Lionhead Rentals: Maurice Project - New Construction Single Family Housing




Lionhead Rentals


8827 Wyoming Street Omaha NE 68122





Donell Brown





+1 (402) 212-1715





Lionhead Rentals - Donell Brown - Developer - Minority Developer Field Day Development - Andrea Kathol - Owner's Rep - Women Owned Blair Freeman Construction - Ashley Kuhn – General Contractor - Minority/Women Spark - Guillermo Diaz - Community Support / Lender - Community Non-Profit


My major accomplishments to date are running a rental business since 2018 and learning about real estate over the years. full renovating over 7 properties and being profitable has gave me the confidence in doing new construction. The spark academy with graduating and the connections I have made there have been life changing. This project provides a way for me to further improve and impact my community with providing infill housing using the existing lot sizes which a lot of firms are not doing. I've always made my rentals available to section 8 voucher holders in north Omaha because I was tired of slumlords not providing good living conditions. As I've attended the Spark development academy, I've grown to now wanting to develop infill lots with new housing for members of the community in North Omaha. My mission is to grow to one of the largest renters to section 8 voucher holders in the city and the largest minority developer with building new housing for the community for sale in North Omaha.


Maurice Project - New Construction Single Family Housing






Capital project


My project will include finalizing closing on the purchasing 3 vacant lots from the City of Omaha located on 2400 North and Ohio Block. This will also include a fourth lot from the Land bank (in progress). This project will also include the renovation of the back alley with the support of the Spark Organization and the city of Omaha. This will interact with the north Omaha trail being installed in the area and have alley accessible garages. We are planning for 3-bedroom 2 bath homes. We will complete the project with a current timeline estimated to start construction in Spring of 2023 and complete within 6 months in Fall 2023. This timeframe will include the Construction of the 4 new Single-family homes simultaneously on the vacant lots to be ready for sale to members of the community for pre-sale in Summer of 2023. We will implement a buyer selection process to meet all AMI etc. requirements. I plan on working with Habitat for Humanity and Omaha 100 organizations for perspective qualifying buyers on their waiting list. This funding would allow us to offer down payment assistance and for construction funding. We are also reviewing the possibility of using missing middle funds in conjunction with Spark. This process will be a proof of concept for documenting the process for other new developers and transparency with the community about how we can improve housing in areas with infill lots. We will create a sustainable program with great design to address these narrow infill lots. If this proof of concept is successful there is additional vacant lots that will be the next phase to continue the development in this area. I would also like to use minority contractors from the Omaha chambers program REACH, minority General Contractor, Architect, etc. I want this project to benefit as many people as possible in the community. This will also be a periodic session with the community and in conjunction with City council member in the district.


The timeline is still being developed as we are still awaiting the city to close and for final surveys, plan approval, etc. We will complete the project with a current timeline estimated to start construction in Spring of 2023 and complete within 6 months in Fall 2023. This timeframe will include the Construction of the 4 new Single-family homes simultaneously on the vacant lots to be ready for sale to members of the community for pre-sale in Summer of 2023. We will implement a buyer selection process to meet all AMI etc. requirements. I plan on working with Habitat for Humanity and Omaha 100 organizations for perspective qualifying buyers on their waiting list. Close on lots – Oct 2022 Finalize funding – Oct/Nov 2022 Finalize permits, plans, etc – Nov 2022 Begin Pre Construction – Jan-Mar 2023 Construction Start – March 2023 Finalize buyers – Aug 2023 Complete Construction – Sept 2023 Finalize Closing/Project Completion – Oct 2023




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



My project will include finalizing closing on the purchasing 3 vacant lots from the City of Omaha located on 2400 North and Ohio Block. This will also include a fourth lot from the Land bank (in progress). This project will also include the renovation of the back alley with the support of the Spark Organization and the city of Omaha. This will interact with the north Omaha trail being installed in the area and have alley accessible garages. We are planning for 3-bedroom 2 bath homes. This will help provide a sustainable community by creating housing in the qualified census tract area. This project goes a step further in providing generational wealth and to fight gentrification with focusing on vacant lands and offering a process that buyers from the area have a chance at owning a house instead of being outbid or out of reach financially. We will complete the project with a current timeline estimated to start construction in Spring of 2023 and complete within 6 months in Fall 2023. This timeframe will include the Construction of the 4 new Single-family homes simultaneously on the vacant lots to be ready for sale to members of the community for pre-sale in Summer of 2023. We will implement a buyer selection process to meet all AMI etc. requirements. I plan on working with Habitat for Humanity and Omaha 100 organizations for perspective qualifying buyers on their waiting list. This will help drive fundamental change in the community with developing additional housing stock in this area as well in tying in the development along 24th Street and the North Omaha Trail. This funding would allow us to offer down payment assistance and for construction funding. We are also reviewing the possibility of using missing middle funds in conjunction with Spark. This process will be a proof of concept for documenting the process for other new developers and transparency with the community about how we can improve housing in areas with infill lots. We will create a sustainable program with great design to address these narrow infill lots. If this proof of concept is successful there is additional vacant lots that will be the next phase to continue the development in this area. I would also like to use minority contractors from the Omaha chambers program REACH, minority General Contractor, Architect, etc. I want this project to benefit as many people as possible in the community. This will also be a periodic session with the community and in conjunction with City council member in the district.


My project addresses creating new housing options for members of the North Omaha census tract area. This speaks directly to the opportunity in developing housing using the vacant parcels of land in the area. Also, with the Omaha Chambers REACH program and other programs speaks to creating meaningful opportunities with current community members and entrepreneurial paths to better their communities. This project goes a step further in providing generational wealth and to fight gentrification with focusing on vacant lands and offering a process that buyers from the area have a chance at owning a house instead of being outbid or out of reach financially. Also, this development will help with the 24th and Lake corridors providing a continued catalyst for change in the area with connecting to current projects in the area like the North Omaha Trail. Also being a Minority developer myself that wants to continue to grow will be a dream to keep developing the area and grow my business to provide sustainable employment for my company but all the other contractors I intend on hiring from the community.


The purpose of this proposal is to take previously vacant land and develop them in the North Omaha census tract which is identified as disproportionately impacted community. In addition, this proposal is focused on new construction of owner-occupied housing in a neighborhood and community with a demonstrated need for housing that is affordable and attractive to first-time homebuyers, middle-income families, and the emerging workforce. The North Omaha 24th street corridor is A neighborhood or community that exhibits a demonstrated commitment to growing its housing stock. The plan is to have this project completely completed in 24 months and will provide workforce housing to the community.


To be determined based on the construction needs for the four single family homes


To be determined based on the construction needs for the four single family homes


To be determined based on the construction needs for the four single family homes


To be determined based on the construction needs for the four single family homes


Working with Omaha Chambers REACH Program


My project addresses creating new housing options for members of the North Omaha census tract area. This speaks directly to the opportunity in developing housing using the vacant parcels of land in the area. Also, with the Omaha Chambers REACH program and other programs speaks to creating meaningful opportunities with current community members and entrepreneurial paths to better their communities. This project goes a step further in providing generational wealth and to fight gentrification with focusing on vacant lands and offering a process that buyers from the area have a chance at owning a house instead of being outbid or out of reach financially


speaks directly to the opportunity in developing housing using the vacant parcels of land in the area. Also, with the Omaha Chambers REACH program and other programs speaks to creating meaningful opportunities with current community members and entrepreneurial paths to better their communities. This project goes a step further in providing generational wealth and to fight gentrification with focusing on vacant lands and offering a process that buyers from the area have a chance at owning a house instead of being outbid or out of reach financially. Also, this development will help with the 24th and Lake corridors providing a continued catalyst for change in the area with connecting to current projects in the area like the North Omaha Trail. Also being a Minority developer myself that wants to continue to grow will be a dream to keep developing the area and grow my business to provide sustainable employment for my company but all the other contractors I intend on hiring from the community.


My main innovation will be coming up with a sustainable model to make this project repeatable with building new construction affordable homes on vacant infill lots particularly with narrow lot widths. With working with already established organizations in this field of real estate it will help make sure the project remains on time, well documented for reporting purposes, and on budget.


Number of new construction homes created. Timing and costs


Can be measured in various ways but with open auditing and accounting of the process, progress, accounting, etc available to public for monitoring the metrics and will meet all reporting critieria


Yes, as we build these proof of concept houses the next phase will address additional vacant lots in the area. There is a potentially 50-100 lots on the north 24th street corridor this design could be used to increase housing stock.




I will be partnering with: Spark Organization, Omaha 100, Omaha Land Bank, Habitat for Humanity, and American national bank on these projects.


I currently have Formalized partnerships with Spark and American National Bank.





2427, 2425, and 2417 Ohio Street (city owned vacant lots) and 2423 Ohio Street (Land Bank owned vacant lots) Located in QCT Tract 11


Within one or more QCTs


Plans, Descriptions, mapping, Site control, and Environmental assessment was completed by City of omaha.


















Based on Construction Estimates included I am formally making the request rationale based on these estimates. It will be used to fund construction costs, site prep, alley renovations, and all other costs associated with the construction of the homes. Also, the funds will be used to facilitate Down payment assistance needed for the perspective homeowners.


100% of It will be used to fund construction costs, site prep, alley renovations, and all other costs associated with the construction of the homes. Working with Spark, Omaha 100, and Habitat we will use a selection process to facilitate Down payment assistance needed for the perspective homeowner.




I will work with American national Bank to assist with proper fisical operations and reporting requirements. Also, working with a knowledgable Owner's rep who will insutite and doucment a proper fisical operation plan for the investment.


Front Porch - Pending Bank financing - Pending Missing Middle Funding - TBD


November/ December 2022


Yes, Do to new construction costs we anticpate at minimum of 950K will be needed in Gap funding for the project to be sucessful.


Due to the econmies of scale currently it can not be done in smaller sections. However, it can be scaled larger.


We will track the spending by total project and also a per house basis to develop a true unit cost to construct this project for scale


I have at least 100K in owner's equity that can be committed to the project. Due to the gap I am facing I am seeking additional funding sources.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation