JT&T Trucking, LLC: JT&T Transportation Hub




JT&T Trucking, LLC


13830 N. 78th Street Omaha,NE





Cal Erwin






+1 (402) 813-2800




Cal Erwin, Chief Executive Officer, Over 55 years of experience in Trucking Jimeace Erwin Andrews, Chief Operating Officer, B.S. in Behavioral Science with over 30 years of experience in Administration and trucking. Coletta Erwin Hollingsworth, Vice President Erwin Trucking, B.S in Business Management and a Master degree in Public Service. Over 40 years of experience in Administration and Trucking. Calvin Erwin, jr., Vice President Legacy Hauling and Excavating Ja Mia Collins, Vice President , Trucking Institute of North Omaha, B.S in Psychology and B.S. in Black Studies., 6 years of combined experience in Administration and Instruction at the University level. Lorraine Blow, Executive Administrator, Trucking Institute of Omaha, Over 35 years in Administration and Trucking Courtney Collins, Director of Security, 7 years of security experience including managerial and directorial positions and current duty as a law enforcement officer.


Please see uploaded document


It is our goal to help the people in low-income areas specifically North Omaha. We have a background in education within the North Omaha community. We have partnered with Omaha Job Training in the past we have trained over 150 drivers so that they were able to obtain their Commercial Driver License. The drivers that we trained are still in the workforce today they drive tractor trailers, but they also drive city buses as well.


JT&T Transportation Hub






Capital project


We will foster Long-Lasting Economic Growth by dividing into three divisions. Each division with be sustainable and growing at its own pace. We will offer gainful employment within each division. JT&T Services will reinvest into the community that we love so much. Not only will we continue to reinvest in our business to keep it growing but we will also invest in our employees by investing in an excellent benefit program that will include a 401K. By hiring at a base of $25.00 per hour we will be able to keep high wage jobs in North Omaha. We will also invite financial institutions in to teach financial literacy because that is something a lot of families in North Omaha did not teach.


Please see uploaded document




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



It is our intent to build a Transportation Hub within North Omaha, for North Omaha. We are not aware of any building or service such as this in existence in the East sector of Omaha. JT&T Services will be the holding company of Erwin Trucking, Legacy Hauling and Excavating and The Transportation Institute of North Omaha. By splitting into divisions, we are able to concentrate on specific needs within the community. The purpose of the Transportation Hub is three-fold. The first is help North Omaha become a sustainable community. We will do this by providing excellent training and high paying jobs in transportation and logistics to those in the community. We will do this by opening the Transportation Institute of North Omaha. We will use the Institute to train people who are wishing to obtain a Commercial Driver’s license (CDL) and other industry related certifications. We will have qualified instructors teach all phases necessary to pass the CDL exam. After they qualify for their CDL, they will receive an offer letter for employment from Erwin Trucking or Legacy Hauling and Excavation. There is a need for people who are cross-trained and can operate other equipment, for example the excavators and front- end loaders, to be able to move with the industry. We plan to train in identified high need areas, which are truck drivers and specifically Owner Operators in North Omaha. Secondly, it will give the driver a chance to drive locally or over the road for a company in North Omaha. This will be beneficial because it will provide us with qualified well-trained drivers and also create doors to other opportunities for drivers who want to diversify their experience. Being efficiently trained will enable the drivers to apply at larger company’s such as Amazon and Walmart where they can make over $100,000.00 per year. We will not only need drivers but office workers and mechanics. Our wage minimum for all employed personnel will be $25.00 per hour. Our facility will be an eco-friendly, technologically sound space that we will open to other companies who are in need of our services. It is our goal to help North Omaha and underserved populations within the community. With a background in education within the North Omaha community, we have partnered with Omaha Job Training in the past, training and producing over 150 drivers who successfully obtained a Commercial Driver License. Many of those drivers are still actively in the workforce as trailer tractor drivers as well as driving city buses. The second is to help small minority truck companies and Owner/Operators bring down the cost of operating their trucks. Once the maintenance shop is built, we will be able to provide the services at cost to the owner/operators and small business owners in the East sector of Omaha. Providing a service as simple as an oil change at cost will enable the owner to keep the truck on the road and increase their bottom line. We will offer all preventive maintenance at cost. In the coming years there will be a great need for dump trucks due to the passage of the infrastructure bill. One of the biggest downfalls for a dump truck owner is maintenance. According to the DOL there are a total of 2583 Owner/Operator in Nebraska. Less than 29% of those drivers are minorities. The biggest obstacle for Owner/Operators is the cost of maintenance. If the cost of maintenance could be brought down to cost, then more minorities could afford to own their own business. It is our belief that if cost is brought down then there would be more independent Owner/Operators. According to the American Trucking Association's U.S. Freight Transportation Forecast to 2022, freight tonnage will spike 24 percent in 2022, resulting in a 66 percent revenue increase in the industry. A large portion of the rise for 2022, and even for the next decade, is dominated by the trucking segment. The market size, measured by revenue, of the Long-Distance Freight Trucking industry is $262.9bn in


To our knowledge there is no other entity like our transportation depot that has its own eco system that will benefit our personnel and the community. We start with The Transportation Institute of North Omaha that helps individuals obtain skills and licensing in this specific industry then offers high paying employment in through Erwin Trucking, Inc. and Legacy Hauling and Excavating, and provides the necessary tools to expand their skill set and experience in the Transportation and Logistics industry.


The Transportation Hub is transformational because it is a new concept in North Omaha. Not only will the building and grounds add to the beauty of North Omaha, but the hustle and bustle of people coming and going in a section that has not had any growth will help transform the east section of North Omaha. We will bring fundamental change by continuing to elevate North Omaha’s perception not only thru out the region but the country. When our trucks leave this city, they take North Omaha to wherever they go. By, JT&T, being based in North Omaha that will bring people into North Omaha that usually would not come. We will foster Long-Lasting Economic Growth by dividing into four divisions. Each division with be sustainable and growing at its own pace. We will offer gainful employment within each division. JT&T Services will reinvest into the community that we respect and treasure. Not only will we continue to reinvest in our business to keep it growing but we will also invest in our employees by underwriting protean benefit program that will include a 401K. By hiring at a base of $25.00 per hour we will be able to keep high wage jobs in North Omaha. We will also invite financial institutions in to teach financial literacy because that is a skillset many in the community are in need of. With three educated and experienced generations working at and managing the divisions of JT&T Services, it is our goal to create generational wealth by building a healthy company from the ground up. By reinvesting in our company and community we will be able to pass it on to generations to come. There is nothing better than a healthy community and it is our goal to help our community become healthy in a way that it has never been.


Executive, Mid, and Entry Level


Approximately 55




See uploaded Document


Once, we are able to operate, we are able to hire independent contractors and partner with local businesses.


We are aiding to diversify the economy by offering high wage jobs. As we continue to grow, we will steadily need to increase the number of people we employ, which will continue to benefit not only our employees but the community as they continue to live and patronize businesses and services within the community.


As we previously stated, we will be helping economically, but in addition, we will be offering services to the community such as financial literacy sessions, scholarships, holiday giveaways, and simply keeping our finger on the pulse on the needs of our community and how we can help.


We have a unique opportunity to incorporate both best practices and innovation. It is commonly understood that when individuals have access to germane resources, they are more likely to succeed. As previously touched upon, one of the biggest obstacles for Owner/Operators is maintenance. Our Transportation Depot would offer quality maintenance at cost, making it more accessible for them to succeed. What’s innovative, is that there is currently no entity that offers a “one stop shop” experience for not only their personnel but to owner/operators in the community. Speaking of being a “one stop shop,” there are very few organizations where you can be properly trained and licensed, offered direct high-wage employment, and have further opportunities for expansion and experience. Outcome Measurement


We will measure high-wage job opportunities and improved education


We will be able to measure the outcome of high wage jobs by using HR to keep record of all employee/personnel information including wages, as well as position vacancies and the wage for those positions. The Transportation Institute of North Omaha will keep record of the number of active students enrolled in programming and the number of students that have successfully completed licensing programs.











RIVERFRONT INDUSTRIAL PARK REP 5 LOT 2 BLOCK 0 -EX IRREG 15,682 SQ FT DESC 2006 048700- LT 2 (Parcel ID # 2118615263) City of Omaha Douglas County, Nebraska


Within one or more QCTs


Please see uploaded document


















We went with a minority contractor.


We are requesting a total amount of $11,063,526. This amount will provide funding for personnel to physically complete all necessary jobs and posts, the building and grounds to house and execute all operations, the equipment necessary to fulfill the needs of the company and all its divisions from top to bottom, and all other needs to ensure successful and productive operations and employment


The funds will be used to employ personnel, erect a building, shop, and grounds for operation, and purchase equipment for all areas of operation. In our attached budget there is a description of the usage of each item or position.




After being able to obtain all necessary equipment, we will be able to soft open operations, employ personnel, and start working on sites hauling and excavating and contract with companies for local and over the road transportation.





We are not anticipating any other funding sources.


Being that we have proactively structured our proposal and timeline in a way that allows for us to move into full operation in a gradual and productive fashion, there is no foreseeable scalability.




The best way we can answer this is by simply stating that we are 100% all in. Virtually every member of our team is leaving their current employment, ending their retirement, and/or making changes to their career to be able to make this organization as successful and impactful as we can. These decisions all have some sort of financial contractionary impact. Yet we are willing to put it all on the line in an effort to create something more substantial than ourselves.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses