Prospect Hill Cemetery Historical Site Development Foundation: Prospect Hill Cemetery Revitalization Project




Prospect Hill Cemetery Historical Site Development Foundation


3202 Parker St., Omaha, NE 68111


P.O. Box 31465, Omaha, NE 68132



Prospect Hill Cemetery | Facebook


David Harding





+1 (402) 321-4945




Yes. A committee of trustees, led by Board President Barb Naughtin and members: Bill Johnson, David Harding, Gary Rosenberg have years of experience maintaining and advocating for the property.


This is a volunteer-led organization managed by the board of trustees. If awareded a Program Curator will report to the new, fulltime caretaker.


The Prospect Hill Cemetery was designated as an Historic Site by the Landmarks Commission of Omaha and the Omaha City Council back in 1979. A foundation was created soon after to help further develop the historical and educational aspects of cemetery –this included gathering information on those interred here through relatives which was then compiled into a book. Numerous individuals have contributed to enhancing the house and its surroundings. For instance, we erected a Nebraska State Historical Site marker near the entrance with help from volunteers. Additionally, these same volunteers located veterans’ graves as well dedicating time to finding African-Americans and Native Americans who are significant parts of Omaha history. We've done a lot, including having an annual Memorial Day ceremony with the Prospect Hill Preservation Brass Ensemble at music. We've established an educational outreach plan to offer more information to increase the teaching of our region's history. The Sexton's House, located near the gate, is where you will find the Cemetery office. Inside, you'll be able to find cemetery location maps as well as brochures for walking tours. This property will eventually include a museum and the chapel will be used for small performances and lectures.


Prospect Hill Cemetery Revitalization Project






Combination of capital project and service/program


This proposal seeks to redevelop the Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery into a community asset, by making it a living cemetery that brings people closer to Omaha as it was and is, by memorializing the dead and bringing to life Omaha's art, history, and natural beauty. The Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery is a community asset for North Omaha that requires both preservation and revitalization. After the Territorial Legislature authorized cemeteries in 1858, over 15,000 burials have been recorded here--including those of several early pioneers who gave their names to streets, parks, and schools across the city. Military burials in this cemetery are from people who served as early as the War of 1812. There are also people buried here from the Spanish-American War, Omaha Barracks (later Fort Omaha), and our volunteers have worked to identify and locate their graves, as well as the graves of African-Americans and Native Americans who have impacted Omaha's early history. A revitalized cemetery will provide a significant positive impact for the community by adding five new public access points to the restored walking paths, a new natural heritage site with native plants that will create a new Salem Baptist Church-facing entrance, a new pond will function as a groundwater catchment to the northeast, and additional space for reunions, performing arts, and living history exhibits will be created in a brand-new magnificent gazebo in the cemetery's center. Also, new masonry retaining walls in the southeast corner will provide a pleasant street presence, enticing pedestrians to explore the restored grounds. The deteriorated chain link fence will be replaced with a historically accurate wrought iron fence. A new sidewalk on 33rd Street will reconnect the community. A magnificent grand staircase will enable residents of Highlander to reach the cemetery's walking trails and a diverse range of native plants, including a variety of pollinator-friendly flora, will be featured throughout the site. This proposal will result in a community asset that is an essential part of Omaha's history and future. It will provide a place for the living to learn about the past, enjoy the present, and prepare for the future.


Completion Target: May of 2024 Summer 2023 - First 90 days (completed after funding but before March of 2024) -Initial site grading -Tree removal -Bidding and landscape planning -Work with City on Sidewalk Prep Prior to November of 23 -New walking paths -Installation of retaining walls -Drainage for pond -New Pond -November 2023 - May 2024 -Work on Building -Construction of gazebo -New Entrances landscaped -Installation of Historic Signage -Installation of wrought iron fence -Project completion by Memorial Day 2024




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)


This proposal turns Prospect Hill Cemetery into a community asset by making it a living cemetery that brings people closer to Omaha as it was and is. The cemetery will be used to memorialize the dead and bring to life Omaha's art, history, and natural beauty. Additionally, the cemetery will be used to educate the community about Omaha's history. The new heritage site with native plants will create a new Salem Baptist Church-facing entrance, the new pond will function as a groundwater catchment to the northeast, and additional space for reunions, performing arts, and living history exhibits will be created in a brand-new magnificent gazebo in the cemetery's center.


The proposal specifically addresses the community need for sustainable development by developing new public uses and recreational options for people who enjoy bird-watching and performing arts, this project promotes a Sustainable Community by providing new civic functions for this landmark location and by creating recreational possibilities for those who enjoy it. This project not only reconnects the community with a new sidewalk, but also promotes walking by providing new green space access and walking paths. This infrastructural project not only reconnects the community with a new sidewalk and walking paths, but it also retains groundwater through a new pond. By diverting runoff from the sewer system, this sustainable development project promotes growth without harming the environment. This project will improve quality of life by creating or enhancing natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, and safety. The new heritage site with native plants will create a new Salem Baptist Church-facing entrance, the new pond will function as a groundwater catchment to the northeast, and additional space for reunions, performing arts, and living history exhibits will be created in a brand-new magnificent gazebo in the cemetery's center. Also, new masonry retaining walls in the southeast corner will provide a pleasant street presence, enticing pedestrians to explore the restored grounds. The deteriorated chain link fence will be replaced with a historically accurate wrought iron fence. A new sidewalk on 33rd Street will reconnect the community. A magnificent grand staircase will enable pedestrians to access the cemetery from the Highlander neighborhood. This project develops or improves context-sensitive education by providing new opportunities for students to learn about Omaha's history. The cemetery will also be used to train future generations of cemetery caretakers. Additionally, this project will impact policy by providing new financing options through the creation of a sustainable development fund. This fund will be used to support the maintenance and operations of the cemetery. Furthermore, this project will improve health by providing new recreation and exercise options for the community. This proposal turns Prospect Hill Cemetery into a community asset by making it a living cemetery that brings people closer to Omaha as it was and is. The cemetery will be used to memorialize the dead and bring to life Omaha's art, history, and natural beauty. Additionally, the cemetery will be used to educate the community about Omaha's history. The new heritage site with native plants will create a new Salem Baptist Church-facing entrance, the new pond will function as a groundwater catchment to the northeast, and additional space for reunions, performing arts, and living history exhibits will be created in a brand-new magnificent gazebo in the cemetery's center.


In order to address North Omaha's insufficient infrastructure, this proposal creates a new heritage site with native plants that will improve the ecology of the entire area. The new pond will collect rainwater from the northeast, and a spectacular gazebo in the cemetery's middle will be built as a new civic center for reunions, performing arts, and living history displays. The new masonry retaining walls in the southeast corner will serve to provide a lovely street presence and encourage visitors to explore the region. Pedestrians may now access the cemetery from the Highlander neighborhood via a magnificent grand staircase. This proposal also seeks to rectify North Omaha's lack of development that is in keeping with the area's cultural context by providing new opportunities for students to learn about Omaha's history. The cemetery will also be used as a training ground for future generations of cemetery caretakers. Finally, this plan provides new access and tools to use community assets by providing a new sidewalk on 33rd Street. This connection will bring the neighborhood back together. In addition, the plan creates new financing possibilities through the establishment of a long-term development fund through earned-income. The purpose of this fund is to support cemetery maintenance and community programming.


This proposal seeks to address the social and economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by providing new opportunities for students to learn about Omaha's history. The cemetery will also be used as a training ground for future generations of cemetery caretakers. In addition, the plan creates new financing possibilities through the establishment of a long-term development fund through earned-income. The purpose of this fund is to support cemetery maintenance and community programming. By providing new opportunities for students to learn about Omaha's history, this proposal seeks to address past racial segregation. As people are becoming more interested in learning about why things are the way they are and where they came from, historical tourism is rapidly growing as a field. Based on similar historic cemeteries, we anticipate that there would be an increase of between 15,000 and 20,000 visitors per year. This would provide an economic impact for the community of between $1 and $2 million annually which will benefit local businesses and create seasonal jobs for tour guides and event staff.


This proposal's effect on the economy is an estimated $1-$2 million annually, which would help local businesses and create seasonal jobs for tour guides and event staff. By providing year-round employment opportunities and revenue, this proposal will directly impact the community in a positive way. In addition to those who complete the project as part of this proposal, 15-20 people will be hired seasonally, part-time to run tours and manage events. This project will lead to two new full-time positions.




15 - 20 seasonal and 30 - 40 construction and landscaping.


$15 - $75


We plan to hire local landscaping businesses for our redevelopment and ongoing maintenence and seasonal jobs will come from the local community.


The community benefit that will be derived from this proposal is an increase in tourism, which will diversify the economy and improve the local neighborhood. This proposal will also lead to the creation of new jobs, which will increase livability in the community. Some other benefits of this proposal include the beautification of the Prospect Hill Cemetery, which will increase property values in the surrounding area. The addition of a new pond will also help to improve water quality in the community. The long-term vision for this project is to create a space that is not only used as a cemetery, but also as a place for people to learn about Omaha's history and to enjoy the outdoors. This proposal seeks to address past racial segregation by providing new opportunities for students to learn about Omaha's history. In addition, the plan creates sustainable financing possibilities through the establishment of a long-term development fund through earned-income.


If this proposal is enacted, the built environment and local ecology will improve. There would be an area full of native plants that captures carbon and provides a home for bees and other pollinators. This would make the area more livable overall. This has a powerful environmental impact by mitigating storm water runoff, improving water quality, and the long-term vision for this project is to create a space that is not only used as a cemetery, but also as a place for people to learn about Omaha's history and to enjoy the outdoors.


This proposal incorporates best/proven practices for green space and demonstrates innovation for North Omaha by restoring the native flora to the community thus improving the local ecology and giving community members the opportunity to learn about native species and our shared history. Walking paths have proven to be an effective way to encourage citizens to enjoy the outdoors when they are combined with a beautiful and unique landscape. This proposal will also increase the amount of people interacting with the space on a daily basis, which has been shown to decrease crime rates. The connection of this project to the North Omaha community is twofold. First, the cemetery is adjacent to the Highlander neighborhood, which is one of North Omaha's key redevelopments. Second, one of the goals of identified in the visioning sessions is to create more green space in order to improve air quality and water quality. This proposal seeks to do both of those things.


This proposal improves education by providing new opportunities for students to learn about Omaha's history. In addition, the plan creates sustainable financing possibilities through the establishment of a long-term development fund through earned-income. This will allow the curator to measure visitors and activities on an ongoing basis and make adjustments as necessary. The community benefit that will be derived from this proposal is an increase in tourism, which will diversify the economy and improve the local neighborhood. This proposal will also lead to the creation of new jobs, which will increase livability in the community. Some other benefits of this proposal include the beautification of the Prospect Hill Cemetery, which will increase property values in the surrounding area.


The Program Curator will measure visitors and activities on an ongoing basis and make adjustments as necessary.





The partners in this proposal have all committed to supporting the work of this proposal in Omaha. History Walk Nebraska has agreed to provide educational materials and support for the project, as well as volunteer their time to lead tours of the cemetery. The Nebraska State Historical Site has also agreed to provide educational materials and support for the project. Community members have also agreed volunteer their time to staff the new visitor center. The Naturalist School has agreed to provide educational programs about the local ecology and assist with planting native species. The Prospect Hill Preservation Brass Ensemble has agreed to perform concerts on the grounds of the cemetery. The First Nebraska Volunteer Infantry has agreed to provide support and guidance in terms of historical interpretation of the site during special events. OPPD has provided financial support for our programming in the past. Douglas County Historical Society has also provided support and guidance in terms of historical interpretation of the site during special events. We also plan to work with North Omaha-based businesses to provide services, such as catering, and to support the work of this proposal. This is because in addition to the work, we want to create local pride in this endeavor.






3202 Parker St., Omaha, NE 68111


Within one or more QCTs


Not a brownfield site.













Cost estimates were based on quotes received and conversations with subject matter experts.






Proposal is based on a mix of bids received and conversations with Subject Matter Experts.


This grant request will specifically cover the capital improvements to the property preparing it for new activities and earned-income opportunities.




The proposal will be self-sustaining by creating new opportunities for earned revenue through space rentals, event ticket sales, group tours, and private events.


Oversight and operational costs are available to the funding of our operational endowment of over $600,000.





This proposal is scalable.


If funded for a smaller amount the project would focus on the exterior improvements to the property. The main priority would be the retaining walls, wrought iron fence, and pond, which is necessary for water runoff.


The organization is committing to up to $252,339 over the life of the restoration in administrative oversight and operating costs for new programming.










Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses