Tranquil Transformations LLC: Hope for Youth - Tranquil Transformations’ Healing Garden




Tranquil Transformations LLC




2221 N 24th Street Omaha, NE 68110




Christina Hadley, APRN, PMHNP


Founder / CEO



+1 (402) 651-6817





The team is still under construction. However, the team will include Christina Hadley as its Executive Director, and Mark Wulff as the Operations Manager. Christina will manage up to two licensed mental health practitioners and up to five peer-to-peer support specialists. Mark will manage the operational aspects of the organization including gardeners, and administrative staff. The Board of Directors consists of well-known community members and mental health practitioners: Terri D. Sanders, Denise Gaines, Traci Warren, Dina Becirovic, Bridgett Belsky, and Tonya Wulff. Dina Becirovic, MA, MPH, Tonya Wulff, Denise Gaines, LIMHP, LADC, and Traci Warren, APRN have experience in the mental healthcare field and bring a plethora of knowledge regarding clinical management, patient care, and operations.


Tranquil Transformations is a non-profit agency with the mission to bring healing to the young individuals of Northeast Omaha by instilling hope, promoting optimal mental health, and reassuring fundamental mental health practices. Emphasis is directed toward black participants up to 18 years old, but would not turn any individual away. Tranquil Transformations was founded by Christina Hadley, Board Certified Advanced Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in April 2022. Tranquil Transformations is to become a beacon of light in times of despair. Its mission is twofold: 1) To carry out activities and programming that promote the health and well-being of young adults residing in Northeast Omaha and 2) To promote alternative mental health practices and support individuals through various programming opportunities. Phase One of Tranquil Transformation is a small-scale “mild” crisis intervention and respite center with the utilization of a Peer Support Specialist, Mental Health Advocates or coaches, and the Garden of Hope and Healing, for the targeted population. Counseling for up to five sessions with a therapist or a certified peer-to-peer specialist will be provided initially at no cost at which point the client will be referred to the appropriate mental health practitioners. The cost of entry to the garden will be free of charge for all youth, and the cost for adults is $10. Phase Two will include an opportunity to participate in Instilling Hope curriculum comprised of mindfulness and other Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy content – for a small fee or stipend. The incorporation of trauma-informed yoga, music therapy, pet therapy, and professional psychotherapy would be available by a Licensed Independent Mental Health Professional and or Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker on a part-time basis for an arranged fee, up to 4 sessions. Individuals requiring additional services would be referred to other local agencies within the community for a psychiatric evaluation. These services could be available to the general public for a fee. Phase Three will incorporate mental health, nutrition, and fitness seminars, massage therapists, energy healers, float pods, and infrared sauna treatments, all for a fee.


Hope for Youth - Tranquil Transformations’ Healing Garden








The high violent crime rate, a higher population of “working poor”, and issues of low income and earning in Omaha are contributing factors to the hostile environment, deteriorating conditions, and inability to retain our youth. Tranquil Transformations LLC proposes a Hope for Youth - Healing Garden to address mental health opportunities in the heart of North Omaha. Research has confirmed the stress-reducing benefits of passively viewing plants. It has demonstrated that people’s impressions of a room and their mental well-being can significantly improve when plants are added. It also has shown that productivity and cognitive functioning are improved, and that pain perception can be reduced. Research on the effects of plants on people has shown, in essence, that plants are essential for people to be at their best. (Lohr, 2010). The Trust for Public Land (2013) calculated annual avoided costs of health care associated with levels of physical spaces in 10 U.S. cities and counties; values ranged from $4 million to $69.4 million per year. The youth of North Omaha will benefit from a healing garden. The improved mental well-being aspect will be positive, considering some struggle with mental health issues brought on by the stressors and dangers within their environment. The location for this project is to be determined; however, our search identified two potential locations in the Qualified Census Tract, at 2724 N 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110, and 1021 N 46th Street, Omaha, NE 68132, to be used as an example. The Healing Garden concept will help reduce crime, slightly increase jobs, improve the community, and positively impact business investment. We envision this to be mostly outdoor and with an indoor component. The outdoor garden will be an open space with a water fountain, diverse plants, rocks, trees, and sitting benches. The indoor garden will have plants, flowers, and a waterfall where a person can sit for 30 minutes or less and find solitude (cry, journal, pray, and meditate). We anticipate the project completion by the summer of 2024. This is a service for underserved youth that will need continuous funding.


The timeline for the proposal will be 18 month months from start to completion. The proposal will be completed in three phases. Phase I of the project will entail ensuring the availability of the project land plot, land surveying, architectural rendering, and submission. Phase I will start on Jan 2023 and until Jun 2023. Phase II will begin in July 2023 and until December 2023 and will consist of grading, utility line installations, Bio-Swail, landscape, and Visitor Center Construction and assurance of bonds, insurance, general conditions, requirements, overhead, and escalation. Phase III will begin in January 2024 and will involve the completion of construction and visitor’s center, warehouse construction, shade structures, landscaping, general conditions, requirements, contractor, overhead, and escalation. The project shall be completed by June 2024. This project will hire and contract with minority-owned businesses predominantly from North and South Omaha - revitalization of the community. (putting money back into the community) and a sense of ownership, improving the quality of living.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Gardens have been known to promote healing, health, and well-being. Research data and case studies prove that Eco-therapy is a simple, cost-effective means of improving people’s social, spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being (Mind 2007). According to Fieldhouse (2003), there are particular qualities of the plant-person relationship that promote people’s interaction with their environment and hence their health, functional level, and subjective well-being. Fieldhouse concluded this type of immersive interaction in a green space is beneficial as it focuses on skills and aspirations rather than symptoms and deficits. The experience of the garden provides cognitive benefits of enhanced mood, reduced stress, and improved concentration. C. Hadley Healing Garden aims to bring hope and healing to the youth of Northeast Omaha, a one-of-a-kind project to Northeast Omaha. The Healing Garden is one of the mental health programs of Tranquil Transformations, a youth mental health crisis center. Based on our research and the effects of healing gardens in the community, we are optimistic that this project and programming by Tranquil Transformations will bring about transformational change, the kind of change that will recharge and reenergize the youth of Northeast Omaha and bring about an improved quality of life. It will improve and further enhance the visibility and destigmatization of mental health in the community. The gardens will create more productive citizens of the community. This proposal will lead to temporary construction jobs, permanent jobs, and volunteer opportunities, and partnerships with minority-owned, Northeast Omaha businesses. The organization and its leadership are representatives and allies of Northeast Omaha.


One of the opportunities highlighted in the Visioning Workshop Summary is increased access to mental health. Thus, this proposal directly aligns with the findings in hopes of meeting the needs of the North Omaha community.


The Healing Gardens proposal will lead to the transformation of the community. The proposal will create a destination for others to visit the garden and in such a way change the narrative of the North Omaha community. It will improve the quality of life as it preaches mindfulness and quiet space. It will create temporary and permanent for the North Omaha community by the North Omaha community.








The job wage ranges from $39000 to $120000, from gardener to an full time executive director.


The proposal will seek contractors from North Omaha, and will serve North Omaha community. While there is no defined location as of now, the proposal will be located in the Qualified Census Tract, in a location such as 2724 N 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110 and 1021 N 46th Street, Omaha, NE 68132.


There is no garden like this in North Omaha. The Healing Garden will create a destination, especially for youth. It will add to the recreational playground in North Omaha, and be a refugee and in invite not just for local, but all Omaha residents and beyond.


There is no garden like this in North Omaha. The Healing Garden will create a destination, especially for youth. It will add to the recreational playground in North Omaha, and be a refugee and in invite not just for local, but all Omaha residents and beyond.


There is no garden like this in North Omaha. The concept of healing gardens addressing mental health specifically for youth is innovative.


# of visits tracking - # tracking for purpose of mental health well being # job creation - building capacity of mental health practitioners by learning about the field and building their skills for a pool


All data regarding outcomes will be compiled and measured by C. Hadley, the ED.


Yes, we would be elevating and destigmatizing mental health in North Omaha, with additional training opportunities for new generations.











Location TBD. Locations of interest 2724 N 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110 and 1021 N 46th Street, Omaha, NE 68132.


Within one or more QCTs














Costs were determined by utilizing examples of a healing garden projects of similar size and type.






This is a new and innovative concept that is seeking funding for site development and will seek separate funding for ongoing operations. shovel-ready project - that can be completed in 18 months within the timeline for dollar spending


using the funds to acquire property and construct the property project a new construction project a site found with a building in existence - new construction or rehabilitation of an existing site





This is a new operation established in April 2022. We are not anticipating funding from other sources for this proposal.


not applicable


Not from this funding source.


Yes, it is scalable in that the youth and public awareness grows.


See attached spreadsheet.


This organization is newly founded and is working on securing financial commitments.










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule