change including safe neighborhood night life options. ($9 million) Supporting the first initiative would create 3 new jobs within the non-profit itself and 10-12 positions needed to support events in the building once open for public/private use. Freedomtainment will headquarter from the building, mitigating its need to rent its existing space and will rent out the facility when not being used for its own programming creating a revenue stream. The first initiative, to support and scale services, will begin immediately upon grant award. The nonprofit requests $2,500,000 to create 3 new jobs (Director, Assistant, Marketing Specialist ($140,000/year)), and the festival bringing it to a national level with branded performance acts and tourism development ($500,000/year), workforce career fairs regularly offered ($40,000/year) and capacity assistance ($150,000/year). These funds will be expensed across 3 years of operation: 2023, 2024 and 2025 years. The 2021 and 2022 festivals were held at The Malcolm X Memorial Foundation’s Outdoor Event Plaza (34th & Evans) in the qualified census tract 53.00. The festival maxed out this space and needs to determine if it will continue to host at this location or re-locate to another eligible option to remain in North Omaha or adjacent. Other recommended sites for consideration include: Miller Park (Qualified Census Tract #3), Kountze Park (Qualified Census Tract #8), Gene Leahy Mall (adjacent, sharing a border with Qualified Census Tract #16 and sits 2 blocks slightly to the south) The 2nd initiative, to identify, acquire and re-develop a small venue with 1,000–1,500 flex seating and appropriate for carrying start-up costs during the grant period, is budgeted to be $9 million ($5 million building purchase and renovation after consultation with an area architect and developer and reviewing available property in the targeted zone (16th-24th / Lake-Ames) plus $4 million for operating costs. This building would be ready by 2025 and create trickle-forward economic development by creating 10-12 new jobs and impacting the 24th street revitalization zone by providing a place of assembly during the day and create a bountiful night life opportunity. The building would need dedicated parking for 500 vehicles (most attendees will come in groups of 2-4). Ideally, it would like to create roof top seating for private events and build in garage doors where the main floor can open to the outside. A venue this size will bring economic growth to North Omaha, impacting the other businesses and spur on tourism. It will fill the biggest void presently in the State of Nebraska by enabling a minority-controlled organization to operate a venue space for community engagement. Freedomtainment temporarily offices in the census tract 62.02, adjacent to the North Omaha qualif


The North Omaha vision workshop’s key takeaways identified the following topics which will be addressed by the Freedomtainment proposal: ● Culture and character integrated into the neighborhood ● Economic hub proximate to North Omaha ● Identified as Community Reinvestment Area and Opportunity Zone ● Vacant parcels and availability of land ● Leverage current residents and entrepreneurial efforts into additional economic activity The needs addressed thru supporting actions are: ● Create high paying jobs ● Support local businesses ● Change marketing / external perception ● Create community vision and buy-in ● Build destinations ● Access and tools to leverage community resources ● Development that fits within the cultural context ● Insufficient infrastructure ● Creating quality of life: safe spaces for youth/younger generations to gather and socialize, “Do Something”


● Will be in or adjacent to a North Omaha qualified census tract (#11) ● Will foster desirable transformation ● Will support fundamental change ● Will continue to elevate North Omaha’s presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents thru significant development ● Will foster long-lasting economic development growth; foster gainful employment opportunities and investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North Omaha


The first initiative of the grant proposal will create 3 full-time, permanent jobs for the non-profit: Operations Director ($60,000/yr), Assistant ($40,000/yr) and Marketing Specialist ($40,000/yr).


3 full-time, permanent jobs for the non-profit: Operations Director ($60,000/yr), Assistant ($40,000/yr) and Marketing Specialist ($40,000/yr)


10-12 new permanent jobs (3 full-time and 7-9 part time). Seventy percent of the jobs are intended to be filled by residents of North Omaha living within the qualified census tract areas.


$16.50 +



upporting the first initiative presented will enable the community to celebrate and share its rich African American heritage not only within the community, but the entire Metropolitan area and those that attend for tourism. Diversity is represented not only in the event attendees; but the vendors, volunteers and students involved.


The second initiative presented will impact the livelihood of those that fill the new jobs; but certainly the radius around the venue (residents and other business owners) to provide synergistic services, and opportunity. The North Omaha qualified census tract is reporting the average age of area residents is 34 years old. It is notable to report that this age is decreasing in North Omaha necessitating the need to provide lifestyle amenities and opportunity targeted towards the younger demographic


Freedomtainment and its mission is very innovative and unique to Omaha first by serving the North Omaha community; but also bringing together education, health and business resources. It was visionary in its identification that North Omaha was lacking a cultural city-wide celebration around its heritage and identified that Juneteenth was a viable cause, before it became a Federal holiday. This positioned Omaha and specifically North Omaha, to have a planned celebration when the Federal holiday was announced (just 48 hours before the actual first holiday – June 20, 2021).


Will be in or adjacent to a North Omaha qualified census tract (#11) Will foster desirable transformation ● Will support fundamental change ● Will continue to elevate North Omaha’s presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents thru significant development ● Will foster long-lasting economic development growth; foster gainful employment opportunities and investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North Omaha● Decrease in unemployment rate in zip code 68111 ● # of new small business starts in zip code 68111 ● # of career fair attendees ● # of job seeker placements ● # of users by service ● # of repeat users by service ● Perception evaluations ● Performance metrics: satisfaction, employment, customer growth, revenue growth ● Community Surveys: neighborhood ● Marketing metrics


# of career fair attendees ● # of job seeker placements ● # of users by service ● # of repeat users by service● Perception evaluations ● Performance metrics: satisfaction, employment, customer growth, revenue growth ● Community Surveys: neighborhood ● Marketing metrics





Michael Maroney, Executive Director - Omaha Economic Development Corporation • Shannon Snow, Director – Omaha Municipal Land Bank • Mark Lebowitz – 1% Productions • Duke Riggs - Ozone Productions


Douglas County Tourism and Nebraska Tourism Commission – grant acknowledgement agreements and stewardship of funds • Blues Society of Omaha – MOUs executed for partner programming events





Freedomtainment temporarily offices at 6720 North 30th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68112 in the census tract 62.02, adjacent to the North Omaha qualified census tract #3 (4 blocks to the North). It plans to purchase and renovate a building in the heart of North Omaha, in a qualified census tract with first focus being #11. Targeted areas are between 16th and 24th, and Lake to Ames Street. At this time, the following 2 locations are of interest: 1. Omaha Opportunities Industrialization Center (OOIC) – 2766 North 24th St., qualified census tract #11.00, Zoned “X”. For sale now at $625,000. 1-story building on 3 acres, 29,000 square feet, opened in 1977 and has been vacant for 7 years (since 2015). The city has determined it to be uninhabitable and the OOIC board is wanting to salvage the building due to its historical context to the community, reported to have trained and placed into gainful employment over 20,000 individuals. The property is class “C” and appears to be eligible for CDBG, Community Development Block Grant funding. This building is adjacent to Brownfields property. 2. Hinky Dinky Grocery Store – 3025 Parker St., qualified census tract #53.00, Zoned “X”. Purchased by Sherwood Foundation (Susie Buffet) thru RH Land Management for $800,000 (2020) and sits vacant today, nor is publicly listed for sale. It may however, already be pledged for use to 75 North. Freedomtainment has inquired regarding this building with the Sherwood Foundation and is awaiting a meeting to discuss. This building is adjacent to Brownfields property. The 2021 and 2022 festivals were held at The Malcolm X Memorial Foundation’s Outdoor Event Plaza (34th & Evans) in the qualified census tract 53.00. The festival maxed out this space and needs to determine if it will continue to host at this location or re-locate to another eligible option to remain in North Omaha or adjacent. Other recommended sites for consideration include: Miller Park (Qualified Census Tract #3), Kountze Park (Qualified Census Tract #8), Gene Leahy Mall (adjacent, sharing a border with Qualified Census Tract #16 and sits 2 blocks slightly to the south)


Within one or more QCTs


Attached below











No, neither a design nor a construction bid package has been developed/obtained; however Freedomtainment completed a competitive analysis of Omaha’s comparable venue scene including reviewing cost to purchase and renovate. Additionally, Freedomtainment received input from an area developer (OEDC) and reviewed commercial property purchase records, current public listings and sought guidance from The Omaha Municipal Land Bank. Omaha venue analysis by location, # of seating and estimated costs (purchase and/or renovation) is: Event Center Corridor Capacity Cost Est.* Type Admiral 13th & Martha 1200 – 1500 3.6 million renno Astro In Ralston 84th & Harrison 2500 inside, 5000 outside 23.6 million new Benson Theatre 60th & Maple St. 168 1.8 million renno Highlander 30th & Grant 300 (indoor & deck) 24.7 million new Love Jazz 24th & Lake 80 1 million renno Steel House 11th & Dodge 1500 – 3000 104.1 million new5/23 Slowdown 14th & Mike Fahey 500-1000 20 million new Waiting Room






Freedomtainment requests $11.5 million to execute both phases of this proposal. Total project is anticipated at $11.5 million


This grant request is comprised of 2 areas: 1. Enable Freedomtainment to scale and build on its existing programs, create 3 new jobs and expand services to include mental health/wellness, job support. ($2.5 million) 2. Identify, purchase and re-develop a building near the 24th Street revitalization area into an ev ent venue (1,000- 1,500 flex seating similar to The Slowdown and The Admiral), appropriate carrying costs for the grant term (2023-2026); filling a gap of North Omaha eligible locations to provide for community assembly to host arts, cultural, education and empowerment activities; adding to the transformational change including safe neighborhood night life options. ($9 million)




Freedomtainment’s programming is presently supported by multiple sources of funding to include: grants, sponsorships and donations; all of which are anticipated to be needed during and after this grant. However, with the acquisition of its own building and launching the new venue, it will create its own revenue stream from services provided which offers a new way to sustain the non-profit.


It is anticipated that during the identification phase of the building acquisition, several incentive programs will be considered to include: • Community Development Block Grant Funding • Brownfields Funding • Tax Increment Financing • Historical Building Designation • Tax relief for new job creation




. This grant proposal was developed as two separate initiatives to specifically allot for present needs to support and grow its current services, create 3 new jobs and plan for continued scalability.


The 2nd initiative affords the non-profit to begin its next great vision, to create a 1000-1500 flex seating venue due to the unmet need in North Omaha.


Freedomtainment is committed to its monthly fundraising initiatives: writing grants, seeking sponsorships and donations to continue to make its present programs free to the public. The venue will earn revenue from rental fees, ticket sales and concessions; supporting the new jobs created (10-12) for community residents










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule