Stable Gray Inc.: Census Tract Brand Revitalization Proposal




Stable Gray Inc.


2520 North 45th Street Omaha, NE 68110


P.O. Box 4634 Omaha, NE 68104



Instagram: @stablegray, Facebook: @stablegray, LinkedIn: @stablegray


Teddy Young





+1 (402) 965-1726




CharDale Barnes: CEO (20 years), Teddy Young: President (19 years), Randy Chavez: Creative Lead (4 years), Caleb Volquartsen: Video Content Pro (4 years), Candy Zollicoffer: Executive Assistant (7 years), Lewis Culliver: Content Producer (7 years), Julian Ivey: Web Developer (6 years), Ed Saunsoci: Content Producer/Consultant (5 years), Dani Young: Content Producer (7 years), Dan Kelly: Copywriting (7 years), Carolyn Kruger: Content Strategy/Copywriting (12 years), Manny Denis: Content Producer (4 years), Thomas Curry: Content Producer (4 years), Dannon Ross: Content Producer (2 years), DaPrie Wells: Content Producer (4 years), Jordan Young: Content Producer (4 years), Pranjal Doorwar: Software Development ( 7 years), Clark Connection Group: Business Development/Advisor (25 years), Alex Cortez: Content Producer (4 years), John Gibbs: Content Producer (4 years), Danielle Young: Content Producer (7 years), World Speaks Omaha: Bilingual Translation and Copywriting (15 years), Insight Marketing Concepts: Digital Marketing and Strategy Consultant (15 years), NBDC: Business Development Consultants, Julian Young Business Advisors: Business Development Consultants and Partners (15 years), Nebraska Enterprise Fund: Partners, Omaha Chamber of Commerce: Business Development Partners, Empowerment Network: Business Development Partners, SparkCDi: Business Development Partners, Stein Construction: General Contractor/Construction


Stable Gray comprises 18+ workers spanning many creative and executive-level disciplines. Our co-founders are CharDale Barnes and Theardis (Teddy) Young. Our permanent staff includes executives CharDale and Teddy, with Randy Chavez leading our design team, and Caleb Volquartsen leading our video and photo production projects. The rest of our staff and partners are under contract and each come with years of experience in their respective fields. We provided a list of our active partners and contractors in the previous team members and leadership section.


Decorations- 2021 Omaha Chamber Small Business of The Year, 2021 July Small Business of The Month, 7 year Anniversary (July 2022), MBA: Theardis Young, 2015 Omaha Code School Graduate (FullyStack Software Development): CharDale Barnes, Quick Pitch Competition Awardee (Metropolitan Community College): CharDale Barnes, Tier 1 Emerging Small Business Certified, Minority Owned Certification Completed Projects- Union Pacific Railroad: Investor Day Video Series (approx. 1hr of broadcast quality video, streamed globally), Viterra (Formerly Gavilon): HD quality business acquisition announment video and photo production, streamed live, globally, Scooters Coffee: 30th & Amers Grand Opening Content Production, Metropolitan Community College: 2020 Cover photos for The Reader Magazine, distributed regionally, 75 North ongoing social media and public relations management, Covid-19 Task Force: North Omaha campaign management of media buys, and content production during the pandemic, Freddie Mac: video production and content storage services, Habitat for Humanity: site construction documentation, virtual tour, Metro Transit: citywide photoshoot for media buys and internal marketing, many more! See our capability statement for a limited list of notable clients


Census Tract Brand Revitalization Proposal






Combination of capital project and service/program


IT’S TIME TO SCALE CENSUS TRACT AREAS, and Stable Gray is positioned to help make it a reality Executive Summary We’re so excited to detail our robust strategy to create careers for creatives and technologists in North Omaha. Stable Gray is presenting you with an opportunity to bring jobs, expansion, and a positive identity to North Omaha. This proposal also demonstrates how we can democratize access to tools that’ll surely help Omaha’s entrepreneurs be much more productive and prosperous, with opportunities included for creatives who don’t work at Stable Gray. With these efforts combined, Omaha’s qualified census tract will finally realize the growth it deserves. Stable Gray is seeking a total of $11,400,440 to execute this proposal. The budget is broken down into 4 sections: Open Studio North, District Branding, Wrap-Around Services, and Job Creation-to address brain drain. It allocates most of the funds to our internal growth strategy, with significant funding allocated to ensure other companies are successful as well. Specifically, it allocates well over a million combined dollars for job creation and business stimulation over the next 3 years in order to support our sustainable growth efforts. Through the execution of this proposal, Omaha will enjoy new tax revenue, jobs, and business development-at scale-with the qualified census tract areas.


24 months, with the final 15% of the project completed between August and December 2026




Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)


Tax revenue for the city and state through job creation


This proposal produces functional activity to bring creatives together in North and South Omaha, producing sense of belonging and better mental health for these communities. It creates jobs for construction workers for the next two years, and provides paid career pathways for Metropolitan Community College students through on-the-job training via paid internships, and Stable Gray employees. It builds the brand of new district(s) in North Omaha. It also gives established businesses more reasons to do business with Stable Gray in North Omaha, and new ways for creatives to make money within the qualified census tract. All of these efforts produces new tax revenue for the State of Nebraska.


Specifically related to brain drain, this proposal reduces brain drain and creates in-roads to work opportunities within the qualified census tract. Less stem workers will need to leave the area to find work as software developers.


Organically, Stable Gray is aligned with LB1024 because we're in business to help businesses develop and be successful. Our proposal provides A-Z company branding and support for business development inside the qualified census tract. Many businesses in these areas lack a proper marketing budget. Our proposal helps businesses overcome the initial challenges related to finding and establishing a strong customer base.


We project a minimum of $355,440 in wages paid over the next three years with the deployment of this proposal. This is just the stimulation phase. We anticipate additional wages required to support business growth as a result, and an ongoing partnership with Metropolitan Community College through our high paying paid internship program with them.


We plan to create 6 permanent positions as a result of this proposal: project manager, web developer, administrative assistant, two new content producers and three staff members for the studio: front desk position, technical lead/equipment consultant, equipment assistant


Four new internship positions will be created, renewing each quarter of Metropolitan Community College coursework: design intern, web development intern, video intern, photo intern; We anticipate 20 temporary construction jobs for buildout.


Our internships will pay at total of $22/hr, our new project manager will earn $85,000 salary, other paid careers with Stable Gray will average $18/hr or more, construction workers are built into the budget and will pay at market rate


Our contractor base is already robust, but will grow with the execution of this proposal. Because our locations are inside the qualified census tract, this issue is addressed automatically. If our real estate for the new buildout is outside the census tract, it will still provide opportunities for workers located in the qualified census tract due to the nature of our business.


Our proposal includes new streetscape, district brand design, and brand improvements distributed to businesses within the qualified census tract.


It provides new permanent jobs and reduces brain drain within the qualified census tract. It also stimulates a creative culture, which is a quality of many in these areas, improving mental health and positive outlook for the North and South Omaha communities.


While it won't be the first studio of its kind in the area (Hayneedle has owned and operated a large scale content studio for years), it will be the first of its kind within the qualified census tract, and the first one open to the public. It will no doubt attract creatives from all over the region due to the unique gear and spaces we plan to build.


We will track career outcomes for our interns, and of course our permanent hires. We can track our high wage job creation. We will look at outcomes for creatives with our intake forms at our new studio and keep track of revenue growth year over year. We'll conduct North and South Omaha business surveys to measure outcomes with other businesses we interact with.


All of our data will be executed with our partnerships at Insight Marketing Concepts and PPRP Innovations.


It does act as a co-investment, as Stable Gray will continue its annual strategy of business reinvestment. We'll commit to reinvest 10% of profits into the business. This includes equipment improvements and job growth due to demand markers.




RDQLS: Brand Consultation and District Development; World Speaks Omaha: language translation and copywriting;Surreal Media Labs: marketing and content production at scale; 95.7 The Boss: content distribution and community marketing through radio and media buys; The Omaha Star: content distribution and community marketing through print and web, including media buys; The Reader: content distribution and community marketing through print and web, including media buys; Midlands Business Journal: content distribution and community marketing through print and web, including media buys; Spark CDi: real estate development and community insights, NBDC: government contracts and business development consulting, Clark Connection Group: business development and public relations,


Surreal Media Labs: already completed projects together; World Speaks Omaha: completed projects together and actively work together; Insight Marketing Concepts: completed projects together and actively work together, Spark CDi, online form completed and actively meeting with Spark for solutions; The Omaha Star: under contract; Clark Connection Group: under contract;




One of our proposed locations would displace two families at the 4804 N 30th Street location. We presented a total of 5 options that have proper zoning and could be shovel ready within 120 days of funds distribution.


The ideal location would be 2751 Farnam. The building is dilapidated. With a full demo, Stable Gray can begin buildout since zoning and other design factors are already built in to the project. This location would be a two story construction. Most of the locations in our proposal can be built in a compact way using two story construction with warehouse bays on bottom.


Within one or more QCTs














We produced our construction bid package with preliminary talks with Stein Construction and market research via






Documentation provided. See attached.


Documentation provided. See attached.




The invested property will be owned and operated by Stable Gray. The primary use of the buildout will be to grow the company internally. Stable Gray has had many bids and bid opportunities is can't fulfill due to capacity challenges. The execution of this proposal puts Stable Gray in a competitive position to bid for larger contracts and fulfill existing ones much more quickly, bringing the company profit faster and with better client satisfaction.


We are prepared to seek a loan of up to $250,000 with either the Nebraska Enterprise Fund, or 1st State Bank. We believe we could get a loan of this amount, but it would present a risky form of debt, and would leave Stable Gray underfunded and highly leveraged. Because of these reasons, Stable Gray has avoided a loan for this project.





It is scalable. With the purchase of one of the locations and initial buildout, it is still feasible. Our proposal is for a 10,000 square foot production studio, but could be built 5,000 square feet now, and the other 5,000 square feet at a later time.


We don't have component breakdowns in the proposal as we would retain an architect for this portion, but we anticipate using prefabricated construction methods that could be welded together to complete the weather and fire proofing built in.


Stable Gray is willing to commit $100,000 to ensure this proposals success. However, we would need to take a loan to do so.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation