Benson Creative District: Benson Alleyway Redevelopment




Benson Creative District


2729 N 62nd St. Omaha, NE 68104


Website (Currently being redone)


BFF Omaha @bffomaha


Ross Miller


Council Member



+1 (402) 525-0330




Ross Miller: BCD Council Member, Maple St. Construct Co-Founder & President. Principal of FormGrey Studio, an architectural and design firm. Ross has already done a lot of legwork regarding the redevelopment of the alleyways and will be a critical and lead member of the team. Alex Jochim: BCD Council Member, Executive Director & Co-Founder of BFF Omaha. Alex has been a driving force in creating the cultural and arts programming of the Benson neighborhood over the last ten years. He is very active and a leader in the community and will serve a critical role in this project. Linda Hilliar: BCD Council Member, President of BFF Omaha. Linda has been an instrumental leader in getting Benson recognized as a Creative District by the state of Nebraska and the continued organization of the BCD. Linda will be a critical team member on this project. Brittany Dabestani: BCD Council Member, Benson Business Improvement District (BID) Director. Brittany represents the BID, the BID meets regularly, maintains relationships with the city of Omaha, and has also done preliminary legwork regarding the redevelopment of the alleyways. Brittany and the BID will be critical members of the team. Other current BCD Council Members will also serve in various volunteer roles for this project.



The Benson Creative District (BCD) is a new organization that was just officially granted the state of Nebraska’s Creative District distinction. But, as a community and a collection of several organizations (BFF Omaha, Benson Neighborhood Association, Benson Improvement District, Maple St. Construct, Radial Arts Center, etc.) of which all these organizations are represented on the BCD Council. See the attached documentation identifying BCD’s mission, vision, values, organizational structure, and historical value.


Benson Alleyway Redevelopment






Capital project


The Benson Alleyway Redevelopment proposal is a capital improvement project that aims to revitalize the underutilized and under-designed alleyways into functional, active, sustainable, safe, and healthy social spaces within the Benson business district. The redevelopment of the Benson alleyways would contribute to over 50% of additional public space to the Benson business district, creating opportunities for multimodal transportation, healthy outdoor environments, expanded business/economic opportunities and job creation, increased artistic and cultural programming/activities, and upgraded infrastructure and sustainable utility upgrades; all while maintaining the functional and utilitarian needs for alleyways. A project of this nature will be transformational and serve as a catalyst for similar projects that focus on revitalizing and redeveloping underutilized infrastructure and spaces in the city of Omaha and other cities and towns in Nebraska. A redevelopment of the alleyways will generate long-lasting economic growth, increase employment opportunities, and contribute to widespread economic vitality. This project will also improve the lives of the residents, neighbors, and visitors to the area by creating healthy outdoor environments, improving infrastructure and utilities, providing opportunities to safely socialize and engage in the community, and enhancing civic, cultural, educational, and recreational services. The timeline of this project from design to substantial completion will conservatively take three years to accomplish with positive outcomes occurring instantly thereafter, much like the redevelopment of the Gene Leahy Mall.


Design: Design could take anywhere from 6 months to a year once a design team is selected. 2023-2024 Phases in design would include community workshops and ideation, schematic design, design development, marketing strategies, additional fundraising, and construction documentation. Construction: Depending on complexity, utility, and infrastructure improvements, construction could conservatively take anywhere from 1 year to 2 years. 2024/2025-2026




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The Benson Alleyway Redevelopment project will incorporate natural and green spaces; and utilize sustainable and renewable utilities, materials, and energies which all promotes a sustainable community, improve quality of life for residents, and create educational, civic, and recreational opportunities. Working with local business and stakeholder needs, the design will incorporate opportunities for multimodal transportation by creating a connective network of biking and walking paths. This project will update and improve the infrastructure (alleyways, sewer, drainage, lighting, etc.) of the alleyways, generate increased economic growth in the community, elevate the safety and security of the community, and improve the district and community as a whole.


The Benson Alleyway Redevelopment project aligns with the findings of the Visions Workshop Summary. The project seeks to upgrade the existing insufficient infrastructure and utilities, aligns with and fits within the cultural context of the Benson neighborhood and supports expansion among pre-existing cultural programming. Lastly, the project will increase accessibility in the area, providing residents and visitors better ways to utilize, leverage, and expand the community’s resources.


The Benson Alleyway Redevelopment project addresses many of the ARPA guidelines. This project creates healthy public outdoor spaces, something that has become much more critical since the COVID-19 pandemic. This project will provide economic growth and job creation, especially in a community that was hit hard during the pandemic closures and restrictions due to many of the businesses in the community being restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, art spaces, etc. This project is a direct investment and upgrade in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure for the community. This project keeps investment within the community, it creates transformational and long-lasting economic growth, and provides fundamental positive change to the area. This project aligns with the community needs of Benson, it can be scaled and replicated to other parts of the city and state, it will likely attract other investment opportunities in the area, and it creates new connections (social, multimodal transportation, education, civic, and recreational) within the Benson community.


Hundreds of temporary (1-3 year) with construction and design-related jobs associated will be created through this project. Permanent jobs will be harder to quantify at this time, but BCD anticipates the need for 2-5 full time and part time positions, as well as opportunities for professional and economic development among Benson’s small businesses and working artists. These created jobs will maintain alleyway improvements on a regular basis. By redeveloping and activating the alleyways, existing buildings and businesses will have opportunities for new business access points that are alley-facing, increasing economic viability and improved spaces that can be leased or utilized, when traditionally they would not have been. In turn, the number of businesses is expected to increase, while existing businesses will expand and attract new economy to the area. All of these efforts will lead to increased job creation, professional development, and new opportunities for Benson residents and stakeholders.


BCD anticipates the need for 2-5 full time and part time positions, as well as opportunities for professional and economic development among Benson’s small businesses and working artists. Additional community events, improved infrastructure, and added business viability will greatly increase opportunities for job creation in event planners, contracted workers, artists, performers, food vendors, maintenance, and associated staff and volunteers.


The BCD anticipates hundreds of temporary jobs to be created indefinitely through construction, design, and associated programming efforts.


Pay wages will be above minimum wage and competitive within industry standards, while construction wages will reference the Davis-Bacon memorandum. BCD currently plans to compensate all future staff at a minimum of $25/hour, as per BFF Omaha’s standard.


The Alleyway Redevelopment project could give preference to contractors and professional design service providers that are located within the Qualified Census Tracts or make it a qualification that contractors and professional design service providers have to team up with and include other contractors and professional design service providers on their teams that are located within the Qualified Census Tracts. According to BFF Omaha’s event surveys, the top three audience zip codes are 68104, 68131, and 68105, all of which are designated QCTs by the City of Omaha’s Department of Housing and Urban Development, with at least 50% of households having an income below 60% of the area median gross income, or a poverty rate of at least 25%.


The redevelopment of the Benson alleyways will provide spaces for residents and the community to come together for creative programming and opportunities. The ability for communities to come together and safely socialize is vital in any community. Whether the spaces be formal or casual, the more opportunities communities have to interact with each other, the stronger they become.


By creating redeveloped alleyways through sustainable design standards, incorporating natural and green spaces, and utilizing sustainable and renewable utilities, materials, and energies this lends to improved quality of life and numerous educational opportunities. Learning about the values of the environment and learning the value of being good stewards of the natural environment helps create a future generation of entrepreneurs and environmental stewards.


There are several major metropolitan areas that have already embraced and redeveloped alleyways and other underutilized infrastructures and spaces; they have also developed best practices for reimagining and designing these types of spaces. We plan on tapping into those available resources. This project will also be designed with sustainable design practices in mind. And a project of this nature and on this scale is definitely a new concept that could be successfully adapted to other parts of the city of Omaha.


Improved education, Improved quality of life, Economic growth, Job growth, and Sustainability metrics.


These metrics could be measured through surveys and data collection from businesses, community members, and visitors who live, work, play, and utilize the redeveloped alleyways. The BCD, Benson BID, and/or BNA could develop and disseminate these surveys.


Yes, this project would create the potential for additional investment and development from the Benson BID and other businesses and organizations that have alleyway frontages or adjacencies. We see this project further activating the commercial district and serving as inspiration for new and inventive development and investment in the area. We also believe that this type of redevelopment can successfully be replicated in other parts of the city and state.




Benson Improvement District: The BID will be instrumental as a partner, providing critical input from the Benson business district owners and representatives, providing shared resources, and a direct line to the City of Omaha. BFF Omaha: BFF Omaha will also be an instrumental partner, by also providing critical input on the project direction, providing ongoing programming and activation of the alleyways, among many other things. BFF Omaha acts as the BCD’s fiscal agent and administrator. Benson Neighborhood Association: The BNA will be a good partner and will allow for great input from the neighbors and citizens of Benson, they will be very helpful in communication Benson residents. Maple St. Construct: MSC will be a critical partner, another arts and design organization that will be involved in programming and activation of the alleyways, the co-founders are all architecturally trained and one of them works professionally as an architectural and design professional, so they will be an instrumental resource in the design, planning, and construction of the redevelopment of the alleyways, likely leading many of those aspects. We will need to partner and work with the City of Omaha and Public Works, and the BID will assist in forming those partnerships. We plan to reach out to additional organizations such as Omaha by Design, Mode Shift, One Omaha, and others. Omaha by Design advocates for excellence in people-centered urban design and policy. Mode Shift Omaha advocates for transportation options that enhance the quality of life and opportunities for everyone to live, work, and play. One Omaha empowers people where they live with education, training, and engagement to develop thriving neighborhoods. We see these organizations as great potential partners for helping to develop and workshop community engagement and visioning sessions/workshops.


BFF Omaha, BID, and MSC have all done preliminary work regarding the development of the alleyways since 2018, when the Benson Out Back alleyway development project was first proposed to the neighborhood. Formalized MOUs have been created upon the designation of the Creative District, and they will be updated upon realization of funding for this project. As historical and current partners with the involved organizations of this project, Omaha by Design, Mode Shift Omaha, and One Omaha are expected to formalize an MOU upon partnership agreement.





The Benson Creative District centers around Benson’s downtown business district along Maple Street. It extends west along Maple to 72nd Street, encompassing street-facing businesses and residential areas. It goes east along Maple St, turning into NW Radial HWY, and extending until 52nd Street. On the north side, it is mainly bound by the alleyway just north of Maple Street, although extending briefly along Military Ave to include Grace Young Park, along 60th Street to include Heartland Family Services planned headquarters, and along 52nd Street to include Gallagher Park, Benson High School, and Monroe Middle School. The southern border follows the alleyway just south of Maple, although extending briefly along 61st Street to include StoneBridge Church, along 60th Ave to include Immanuel Lutheran Church, along 56th Street to include Citylight Church and Radial Arts Center, and along Country Club Ave to include St. Paul United Methodist Church. The project would specifically focus on the alleyways of the Benson business district.


Adjacent to one or more QCTs














The $10,000,000 amount comes from conservative management, design, and construction ballpark estimates and a healthy contingency to account for the unknown of continually increasing construction, material, and infrastructural costs; unforeseen below grade infrastructure costs, and being in a commercial district that is on the National Register of Historic Places where there is the potential for elevated costs. It should be noted that this dollar amount is not exact, as an architectural and design professional I have some working knowledge of the type of costs that a project like this would entail. Conservative Estimates: Design Services (Architecture, Engineering, Landscape, Planning, etc): $1,500,000 Construction (including contingency, infrastructure upgrades, and materials): $8,000,000 Administration/Financial Management: $500,000






The $10,000,000 amount comes from conservative management, design, and construction ballpark estimates and a healthy contingency to account for the unknown of continually increasing construction, material, and infrastructural costs; unforeseen below grade infrastructure costs, and being in a commercial district that is on the National Register of Historic Places where there is the potential for elevated costs. It should be noted that this dollar amount is not exact, as an architectural and design professional I have some working knowledge of the type of costs that a project like this would entail. Conservative Estimates: Design Services (Architecture, Engineering, Landscape, Planning, etc): $1,500,000 Construction (including contingency, infrastructure upgrades, and materials): $8,000,000 Administration/Financial Management: $500,000


LB1024 grant funds will be used to provide the capital needed for the design services (architectural, engineering, landscape, planning, etc.), construction services (including materials and infrastructure upgrades), and the financial management and administration of the project.




There will be possible ongoing and future costs associated with routine and ongoing maintenance and/or repairs, there will likely be ongoing costs associated with employing worker(s) to keep the alleyways clean and maintained. The BCD will get these funds through NAC Creative District grants, matching funds from foundations, and other grant opportunities.


Please outline other funding sources including government-sponsored economic incentives you have committed, have currently pending, or anticipate exploring for this proposal. Right now, no other funding sources have been sought, but this is the type of catalyst project and development that the city of Omaha and the state of Nebraska could really get behind. It would be likely that, if needed, additional funding sources would be explored and sought for this project.


Not currently seeking additional funding sources at this time, plan to in the future.


Although this project will not go forward without funding, if awarded funds are less than the request, the BCD will seek additional funding through NAC Creative District grants, matching funds from foundations, and other grant opportunities.


This project is absolutely scalable and could really serve as a catalyst for other districts and neighborhoods in the state of Nebraska and the city of Omaha when it comes to the revitalization, reactivation, and repurposing of alleyways for economic, cultural, transformational, sustainable, and healthy development. Ideally, this project is not broken up into smaller components or phases.



The BCD will continue to pursue other grant funding. Currently, the BCD is in the process of applying for a $250,000 grant from the Nebraska Arts Council Creative District Grant and is actively looking for other grant and funding opportunities. The BCD is looking to hire an Administrator for the District and has developed a strategic plan, so that the BCD can sustain itself as an organization and continue to actively and positively serve the community for a very long time.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area