Missiontan LLC: TAMEE (Technology- And Media-Enhanced Experiences)




Missiontan LLC


2318 North 16th Street Omaha, NE 68110


6551 Sahler Street Suite 2 Omaha, NE 68104





Camille Steed


Sole Member, Project Director, Lead TAMEE for Seniors Instructor




+1 (402) 215-9581




Camille Steed, Project Director / Senior Instructor, Master of Arts in Journalism, Over 30 Years of Media Experience; Charles "cp3o" Parks III, TAMEE Creator / Lead Instructor, 43 IT Certifications, Over 30 Years of Tech and Media Experience


Not Applicable


TAMEE programming has been previously taught at the following partner locations: Summer, 2009 Creighton University – Omaha, Nebraska April, 2013 – February, 2014 Bryant Center Association – Omaha, Nebraska December, 2016 – February, 2017 Urban League of Nebraska, Inc. – Omaha, Nebraska Site: Monroe Public Middle School February, 2017 – May, 2019 Collective for Youth – Omaha, Nebraska Site: Morton Public Middle School (Lead Agency: Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands) April, 2017 – September, 2018 Collective for Youth – Omaha, Nebraska Site: Lewis and Clark Public Middle School (Lead Agency: Civic Nebraska) Summer, 2017; October, 2018 Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands – Omaha, Nebraska Site: Morton Public Middle School September, 2017 – December, 2017 Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands – Omaha, Nebraska Site: Skinner Public Elementary School (5th and 6th Grades) October, 2017 – May, 2019 Collective for Youth – Omaha, Nebraska Site: King Science & Tech Public Middle School (Lead Agency: Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands) October, 2017 – June, 2019 Collective for Youth – Omaha, Nebraska Site: McMillan Public Middle School (Lead Agency: YMCA) December, 2017 – June, 2018 The Sherwood Foundation – Omaha, Nebraska Various Collective for Youth Sites June, 2018 – June, 2019 Collective for Youth – Omaha, Nebraska Site: Nathan Hale Public Middle School (Lead Agency: DREAM Foundation) Summer, 2018 Complete KIDS Site: All Saints Catholic School October, 2018 – November, 2018 Collective for Youth – Omaha, Nebraska Site: Norris Public Middle School (Lead Agency: Completely KIDS)


TAMEE (Technology- And Media-Enhanced Experiences)






Combination of capital project and service/program


The Technology- and Media-Enhanced Experiences Program, or TAMEE Program, was first created (in principle) by Charles “cp3o” Parks, III in June, 2008. Mr. Parks taught a Tech- and Media-based, Out-of-School Time (OST) curriculum for Creighton University’s Upward Bound Program. Over 50 students participated in a variety of activities based on an incentive-driven curriculum designed for disadvantaged college-bound high school students. The prize for that particular year was a new laptop computer. Points were given to students based upon their participation of activities both in- and out-of-classroom. Mr. Parks created a website showing the leaderboard for all of the participating students. As a result, the session had 100% class participation, not only because the curriculum was relevant and of interest to the students, but also because no student wanted to be at the bottom of the leaderboard. Since its inaugural debut, TAMEE has served hundreds of middle and high school students (many of whom are on Free and Reduced Lunch) and given away thousands of dollars in prizes and incentives throughout the Omaha, Nebraska area. If selected as a funding recipient for the North Omaha Recovery Plan, the TAMEE Project could be expanded to offer greater impact and positive outcomes to those who reside and work in North Omaha. Not only would middle and high school students continue to participate in some of the best STEAM courses offered in the city, but adults, seniors, and professionals would also be able to participate in a variety of activities that build their own Tech and Media skills. These are skills that are necessary to navigate today’s digital society, and gives professionals a much-needed edge to be employed / contracted in today’s Technology and Media careers. MissionTan LLC is seeking $ 5 Million over 4 Years for the following: • Renovation / conversion of a Service Station into a Multi-Use Facility • Purchase of a Mobile Fleet (1 Classroom, 2 SUVs) • Creation of an Online Tech- and Media-based LMS (Learning Management System) • Implementation of Incentive-Driven, Classroom- and Online-based Tech and Media Activities, Courses, Labs, Projects, and Challenges for Youth, Adults, Seniors, and Professionals


Assuming Funding Commitment by January 1st, 2023: Completion of LMS Software Setup / Documentation: February 1st, 2023 Completion of Public LMS / Classroom Curriculum: In Progress, Ongoing Delivery of Mobile SUVs: February 1st, 2023 Completion of Initial Internal LMS Curriculum (Operations): March 1st, 2023 Begin Offering LMS Public Courses: March 1st, 2023 Hiring of (2) Assistant Instructors: March 1st, 2023 Delivery of STEAM Mobile Classroom: April 1st, 2023 Completion of Initial Marketing and MOUs for Partners (e.g. Collective for Youth, Wal-mart @ Ames): April 1st, 2023 Outcome Reports: Monthly, Beginning May 1st, 2023 Renovation of FUSE Building: July 1st, 2023 Hiring and Training of Remaining Personnel: July 1st, 2023 Begin FUSE Classroom / Workspace Activities: August 1st, 2023




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



TAMEE addresses the following four areas of Community Needs: 1. Sustainable Community – TAMEE will primarily provide incentive-driven, online and classroom based curriculum (mostly technology and media related) to youth, adults, and seniors. TAMEE will also provide services for entrepreneurs and business owners to better promote their product and service offerings. 2. Infrastructure – TAMEE will assist area residents with the installation of 4G/5G broadband Internet access, as well as a laptop computer w/ Microsoft Office applications and training for households that do not have currently have either. 3. Quality of Life – The renovation of the proposed FUSE building will provide a safe environment for those who wish to participate in all of the proposed offerings. 4. Policy – TAMEE will develop and instruct context-sensitive educational training, including the latest concepts in technology and media related skills.


We were not informed of the Visioning Workshop and therefore could not participate


TAMEE addresses the following eight projects defined in the LB1024’s Expenditure Categories: 1. EC 2.3a: Wraparound Services Support for Job Training Program Enrollees – TAMEE will provide North Omaha residents with job training in high-tech and digital media careers. TAMEE will use $ 152,571 to defray any financial burdens that would prevent residents from participating in TAMEE’s programming. 2. EC 2.7a: Skill Up North Omaha! (Adult Paid Job Training Program / Certifications) – TAMEE will provide female and residents of color with college prep and job training. TAMEE will use $ 152,571 to defray any direct or indirect financial burdens that would prevent residents from participating in TAMEE’s programming. 3. EC 2.7c: Skills Based Job Readiness Program (Construction, Healthcare, Tech) – TAMEE will provide a skills-based job readiness program for low to moderate income residents seeking career advancement in high-tech careers. TAMEE personnel will contact employers throughout the Metro Omaha area and request which technology skills are most in demand for positions they need to fill. TAMEE will also create a program that focuses on assisting re-entry residents to develop “soft skills.” TAMEE will use $ 63,556 to defray any direct or indirect financial burdens that would prevent residents from participating in TAMEE’s programming. 4. EC 2.9a: Minority Owned Businesses Assistance Grant – TAMEE will provide minority owned businesses with online and classroom coaching, mentoring, and start-up company support. For example, TAMEE will have a series of Digital Marketing and E-commerce Website Design courses to assist minority owned businesses with building their online presence. TAMEE will use $ 114,473 to give businesses an incentive (e.g. gift cards or cash prizes) to utilize TAMEE’s programming. 5. EC 2.11c: Improvements to increase tourism to 16th Historic Culture District – With the proposed renovation of the building located on 16th Street, TAMEE will help create and promote digital artists. Participants will be able to develop skills in digital photography, graphic design, as well as video and music production. TAMEE will showcase their work through scheduled events both on-site and online. TAMEE will use $ 81,015 to give prospective digital artists an incentive (e.g. gift cards or cash prizes) to utilize TAMEE’s programming. 6. EC 3.5a: Step-Up Omaha! Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Program – TAMEE will offer numerous opportunities for Step-Up Omaha! Participants. These opportunities would include: 1) paid employment positions, during summers and year-round; 2) online and classroom challenges based on TAMEE curriculum; and 3) start-up funding, coaching, and mentorship for participants considering entrepreneurship. TAMEE will use $ 101,744 to give participants an incentive (e.g. gift cards or cash prizes) to utilize TAMEE’s programming. 7. EC 3.16a: Crime and Gang Prevention – TAMEE will provide incentive-driven educational opportunities that serve youth and families in North Omaha. TAMEE will use $ 107,202 to defray any direct or indirect financial burdens that would prevent youth and families from participating in TAMEE’s programming. These funds would also be used as an incentive (e.g. gift cards or cash prizes) for youth and families to utilize TAMEE’s programming. 8. EC 5.16a: Last Mile Project – TAMEE will assist area residents and business owners with the installation of 4G/5G broadband Internet access, as well as a laptop computer w/ Microsoft Office applications and training for households and businesses that do not have currently have either.


Internal Personnel: One Permanent Curriculum Developer @ $ 75 / hour Two Permanent Lead Instructors @ $ 75 / hour One Permanent Marketing Director (Part-time) @ $ 50 / hour Two Permanent Assistant Instructors @ $ 35 / hour Two Permanent Security Officers @ $ 25 / hour Two Permanent Administrative Assistants @ $ 20 / hour One Custodian @ $ 20 / hour Two Permanent Student Assistants (Part-time) @ $ 15 / hour


Internal: 11 Permanent Full-time, 2 Permanent Part-time; External: No Limit


Step-Up Omaha! (assuming 20 hours total / participant): 339 Temporary Jobs


Internal: $15 - $75/hour; Step-Up Omaha!: $15/hour


TAMEE personnel will contact employers within the Qualified Census Tracts and request which technology skills are most in demand for positions they need to fill.


Please refer to the Proposal Narrative


Please refer to the Proposal Narrative


The past TAMEE program sessions all had a 100% rate of participation due to the incentives offered, as well as course content that was innovative and relevant.


The measured outcomes include: course attendance / participation, academic improvement, career placement / advancement, closure of digital divide gap, improved soft skills


Outcomes will be measured by the Lead Instructors using the PAM (Project Administration and Management) system provided In-Kind by MultiMillionaire LLC.


Not Applicable




UN-Omaha, Metropolitan Community College, Omaha Public Schools, Collective for Youth, Girls Inc, WCA, Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands, Completely KIDS, Civic Nebraska, Urban League of Nebraska, Kids Can, YMCA


None Currently





2318 North 16th Street Omaha, NE 68110 1,148 sq ft space built in 1928 as an automotive service station To be renovated into a Multi-Functional Facility


Within one or more QCTs


CBRE Assessment with Location Map Attached













Walk-throughs with various contractors






The most significant cost for this program is for personnel. Including operational costs, this ensures that TAMEE programming will be consistently provided at least for four years. Based upon previous TAMEE participation, the incentives will increase participation from residents and business owners / employees. The financial support will defray burdens that would otherwise hinder the ability for participants to successfully utilize TAMEE's offerings. The equipment will allow the simultaneous participation of at least 60 participants of TAMEE Classroom curriculum per class hour. The FUSE renovation converts an old, unoccupied service station into a safe, multi-purpose facility. The STEAM Mobile Classroom allows TAMEE Classroom activities to be conducted on any premises that can support parking of a Recreational Vehicle. This could be for sites that do not have adequate or available classrooms. The Mobile SUVs will allow for the safe transportation of TAMEE personnel and equipment to Classroom sites. The Mobile SUVs could also be used to safely transport TAMEE participants to / from the FUSE location or other relevant partner locations, if scheduling allows. Devices can be plugged into the rear-seat monitors for additional visual productivity (e.g. review lesson plans). These Mobile SUVs also intentionally provide additional comfort to reduce pain attributed from constantly loading and unloading hundreds of pounds of equipment each week.


$ 2,220,000 – Personnel $ 890,419 – Direct Participant Incentives / Financial Support $ 471,515 – Equipment $ 250,000 – FUSE Renovation $ 398,784 – General Operational (4 Years) $ 267,702 – STEAM Mobile Classroom Purchase $ 200,000 – STEAM Mobile Classroom Operational (160 Weeks) $ 201,850 – (2) Mobile SUVs Purchase $ 100,000 – (2) Mobile SUVs Operational (192 Weeks)




All fiscal operations will be managed by the two Lead Instructors using Quickbooks. After the initial investment, TAMEE's built-in revenue generators will continue to support the program.


None at this time


Not Applicable


Not without jeopardizing the long-term revenue opportunities


Although this proposal could scale upwards, it cannot be successfully completed in smaller components


Not Applicable


$ 568,300 - MultiMillionaire LLC for Equipment & Consultation; Instruction Discount $ 27,504 - Henry F. Steed Trust for Lease Estimated Value










Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area