Pleiades Media Group, LLC: Pleiades Media Group Omaha Economic Recovery Act Coordination Plan Financial Grant Proposal




Pleiades Media Group, LLC


9804 S 9th Ave, Bellevue NE 68123


9804 S 9th Ave, Bellevue NE 68123




Sherman Easter


President, Music & Marketing



+1 (402) 515-3802




Sylvester Carter, CEO 1/3rd Ownership African American; Sherman Easter, President Music & Marketing 1/3rd Ownership African American; April Kennedy, President Film & TV, 1/3rd Ownership Choctaw and Dan Kennedy, COO Cherokee (Please review attachment for greater detail)


Please review attached document including our organizational chart


Pleiades Media Group (PMG) is an African American majority-held media company. We established PMG to produce and manage content for global distribution. These types of properties are capital-intensive yet scaleable with success. PMG is applying for the Omaha Economic Recovery Act Coordination Plan financial grant to fund the development of a state-of-the-art production facility along with the production of incredible licensable IP. PMG proposes the creation of this facility in an economically challenged area of Omaha providing the community with measurable transformation, fundamental changes and long-lasting economic growth. As a relatively young company we have managed to secure works from seasoned Hollywood writers. We have contracted with a leading Hollywood Executive Producer, Ann Marie Sanderlin for our HitMaker IP property. We are in formal talks with iHeart Senior Executives for a Strategic partnership with our HitMaker IP property, and in addition to being in talks with Netflix, Disney + and Amazon we are securing distribution and publishing partnerships with level one companies. These are key accomplishments for PMG as they are in preparation to PMG entering into production upon funding, building acquisition and sound stage/recording studio buildout.


Pleiades Media Group Omaha Economic Recovery Act Coordination Plan Financial Grant Proposal






Combination of capital project and service/program


PMG is applying for the OERAC Plan to fund $20M to develop a state-of-the-art facility and produce licensable IP. PMG proposes to create this facility in an economically challenged area providing the community with measurable transformation, fundamental changes and long-lasting economic growth. PMG will spark an unmeasurable amount of curiosity and possibilities within the area's youth and make significant long-term economic contributions directly through full-time jobs, part-time jobs, contracted work, and capital spending with neighboring businesses. PMG will meet funding objectives, it will also meet the identified community needs through educational programs, and Gaming initiatives. We have identified a building that is within a 15-minute walk from two educational campuses and within a 15-minute car ride from a third. The pandemic's huge direct negative impact on the Music, Television, and Film industries is undeniable. PMG could not produce content or obtain financing in the private or public sectors during this time (Robert Fairlie, A Robb, D Robinson, Black and White Access to Capital among Minority-Owned Startups, NBER Working Paper 28154: Black Owned startups, for example face larger challenges in raising capital, including securing business loans), The pandemic directly affected our ability to identify distribution partners and to raise working capital. This Grant will contribute to the success of the disproportionately impacted community located in QCT 19 of Omaha. Government has identified this area as disproportionately impacted and has established funds to rectify the communities circumstances. The Nebraska Revised Statute 81-12,241-d states “with no less than thirty-five million dollars in such grants allocated to eligible grantees which are located south of Dodge Street and east of 72nd Street.” PMG is asking to participate in a portion of such grant funding for 2215 Harney St which is within these boundaries. Such an investment in PMG restores the negative impact of the pandemic with both measurable and immeasurable benefits to area and within six months we will be fully operational positioning the area to be a leader in the State with new innovative technologies, careers, and a clear path forward.


We are submitting this proposal for active funding from the grant in order to secure the 2215 Harney St building as it is currently on the market. This acquisition should take place as soon as possible due to the ideal structure and infrastructure associated with this property and its geographic location is key for our community based programs. If we are funded expeditiously through the Grant we will complete the acquisition of the property within 30 days and begin our remodel and buildout with a targeted 6 month completion date and begin IP production. (Please review the included document for a more detailed timeline)




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



PMG will contribute to the sustainability of the Community through offering training corses in programming languages, acting, engineering and recording, entertainment internships and youth oriented recording experiences. We will also offer scholarship/merit based recording and filming opportunities.


In review of the Visioning Workshop Summary we have identified the following community needs that our proposal addresses; PMG will host major film & TV productions giving opportunities for locals to participate as cast members.We will provide opportunities for: Local craftsmen to participate in set designs and builds. Local restaurants for catering Local laundry and cleaning services Local trailer rental companies Local sound stage and music equipment rental companies Airport Taxes Rental Taxes Property Taxes Hotel Room Taxes Revenue Taxes Technical Careers Trade Careers C++ Coding Camps Production & Sound Engineering Camps Youth Activities Young Adult Activities


PMG is in a "Negatively Impacted Industry" and will meet funding objectives of this "Negatively Impacted Community". It will also meet the identified community needs through educational programs, and Gaming initiatives. We have identified a building that is within a 15-minute walk from two educational campuses and within a 15-minute car ride from a third. The pandemic's huge direct negative impact on the Music, Television, and Film industries is undeniable. PMG could not produce content or obtain financing in the private or public sectors during this time (Robert Fairlie, A Robb, D Robinson, Black and White Access to Capital among Minority-Owned Startups, NBER Working Paper 28154: Black Owned startups, for example face larger challenges in raising capital, including securing business loans), The pandemic directly affected our ability to identify distribution partners and to raise working capital. This Grant will contribute to the success of the disproportionately impacted community located in QCT 19 of Omaha. Government has identified this area as disproportionately impacted and has established funds to rectify the communities circumstances. The Nebraska Revised Statute 81-12,241-d states “with no less than thirty-five million dollars in such grants allocated to eligible grantees which are located south of Dodge Street and east of 72nd Street.” PMG is asking to participate in a portion of such grant funding our 2215 Harney St building is within these boundaries. Such an investment in PMG restores the negative impact of the pandemic with both measurable and immeasurable benefits to area and within six months we will be fully operational positioning the area to be a leader in the State with new innovative technologies, careers, and a clear path forward.


Our business model is such that we will create career opportunities that are in front of the camera and behind the camera, technical and creative which could result in 200 to 250 people supporting a production. Our wages will be at union scale and we will have a significant economic impact to the community. An example of such is HitMaker will have a below the line production budget of $3 million these funds are spent among the production teams, area services providers and contracted labor.


PMG will hire no less that 22 employees, approximately 18 full-time and 4 part-time.


The nature of our business is that temporary jobs are significant and tied to productions. We will create significant project based construction jobs for our refurbishment of our building and additionally for sound stage and recording studio buildout.


Our proposed job wage levels are as such: Ranging from $15 an hour part-time and $21 an hour full-time for hourly waged staff. Salaried employees will range from $75-85k per year


It is the very nature of our business model to engage with community services providers to support our productions. We will begin hiring portions of our staff upon receiving of the grant and closing on the building. During the next six months we will initiate hiring to become fully staffed with local talent.


Because of the presents of PMG this community will benefit in the following ways that it would not have ordinarily benefited: Local craftsmen to participate in set designs and builds. Local restaurants for catering Local laundry and cleaning services Local trailer rental companies Local sound stage and music equipment rental companies Airport Taxes Rental Taxes Property Taxes Hotel Room Taxes Revenue Taxes Technical Careers Trade Careers C++ Coding Camps Production & Sound Engineering Camps Youth Activities Young Adult Activities


Like other communities in Georgia or North Caroline, Nebraska and our local community will benefit from direct economic contributions to the area and the benefits of a national awareness that PMG will bring to Omaha is priceless as it could encourage further growth in this highly lucrative industry. It may also attract additional support industries over the medium term.


PMG will be providing Omaha with one of its first Cinematic LED Sound stages. This is the technology that is replacing the traditional green screens that have been popular though the years. In addition we will be providing Omaha with a state of the art Dolby Atmos Recording and Mixing sounds studio. Dolby Atmos along with Loss Less Audio are quickly becoming the standard of choice for steaming music listeners.


There are multiple measurable outcomes to PMG receiving these grant funds including but not limited to the millions fo dollars that will be spent annually within the community but also the untold benefits to students and young adults having access to leading edge technology, Hollywood level talent and just the overall good will that PMG will establish within Omaha. Our hands on approach with neighboring educators will allow these local schools to become brighter lights for the student bodies through participating in our programs.


These outcomes may be measured by the City and County revenue departments in addition to educators with the ability to measure the social impacts from our programs.


By the nature of our business this initial grant and our performance could result in an additional sound stage being developed.




We intend to partner with educational instituions in our area for the youth to participate in our programs.


None of these partnerships have entered into a formal MOU to date.





Address: 2215 Harney St., Omaha, NE 68102 Building Size: 16,000 sqft Lot Size: 1.16 acres Year Built: 1928 County: Douglas County Zoning: DS-ACI-1 (PL) Qualified Census Track: 19 Our Site is located within the Opportunity Zone created by the Federal Opportunity Zone Program through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017


Within one or more QCTs


We intend to purchase this building. Please review the included document













Cost were determined by regional construction and rehab price per square foot averages. RFP will be issued for Building Remodel, Cinematic LED Stage buildout by KWB, Dolby Atmos Studio buildout by West Lake Pro






PMG proposes to create this facility in an economically challenged area providing the community with measurable transformation, fundamental changes and long-lasting economic growth. The pandemic's huge direct negative impact on the Music, Television, and Film industries is undeniable. PMG could not produce content or obtain financing in the private or public sectors during this time (Robert Fairlie, A Robb, D Robinson, Black and White Access to Capital among Minority-Owned Startups, NBER Working Paper 28154: Black Owned startups, for example face larger challenges in raising capital, including securing business loans), The pandemic directly affected our ability to identify distribution partners and to raise working capital. This Grant will contribute to the success of the disproportionately impacted community located in QCT 19 of Omaha. The Government has identified this area as disproportionately impacted and has established funds to rectify the communities circumstances. The Nebraska Revised Statute 81-12,241-d states “with no less than thirty-five million dollars in such grants allocated to eligible grantees which are located south of Dodge Street and east of 72nd Street.” PMG is asking to participate in a portion of such grant funding our 2215 Harney St building is within these boundaries. Such an investment in PMG restores the negative impact of the pandemic with both measurable and immeasurable benefits to area.


Our specific dollar amount request is based on the following; Securing the Building, the Building Remodel, the Cinematic LED Stage buildout by KWB, the Dolby Atmos Studio buildout by West Lake Pro, the HitMaker production and the start-up operating budgets. Please see the included documents for more details.




PMG's fiscal operations following the initial Grant funding of $20 million will be represented by licensing both music and film & tv rights to major video streaming platforms like Netflix or Disney + and major music distribution companies like Sony or Universal. We will become fiscally sustainable through our industry relationships that are highlighted in the included document.


No, we have created our business model to be fully functional based on receiving the Omaha Economic Recovery Act Coordination Plan financial grant. However, if the board advisses additional economic incentives that they feel can make an overall positive contribution to our success we will embrace their directions.


We are not expecting a decision on pending funding request.


No, this proposal is not subject to any funds determining its participation in the Omaha Economic Recovery Act Coordination Plan financial grant


This proposal is in fact scalable however we have structured it as the smallest component. Any additional scaling would include additional sound stages


Such a breakdown is not applicable in this circumstance


This proposal has been the result of myself (Sherman Easter) and Sylvester Carter working towards its success for over a seven year period. We have made significant personal and financial contributions that have allowed us to create real and lasting relationships within the entertainment community that are key to PMG's success. We are also very aware first hand that Black Owned startups face larger challenges in raising capital.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule