Modern Eminence II LLC: Affordable Housing & Manufacturing SIP Facility




Modern Eminence II LLC


6412 N. 159th St. Omaha, NE.68116





Phillip Henderson


Director of Operations



+1 (402) 208-2660




Dr. Travis Fox - Partner- CEO Travis, has been architecting businesses and companies for the last twenty-five years. Starting in real estate, trained by Robert Allen, focusing on strategic marketing, development, processes and sales for single family, multi-unit complex and development. Travis has closed millions in deal flow and financing. Travis specializes in optimized systematizing, negotiations and sales allowing Travis’ teams to cover end-to-end project management and completion. S. Braden Breinholt- Partner- COO Brady started his professional career in real estate where he quickly became a top producing sales agent, helping manage and train agents in 6 offices eventually leaving to achieve an MBA. Being the key player bringing the on time delivery up from 7% to 85.6% as Operations Manager which launched him in the next phase of his career. For the better part of a decade now, having funded over 300MM in real estate via development, sales - marketing and financing with focus on manufacturing homes from bottom to top vertical management both domestically and soon internationally. Bryant Andrus- MSF, CFP - CFO Bryant’s career covers 15+ years of finance, wealth management, consulting, and general advisory services.Leading his former company’s expansion into Canada, eventually becoming President of the company. Taking the helm at US Bank Wealth Management in Cedar Rapids Iowa, a multi-business line wealth management team, becoming team # 2 producing team in the US Bank footprint in a matter of 12 months. Achieving via the Master of Finance program at prestigious McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He worked with the International Finance Corporation, RMD Bank and others analyzing, researching, and performing due diligence on private debt and private equity investments around the world.. Co-Founding State Bird Corp, Global Financial Consultants and SBC Investment Management, an investment advisory firm headquartered in Arizona. Phillip Henderson- GC-Partner - Director of Operations Phillip has 25 years of experience in business & construction management. He is owner & operator of Dynasty Concrete LLC & DC Management LLC. Dynasty Concrete specializes in the development of residential homes & commercial properties focusing on quality above quantity. Throughout the years Phillip has a long history of giving back to the community and keeping Omaha clean. Donating to many local charities such as The Wounded Warriors, Family Support Fund, Cystic Fibrosis CF walk, Cancer Research Society, Children’s Hospital, and more. Awarded the Integrity Award through the Better Business Bureau he continues to pride himself on the professionalism of his company and employees by making every customers’ dream a reality. Chris Wallis - Partner President of Manufacturing Chris is the owner & operator of sPanels LLC, Est. in 2004. sPanels is a structural insulated panel company based in Idaho falls. Working his way up from 2011 to become the CEO & Sole Proprietor in 2019. His passion for creating efficiencies in business, products that are innovative, superior & ecologically sustainable. To date having produced over 455 buildings in various parts of the country and is now expanding manufacturing plants across the USA & Internationally.


Dr. Travis Fox - Partner- CEO Travis, has been architecting businesses and companies for the last twenty-five years. Starting in real estate, trained by Robert Allen, focusing on strategic marketing, development, processes and sales for single family, multi-unit complex and development. Travis has closed millions in deal flow and financing. Travis specializes in optimized systematizing, negotiations and sales allowing Travis’ teams to cover end-to-end project management and completion. S. Braden Breinholt- Partner- COO Brady started his professional career in real estate where he quickly became a top producing sales agent, helping manage and train agents in 6 offices eventually leaving to achieve an MBA. Being the key player bringing the on time delivery up from 7% to 85.6% as Operations Manager which launched him in the next phase of his career. For the better part of a decade now, having funded over 300MM in real estate via development, sales - marketing and financing with focus on manufacturing homes from bottom to top vertical management both domestically and soon internationally. Bryant Andrus- MSF, CFP - CFO Bryant’s career covers 15+ years of finance, wealth management, consulting, and general advisory services. Leading his former company’s expansion into Canada, eventually becoming President of the company. Taking the helm at US Bank Wealth Management in Cedar Rapids Iowa, a multi-business line wealth management team, becoming team # 2 producing team in the US Bank footprint in a matter of 12 months. Achieving via the Master of Finance program at prestigious McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He worked with the International Finance Corporation, RMD Bank and others analyzing, researching, and performing due diligence on private debt and private equity investments around the world.. Co-Founding State Bird Corp, Global Financial Consultants and SBC Investment Management, an investment advisory firm headquartered in Arizona. Phillip Henderson- GC-Partner - Director of Operations Phillip has 25 years of experience in business & construction management. He is owner & operator of Dynasty Concrete LLC & DC Management LLC. Dynasty Concrete specializes in the development of residential homes & commercial properties focusing on quality above quantity. Throughout the years Phillip has a long history of giving back to the community and keeping Omaha clean. Donating to many local charities such as The Wounded Warriors, Family Support Fund, Cystic Fibrosis CF walk, Cancer Research Society, Children’s Hospital, and more. Awarded the Integrity Award through the Better Business Bureau he continues to pride himself on the professionalism of his company and employees by making every customers’ dream a reality. Chris Wallis - Partner President of Manufacturing Chris is the owner & operator of sPanels LLC, Est. in 2004. sPanels is a structural insulated panel company based in Idaho falls. Working his way up from 2011 to become the CEO & Sole Proprietor in 2019. His passion for creating efficiencies in business, products that are innovative, superior & ecologically sustainable. To date having produced over 455 buildings in various parts of the country and is now expanding manufacturing plants across the USA & Internationally.


Our organization's leaders have been creating an impact in real estate and housing construction since 2004, by using traditional and non-traditional approaches we have impacted thousands of lives and communities throughout the county. Bringing developers, investors, contractors and buyers together to build affordable and luxury homes in areas that have been stagnant for years. Being the modern solution for areas that suffered during the last economic downturn, helping banks and individuals liquidate their properties and bring these homes back to market in a timely fashion. Our experience has led us to be an innovator in the arenas of Real Estate through our expert team in development, finance, construction, manufacturing, investor relations, and sales. We strive to make an impact on every community we work in and with.


Affordable Housing & Manufacturing SIP Facility






Combination of capital project and service/program


By way of Modern Eminence & sPanels merging, along with localized operators, DC Concrete & Construction, the expansion of additional manufacturing plants across the USA, bringing high quality housing and now stable employment to Nebraska through location operations in: Manufacturing, transportation, land development, consistent construction, vocational training and more, allowing Nebraska to become the Central Hub for the Midwest operations. With plans to start construction of the manufacturing plant(s) in the spring of 2023 and operations starting in spring of 2024 we anticipate the creation of more the 105 new jobs in manufacturing, with the addition of 56 workforce applications via construction, transportation, warehousing, railway, real estate brokerage and sales, electrical, plumbing, recycling, new construction growth and finally tax, employment, economic, financial, social increases impacting to the local, City, County, Metropolitan and State Government.


Start would be November 1st, 2022 with approx. completion August of 2023 in full production. _(Schedule of bullet points ?) Draw Schedule? Dec 2022 Land Purchase Jan-March 2023 Design Engineering Equipment ordered Permits issues April Site Prep Survey Layout Excavation Site Clearing Utilities Foundation Deposit on Equipment May - July Footings poured Slab Poured Temp Power installed Steel Building Erected Rough Framing of Offices completed Windows and Doors installed Aug-Oct Rough Plumbing Elec, and HVAC installed Insulation Installed Sheetrock installed in offices Sept -Jan Finish work begins Electrical Plumbing HVAC Feb- April Texture and paint in offices, Trim Installed Power drops in Shop finalized Equipment ships Office and Handling equipment arrives Equipment testing begins Raw Materials begin arriving May Final inspection Final testing First Run Begins Training Continues Homes - Timeline December 2022- March 2023 Lots Chosen and plans selected Submitted to city for approval Orders placed with Factory (Ours or Partners) April 2023 Site Prep Begins Foundation and Utilities in place Homes begin to arrive Additional Lot clearing Begins May 2023 3 home installed every 2 weeks with continued plans being submitted for approval Sites cleared Foundation started June 2023 3 homes per week installed and finalized. with additional permits and lots being acquired Process repeats until production is at 15 homes per month




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Through the proposed additions to the existing communities, building quality homes which are energy efficient, saving money for those in the community who have been unfairly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic providing rising values to the community, ecologically sustainable housing, with overarching emotional upliftment inspiring more neighborhood involvement and civil wellbeing. For the residents of the North and Southern regions, the psychological change with the rehabilitation of the existing housing will fundamentally change the living conditions, while improving the economics of the regions with rising values, while providing modern ecological improvements, while staying in the affordable housing pricing for all residents. The proposal provides a multi-faceted economic growth, in manufacturing and construction, as well as, in the residential arena. Allowing employment opportunities for continued regional impact. With the addition of new jobs, in manufacturing, transportation, construction, exporting, railway, plumbing, electrical, real estate sales, title, escrow the employment sectors have continued year over year growth, supporting all areas of the economy in the entire region. With the employment growth, residents will have more opportunities to live in improving areas, more surplus capital allowing the entire overall economy to be sustainable and desirable, attracting new residents to the local, city, metropolitan sectors of the region with year over year steady and sustainable growth. The scalability of the proposed allows further expansion into other regions of the state, creating more employment opportunities, exporting to additional surrounding areas, creating a deeper economic and ecological stabilization over the State.


Through the proposed additions to the existing communities, building quality homes which are energy efficient, saving money for those in the community who have been unfairly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic providing rising values to the community, ecologically sustainable housing, with overarching emotional upliftment inspiring more neighborhood involvement and civil wellbeing. For the residents of the North and Southern regions, the psychological change with the rehabilitation of the existing housing will fundamentally change the living conditions, while improving the economics of the regions with rising values, while providing modern ecological improvements, while staying in the affordable housing pricing for all residents. The proposal provides a multi-faceted economic growth, in manufacturing and construction, as well as, in the residential arena. Allowing employment opportunities for continued regional impact. With the addition of new jobs, in manufacturing, transportation, construction, exporting, railway, plumbing, electrical, real estate sales, title, escrow the employment sectors have continued year over year growth, supporting all areas of the economy in the entire region. With the employment growth, residents will have more opportunities to live in improving areas, more surplus capital allowing the entire overall economy to be sustainable and desirable, attracting new residents to the local, city, metropolitan sectors of the region with year over year steady and sustainable growth. The scalability of the proposed allows further expansion into other regions of the state, creating more employment opportunities, exporting to additional surrounding areas, creating a deeper economic and ecological stabilization over the State.


The proposed will provide updated ecological housing, green spaces, landscaping surrounding both the manufacturing facility, as well as, the enhancement of the Northern and Southern regions residentially. This improvement will have an overall impact on both the residents and communities, and will be reflected in the emotional, psychological and physical effects to the residents. This impact and its overarching effect will have a positive outcome through the community and regions delivered in the strengthening of community ties, safer communities, enhanced and rising appraisal rates deepening the economic ability for those in these communities who have been unfairly impacted by the COVID -19 pandemic. This effect will have a cascading effect throughout the entire Northern and Southern regions, as well as the local surrounding communities.


161 Permanent Jobs






$42,000 (over $20.00 per hour)to $150,000(over$70 per hour) per Year


Employment will be immediately implemented specifically in the construction elements of the proposal, with focus on 100 lots rehabilitation, in demolition, site preparation, foundational footing and concrete foundations, transportation in trucking and railway imports, Realtor and Brokering through sales, Mortgage, title and escrow impacts.


Modern Eminence II, via its SIP manufacturing facility, warehousing, and construction initiatives provide stable incomes, along with energy efficient housing that is affordable buy being below the national average, yet innovative, using renewable resources they are built in the community, by the community creating a ripple effect of pride and economic impact that is reflected in our products and people.


The proposed will contribute to the communities sustainability through the rehabilitation of the Northern and Southern regions, allowing neighborhoods to regain rising appraisal values, improved look and feel though modern, more ecological living all will remain in the affordable region of affordability. The overall emotional, psychological and quality of life will be reflected in the resurgence of the regions, further reflected in the economic recovery felt in restaurants, entertainment and small businesses.


Current methods for housing construction are coming to an end, as the labor force continues to shrink and the natural resources we have used to build them continue to be depleted. Through ecological and economic sustainable methods, the practices that Modern Eminence II uses incorporates the best of the old technology while eliminating wasteful procedures. This combined with a better process for low ecological impact, long term growth and economic stability on all aspects of affordable housing and employment make our process best in class. Through our proven technologies, and bringing the supply chain all to the same campus, minimizing the impact to the environment and providing stable jobs and sustainable housing.


Through the new job creation, with competitive wages the secondary economic impacts will waterfall into additional local businesses, restaurants, entertainment and other arenas regarding the overall conditions in both the Northern and Southern regions of Omaha. While direct measurement of these outcomes will not be in Modern Eminence's direct reporting it would be an overall measurement that local, city, county and state governments will have oversight and accountability.


These outcomes will be measured by our executive team through KPI’s and reported to our board of directors. These metrics will be shared equally across local, city, county and state governments upon request and as needed for additional support of the rehabilitation and growth of these impacted communities.


Being a catalyst for local suppliers of raw materials, such as cement, Realtors, Title Companies, Mortgage Companies, Land Developers, Banks, Transportation, Utility companies, local and nation stores, and supporting the tax basis is one of the proposal’s primary objectives. Additionally, as the plants are built, technical and trades schools may want to co-locate, create partnerships with us to have a more skilled labor force growing throughout Omaha and the State.




We have partnered with DC Concrete & Construction in order to facilitate the implementation of the affordable housing, manufacturing plant build out and overall general construction processes. They are equity partners and with the local construction industry connections, labor force, logicistal organization they will be vital in enhancing the local QCT areas that are and have been in need of affordable housing and employment. We have also partnered with the SanKofa to ensure additional programs to local residents and businesses through their outreach programs.


DC Concrete & Construction, SPanels, SanKofa





To Be Determined preliminary sites are approximately 10 acres in the Enterprise park in partnership with Sankofa


Within one or more QCTs


Enterprise Park Manufacturing, with housing rehabilitation in the Northern and Southern Regions of Metropolitan Areas













Costs are semi dependent on the site selection. It is based on similar projects that have been created, financed and built by this group. Equipment estimates have been received, additional estimates which have been approximated from prior constructions, are awaiting arrival from the steel building manufacturer and construction companies for the same.






We are doing a design build, and DC Concrete and Construction is the selected partner and we will be seeking competitive bids from local subcontractors. Those contractors may include Harrison Plumbing and Mustang Electric .


See attached Proforma's


See attached Proforma's




The proposal’s fiscal operations will include, but are not limited to, finalizing draw schedules for the construction and implementation of the facilities, securing material, etc. Reports will be drafted and delivered to the local, city, county, metropolitan and State entities providing transparency to account for all spending activities and ensuring the proposed is in continued alignment with timelines, as well as economic, ecological and community impacts as outlined in the proposed. The proposed uses an ERP System in all divisions of business to order, track and maintain inventory, hours, resources and purchases as well as the use of those products. The ERP system provides up to the minute accounting reports on demand as well as tracking current lead times, pricing, costs and margins for all materials allowing detailed reports of each component, product and project undertaken, ensuring availability of the master item and its subcomponents prior to implementation. The ERP system provides built-in controls allowing users a set of permissions that limit their ability to alter, change or influence another areas without supervisor or admin authority. Example, the purchasing agent does not have the ability to pay bills or change purchase orders after they have been submitted nor can they edit or approve invoices. Additionally a complete record of every transaction within the system, including alteration, changes, and/ or deleted items or documents. The ERP system will be hosted on AWS servers that comply with the highest ISO standards and information protection and built in redundancies.


Other sourcing TIF, Imagine Revolving Fund and Bank and Private Financing. Decision date is concurrent with the proposed.


Estimated timelines are within approximately thirty (30) days of the proposed submission and approval.


The proposal is fully encompassing and prepared upon approval to proceed into its timelines as outlined. The initial installments as outlined in the proposed, if not appropriated within the timeline does present significant timeline interruptions and potential delays for the short and long term outcome and proposed completion.


The proposal is scalable at its current state, with future opportunities to replicate in other areas of the State should the local, city, county, metropolitan and state governments desire additional growth in the proposed sectors.


See attached Proformas


Intellectual Property, $2,740,000.00 SIP Equipment and Technology , $784,080.00 Modular Plant Equipment and Technology, $457,633.00 Construction Equipment, $754,147.50 Totaling $4,735,860.50 for additional information see attached file.










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule