RADIUS: RADIUS Workforce Development Grant






5040 Grand Avenue, Omaha NE 680104





FB: RadiusOmaha Instagram: radiusomaha Twitter: Radius_Omaha LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/radiusomaha


Nick Juliano, PhD, MBA


President & CEO




+1 (402) 618-6900




Nick Juliano, PhD, MBA (President & CEO). Tim Hron, MA, LIMHP (Chief Program Officer). Brandy Siddiqui (Director of Finance & Administration). Brittany Henry, SHRM-SCP, PHR (Director of Human Resources). See organizational chart attachment for more information.


RADIUS currently has four leadership positions described above. During 2023 and early 2024 the organization will grow to 55 FTEs comprised primarily of direct care positions to work with youth residing at RADIUS (Youth Coaches) and the families of youth residing at RADIUS (Family Consultants). Supervisory positions for the residential program and in-home program are expected to supervise no more than 5 staff at a time to ensure quality supervision, coaching, and staff development. RADIUS will employ three teachers who will be supervised by a licensed school administrator per Nebraska Department of Education Interim Program School regulations (Rule 18). See attached organization chart for more detail.


RADIUS was created in 2020 as a 501c(3) nonprofit to join existing efforts in Douglas County to strengthen the continuum of services and alternatives for youth involved in the juvenile justice system. These collective efforts are designed to keep Omaha youth in their community to receive treatment and education while preventing them from experiencing disruptions in family relationships, education, and local support networks which are essential to their future success. RADIUS is projected to open in summer 2023 and will operate a 24-bed residential facility for boys and girls age 12-18, an interim-program school under rule 18, an in-home service program to work with families as youth transition home from RADIUS, and an outpatient clinic operated by Charles Drew Health Centers for provide integrated behavioral health and physical health care. Most youth served by RADIUS will reside in the identified census tracts. Therefore, RADIUS’ goal is to employee staff from those same areas who share experiences, race, culture, language, and geography with the youth and families we serve. RADIUS will have 45-50 FTESs when operational, the bulk of which will be direct care staff. The grant proposal will support the hiring, training, and promotion of direct care staff and teachers to achieve this goal. In addition RADIUS has completed at $25M capital campaign for the construction of its residential facility, school, and separate outpatient clinic at 5040 Grand Ave. As of Oct 1, 2022 vertical construction is complete and the facility is on target to open during summer 2023. There is no capital funding request within this proposal – this is highlighted as an accomplishment of the organization to date.


RADIUS Workforce Development Grant






I do not know Service/program


The mission of RADIUS is to empower youth and families to reach their full potential through community engagement and trauma-informed education, social and behavioral health services. RADIUS is creating new services at 5040 Grand Ave. (census tract 63.02) to serve youth and families primarily residing within the identified census tracts. These youth, age 12-18, are involved in the juvenile justice system and are not served in Omaha programs due to a variety of factors, including capacity issues (i.e. accepted but not served due to lack of bed space) and complexity of needs not able to be met by existing programs (i.e. not accepted and hence referred out of state). The current absence of services requires, on average, 20-25 justice involved youth to leave the Omaha community to programs in Arizona, Utah, Missouri, Ohio and other states for behavioral health treatment and rehabilitation. The majority of these youth and their families reside within the identified census tracts. An Advisory Group with diverse key stakeholders came together in September 2019 and included: individuals with lived experience in the juvenile justice and adult corrections system, juvenile court and probation, law enforcement, and behavioral and physical healthcare experts. The group met monthly to provide feedback on proposed programmatic features based on their knowledge of our local youth, families and community. After meeting, discussions and research, they proposed to create a new 501(c)(3). In July 2020, RADIUS was formed to provide residential care, education, outpatient treatment, and in-home services to justice system involved adolescents who have experienced significant trauma and need treatment for mental health and/or substance use disorders. RADIUS will use grant funds to develop its workforce that will provide residential care, education, and in-home family services to justice involved youth. Workforce development activities include recruitment and hiring of direct care staff and training beginning in May 2023 continuing through December 2025. The proposal has three primary components: 1) Recruitment and hiring of direct care staff from qualified census tracts; 2) Training and career development for direct care staff; 3) Paid internship program; and 4) Professional development program for education staff.


See attached schedule.




Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



See attachment


See attachment


The primary strategic priority this proposal aligns with is job creation and job training. RADIUS will create 55 permanent FTEs with nearly 50% being entry level positions which do not require a college degree. The proposal supports hiring and training of 10 entry level positions and training and support for future promotional opportunities with increased earning potential. In addition, as a strategy to build a pipeline for future job creation and internship program will create opportunities for individuals working toward a degree who to gain practical experience and training working with youth and families at RADIUS. The educational staff development aspect of the proposal provides one of a kind job training for education staff who work in facilities with justice involved youth. This development program gives education staff portable skills to be used at RADIUS or other youth and family serving programs.


55 permanent employees with wages at or above $42,328 annually with benefits.


Once fully staffed RADIUS will employ 55 permanent employees.






The jobs created from the business of RADIUS will have a direct impact on the individuals living and working in the community we serve. In addition to posting the open roles to the RADIUS website, they will be advertised on Indeed, the Nonprofit of the Midlands, Handshake, LinkedIn, and more.


RADIUS is a 24-bed residential program designed to treat youth, ages 12 to 18, who are on juvenile probation. The majority of youth and families served by RADIUS reside within the qualified census tracts in north and south Omaha. Therefore, RADIUS is intentionally located on 50th and Grand Avenue to support youth and families close to these communities. Radius will provide residential care to include physical, behavioral, educational, and psychosocial support to assist youth and their families in gaining the necessary skills to demonstrate better social determinants of health as evidenced by improved emotional regulation, academic performance, interpersonal relationships, health equity in addition to increased readiness to return home with life skills to enter the workforce in their community All youth will be engaged in individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication management, psycho-educational therapy, and recreational therapeutic activities in the community. RADIUS will be partnering with a trusted community organization, Charles Drew Health Center, that will provide physical and behavioral health services on campus. RADIUS programming will consist of specific activities some of which will be in partnership with local community organizations to provide opportunities to youth and families for improving economic stability, access to quality education and healthcare, neighborhood engagement, and social and community connectedness. As youth participate in recreational activities with community organizations, they will have an established trusted relationship for continued participation post discharge from RADIUS. The involvement of the family/legal guardian is critical in the care of the youth. Families will be involved in family therapy and in-home services for support while the youth is participating in residential care. We believe that the care of a youth should be provided within the context of their family, whenever possible, and that the family and youth need to be actively involved in the multi-disciplinary team planning process. In addition, while youth are striving to achieve their goals in residential care, their families will be preparing for youth to return home by striving to reach their goals with in-home education and support.


The proposal contributes to community sustainability by creating new jobs (55 permanent FTEs) including 25 entry level positions not requiring degrees. In addition, the services RADIUS will provide to youth and families will contribute positively to their quality of life, with the specific goal of providing parenting support and skill building while preparing youth to return home, graduate from high school, and become employable in the Omaha community.


See attachment.


Outcomes to be measured at RADIUS will include: · Youth behavior stabilizing from pre-admission levels. · Youth positively demonstrating skills identified in the care plan. · Understanding medication being prescribed and being compliant with medication prescriptions. · Maintain youth placement in least restrictive environment until transitioning to a community-based setting to continue to strive towards the goals in care plan. · Youth and family having support systems secured and risk reduction plan in place to help maintain stability in the community. · Youth demonstrating positive skills in communication, social skills, coping/anger management, and family functioning. · Outcomes will be measured during a program evaluation which will begin later this year. RADIUS would serve as a catalyst for secondary investment in North Omaha by improving social determinants of health for youth and families as well as developing a workforce in the field of behavioral health for staff to advance in their career.


Currently funding has been secured and a proposal released for evaluation services. The evaluator will be selected soon and will begin designing the evaluation during the Spring of 2023. Funding for the evaluation is not included in this grant request as it has been secured by a different funding source.


We don't know at this time. Would like to learn more about this possibility.




· YouTurn · Black & Pink · Youth Emergency Services (YES) · Inclusive Communities · Metro Area Youth Services (MAYS) · Dusk to Dawn · Voices for Children in Nebraska · Kim Foundation · Girls Inc · Boys & Girls Club of Midlands · Mentor Nebraska · Boys Town · University of Nebraska Medical Center · Charles Drew Health Center · Douglas County Health Department · Hope Center for Kids · Project Harmony · No More Empty Pots · Urban League · Omaha Home for Boys · Omaha Public Schools · Learning Community · Omaha Economic Development Corporation · Nebraska Business Development Center · Nebraska Black Business Association · Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce · Step-Up Omaha · Cradle to Career · AIM Institute · CHI · NorthStar · Refugee Empowerment Center · 100 Black Men of Omaha · Empowerment Network · Women’s Center for Advancement · YMCA · Our House Youth Services · Collective for Youth


The Charles Drew Health Center agreement has been drafted but not yet executed. Expected Q4 2022.





RADIUS is located at 5040 Grand Ave., Omaha, NE 68104. The campus is composed to two buildings: 1) A 24 bed residential facility with a school and administrative space; 2) A separate outpatient clinic located next to the residential facility which will be operated in by Charles Drew Health Center.


Within one or more QCTs



















RADIUS is nonprofit corporation and the capital campaign for our buildings is 100% private philanthropic dollars. Selected contractors were identified and invited to bid consistent with the policies of RADIUS.


RADIUS request funds to be used for the following purposes:  $89,100 requested to pay for .75 FTE of the Human Resources Director’s salary for 12 months to support recruitment efforts, providing gainful employment opportunities to residents in the census tract of North and South Omaha.  $8,000 requested to pay for a human resources platform to assist in applicant tracking and onboarding documentation.  $50,000 requested to train and develop direct care staff.  $22,000 to assist recruitment efforts in the census tract of North and South Omaha.  $41,565 requested to provide paid internships to college students, offering employment opportunities in the community while students finish school.  $39,600 requested to pay for .25 FTE of the Chief Program Officers salary to assist in training, developing and supporting staff.  $423,280 requested to fund 10 direct care positions, providing gainful employment opportunities and an economic impact to our local community.  $5,000 requested to assist in the pre-employment health screening of staff.


75 FTE Director of Human Resources for 12 months (job description attached)  Applicant tracking and onboarding software  Recruitment expenses for job posting, online and in-person recruitment activities, and collateral material  10 FTE Youth Coaches for 12 months (job description attached)  Pre-Employment Health Screening  .25 FTE Chief Program Officer for 12 months (job description attached)  Materials for internal leadership training  Tuition for UNO JJI juvenile justice certificate program  Registration fees and expenses for external conferences, webinars, and training sessions  Three paid internships for 12 months (16 hours per week @ $15.00 per hr.)  One hour of supervision per week  Pre-service training and materials  Development of coursework and materials  Tuition and fees for three staff




RADIUS is asking for assistance with initial startup funds to help with economic growth and providing gainful employment opportunities in the census tract within North and South Omaha Communities. If awarded LB1024, the request will be fiscally sustainable moving forward. RADIUS is funded in part by the Administration Office of the Courts & Probation who pays a daily rate for youth staying on campus and an in-home rate for community support to the families. RADIUS Teachers are reimbursed through the Department of Education. The remaining is funded by ongoing private grants and individual donations.







 In 2023 and 2024 RADIUS will be hiring around 25 youth coaches. The funds asked for in this grant could be used in either year while still offering gainful opportunities to the community.  Recruitment efforts will start in 2022 and will be ongoing, RADIUS could utilize these funds in order to pay for initial or ongoing recruitment efforts.  The internship program could start at any time. This is something RADIUS would like to offer during 2023 but could be started during any time during the next 2-3 years.  Development and training of staff and the associated fees could also be used in either time frame during 2023-24. As new staff are onboarded, they will go through pre-service training, so these costs are ongoing.


See attached budget.


RADIUS is committed to using this funding to meet the objectives in the proposal.










Organizational Chart Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule