The Omaha Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters: Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Projec




The Omaha Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters


2028 Lake St, Omaha, NE 68110


16044 Butler Ave 68116




John Farmer





+1 (402) 578-9257




Jason Genty - Vice President, Kipp Dailey - Secretary, RaShad Dacus - Treasurer, RonEric Estes - Sergeant at Arms


Organization is run by a volunteer Board of Directors.


We have worked hard to increase test scores of black applicants to the Omaha Fire Department over the last several years. *Average test score 81.94%, it was 81.15% in 2017 and it was 75.85% in 2015 *334 made the final list *45 of the 57 African Americans we assisted passed the written test and 26 made final list *18 rankings higher than #200 There were 2 classes hired *6 African Americans were hired in the first class *10 African Americans have been offered for the second class *2 medics offered *6 black females passed the written test *Every applicant we worked with last testing cycle all improved their rankings in 2019 *In 2017 we helped 6 African Americans get hired (2 classes with 3 in each class) *In 2015 we helped 4 African Americans get hired (2 classes with 2 in each class) 2017 OFD BLACK APPLICANTS; *Average score in 2017 is 81.15% *Number 145 was the highest score we had on the last test (2015) *Next highest was #200 on the last test (2015) *Number 13 highest this time (2017) *10 scores higher in 2017 compared to our highest score in 2015 *13 rankings higher than #200 *2 medics made the list *27 out of 38 total AAs that we assisted made the final list We are also proud to volunteer at the Annual Salvation Army Thanksgiving Luncheon, 24th & Pratt location. Distribute toys and food to families in need for Christmas. We presented the wreath at the Annual Day of Service Event at the MLK Memorial Monument on 24th & Lake St. We also work with Howard Kennedy and Wakonda Elementary Schools, serving as greeters and classroom readers (With the Empowerment Network and MCC). Assist potential OFD applicants with study material, test preparation and mock oral interview sessions at our building. We also assist the Omaha Fire Department and Red Cross with Smoke Detector Installations for residents of north Omaha and participate in the spring and summer neighborhood street clean-up along 16th Street. We also conduct tours of historic Station 14, including memorabilia and pictures of African-American firefighters dating back to 1895.


Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Projec






Combination of capital project and service/program


Fire Station 14 has a long and illustrious history in the city of Omaha. It was the last firehouse to be segregated in Omaha, and it is now home to the Omaha Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters. The Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Project seeks to use the building as a talent pipeline for minority job seekers interested in firefighting, policing, emergency medical services, and nursing. We also intend to start a coffee house and food incubator for budding entrepreneurs. This project includes extending the second floor and adding rooftop permaculture to provide North Omaha with more access to nutritious year-round meals. Our city needs to become more inclusive in order to survive. This is because we are facing a worker shortage. Many first responders are reaching retirement age. We may alleviate this problem by providing minority applicants with chances through initiatives like Fire Station 14, which would help us meet the impending worker shortages in emergency services. This new hub celebrates the tradition of black firefighters in Omaha, which started over a century ago with Dr. Mathew Oliver Ricketts. In 1895, he not only requested the first African-American firefighters be hired by the city but was also later elected as the first African-American to Nebraska Legislature and graduated from what is now the University of Nebraska Medical Center - making him UNMC's first African-American graduate. Our goal is to partner with Metropolitan Community College and iEXCEL at UNMC so that we can attract people of all ages, from all backgrounds, into the building. We will use cutting-edge technologies like AR/VR simulation to provide experiences that would not only teach these youngsters more about these vital professions but also help experienced professionals update their skills according to current best practices and standards. We understand how crucial education is and want to offer educational opportunities to our community. This would begin with new applicants, all the way up to promotional chances for current members. By having this "satellite" program in North Omaha, it might encourage locals who don't have easy access to Irvington or South Omaha classes, to attend them here.


Remodel will be completed within 18 months of securing funding. We will put out an RFP to qualified companies upon approval of funding and begin preparing the site for construction by the end of summer 2023 with the bulk of the exterior work starting in spring of 2024.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



This building renovation is about so much more than just the physical structure. We're using this project as a platform to generate jobs and progress for underrepresented citizens, and to allow North Omaha locals access to healthy food options and business growth opportunities they might not otherwise have. The Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Project strives to provide a talent pipeline for minority job seekers who have an interest in firefighting, policing, emergency medical services and nursing. We also plan to open a coffee house and food incubator for entrepreneurs. This project will include extending the second floor and adding rooftop permaculture which will give North Omaha more access to nutritious year-round meals. The main floor will be turned into usable community space, including a coffee shop incubator to teach startup entrepreneurs how to run a service business, and the firehouse kitchen will be updated to a code-compliant commercial kitchen. With an adaptable area for trainings and immersive technology for career exposure, the property will be made ADA and code compliant. Our plan for the 1,840sf partial basement is to use it as a public assembly space where community members can collaborate and take advantage of the new technology being brought in. We hope to add a second floor above the main floor to replace some of the space that was removed previously, and on the roof we would like to add permaculture so that people have year-round access to healthy food. Our goal is to partner with Metropolitan Community College and iEXCEL at UNMC so that we can attract people of all ages, from all backgrounds, into the building. We will use cutting-edge technologies like AR/VR simulation to provide experiences that would not only teach these youngsters more about these vital professions but also help experienced professionals update their skills according to current best practices and standards. With this new program, not only will kids have a chance to learn and receive an education, but current professional staff will also be given more opportunities for growth and advancement. Opening an innovative career center in North Omaha, we may assist to energize, recharge, and propel important changes in the area. We're not just changing North Omaha's presence and reputation throughout the region; we're also restoring its excitement by renovating Fire Station 14. The adaptive design of our cutting-edge reuse of a historical structure will establish a new bar for architecture in North Omaha. If we develop this project correctly, it has the potential to serve as a talent pipeline for underrepresented minorities seeking jobs in fields like firefighting, policing, emergency medical services and nursing. Not only that, but it would also provide new spaces for Entrepreneurs just starting out. These are well-paying occupations That will generate generational wealth and stimulate further North Omaha's historic core. By providing good job options to people in North Omaha, we not only help improve their financial situations, but also the city as a whole. Sustainability comes from within, and by offering these positions to individuals who would excel in them, we are giving back while securing our future. We are making North Omaha multimodel by creating a neighborhood hub where entrepreneurs can learn how to operate a business while serving an underserved community. We are improving access to broadband technologies by providing opportunities for public safety training and technology education via broadband, satellite, or 5g. This will allow for new space dedicated to community gatherings, public safety employment possibilities for minority candidates, and healthier food options--Improving local policy and resolving some of North Omaha's accessibility issues.


The Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Project aligns with the Visioning Workshop Findings by addressing the insufficient infrastructure in north Omaha by redeveloping an unused fire station and surrounding property. This will create new civic space and new educational opportunities for the community. The redevelopment of Fire Station 14 will also improve the quality of life for the people who live nearby, including space for community gatherings, job opportunities, access to healthy food options and educational resources to allow access to public safety careers. This project also fits within the cultural context of north Omaha as it is aimed at improving minority representation in firefighting, law enforcement, emergency medical services, and nursing careers. By providing cutting-edge experiences that will teach them about these vital professions, we hope to encourage more people from this community to access these careers.


The Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Project will help address the social and economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by boosting minority representation in firefighting, law enforcement, emergency medical services, and nursing work, the initiative will have a beneficial influence on local policy. Our goal is to attract people of all ages, from all backgrounds, who want to pursue these careers. We will employ cutting-edge technologies like AR/VR simulation to create a competent pipeline of minority individuals interested in these essential public safety jobs. This will not only help to improve the connection between the community and our local professional agencies, but it will also assist local public safety organizations comprehend the demands and interests of the communities they serve. This proposal will also be providing incubator space for small businesses. This will provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to learn how to operate a service business in a residential area. In addition, the project will promote street activity and make the community safer and healthier by providing a destination that is accessible via public transit, walking, or cycling. This will make the community more multi-modal as it encourages people to walk and cycle by offering a destination that is entirely accessible from a residential area. Finally, the project will improve broadband connectivity by providing simulation and emerging technology education.


In addition to adding two full-time staff members and adding a number of part-time staffers through the incubator, the Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Project will have a positive economic impact on the community by providing job opportunities and training for small businesses. We anticipate increasing minority representation in these first responder careers by 10%, which will create long-term employment for members of the community. These are well-paying occupations that will generate generational wealth and stimulate further financial investment in North Omaha's historic core. This project will not only provide a financial boost to North Omaha, but it also has the potential to benefit the city as a whole. We are creating stability for neighborhood businesses by making upper-middle-class employment available to people in North Omaha who would thrive in these jobs. Good work is critical not only in terms of resurrecting our community but also in terms of making it vibrant and culturally rich; with well-paying, highly desired professions, this plan will assist make our region self-sufficient.


2 full-time


10 - 30 temporary construction jobs


$25 - $75 per hour


This project will create a incubator business space to serve the local business and residential community. It will also train and expose the community to careers as first responders and provide local continuing education opportunities for residents and businesses alike.


The Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Project provides unheard of opportunities and we want to develop it into a talent pipeline for underrepresented minority job seekers who are interested in careers like firefighting, policing, emergency medical services, and nursing. Not only that, but this project would also provide new spaces for entrepreneurs just starting out and create a service business supporting the neighborhood. In emergency services, Omaha is experiencing a worker shortage. However, with this initiative, we may help to relieve that strain while also providing long-term employment for members of the community. These are well-paying occupations that will generate generational wealth and stimulate further financial investment in North Omaha's historic core. This project will not only provide a financial boost to North Omaha, but it also has the potential to benefit the city as a whole. We are creating stability for neighborhood businesses by making upper-middle-class employment available to people in North Omaha who would thrive in these jobs. Good work is critical not only in terms of resurrecting our community but also in terms of making it vibrant and culturally rich; with well-paying, highly desired professions, this plan will assist make our region self-sufficient. It will also create a sustainable community by redeveloping an unused fire station and surrounding property. This creates new civic space and creates new educational opportunities for new careers and understanding the history of Omaha’s fire department and the positive achievements of Omaha’s African-American community.


The Fire Station 14 Redevelopment Project is helping create a Sustainable Community by redeveloping an unused fire station and surrounding property. This creates new civic space and creates new educational opportunities for new careers and understanding the history of Omaha’s fire department and the positive achievements of Omaha’s African-American community.


By opening a technologically advanced, career hub in North Omaha, we can help energize, recharge, and propel important changes in the community. By expanding access to these professional careers, enhancing this historically beautiful building, and developing a coffee shop and food incubator for budding entrepreneurs, we may assist North Omaha in restoring its vibrancy. A second floor and rooftop permaculture are also planned as part of this project to allow North Omaha more access to healthful year-round food.


We anticipate increasing the pipeline of prepared candidates seeking careers in public safety and increase the number of residents who visit Fire Station 14 and participate in educational opportunities we will provide.


They will be measured by new staff by tracking the number of people who enter the building and participate in programming and working with the City of Omaha to identify test scores and improvements of applicants we served.


Yes. This proposal creates a new business opportunity for new entrepreneuers and creates a new space for community programming and events.




We have letters of conceptual support from UNMC and MCC and we have also worked with The Empowerment Network, The Red Cross, 100 Black Men, Stand Against Violence Event (S.A.V.E.), Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Black Police Officers Association, Latino Police Officers Association






2028 Lake St, Omaha, NE 68110


Within one or more QCTs


Not a brownfield site.













Cost estimates were based on quotes received and conversations with subject matter experts who have worked on similar projects in our community.






Renovation estimate was based on site work done by HDR and based on per square foot estimates based on similar proposals.


These funds will be used for the capital and technology improvements necessary to have public access in this building. This access is required to allow MCC and UNMC to offer educational opportunities in the facility and obtain special use permits. This property is currently allowed for civic uses, but could be limited based on it's current condition and the need for code compliance.




The proposal will be self-sustaining by creating new opportunities for earned revenue through a percentage of incubator sales and rent received for use of classroom and community space.


The only other funding sources are earned income and can only be realized with assitance in the renovation of the space.





This proposal is scalable.


Restoring the second floor and making the basement into usable space doubles the cost of this proposal. The second floor could be left off the project proposal if funding was an obstacle.


The organization is committed to building the operational sustainability and project oversight. However, the organization is currently made up of volunteers with limited resources for capital. We've been able to keep the facility in good enough condition for this renovation.










Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses