Trauma House of Healing: Trauma House of Healing




Trauma House of Healing


2711 North 24th Street (Future Address) Omaha, NE 68110


1941 South 42nd Street Suite 229 Omaha, NE 68105




Frank L Bailey


Program Director



+1 (402) 216-1953




Lavelle Wells: President of Board. His experience as a community activist for the Native American Community and the African American Community in North Omaha. He has experience in providing peer support to individuals that want to change their life. He is also a board member of Benson Theater. Shawn Ashton: Treasure of Board. He has experience in starting various businesses. He was involved with the Reader here in Omaha by writing stories and marketing. The last weekly entertainment paper he had started was Focus Omaha. Frank Bailey: Board Member and Program Director. Has 20 years of experience in providing therapy to at-risk populations. Mr. Bailey was the program director of the Siena/Francis House “Miracles” treatment program for 4-years (the largest substance abuse program in the state of Nebraska). Mr. Bailey is also the owner and clinical director of Bailey Counseling Services, which has seven employees. He has 6-years of experience providing trauma therapy to at-risk populations (homeless, violent offenders, sex traffic victims, at-risk youth, and children). He has applied scientific interventions to develop emotional regulation in dysregulated individuals. He is also a board member of Heartland Family Services. Julian Young Business Advisors: Consultant.



Other Completed and/or Major Accomplishments: Frank Bailey has started a successful private practice called Bailey Counseling Services which has been in existence since 2010. Bailey Counseling Services currently has seven employees. Lavelle Wells started the nonprofit Big Elk Native American Center where he facilitates Talking Circles for the Native American Community. The new organization we have developed is Trauma House of Healing. Is an organization that will provide trauma therapy/interventions to at-risk families. These families that are healed from the trauma will begin to create a safer North Omaha Community.


Trauma House of Healing








Because of the lack of trauma programming in the North Omaha community our youth are becoming more at risk. Our program will provide innovative trauma therapy and innovations to develop resiliency and a better mindset in our youth and families. This program will create a safer community by providing needed trauma therapy to adolescent and their families. The features that are offered in our program are the following: Feature Benefit  Sound Therapy Emotional Balance in the person  Peer Support Coaching through lived experience  Trauma Therapy Healing from trauma  Family education and therapy Reconnection of the family The funding request will be used to purchase (therapeutic equipment/office equipment), operating expenses, and purchase transportation. Our business will create seven jobs at the median income level on North 24th street. This is an innovative program that was created out of the experiences and applications of therapeutic interventions. This will be the only trauma program that exists in our North Omaha community.


1. Morgan Stanley innovation grant application completed (May 2022). 2. Letter of intent signed with PJ Morgan real estate for 2711 North 24th Street (May 2022). 3. Meeting with Mary Ann Borgeson about Trauma House of Healing (June 2022). 4. Meeting with Julian Young Business Advisors weekly (September 2022) for the next year. 5. Standard Operating Procedure for Trauma House of Healing completed (September 2022). 6. Pilot program started (in September 2022). 7. Applied for office space at the Community Engagement Center on the UNO campus (September 2022). 8. Moving into 2711 North 24th Street (February 2023). 9. Program start in the new facility (April 2023). 10. Sustainable business (April 2024). 11. Replications of Trauma House of Healing in Macy, NE on the Omaha Indian Reservation (April 2026). This business will be fully completed before July 2025. The creation of our business will create four entry-level jobs ($30,000 to $35,000 a year) which are in the economic range of the middle class. A secretary at ($25,000 to $30,000 a year) in the economic range of the lower middle class. We will contract with two therapists that will not be employed by our business. There will be two jobs in the upper-middle-class range ($50,000 a year). The total number of jobs that will be created will be nine.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha)

Community Needs

Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Our program will create a sustainable community and improve the quality of life through our services. Currently, there is not a trauma program in the North Omaha Community that provides trauma therapy or interventions for youth and families. The current solution is the involvement of the Juvenile Justice System. This is not a solution for a community or a family. The involvement of the Juvenile Justice System to solve the problem of trauma (childhood trauma, intergenerational/transgenerational trauma) creates an unsafe and unsustainable community. The involvement of the Juvenile Justice System to solve this problem is one of the factors that create the prison pipeline for youth of color. These are the following factors that create unsustainability and poor quality of life in the North Omaha Community:  At-risk youth are more at risk today creating an unsafe community in North Omaha. Currently, there is an increase in gun violence among gangs and youth. That create an image that our community is not safe.  Families that have intergenerational trauma are also stuck in a lower socioeconomic class and some of these families have been on welfare for generations. Because of intergenerational trauma, youth and families cannot break the welfare cycle. This stops the creation of generational wealth in families of the North Omaha Community.  80% of the youth in Douglas County Corrections are youth of color. Because of the rates of the youth of color in Douglas County Youth Center, this affects the quality of life and stops the growth of generational wealth in the family. The quality of life for youth and families is poor and one of the factors is trauma. Because of trauma, the youth’s decision-making is poor which affects the quality of life in our community. Families that have intergenerational trauma are stuck in poverty (welfare or lower-paying jobs) and it is difficult for them to break the cycle of poor quality of life. We see this through violence, not taking care of our community (throwing out trash from moving vehicles, vandalism, property crimes, violence, despair, and the lack of human connection throughout the North Omaha Community). This affects our community by turning away investors and stopping job creation.


The Visionary Workshop provided the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis. Our company will address the following findings from the SWOT analysis: Weakness Lack of community cohesiveness and cohesion By treating the trauma families and youth will have more trust in others and begin to connect with the community. Lack of Black-owned companies We are a Black Owned Company Lack of jobs. Our company will create 7 jobs at the median income level. Lack of profit jobs. We are a for-profit company. Threats Media, in particular, focuses on violence, and negative human interactions, in North Omaha Our program will begin to provide programming to address trauma in youth and families that will create better outcomes for the family and community. Lack of integrity Providing programming for intergenerational trauma will increase the integrity in the family and the community. Overall lack of hopelessness Our company will be a place will families on the Northside can get help for their young people. Access to health care North Omaha families will not have to go out west of 72nd seeking emotional/mental health for the adolescents. We will be located on the North Side and are a black-owned business. A specific gap that will be addressed is the lack of trauma programming in our community. A second gap is the lack of specific therapy for youth that is in the early stages of a crisis. Our parents on the Northside are seeking help with youth that are acting out, they cannot locate help. The result of not having help is eventually the Juvenile Justice System becomes involved and this is not a solution. Our company will address this specific gap.


The goal of the funding is that it must be transformational, fundamental change, and long-lasting economic growth. The creation of our program and working with the families in our communities will begin to change and transform the behavioral actions of the youth and families. The fundamental change will be the perception of North Omaha. Our business will be located on 24th and Miami, where youth and families can find us. Long-lasting economic growth will begin to happen in families that have been affected by intergenerational trauma through therapy and intervention. The creation of trauma will begin to change families that have been trapped in the welfare cycle for generations. Our business will create seven jobs that will be in the middle-class economic range. These seven jobs are entry-level jobs and the beginning of economic growth and economic wealth.


This business will create nine permanent jobs in North Omaha. Five of the jobs will only require a high school diploma. The wage level of four of the jobs will be $30,000 - $35,000 range. One job will be (secretary) $25,000 - $30,000 range. There will be two jobs that are created in the $ 50,000-a-year range. Our business will contract with two therapists and one yoga instructor. Seven of the jobs will be filled with individuals from the qualified Census Tract (16th street, East/52nd street, West/Forest Lawn Ave, North/Cummings, South). The people will live in this area.





One job will be $25,000-$30,000 a year, four jobs will be $30,000 to $35,000 a year, and two will be at $50,000 a year, and two will be part-time at $15,000.


The goal of the funding is that it must be transformational, fundamental change, and long-lasting economic growth. The creation of our program and working with the families in our communities will begin to change and transform the behavioral actions of the youth and families. The fundamental change will be the perception of North Omaha. Our business will be located on 24th and Miami, where youth and families can find us. Long-lasting economic growth will begin to happen in families that have been affected by intergenerational trauma through therapy and intervention. The creation of a trauma program will begin to change families that have been trapped in the welfare cycle for generations. Our business will create seven jobs that will be in the middle-class economic range. These seven jobs are entry-level jobs and the beginning of economic growth and economic wealth.


The benefits to the community will be jobs that are not connected to general labor (construction, waste management, fast food, restaurant, gas station, or retail stores). The income will not be a minimum wage of $9.00 or entry-level at $12.00 an hour. The benefit to the community is that these jobs will be viewed as more professional, the business will make positive impacts on the people in the community, and could be a path for employees continuing their education, There will be a fundamental change in our community, creating safety and improved health care, and long-lasting economic growth. The quality of life in the community will be improved by the business being a trauma program, there is not a program like this in the North Omaha community. This business will create improved economic stability for 9 people and because this is an innovative business there might be future training in our facility.


This proposal will contribute to nine families improving their quality of life and they will be employed on 24th street which will bring economic life back into the North Omaha Community.


This business is one of a kind. There is no trauma program that will provide interventions to the youth and families on the Northside. Most of the programs or therapy that is sought is further out in West Omaha. Our business is innovative, will create jobs in our community, and improve the quality of life of families in our community. We will work with the UNO Omaha Spatial Justice Project to develop a statistical analysis to verify the effectiveness of our business.


Safer communites and will begin to reduce the number of youth from the census tract entering the youth center.


We will work with the UNO Omaha Spatial Justice Project to develop a statistical analysis to verify the effectiveness of our business.


Not sure.




Our new business will be in the heart of 24th street (North 24th and Miami). The business that we have reached and discussed partnerships with are the following YouTurn, Encompass Omaha (UNMC), Metro Area Youth Services (MAYS), Nebraska Writers Guild, and North Omaha Community Partnership. There has not been a Memorandum of Understanding signed with these organizations.


Not yet.





The location of the business will be 2711 North 24th Street (24th and Miami). The building was the Carnation Ballroom. The Carnation Ballroom is where Mildred Brown opened a safe and alcohol-free entertainment and social venue. Our goal is to open a business where African American families have a safe place to heal from trauma.


Within one or more QCTs














Completed by the owner of the building.






This business will create seven jobs in our community at the median income range. The employees will live in the qualified census track area, their quality of life will be improved economically, and the employees might continue with secondary education, this will begin the process of generational wealth. The business will also create a safer community by providing trauma therapy and interventions to at-risk youth and families. The problem the business will solve is that despite the current services and programs in our community youth are becoming more and more at risk. The unique product we offer addresses the issues of complex trauma in urban families in order to affect sustainable outcomes of change. The vision for our community is to foster generations of power, influence, and change.


The funding will be used to operate the business for the first year. In the second year, the business will be able fiscally stable.




This business will not be dependent on future funding after the first year. This business will be for-profit and a non-profit business. The for-profit business will be able to bill Medicaid, insurance companies, and the state of Nebraska voucher system. The non-profit will be through Big Elk Native-American Center to write grants.


There are no other funding sources identified.




This proposal cannot be completed in smaller components.



Our commitment financially is to use the proposed funds correctly and to create the needed jobs in our community.










Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses