THOR Inc (Also DBA Trails Have Our Respect): Equitable Access to Outdoor Recreation through Natural Surface Trails in North and South Omaha




THOR Inc (Also DBA Trails Have Our Respect)


THOR Inc. 12725 Ponca Road Omaha, NE 68112





Jason Brummels


Executive Director



+1 (402) 225-6564




Tim Winslow, Project Manager; Kent McNeill, Project Advisor, Chief Executive Officer, International Mountain Bike AssociationIMBA Trail Solutions, Project Consultants. The THOR leadership and project team has extensive experience in property development and management, executive leadership and entrepreneurship, team and organizational development, trail design and construction, and project management across the public and private sectors. Our Executive Director served on our Board of Directors from 2015 to 2021.


We operate as a typical 501(c)(3) corporate organization with a Board of Directors and as Executive Director. Our organizational structure is attached in chart form.


We have built and maintained more than 150 miles of natural surface trails in Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa in partnership with municipal, state, federal, and private landowners. We participate in community planning efforts with the City of Omaha, the City of Lincoln, the City of Bellevue, the Metropolitan Area Planning Agency, Nebraska Game & Parks, and others. Our infrastructure supports active youth programming from Police Athletics for Community Engagement, Girls Inc, The National Interscholastic Cycling Association, The Nebraska Interscholastic Cycling League, Nebraska DEVO, and others. Our youth mountain bike skills programs have served hundreds of youth across the cities of Omaha, Lincoln, and Norfolk annually since 2012. We annually offer diverse educational opportunities to land managers, trail builders, community leaders, and coaches.


Equitable Access to Outdoor Recreation through Natural Surface Trails in North and South Omaha






Combination of capital project and service/program


This proposal is designed to fit the vision of the Natural Surface Trails Feasibility Study developed in 2021-2022 in collaboration with IMBA Trail Solutions and a wide array of community partners. The demonstrated need for equitable access to active and inclusive outdoor recreation that suits the widest variety of ages, abilities, and uses is well served by natural surface trail systems, related programming, and the connectedness of gathering in our public outdoor spaces. The locations selected with the support and endorsement of Omaha Parks & Recreation are: Adams Park, Spring Lake Park, NP Dodge Park, Hummel Park, Mandan Park, Mt. Vernon Gardens Park, and Glenn Cunningham Lake Park.


Construction projects will begin in Q2 2024 and finish by the end of Q1 2026. Current THOR and partner programming in the developed projects will continue to expand through and beyond the project timeline. Project programming will continue through Q4 2026.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Our proposal represents transformational developments that will help energize and spur continued improvements in North and South Omaha’s Parks and communities through improvements in appearance and building safe and positive spaces for community connection. These fundamental changes in recreational infrastructure will deliver neighborhoods positive outlets for undirected outdoor play and exercise alongside opportunities for community programming and connections to natural spaces for people at all stages of life. Strengthening community bonds through open and accessible infrastructure inspires entrepreneurial investment of time, money, and energy in small businesses, community programming, and educational opportunities that lead to long lasting economic growth. Natural surface trails increase the quality of life for communities by providing active outdoor spaces and accessible infrastructure for people in all phases of life. Trails and related amenities provide opportunities for walking, hiking, running, cycling, connecting with nature, imaginative play, building resilience, continual progression, youth and adult programming and events, and connectivity. Community parks and green spaces are enhanced by trail systems integrated with the other amenities already available in the park through increased activation. These fundamental changes in recreational infrastructure will deliver neighborhoods positive outlets for undirected outdoor play and exercise alongside opportunities for community programming and connections to natural spaces for people at all stages of life. Strengthening community bonds through open and accessible infrastructure inspires entrepreneurial investment of time, money, and energy in small businesses, community programming, and educational opportunities. Natural surface trails increase the quality of life for communities by providing active outdoor spaces and accessible infrastructure for people in all phases of life. Trails and related amenities provide opportunities for walking, hiking, running, cycling, connecting with nature, imaginative play, building resilience, continual progression, youth and adult programming and events, and connectivity. Community parks and green spaces are enhanced by trail systems integrated with the other amenities already available in the park through increased activation.


Our proposal creates an economic investment that recycles within communities by investing in infrastructure that improves in quality of life in North and South Omaha. Open, accessible, beautiful outdoor spaces help build community bonds and pride that lead to internal investment and new opportunities. Our proposal invests in public infrastructure accessible to nearly all ages and capabilities in a transformative way without requiring displacement of the citizens currently residing in the community. This helps create new opportunities without removing spaces that have the possibility for business and other development. Our proposal invests in the development of leaders and active outdoor programming run by the community, not imposed on it. Each investment in a core community park delivers active spaces for imaginative play and connection with nature. It invests in art and visual engagement created by local artists or youth and reflects the community itself. Our proposal invests in trails that improve walkability, and create positive activities and programming driven by leaders already in the community. This increases safety and positive stories to strengthen community bonds and to be shared by the media to change external perceptions.


Our proposal represents transformational developments that will help energize and spur continued improvements in North and South Omaha’s Parks and communities through improvements in appearance and building safe and positive spaces for community connection. These fundamental changes in recreational infrastructure will deliver neighborhoods positive outlets for undirected outdoor play and exercise alongside opportunities for community programming and connections to natural spaces for people at all stages of life. Strengthening community bonds through open and accessible infrastructure inspires entrepreneurial investment of time, money, and energy in small businesses, community programming, and educational opportunities that lead to long lasting economic growth. Natural surface trails increase the quality of life for communities by providing active outdoor spaces and accessible infrastructure for people in all phases of life. Trails and related amenities provide opportunities for walking, hiking, running, cycling, connecting with nature, imaginative play, building resilience, continual progression, youth and adult programming and events, and connectivity. Community parks and green spaces are enhanced by trail systems integrated with the other amenities already available in the park through increased activation.


We anticipate $2,500,000 - $3,500,000 in professional and professional construction wages, with an additional $1,500,000 - $2,000,000 in local purchases to be associated with our projects over the project period. Our programs and infrastructure are intended to spur the creation of new businesses, services, and programs throughout the community in the following years.


1-2 direct




Over $20 per hour.


Where local expertise and labor are available, we will utilize local businesses and contractors for professional services, construction, and programming.


Well-designed trails, trail systems, and related amenities promote active and healthy lifestyles, reduce obesity and increase physical fitness, improve mental health and reduce depression, build resilience, reduce health care costs, provide unstructured play, and create positive associations with outdoor activities and exercise. Trails and active natural spaces can stimulate economic growth by increasing activity within their communities and attracting visitors. Trails can generate business in retail and services, support jobs, increase tax revenue, and make communities more desirable and capable of attracting new businesses and workers to the area. Our proposal fosters community pride and identity by involving community members in the planning, building, and maintaining the trails, related amenities, and art surrounding them. Our proposal’s programs build leaders and celebrates the diversity in each community to lead youth programming and help residents connect.


Our proposal helps preserve open spaces for recreation, encourages positive activities to displace negative use of a community's open and public spaces, increases public safety, and reduces dumping, littering, destruction of public property, and other activities that damage ecology and cause safety hazards.


While these concepts are still largely new for Omaha, we are incorporating proven approaches to trail and outdoor recreation and the related high quality of life demonstrated in communities across the country. Our proposal presents meaningful and transformative change for Omaha, particularly for the communities currently underserved by access to high-quality natural spaces and outdoor recreational opportunities.


We are currently engaged in an 18-month project with Catherine H. Brown, Ph.D., as an Evaluation Consultant to help iterate the best tools and most meaningful data that relate the improvement in the quality of life delivered in the communities currently underserved by access to outdoor recreation. We expect the tools and information sought to evolve over the project period and not be based on our pre-conceived ideas, but on the feedback and real life experiences of people in our communities.


We are developing tools for measuring outcomes in communities that have limited access to trails and high quality active outdoor recreational opportunities. We expect to collect data ourselves as well as through organizations aligned with the Natural Surface Trails Feasibility Study.


Yes, this investment will help spur further philanthropic and community investment in parks, housing near parks, businesses near parks, and outdoor, trail, and equity-based programming.




The following organizations served on the Steering Committee for the creation of the vision of the Omaha Natural Surface Trails Feasibility Study: City Of Omaha, City Of Papillion, Metropolitan Area Planning Association (MAPA), National Park Service - RTCA, Nebraska Game And Parks, Omaha Chamber Of Commerce, Omaha Parks Foundation, Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources Department (NRD), The Bike Union, Girls Inc, Latino Center Of The Midlands, Omaha Home For Boys (OHB), Outward Bound, Omaha Northstar Foundation, Police Athletics For Community Engagement (PACE), Spark CDI, Bike / Walk Nebraska, National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA), Nebraska NICA, Nebraska DEVO


We hold MOUs with the City of Omaha Parks & Recreation for parks where we currently work, and expect additional MOUs for parks developed under this proposal.





The location of proposed projects are either within or adjacent to Qualified Census Tracts. Adams Park 3230 John A. Creighton Blvd. Omaha, NE 68111 Census Tract 53 Spring Lake Park 4020 Hoctor Blvd Omaha, NE 68107 Census Tract 25 NP Dodge Park 11001 John J Pershing Dr Omaha, NE 68112 Census Tract 73.03 Hummel Park 3033 Hummel Rd Omaha, NE 68112 Census Tract 73.03 Mandan Park 6215 S 13th St Omaha, NE 68107 Census Tract 28 Mt. Vernon Gardens Park 6011 S 13th St Omaha, NE 68107 Census Tract 27&28 Glenn Cunningham Lake Park 8305 Rainwood Rd Omaha, NE 68122 Census Tract 73.17


Within one or more QCTs


Our projects are submitted with the endorsement and support of the land owner, Omaha Parks & Recreation.


















Our proposal invests 70% of our request in infrastructure publicly available to communities with limited access to trails, quality outdoor spaces, and active outdoor recreational amenities suitable for nearly all ages and capabilities. Our proposal improves the health and quality of life of citizens in the communities served by this infrastructure. We have integrated a programming layer into our proposal to introduce the amenities to those communities, activate youth programming, develop community leaders attached to active programming, and build stronger community bonds through programs focused on equity and diversity in outdoor recreation.


LB1024's funding will be used to build infrastructure in seven Omaha Parks, activate the infrastructure through programming, build equitable and diverse leadership in outdoor recreation in Omaha's core underserved neighborhoods, and spur future investment in infrastructure and programming for these communities.




THOR has operated since 1996 and has grown its capability and financials dramatically in recent years. Our programs and operations will continue to grow, but it is also the objective of this proposal to build additional community capacity and leadership and initiate programs outside of THOR's funding and operations.


THOR is primarily funded through private and corporate grants, sponsorships, donations, and membership.


THOR's private and corporate grants are introduced and renewed regularly on each particular funder's grant program schedules.


Aside from ARPA Grant Funding requested, the funds to complete the proposal are part of our normal operations.


The proposal’s design intends to instigate further investment in outdoor recreational infrastructure and programming well beyond the project period. The proposal could be re-engineered for a reduction in scale; however, it is the intent of the proposal to be equitable in its transformative efforts across the community.


We could build infrastructure and program one park at a time, but this would negatively affect its intent to deliver equitable access to outdoor recreation.


Our organization, budget, and team are built around delivering the vision of the Natural Surface Trails Feasibility Study and equitable access to outdoor recreation desired by the community.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule