Great Plains Black Museum and Interpretive Center Inc: The New Great Plains Black History Museum




Great Plains Black Museum and Interpretive Center Inc


2221 North 24th Street





Eric Ewing


Executive Director



+1 (402) 932-7077




Information provided on Board of Directors & Staff Information


See board chart at the end of the application



The New Great Plains Black History Museum






Capital project


The Great Plains Black History Museum is looking to build a new facility that will help attract thousands back to the 24th and lake area. As such, the new building would create an estimated $64 million impact on the Omaha economic community in the first five years of operation. The museum estimates that approximately 65,000 visitors would walk through the doors the first year, with 19,500 of them coming from out of town. The estimated annual new Tourism Revenue Direct Impact would be $1.7 million. Allowing Omaha and the state of Nebraska to tap into the $40 billion annual market of African American tourism and generate a positive, measurable return on investment to the Omaha community and the state. The location that the Great Plains Black History Museum looks to erect its new facility is the two to three empty lots located between the Webster Telephone Exchange Building 2213 Lake Street, Omaha, NE 68110 and The Union for Contemporary Art 2423 North 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110, community development. Facility timeline: design will start in December 2022, construction will start May 2023 with project completion of Feb 2025


Design will start in December 2022, construction will start May, 2023 with project completion of Feb 2025




Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The Great Plains Black History Museum looks to build a new state of the art Museum that will and economic generator for the city of Omaha, and the State. Allowing the state to tap into the $40 billion market of African American tourism. Creating employment opportunities for 8 to 10 personnel for the Museum, and 2 full -time and 6 part-time positions for the Gift shop/bookstore, and its coffee shop.


Key reason for the support of the building a new museum is purely economic. On the national scene, African Americans spend billions of dollars on tourism every year. Currently, Omaha and the state of Nebraska capture very few of those dollars. The Great Plains Black History Museum has worked to develop a vision for an Arts, Culture, History and Entertainment facility for the district along 24h and Lake, an area where some of the greatest entertainers in the world once played providing the opportunity to connect a rich history to a thriving future. A new facility will allow the Great Plains Black History Museum to be a tourist attraction. attract thousands back to the 24th and lake area. When the powerful vision of the Great Plains Black History Museum is achieved Omaha and the state of Nebraska will be able to tap into the $40 billion market of African American tourism and generate a positive, measurable return on investment.


The Great Plains Black History Museum can serve as the spark that triggers the re-development of North Omaha, becoming an exciting attraction for both local and out-of-town visitors to Omaha and inspire our youth to achieve and succeed in life. The museum would become an economic driver as well as a cultural and heritage facility. As such, the new building would create an estimated $64 million impact on the Omaha economic community in the first five years of operation. The museum estimates that approximately 65,000 visitors would walk through the doors the first year, with 19,500 of them coming from out of town. The estimated annual new Tourism Revenue Direct Impact would be $1.7 million.


With the Great Plains Black History’s new facility will include two for profit organizations, Gift shop/bookstore, and a coffee shop owned by the Museum.


8 to 10 new positions for the Museum, and 2 full -time and 6 part-time positions for the Gift shop/bookstore, and a coffee shop.


At this time, we cannot determine the amount of temporary or construction jobs this new development will create, but we will be targeting organizations with a diverse staffing.


The Great Plains Black History Museum will look to provide entry level (hourly staffing) and management and leadership level (salary staffing) positions


As a tourist attraction will look to bring visitors to the community, which will help to bring awareness to other businesses. The Museum will seek local divisor contractors for maintenance, and custodial services for our new facility.


Key reason for the support of the building a new museum is purely economic. On the national scene, African Americans spend billions of dollars on tourism every year. Currently, Omaha and the state of Nebraska capture very few of those dollars. The Great Plains Black History Museum has worked to develop a vision for an Arts, Culture, History and Entertainment facility for the district along 24h and Lake, an area where some of the greatest entertainers in the world once played providing the opportunity to connect a rich history to a thriving future. New stores, art galleries, music venues and housing developments are starting to spring up in the area and large-scale community festivals are beginning to attract thousands back to the 24th and lake area. When the powerful vision of the Great Plains Black History Museum is achieved Omaha and the state of Nebraska will be able to tap into the $40 billion market of African American tourism and generate a positive, measurable return on investment. Over the past ten years, the Empowerment Network has survey and polled over 3,000 Omaha residents and leaders regarding important issues, recommendations, solutions and priorities. Consistently, when asked about the top priorities in the areas of arts, culture, history and entertainment, the Great Plains Black History Museum places number one or two in the ranking process. People of all ages are interested in the dynamic and compelling history of African Americans in the city of Omaha and state of Nebraska. The Souvenir Gift/Bookstore The Museum’s Souvenir Gift Store will feature books, art prints related to the African Americans Souvenir items will include both educational and leisure-time merchandise to appeal to the broad spectrum of visitors. Specially developed “Logo” clothing merchandise will be available for fashionable apparel and accessories featuring the Museum’s logo and iconic graphics, including specially designed Tuskegee Airmen Bomber Jackets and caps. Merchandise relating to the Museum’s theme historic jazz recordings of Preston Love Sr., Count Basie, Duke Ellington and other jazz greats, audio storybook versions from the Museum’s exhibits, mural paintings, art prints, books, and a special souvenir guidebook or photo prints of the Museum as lasting mementoes. The unique Souvenir Gift Store merchandise, available only at the Museum, will provide another good reason to visit, and visit repeatedly throughout the year for special gifts.


The Great Plains Black History Museum can serve as the spark that triggers the re-development of North Omaha, becoming an exciting attraction for both local and out-of-town visitors to Omaha and inspire our youth to achieve and succeed in life. The museum would become an economic driver as well as a cultural and heritage facility. As such, the new building would create an estimated $64 million impact on the Omaha economic community in the first five years of operation. The museum estimates that approximately 65,000 visitors would walk through the doors the first year, with 19,500 of them coming from out of town. The estimated annual new Tourism Revenue Direct Impact would be $1.7 million. One of the most vital reasons for investing in the Great Plains Black History Museum is the education of African American and other children. When children understand and appreciate their history, they are more empowered and encouraged to achieve. They are provided historical role models that emphasize the importance of education and the spirit of overcoming. Rather than only learning about their ancestors as just slaves, students will have the opportunity to learn about African American leaders, trailblazers, legends and innovators from Nebraska, the Great Plains, and throughout the United States that truly impacted the nation and world. Students of all races will benefit by learning a more complete history. The Museum can be an educational resource for our local higher education institutes, Creighton University, University of Nebraska at Omaha and Metropolitan Community College. The Outdoor Event Area and Meeting Area The Museum grounds and facilities will include a landscaped outdoor event area for seasonal events, outdoor performances, student, school and community recognition events. This outdoor event area can also be rented for family reunions, picnics and corporate events. A circular enclosed picnic and play area accessible from the Changing Gallery is also available for private events and reunions.


The Great Plains Black History Museum will use state of the art Museum innovation to make a once invisible history visible: Holograms, interactive exhibits and technology to tell American History through the lens of African Americans. The Museum will also have its own Archival Resource Center that will use best practices and innovation to main its collection of historic photos, letters, news clippings, artwork, and other records. The priceless archival collection will be recorded on digital files which can be made available at computer stations in the Museum, and on-line to students, educators, and scholars so this heritage can be preserved for future generations.


As the only Museum in the state of Nebraska focused on American History told through the lens of African Americans, the Great Plains Black History Museum can have a greater impact on educating all students and adult learners of the rich history of African Americans. The Great Plains Black History Museum is a primary source for educating students on African American history. When students understand and appreciate their history, they are more empowered and encouraged to achieve. The Great Plains Black History Museum provides students with historical role models that emphasize the importance of education and the spirit of overcoming. Rather than only learning about their ancestors as just slaves, students will have the opportunity to learn about African American leaders, trailblazers, legends and innovators from Nebraska, the Great Plains, and throughout the United States who have truly impacted the United States and the world. Students of all races will benefit by learning a more complete history. The Museum can be an educational resource for our local higher education institutes, Creighton University, University of Nebraska at Omaha and Metropolitan Community College. As with Joslyn Art Museum, the Durham Museum, Omaha Children’s Museum there are various management and leadership positions required to have a successful organization we believe the a new facility for the Great Plains Black History Museum will create opportunities for additional management and leadership positions, which will create internships, entry level, medium, and high-wage jobs.


Measurable outcomes will be measured by the number of guests who visit the Museum, revenue generated through the gift shop/bookstore, and coffee shop. The number of employees that the Museum employs Museum annual and lifetime memberships. These outcomes will be measured by the Museum and will be made available to outside sources upon request.


We believe that our new facility can serve as a catalyst for both co-investment as well as secondary investment. Through exhibit sponsorships, Gift shop/bookstore and coffee shop products




For this new development the Great Plains Black History Museum will look to partner with Omaha, Economic Development Corporation in inquiring the land located between the Webster Telephone Exchange Building 2213 Lake Street, Omaha, NE 68110 and The Union for Contemporary Art 2423 North 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110, for this new community development.


The Great Plains Black History Museum is currently in the process of finalizing a transfer of the property agreement of three vacant lots located between the Webster Telephone Exchange Building 2213 Lake Street, Omaha, NE 68110 and The Union for Contemporary Art 2423 North 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110, community development.





The location that the Great Plains Black History Museum looks to erect its new facility is the two to three empty lots located between the Webster Telephone Exchange Building 2213 Lake Street, Omaha, NE 68110 and The Union for Contemporary Art 2423 North 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110, community development.


Within one or more QCTs














Holland Basham Architects provided the Great Plains Black History Museum with in-kind proposed site plan






Rationale is based off of the proposed master plan provided by Holland Basham Architects


LB1024 grant funds will be used strictly for the purpose to erect a new facility for the Great Plains Black History that will be used to serve and educate both local and national guests.




As a non-profit organization the Museum will look to maintain operations through foundations, gift shop/bookstore, coffee shop, guests, membership, and Omaha community support


The Great Plains Black History Museum is currently in communications with local foundations for capital campaign funding.



Without LB 10124, funding the Museum will be unable to erect its new facility.


This is a scalable proposal



The Great Plains Black History Museum is currently in conversation with local Foundations Capital Campaign for additional funding.










Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses