EPIC for Girls: EPIC Fieldhouse




EPIC for Girls


1402 Jones Street, Suite 203 Omaha, NE 68102


117 North 32nd Avenue, Suite 202 Omaha, NE 68131




Twitter @EPIC_4_Girls Facebook @EqualPlayforAllGirls Instagram @epicgirls_org


Kimberly Thomas


Executive Director




+1 (402) 320-1822




Dahlia Lloyd, Board President; Monique Farmer, President-elect; Tahnee Markussen, Secretary; Sara Going, Treasurer; Nichole Tiggs, Member; Rosey Higgs, Member; Sharon Lockridge, Member


EPIC for Girls is limited to one employee right now and has a board of seven.


EPIC for Girls has provided over $270,000 in grants to North and South Omaha sports programs serving young girls of color. EPIC's board is all female and 75% people of color.


EPIC Fieldhouse






Capital project


THIS PROPOSAL IS OPEN FOR PARTNERSHIP WITH ANOTHER COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION. IT WAS A COMPLETE PROPOSAL 12 MONTHS AGO, BUT STALLED FOR FUNDING REASONS. PLANS PROVIDED REFLECT THE PROJECT AS A SEPERATE ENTITY. Equal Play: Inspiring Confidence for Girls respectfully requests your consideration of a gift to support the development of a multipurpose sports facility designated primarily for girls’ athletics and community use in the North Omaha community. The total cost of the project is estimated at between $12-$16 million, which has an estimated project timeline of 18-24 months. This athletic facility will be the first of its kind across the country to offer programming specifically designed to attract and retain women and girls of color in athletics. The development will meet the need for a safe place to play for multiple nonprofits currently providing opportunities for girls in athletics in the area, serve as an activity hub in the heart of the Highlander community, and host youth sports camps, tournaments, and events. The site for the EPIC Athletic Facility is located on land owned by Seventy-Five North, located on north 30th Street and Parker Street. The property was formerly known as and used by the Freedom Worship Center. Seventy-Five North and EPIC have entered into a long-term lease agreement and are committed to seeing this project come to fruition. The project fits within the vision and needs of the Highlander community. Because some of the initial work for the EPIC Fieldhouse was initiated nearly two years ago, it is unclear (at the time of writing) if the Freedom Worship Center is still available.


The initial timeline was roughly 18-24 months, with an opening in April of 2023. Since the project was placed on hold, an expected completion date has not been reestablished.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The EPIC Fieldhouse specifically addresses the identified community needs by creating a space for education, civic and recreational uses. Further, the EPIC Fieldhouse will have long-standing impacts on the quality of life for individuals (not only young girls) in the North Omaha community. Community partnerships have always been an integral part of the success of Omaha’s philanthropic endeavors. Participation in the revitalization of this North Omaha property, in conjunction with Seventy-Five North’s long-term vision for a healthy, engaging, and vibrant community will have an impact that will resonate for years to come. Investment in a safe place to play for girls’ athletics, including basketball, volleyball, track, soccer, and softball facilities, will create a home for sports programs from the grassroots, competitive, and high school levels. Community goals and objectives to be met through the design and facility program are: Create a safe place for female athletic programs from the recreational to competitive levels, Promote and provide a place for community members to incorporate healthy living into their daily lifestyle, Unify multiple sports organizations focused on women and girls under one roof, Elevate the Highlander community connection and offerings, Attract visitors from across the city for events and/or tournament play.


The visioning workshop identified several gaps that currently exist in the North Omaha community that the EPIC Fieldhouse will target to remedy: Redevelopment of existing property, Address safety issues for the community by providing community space and activities for young women and girls who often become disengaged or discouraged at the lack of available and safe places to play, Create job opportunities for community members in entry-level and high-paying positions.


The EPIC Fieldhouse aligns with LB1024's strategic priorities by: *Being a one-of-a-kind that solely focuses on girls’ sports, the facility will replace a deteriorating building. It will level the playing field for young women of color in North Omaha by having access to safe playing spaces, like their peers in West Omaha. *North Omaha's presence will be elevated locally, regionally, and nationally as the facility will attract visitors/competitors for sporting events. *It will provide a space for North Omaha residents to improve/increase physical activity further improving health outcomes. *Increase in job opportunities for entry-level and high-paying leadership positions in the community. Communities that are physically active are proven to have residents that smoke less and have lower rates of obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Specifically, when girls are provided accessible opportunities to participate in sports, there is a link to greater academic achievements, higher graduation rates, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of pregnancy rates and STDs. Athletics provide students with an environment to develop teamwork, leadership, sportsmanship, and risk-taking. While sport is embedded into the culture of boys from a young age, girls often miss opportunities to foster these skill sets. This is reflected later in life when examining gaps in pay, negotiation skills, and leadership positions. It has been proven that 95% of female CEOs played sports growing up.


It is anticipated that the EPIC field house will employ younger and entry-level staff to monitor the facility and perform functions where a degree or advanced training is not required (janitorial, snack area, front desk, etc.) and then an additional 10 management and leadership positions consisting of facility manager, event manager, site supervisor, IT manager, marketing & development manager, research & evaluation manager, CFO, COO, CPO, and CEO. Additionally, it is our intention to have space for nonprofit partners to exist in the facility.




Unknown- it would be our hope that innovative programming and training programs could evolve from this venture. For example, a pilot program to train-up young women of color to fill the pipeline for referees.




This is not fully thought out yet, but the response above, EPIC could create pipelines for sporting careers that are currently experiencing personnel shortages. Another example would be internship programs for future physical therapists or athletic trainers. We believe the opportunities are endless. We also believe this venture could be partnered with another initiative(s) in North Omaha for greater impact and cost saving.


Communities that are physically active are proven to have residents that smoke less and have lower rates of obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Specifically, when girls are provided accessible opportunities to participate in sports, there is a link to greater academic achievements, higher graduation rates, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of pregnancy rates and STDs. Athletics provide students with an environment to develop teamwork, leadership, sportsmanship, and risk-taking. While sport is embedded into the culture of boys from a young age, girls often miss opportunities to foster these skill sets. This is reflected later in life when examining gaps in pay, negotiation skills, and leadership positions. It has been proven that 95% of female CEOs played sports growing up.


A project that positively contributes to the improved health outcomes of the community, will reap its benefits for years to come.


The EPIC Fieldhouse is one-of-a-kind and we know that girls, primarily girls of color, leave the world of sports at an alarming rate as they enter high school. Keeping girls (and community members) connected to their community, involved in activities, gaining positive experiences of being involved in sport will pay dividends well into the future. Please see Community Benefits above.


Improved health outcomes, increased graduation rates, lower teen pregnancy, higher self-esteem, and decrease in risky behaviors. Research also shows that 95% of CEOs played organized sports.


It is the intention of EPIC for Girls to onboard a Research & Evaluation team member, along with the tools for our community partners to utilize in measuring impact of their programs and the fieldhouse.


It is unknown at this time.




EPIC for Girls currently funds 15 partner agencies providing sport to girls in North and South Omaha. We do not currently have any formal partners. We are open to creating a partnership for this project and expanding the service delivery component for the community.


None- we offer grant agreements for funded partners. Moving forward, we believe there will be opportunities for MOUs to be included as we create space for other nonprofit organizations that will compliment the delivery of services in the North Omaha Community.





It is not clear if this site is available currently. This location was available last year when discussions were much more progressed. The site for the EPIC Athletic Facility is located on land owned by Seventy Five North, located on north 30th Street and Parker Street. The property was formerly known as and used by the Freedom Worship Center. Seventy Five North and EPIC have entered into a long-term lease agreement and are committed to seeing this project come to fruition.


Within one or more QCTs




















Please see attachments completed last year as an independent project.






The EPIC Fieldhouse will have ongoing operating expenses that will require a blended revenue stream of earned income, individual contributions and grant funds.


EPIC for Girls has had some initial interest from the Lozier Foundation, Sherwood Foundation and the Scott Foundation. It is not clear if they are still interested or able to provide funding for the capital project. EPIC for Girls currently receives operating funding from each of these funders. A comprehensive fundraising plan will be established once the project is awarded for ongoing funding and diversification.


We will not be able to proceed with the project unless there are committed funds from LB1024.


We will not be able to proceed with the project unless there are committed funds from LB1024.


Perhaps, if the project was joined with another nonprofit or organization in the community.




EPIC for Girls commits to raising the annual operating costs and developing an earned income structure (see attached).










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation