The Mildred D Brown Memorial Study Center Inc: MDBMSC Development Plan




The Mildred D Brown Memorial Study Center Inc


2216 N 24th Street


PO BOX3393 Omaha, NE 68103



Twitter: @omaha_star; FACEBOOK: @omahastarnewspaper; The Omaha Star (group); Instagram: @omahastarnewspaper


Terri D Sanders


Executive Director



+1 (402) 346-4041




Consultants. marketing : Avant Solutions. Web Design/Maintenance: Stable Gray


Attachment EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: provides strategic direction, oversees all programs and departments and functions of the organization, provides high-level management of staff and in collaboration with the Board of Directors, actively seeking and applying for funding. Follows up on implementation of the strategic plan and budget. Reports to the Board of Directors. PUBLISHER: responsible for making sure the style and content of the publication is correct, tending to the day-to-day operations of the Omaha Star including customer satisfaction, supervising the editor, advertising, promoting sales, overseeing all advertising that goes into publications, writing or reviewing articles and pushing to meet all printing and publishing deadlines. ADMIN ASSISTANT MDBMSC: provides support to senior staff, performs clerical functions, scheduling meetings and travel. ADMIN ASSISTANT OMAHA STAR: provides support to subscribers/memberships to the paper, maintains input into QuickBooks, records incoming payments, maintains subscribers/membership database. REPORTER: receives assignments from the publisher/editor, researches content ideas, submits stories for publication. DISTRIBUTION: delivers printed newspapers to retail distribution points throughout the metropolitan area.


ACCOMPLISHMENTS • increased subscribers/members more than 58% in the past two years • reduced operation expenses for the organization by over $20000 • increased advertising revenue for newspaper over 60% (6/21) • established a copy/print center to provide services not available within a 15 mile radius of the location; providing services to companies and residents in the are, as well as notary services, and graphic design. (8/21) • Purchased the building and adjacent properties to 2216 N 24th Street (December 2021) • Added a staff position to the organization (Admin Omaha Star) • Increased community awareness through social media and mass media exposure of accomplishments of the organization. (2/20) • Moved publishing of newspaper from biweekly to weekly publication (11/22) • Outreach to educational institutions to provide information on the organization and offers to collaborate with community organizations and educational institutions.. The cited accomplishments relate to the Recovery Coordination plan in the following ways for North Omaha: • Our property and activities are located in the designated census tract. • We are contributing toward the economic recovery of the North Omaha area • We have created jobs • We have created an additional business within the organization , creating a small business within a business. Addressing the sustainable community North Omaha Needs. • Continuing to develop opportunities in the community


MDBMSC Development Plan






Combination of capital project and service/program


The MDBMSC Development Plan encompasses a capital project of developing the building at 2216 N 24th Street into a museum focused on the black newspaper and the life of pioneer publisher Mildred Brown, thus creating a visitor attraction that will also be a source for economic revenue, create jobs, and contribute to the traffic flow in the area. The MDBMSC Development Plan has a purpose to create jobs within the organization to expand the organization and align with the goals of the strategic plan to develop a self-sustaining organization that has growth potential into the future in all programs and with the facility that we occupy. The building at 2216 N 24th St is on the historic register, which gives it significance and speaks to the value of maintaining this site and developing it as tourist attraction. This proposal supports the programs of MDBMSC that will provide funding for the operations of the business to expand staff to professional jobs in the census tract. Because the organization has profit centers (printing and the newspaper), the monies that will create sustainable jobs that will be sustainable by profits created in the businesses. Construction and improvements to the building would begin ASAP with the attraction of a museum to be completed and open by 2025. Jobs will be created and staffed on a quarterly basis until all positions are filled by Q3 2024. Q3 2024 the organization will expand to physically occupy the offices and operations to occupy owned property at 2218 N 24th Street which will expand the organization’s capacity and allow 2216 North 24th Street to be fully developed into the planned museum space. When the museum is opened it too will create approximately four to six part time jobs to staff the museum. All elements of the proposal will be completed by 2025.


Q1 2023 staff additions : Editor, graphic artist, print center coordinator Maintain: executive director and marketing positions Q1 2023 additional construction proposals for remodel of building for evaluation Q1 2023 award scholarships to high school students Q2 2023 staff additions: Trainer/ coordinator to plan for implementation of junior journalism/communications program Q2 2023 staff addition: photographer Q2 2023- ongoing: begin 2216 N 24th Street restoration according to historic preservation on bldg. exterior Q2 2023 Intern Reporter added to staff; intern archivist to staff both for summer employment/ college credits Q2 2023 Begin programming implementation of junior journalism/communications program Q3 2023 hire trainer 2 to implement year-round junior journalism/communications program and monitor work of students to provide content for the organization. Q3 2023 staffing: print center intern 2024: Construction continues on 2216 N 24th Street developing and constructing museum space Q4 2024 hire staffing for museum 2025 All elements of proposal are completed.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The MDBMSC Development Proposal will create enhanced services in the designated census tract by providing a tourist attraction for the city and its visitors to benefit and experience a positive vibe from the telling of the history of the black newspaper. The proposal is contributing to the development of the business district by developing businesses and providing sustainable jobs. The quality of life is being enhanced by the opening of a museum that tells the history of the Black newspaper and the contributions of Mildred Brown and the Omaha Star. The proposal will improve communications and introduce to some and engage others in the communications process through the junior communications/journalism program.


THE MDBMSC Proposal address the following areas identified in the Visioning process: • The proposal supports the destination making and business establishment by opening a museum. • The proposal addresses the media threat and provides positive communications, extended media coverage of the “good” in the community, which it has done consistently for the last 85 years without pause. • The proposal will leverage monies to execute a defined strategic plan to provide jobs and enhance the business district. • The proposal will also leverage public and private partnerships in executing the plan over a sustainable timeframe. • The fact that this proposal demonstrates the strength that people care and want to make a difference in the community. • The MDBMSC represents our people, culture, and is establishing a new cultural center.


The MDBMSC is located in the identified tract addressed by LB1024 which has been identified for economic recovery. The MDBMSC Proposal addresses specifically: Sec.5. (4) in the area of : • continued entrepreneurship: The Omaha Star is an established business that began July 9, 1938, and continues today and this proposal is being made to expand the business pursuits of the Omaha Star. • providing employment: Over 85 years the Omaha Star has employed the community including historically youth in the community, and continues the tradition of both fulltime and part-time jobs in the community. • Creating approximately 10-12 new jobs with the assistance of LB 1024 to provide a base of finance that will establish sustainable jobs without needing additional funds to continue the jobs created. • assisting a small business: LB 1024 outlines that it was created to assist small business and the MDBMSC proposal is a small business assisting support to grow in the designated community.


Permanent jobs (in the organization) $438,000 Construction (temporary). $60000 (labor only)




General Contractor Employees (unknow the number of laborors)


annually $20,000-$100,000


Permanent jobs created would be employees of the organization and would be required to accomplish the anticipated growth of the organization.


The community would benefit from the improved level of communication derived through the communications of the Omaha Star communications components (newspaper, video, social media) The proposal also provide for training young persons in the profession of communications and will provide opportunities to practice in the trade. Opportunities provide hope for all.


This proposal adds to the stability of the North Omaha Community. The newspaper has an 85 year history in the community and has been a mainstay of communication having never missed a publishing date. It is a steady entity in the community and the MDBMSC has provided a vehicle to continue the tradition of the paper and this proposal is going to involve young people to continue the legacy.


This demonstrates to the Omaha Community generaational wealth in that it continues to provide steady employment to residents when there are NO other businesses that have the lifespan of the newspaper which is a program of the MDBMSC. Continuing the legacy and adapting to the changing times of communication and providing hope to young people to continue in the tradition.


creating new jobs in the commuity while meeting the service needs of the community. Also providing a look at the professions of communications that can provide a way forward for sustainable wages.


measurable in documented wages paid and reported as income and economic stability for dta sources measuring the outcomes.


Not at this time




HOPE center: to provide students for junior Journalism/ Communication Training; St. BenedictThe Moor Catholic Church Bryant Basketball Courts and Youth Center: to have their clients participate in junior journalism and communications workshop; North Omaha Music Academy to provide workshops onthe history of music in our community through the archives of our newspaper.


We have met to discuss the potential partnerships with both entities and will get a formal MOU closer to implementation





2216 North 24th Street, Omaha, Nebraska The location isa designated historical building and is owner occupied


Within one or more QCTs


See uploads


















See uploads OF COSTS ESTIMATED (based on figures in 2021-inflation X3)


The funds would be used to provide monies for the capital investment of repurposing the building and supporting as seed money for sustainable jobs.




Accounting and financial reporting, cash ,management of the funds ill be managed by the finance committee of the organization. Two signatures required for expenditures and monthly reporting practices.


Federal grant opportunities will be applied for in the area of The National Park Service and Historic Places. ThemProposal will also be presented to local corporations and foundations for general support and support of educational programs especially for underserved communities and disadvantaged youth.


NPS : deadline 11/8/22 for building restoration, amount not determined.




This proposal is scalable and can be completed in increments. as to how employees are hired,and through draws by the contractor.


expenditures scaled by annual quarters


The organization is committed to the use of these funds for the indicated use and no other. The organization would protect this asset in a restricted fund for the express purposes of the proposal and not co mingled with other funds of the organization










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule