El Toro Plaza: El Toro Plaza




El Toro Plaza


2405 Z Street, Omaha, NE.


Ryan M. Sell 1200 S. 17th St Omaha, NE 68108




Ryan M. Sell






+1 (402) 982-2712




Ryan Sell, Owner and Contractor, DeShawne L. Bird-Sell, Owner and attorney. Ryan has decades of experience in construction of both commercial and residential entities. DeShawne is an attorney and has provided the legal facet of the endeavors. The parties have acquired and repurposed numerous sites commencing in the year 2000. Parker Sell is a team-member with several years of experience in commercial real estate and finance. Brock Sell will provide site management and has been lead on this site. Madeleine Wilson provides key rental and demographic information. Her expertise in developing budgets and plans including the site data is invaluable. Diana Wray provides oversight for the legal and financial aspects. Karri Mohr handles the finances and comes from a rental management background. This is the core team and our financial team includes Brent VonEssen, James Prchal and Charles Wiiest. Our real estate team includes Margaret Russmann as in-house realtor and Danielle Lowry as the commercial real state contact.


See Organizational Chart


Our organizations have completed the following projects in Iowa and Nebraska. Albia Buiness Plaza, LLC - a shopping center that was tragically hit by a tornado. Our team rebuilt the entire shopping center to become a thriving part of the Albia, Iowa community. Perry Business Plaza, LLC - this center was abandoned. We remodeled and demolished a portion of the property to become a center that is now a top attraction in the town of Perry, Iowa, boasting an Orschlen's and several supporting shops. Hotel Arthur - our team remodeled the entire hotel down to the concrete block and rebuilt the town's only hotel. It went from two guests per day to 26 full rooms regularly. City of Pacific Junction - Our team was chosen out of several bids to clean up the town's devastation after the 2019 flood. The flooding completely devestated the town and the clean-up was substantial. These are just a few of the major projects we have completed in the last few years. In addition to the aforementioned, the team has managed to remove the old packing house that sat empty for more than 30 years at this location. This empty building attracted gang members, vandals and was the site of illegal dumping for years prior to our ownership.


El Toro Plaza






Combination of capital project and service/program


Creating generational wealth for an underserved section of South Omaha requires resources that historically have not been available. This exciting opportunity fits the concepts of El Toro Plaza - a project predicated on rehabilitating existing real estate. El Toro Plaza is a 30 tenant business hub with a centralized conference center, loading docks, and a plethora of parking. Z End operating as El Toro Plaza, purchased 2405 Z Street in South Omaha in 2017 and immediately commenced work. The site consists of approximately five acres. This abandoned structure attracted vandals, gangs and was used as a dumping site. The structure had been vacant for decades and served as an eyesore for the proud community members who vocalized their disdain for the property. The possibility of utilizing funds to expand what has been started folds neatly into boundless generational opportunities. The former packing house employed numerous people in South Omaha. We intend to restore employment to the area by first utilizing South Omaha’s construction talent and then providing that talent with a work-space to expand their own business. El Toro will include a business complex providing commercial/industrial bays for those that need space. It will include a common area that houses a kitchen and conference room. El Toro Plaza intends to collaborate with South Omaha organizations to offer bi-lingual professional programs on site. The conference areas will provide an essential meeting space conducive to expansion and partnerships that will be fostered in this location. Each bay will have offices, restrooms and utilities. The construction includes non-load bearing walls in the interior that are removable to allow each business space to expand relative to their needs. The exterior walls will be constructed with 8-inch concrete providing security and sustainability. Currently, the opportunity to lease a business space in South Omaha is 1.9% (See attached Industrial South Omaha Submarket Report). The need is clear - and we are in the perfect position to IMMEDIATELY fill the need with a parcel that sits ready to build the future for the citizens of South Omaha.


This location is immediately available to build. We would like to commence work immediately. Our anticipated timeline would have this site completed in 2024. Attached is a comprehensive timeline.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Transformational - El Toro will transform the site of an abandoned packing plant into a thriving business hub full of investments and opportunities. Each flex hub space will offer a new opportunity for a small business. These small businesses can either work directly from the site or utilize this area as a headquarters. For instance, if a self-employed roofer needs a spot to house tools, currently the only option is to put them either in a garage (if available) or in the house at night. The crew would need to meet at the house or the site and any extra materials would not be stored due to space available. El Toro Plaza would provide this space for the roofer as well as an area to meet with potential customers in the conference center. The proximity to Metropolitan Community College will provide an opportunity to hone skills and develop an educational path to those engaged in the area. The local business partnerships would bring innovative ideas to the conference center regularly to inform the business of unique and exciting opportunities. El Toro Plaza’s green space and loading docks will provide additional areas for the companies to utilize to add to their small business professional space. Fundamental Change: For decades, the neighborhood has had to deal with the abandoned packing plant. The plant attracted gang members, graffiti, weeds and illegal dumping. The removal of the plant itself has revitalized the area but left almost five acres of bare ground. Although it is more aesthetically pleasing than the dilapidated building, the site is a reminder to the residents that South Omaha needs industrial growth. El Toro would provide a boost of energy to the area. It would clean up an otherwise forgotten part of the city and allow an industrial connection for the workers and patrons nearby. The area will be strengthened by the traffic and the new buildings. Investments in other areas, presumably in the small businesses, will provide additional investment into not only the area, but the residents themselves. Long-lasting Economic Growth: As stated, this project will revamp and entire area of South Omaha. The five acres represents a new start for the community. The stockyards and the packing houses that have moved on are slowly being replaced with new industry. El Toro (the Bull) is a conduit for the community to forge into the future. The explosion of industry and the ability to foster small business growth will allow a generational expansion of growth and education. The proverbial passing of the torch to the next generation will be possible through the business hub that is created and fostered in the community in which the owners and patrons reside. This continuing effort to achieve financial independence will allow prosperity to thrive.


This particular project aligns with the perceived SWOT strengths and focuses on both the weaknesses and the threats to the community. First, the strengths identified include a population that is hard-working and rich in culture consisting of more than 60 percent Latinx. The weakness for these hardworking people includes that lack of infrastructure with dated commercial properties that are inaccessible. The threats perceived include no land for growth and very old construction. El Toro Plaza intends to provide this hard-working population with a new structure that will benefit the entire population giving them pride in their facilities as well as a gathering place. These areas will additionally allow the patrons and the workers the added benefit of addressing the transportation disparity by having the location central to their homes instead of traveling just to get to their employment. Several of the SWOT weaknesses stated they were unable to get transportation to work-sites. These sites would be easily accessible to the community members. The location is within the community. An added benefit is the opportunity to provide a reuse of the land with a rich history in the area to provide meeting and community spaces for the workforce that has a strong and proud history.


LB1024 specifically states that the priorities are to assist with small businesses and as well assist with business development. El Toro Plaza provides a plethora of opportunities for the citizens of South Omaha - including but not limited to the location of the business, access to assistance for forming businesses within the Plaza’s location, professional services to continue the businesses and as well will provide a community experience for the businesses that is vital to the area. This location will utilize the areas organizations to assist in business development and maintenance and will reach out to Metropolitan Community College to fill educational gaps for the hub’s tenants.


El Toro Plaza anticipates that the construction phase would garner dozens of jobs with the end result providing employment spaces for the community to expand in various opportunities. Commencing immediately upon receipt of funds, El Toro Plaza would employ individuals to facilitate the construction of the property. This includes both the site work, landscaping and construction of the new facility. The project would employ numerous individuals and companies and we are committed to utilize as many residents of South Omaha as possible in the endeavor. The wages will be commensurate with experience. The hope is that these temporary jobs will lead to the employees investing in their own business and leasing a bay they just constructed. Additionally, the site will employ individuals to maintain the conference areas and the site itself. These employees will be hourly. The newly established 30 plus bays will provide employment opportunities for over 100 workers. These employment opportunities will lead to additional traffic to the location as opposed to having the residents travel to other parts of Omaha for their work day - thereby increasing spending in local establishments. We further anticipate a model that provides educational opportunities in cooperation with the Metropolitan Community College nearby.


We anticipate that fully functional, this space will provide jobs for more than 100 people - with potential to provide ancillary jobs for many, many more.


Each facet of construction will provide at least 20 new jobs per phase.


These will be skilled jobs such as mechanics and laborers as well as the professional degrees that will be on site. These wages will range from approximately $52,000 to $150,000.00 and beyond as the entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to build their own wealth.


The aim is to commence work immediately upon receiving the grants. This will provide construction work for dozens of workers immediately. Trade workers will be employed immediately upon receipt of funding.


El Toro Plaza transforms the vacant industrial area immediately adjacent to a thriving residential area - into a business hub for small business owners to invest and maintain their own communities. These proud workers will have the chance to provide generational wealth for their families - continue their education - encourage the youth to continue in their footsteps and have pride in a community that sometimes feels neglected. The project will provide an immediate impact to South Omaha by providing additional jobs upon receipt of the funds and continuing to increase the number of jobs as near project completion. The intent is to transition the immediate jobs into small businesses for the employees to become the employers. The benefits to the community are endless but include: pride in the community, immediate employment, access to organizations and educational programs, fostering the community’s youth, increased traffic to the surrounding businesses, decreased travel to employer locations outside of South Omaha, space for consumers to meet tradespeople, a sense of community within the business plaza, and so much more.


The blighted area will be given new life. It has been forgotten for so many decades. The project will immediately create jobs - the jobs will morph into small businesses - the small businesses will be housed in a sustainable and appealing location - which in turn will provide growth and expansion in the area. This proposal will include a green space that will provide an area of respite among the industrial tenants upon completion. This area will be a community area that will allow a rest site for visitors and workers during their hectic schedules. The sense of community in these green spaces will provide the ability for persons of alternate trades to meet and have discussions and share ideas. Additionally, quality of life will improve by not having to travel to other parts of the city before and after work allowing a smooth transition home. The quality of life of the adjacent homeowners will benefit by having that eyesore removed and replaced with a state of the art building that provides the neighbors with jobs and pride.


The concept we are proposing has been successful in various larger cities but there are none in the metro area. Our concept brings small businesses together to provide a central location for growth. Each bay will be provided with their own office, restrooms and utilities. The conference area will provide a location for tenants to meet with tax advisors, potential customers and business professionals. The building will be built with non-load bearing walls in the interior. The walls that separate the bays will be easy to remove and replace to allow the tenant’s growth. With this concept, as their business expands, so can their space. The exterior walls will be built with 8 inches of concrete. These walls will provide sustainability and security. The lack of availability, affordability and adaptability is prevalent in these areas. The spaces that become available to the small businesses that are in need are not conducive to the types of building space available. For instance a mechanic cannot raise a car in their space due to the lowered ceilings. El Toro Plaza will include ceilings that are 22 feet. Each bay will have access to loading docks for their goods. Historically, some of the buildings have been ignored in South Omaha. These buildings have a use that does not fit the current needs of small business. Examples of this are but not limited to a contractor that needs an elevated space to store building materials. Storage of product with the elevated ceilings will provide endless possibilities for the space. The 60’s and 70’s turned to metal buildings. These buildings do not endure time with denting, fading and rusting. The construction we are proposing will be adaptable to the times and will provide a structure that looks appealing and maintains the integrity of the design for years to come. With the quality of construction we are proposing the small business will have “conveniences” of high ceilings and doors, energy efficiency, affordability to fill the hole that currently exists in South Omaha.


El Toro Plaza will provide new job opportunities for the local community as well as a new aesthetic for the small business owner to allow for customers to visit them at their shop. The measurement should be based on generational improvements in addition to the short-term increase in income. An additional measure would be the request to remove the non-load bearing walls symbolizing growth in each small business.


The measurements will by our staff. Vacancies and requests for additional space are primary indicators of success. Traffic counts will be an additional measure as this location has little traffic in the current state.


Absolutely! This is precisely what El Toro Plaza hopes to promote. Each business that is either initiated at El Toro Plaza or comes to lease at El Toro Plaza will have the ability to grow. This type of investment in the community will allow the partnership of other entities to invest in the small businesses. These businesses represent a small seed that grows larger through each generation. El Toro Plaza believes this development to be life-changing for generations to come.




We intend to partner with local organizations that will bolster the business acumen of businesses located at El Toro Plaza. We intend to hold regular meetings with organizations that will provide essential business strategies such as incorporation and accounting advice.






This location is 2405 Z Street, Omaha, Nebraska. The site is an approximate five acre location that housed a packing plant and a leather facility for years. The last known use is approximately 30 plus years ago - and thereafter the location has been used for storage. The monstrosity of a building had deteriorated to such an extent that rehabilitation of the structure was impossible. We made the decision to remove the building and started work on demolition. The site is currently ready for El Toro Plaza!


Within one or more QCTs


Will upload plans and documents.


















Our request is based on the information located in the design estimate and the subsequent pro forma.


The grant funds will be utilized to bring this project to life. This construction will commence immediately upon receipt of the funds and the budget provides the precise use of the funding.




This investment will provide the ability to construct the buildings. The rental income from the bays will provide the necessary income to maintain the project.


This project has no other funding sources.





Possibly but the extent of the build would be economically similar in nature as the costly portions of this would be incurred to prepare the site and not the actual number of flex spaces.



El Toro Plaza through Z End, LLC has owned the site for five years. A lot of work has already been done to the site to get to this point. The ongoing commitment to the site and this area has been expressed through our previous actions. Expenditures such as demolition, property clean-up, taxes and insurance have consistently been paid for years. The members will continue to keep their financial commitment to the area in tact regardless of the outcome of the application.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule