United Way Of The Midlands: JAG Nebraska




United Way Of The Midlands


2201 Farnam Street, Suite 200






Uroosa Jawed


Grant Manager




+1 (402) 342-8232




Matt Wallen, SVP Community Impact and Analytics; Shauna Paolini JAG Nebraska Director



JAG Nebraska began services in 2019 with three high school locations in the heart of the Midwest. Over the past three years, we’ve grown to serve over 1,200 students at 24 middle and high schools in Nebraska, with continued plans for expansion. JAG Nebraska graduates are 2.3 times more likely to gain full-time employment and are projected to produce over $5,000,000 in increased earnings and spending annually while increasing local tax revenue by over $200,000 by the midpoint of their careers, increasing home sales nationally by $16,000,000.


JAG Nebraska








JAG Nebraska, in association with United Way of the Midlands, removes barriers and creates paths to transformational opportunity for youth – resulting in improved graduation, employment and educational outcomes for at-risk youth. Through evidence-based curriculum, students learn critical skills for employment and prepare to enter the workforce upon graduation. JAG programming integrates project-based learning, employer engagement, and trauma-informed care through competency-based, for-credit, elective classroom instruction. JAG Nebraska began services in 2019 and currently serves 645 students at 14 middle and high school programs in Nebraska, with plans to expand into at least 12 more in the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. A grant from LE 1024 would accelerate this growth and create positive educational and workforce outcomes for students at five Omaha Public Schools located in Qualified Census Tracts (QCT): Benson High School, Monroe Middle School, King Science Technical Magnet Middle School, McMillan Middle School, and South High School.


June 2023: Hire Staff July 2023: Staff Training August 2023: School Start/ JAG programming start October 2023: Leadership Conference December 2023: Mid Year May 2024: End of school year/programming August 2024: Reporting complete




Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha)

Community Needs

Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



We know that hundreds of students in Omaha face significant barriers to meaningful employment upon graduation. Vulnerable students were impacted earlier and harder by the challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic. At a time when students are experiencing record learning loss, JAG targets high-need students and helps them build resiliency, overcome obstacles and learn job skills so they can thrive. We’ve seen JAG change lives, and disrupt cycles of multi-generational poverty. JAG programming integrates project-based learning, employer engagement, and trauma-informed care through competency-based, for-credit, elective classroom instruction. Through the program, students engage in hands-on, realistic learning experiences. As a result of the JAG program, students identified to participate are less likely to be truant and less likely to engage in incidents of violence. JAG is a state-based program that empowers students to succeed in classroom, career and life. JAG puts students at the center of a three-tiered strategy including project-based learning, employer engagement, and trauma informed care. Each strategy is implemented using evidence-based practices. For instance, JAG follows the Buck Institute for Education PBL model, a nationally recognized practice. JAG’s project-based learning continuum is proven to be an effective model in building relationships between the student participants and employers within their respective communities. The model also consists of a comprehensive set of services designed to keep young people in school, while decreasing truancy and incidents of violence. These outcomes ensure that students are on the path to success and financial stability. Past successes include: JAG students achieved 100% graduation/HS equivalency, 77% secured Military employment, and 79% secured full time (30 hours/week) employment. As a result of the JAG program, students identified to participate will have increased attendance rates, increased academic performance, increased high school graduation rates with successful transition into full-time employment. JAG students throughout Nebraska are projected to produce over $5,000,000 in increased spending annually. JAG graduates are projected to increase state and local tax revenue by over $200,000 by the midpoint of their careers. JAG Nebraska equips students in Omaha for meaningful employment through on-site and hands-on instruction during school hours, decreases truancy, and decreases incidents of school violence, thus creating a more sustainable community. A trained Career Specialist in each school functions as a teacher, coach, mentor and advocate for students with identified barriers to success. JAG is offered as an elective class during the regular school day, motivating students to come to school and helping them thrive once they get there. Throughout the duration of the program, students build relationships with local employers and work collaboratively with other organizations through volunteer efforts in service learning and employer engagement. Middle school students in the JAG program are truant less often and have fewer incidents of violence. A grant from LE 1024 would support programing for five Omaha Public Schools located within Qualified Census Tracts, increasing attendance, academic performance, and high school graduation rates with successful transition into full-time employment and/or post-secondary education or training programs. Students engage in hands-on, realistic learning experiences, mastering a minimum of up to 87 competencies translatable to workforce. JAG Nebraska Career Specialists are teachers, mentors, and advocates who provide individual attention and support to students in navigating high school education and employment attainment or post-secondary education following high school graduation, assisting students in overcoming barriers to success. • 86% of JAG students qualify for free and reduced lunch, well above the state average of approximately


A key priority of Legislative Bill 1024 is an emphasis on job creation and economic recovery of communities located in Qualified Census Tracts in Omaha. The proposed JAG Nebraska programs directly benefit students in five schools located in QCT: Benson High School, Monroe Middle School, King Science Technical Magnet Middle School, McMillan Middle School, and South High School. At the heart of LE 1024 is a vision of a thriving North and South Omaha. The JAG NE program will be an essential part of that vision.


A key priority of Legislative Bill 1024 is an emphasis on job creation and economic recovery of communities located in Qualified Census Tracts in Omaha. The proposed JAG Nebraska programs directly benefit students in five schools located in QCT: Benson High School, Monroe Middle School, King Science Technical Magnet Middle School, McMillan Middle School, and South High School. At the heart of LE 1024 is a vision of a thriving North and South Omaha. The JAG NE program will be an essential part of that vision.


14 additional jobs, 12 teachers, 1 administrative support, 1 quality assurance support. In addition to the jobs created immediately to conduct the program, we anticipate a significant benefit to long term job creation due to the JAG program. During the 2023-2024 school year, JAG NE will prepare 500 students from five QCT schools for the workforce that will be available to fill thousands of open positions in H3 occupations. JAG Nebraska graduates are 2.3 times more likely to gain full-time employment and are projected to produce over $5,000,000 in increased earnings and spending annually while increasing local tax revenue by over $200,000 by the midpoint of their careers, increasing home sales nationally by $16,000,000.


14 full time jobs immediately


JAG facilitates hands-on career exploration experiences as aligned with Nebraska’s Career and Technical Education clusters. By partnering with Nebraska’s local employers, through student voice and choice, students will have access to construction as it falls within the Skilled Technical Sciences cluster.


Our budget for teachers is $51,000 plus 30% in benefits. We prioritize jobs for students that provide self-sustaining wages.


Local Nebraska employers engage with students in partnership with JAG Nebraska through various opportunities to include: • Classroom guest speakers to share personal career pathway journey, company information, jobs available and skills required. • Hosting JAG students for a career exploration “behind the scenes” field trip and company tour to learn about the job opportunities available through in-person experiences. • Project-based learning activities to bring career experiences to the classroom; i.e. property management company provides students with hands-on opportunities for drywall patching to learn a ‘day in the life’ of a property manager role. • Job Shadowing • Simulations • Industry Conferences • On the Job Trainings • Paid Work Experiences • Registered Apprenticeships • Employment opportunities • Certification and Credential Attainment • Employers serve as volunteers to help JAG students master workforce competencies such as introductions, resumes, interviewing, and communication skills.


The JAG NE program creates a more sustainable community through increased graduation rates and employment training which leads to meaningful careers for individuals in vulnerable areas of Omaha. The JAG model has proven to foster positive educational and financial outcomes for high-need students. Graduates of the JAG NE program are more likely to transition into full employment (77% secured Military employment, and 79% secured full time employment), thus creating a boon for the economy of these communities, and the city overall. Racial and ethnic minorities represent 61.36 % of JAG NE students, these students benefit from assistance they would otherwise not have, increasing their economic contribution to a diverse community. JAG Nebraska also provides leadership development experiences through extracurricular JAG Career Association chapters which includes student-led planning and engagement for public service, career exploration and preparation, and social awareness projects and activities. Students who are involved in extracurricular activities are more likely to graduate and work successfully together through demonstrated teamwork and collaborative skills. As a result, JAG Nebraska students are well-equipped to contribute to the local community through attainment of meaningful employment and active civic engagement for overall greater outcomes. Again and again, we’ve seen that JAG has the power to change student trajectories and accelerate positive outcomes.


High School graduates are 2.3 times more likely to be employed full-time. HS graduates are projected to produce over $5,000,000 in increased earnings and spending annually. HS graduates are projected to increase state and local tax revenue by over $200,000 by the midpoint of their careers and increase home sales on a national level by$16,000,000. In addition to workforce preparation, JAG Nebraska students learn about civic engagement/responsibility and engage in a community service project each year aligned with student voice and choice – they identify an area in the community where they can provide support and execute their project second semester.


JAG is a national evidence-based and data-driven program. The project-based learning continuum is a three-tiered strategy proven to be an effective model in building relationships between the student participants and employers within their respective communities. Strategies utilized include project-based learning, employer engagement, and trauma informed care. Each strategy is implemented using evidence-based practices. For instance, JAG follows the Buck Institute for Education PBL model, a nationally recognized practice. These skills lay the foundation for successful graduation and job opportunities after high school. Five key indicators are used to measure success as part of the national JAG model. Locally in Nebraska, our JAG programs have exceeded national standards year over year.


JAG teachers track student progress to include competency mastery for up to 87 competencies, employment attainment and retention, post-secondary enrollment, credential and certification attainment, GPA, attendance, barriers (academic, household, economic, personal development, social skills), graduation rate for seniors and grade progression for 7th through 11th graders, and individual development plan progress.


Data entry and validation for prior year data, mid-year (at semester), end of school year, and summer monthly follow up connectivity.






Yes, JAG is a collaborative community partner. We engage with supportive service providers and workforce programs to effectively and efficiently serve the community and welcome partners into the classroom to inform students of their programming and services or resources available and to engage to build meaningful relationships to ensure a full-circle of support is provided avoiding duplication of services.







Benson High School 5120 Maple St, Omaha, NE 68104 Monroe Middle School 5105 Bedford Ave, Omaha, NE 68104 King Science Technical Magnet Middle School, 3720 Florence Blvd, Omaha, NE 68110 McMillan Middle School 3802 Redick Ave, Omaha, NE 68112 South High School 4519 N4th St, Omaha, NE 68107


Within one or more QCTs



















Funding from the grant will provide one year of programming in 5 schools located in QCT. The majority of the budget ($65,000) is salary and benefits for the specialist who administers the program at each school. Please see budget for details.


Currently the demand for programming is high with many students on waitlist. This program will allow each of five schools to expand program offerings to twice as many students as previous years (about 500 new students). Funding from the grant will provide one year of programming in 5 schools located in QCT. The majority of the budget ($65,000) is salary and benefits for the specialist who administers the program at each school. Please see budget for details.




A strong partnership with the Nebraska Department of Labor and Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services provides a strong foundation of support for JAG Nebraska. TANF dollars require the majority of JAG Nebraska student enrollments to qualify for the free- or reduced-lunch program. While this partnership is vital to JAG Nebraska, United Way of the Midlands continues to increase partnerships and multiple funding streams to diversifying funding for sustainable longevity of JAG programming. As we continue partnering with Nebraska Department of Labor, which includes Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) federal funds, we also foster a strong commitment with each school district who also contribute a portion of the funding empowering long-term sustainability for programs within each school. Additionally, JAG Nebraska through United Way of the Midlands, has increased philanthropic support and employer engagement by way of the United Way corporate campaign that allows donors to designate dollars toward the local support of JAG Nebraska. United Way Emerging Leaders, our local and dynamic young professionals’ group, selected to support JAG Nebraska for fundraising initiatives to support our local community in a meaningful way


TANF Nebraska Department of Labor Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services United Way of the Midlands United Way of the Midlands continues to increase partnerships and multiple funding streams to diversifying funding for sustainable longevity of JAG programming





Expansion for the program at 5 QTC schools is dependent on grant funding.



JAG Nebraska is sponsored in full by United Way of the Midlands and TANF.








