4urban.org (Institute for Urban Development) registered trade name for Black Votes Matter Institute of Community Engagement: Recovery via Tourism & Job Development: The North Omaha Legacy Tour




4urban.org (Institute for Urban Development) registered trade name for Black Votes Matter Institute of Community Engagement


6021 Villa De Sante Dr, Omaha, NE 68104





Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4urban.org LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prestonlovejr/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQOhyajchEMoO8sOohhu2-g?view_as=subscriber


Preston Love Jr.


Executive Director




+1 (402) 812-3324




Preston Love Jr. Executive Director & President of Board, 4urban.org nonprofit 15 years experience Krystal Fox COO (PT) 5 years experience Karen Davis Administrative Assistant (PT) 5 years experience Anthony Moore Driver (PT) 1 year experience Kevin Williams Driver (PT) 1 year experience Vince Lindenmeyer Consultant (PT) 30 year experience T.Michael Williams Nonprofit 4Urban Board of Directors Ron Parker Nonprofit 4Urban Board of Directors Portia Love Nonprofit 4Urban Board of Directors


Organizational chart is part of our North Omaha Legacy Tour proposal Document attached. All current members of the organization are part-time employees.


The Institute for Urban Development or 4Urban.org is about telling North Omaha’s story while building true economic development and instilling community pride. During COVID, we expanded our mission from Black Votes Matter Institute of Community Engagement to 4Urban.org with a 4 pillar mission across community engagement, leadership growth, economic growth and get out the vote. The North Omaha Legacy Tour emerged as a grassroots economic development initiative that told North Omaha’s story while engaging our community to higher aspirations. 4Urban informs, educates, and acts to raise the quality of life for all with an emphasis in the economically disadvantaged, diverse, and multi-ethnic populations. 4Urban.org body of work includes successful “Town Hall” community outreach, a nationally recognized BVM Youth Tour, and successful pilot program of the North Omaha Legacy Tour. With its nationally recognized BVM Youth Tour, 4Urban.org has the experience to deliver first-class professional, memorable tours. 4Urban.org gained experience running the BVM Youth Tour since 2018, over six years of successful tours! The seed for the BVM Youth Tour is a response to the lack of knowledge of black history and the civil rights movement. The Black Votes Matter Tour was designed to address this void for our youth to become influential leaders. Likewise, the North Omaha Legacy Tours aims to educate its own, those of North Omaha that do not know their history and those outside of North Omaha, those who are curious about the unique culture of “24th & Glory.” The tour may include notable restaurants, such as Big Mama’s, world-renowned sites, such as the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation, and unique venues, such as the Great Plains Black History Museum, Bud Crawford’s Gym, the Union for Contemporary Art, and developments coming out of the new LB1024 strategic initiatives. For these reasons, the tour is uniquely positioned to support and positively impact the success of projects while also affecting the North Omaha economy in its own unique way. A Successful Pilot Program: Nine months of proof of principle, Jan 2022-Sept 2022 The North Omaha Legacy Tours Sets a Milestone (PRESS RELEASE, September 1, 2022) Preston Love, Jr., announced that his informative North Omaha Legacy Tours, which began in January of 2022, last week (September 1, 2022) obtained a significant milestone. Mr. Love, Founder, and tour guide for the tour, announced that the tour had surpassed 100 tours. He also mentioned that those 100 tours have included over 75 Nebraska organizations, in that short period of time. The organizations who took the tour have been very diverse, ranging from governmental organizations, universities, for-profit corporations, health provider organizations– private, public and governmental as well as religious groups. Love mentioned that what has exceeded his expectations, is the amount of economic impact the tours have had on North Omaha organizations and businesses. He estimates that there has been a financial impact of over $100,000, of direct financial impacts from purchases from our retail organizations and eating establishments. Also, indirectly new and return visits to North Omaha. Love promised some new enhancements; the expansion of his relationship with Arrow Stage Lines, and an upcoming partnership with Arrow, to have job fairs that will be looking for all sorts of transportation related jobs, and including the most important to address the demand for CDL training and jobs. Love expresses the desire to increase capacity going forward. Please also see the NOISE article in the attachments,


Recovery via Tourism & Job Development: The North Omaha Legacy Tour






Combination of capital project and service/program


4Urban.org and the North Omaha Legacy Tour are registered trade names of the Black Votes Matter Institute of Community Engagement, a 501c3 nonprofit registered with SAM.gov. The Institute for Urban Development (4Urban.org) requests $950,000 in LB 1024 funds to: Increase, maximize, and accelerate the success of the North Omaha Legacy Tour as a catalyst for all economic development (direct and indirect) in the recovery of North Omaha, including North Omaha-owned retail outlets, restaurants, small businesses, and organizations, including nonprofits, religious institutions, museums, and cultural centers. Conduct workforce development for North Omahans through regular job fairs and a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Drivers Training Academy to create more drivers with known jobs, specifically the North Omaha Legacy Tour, Arrow Stage Lines, Omaha Public Schools, and more. The Job Fairs will be collaborative for all LB1024 initiatives to seek applicants. Create a North Omaha Legacy Visitors Center contributing to the current North Omaha infrastructure while championing the planned and future growth resulting from future LB1024 funding. This synergy creates a dynamic of the North Omaha culture, environment, and future development. The North Omaha Legacy Tour is: A proven pilot program, since January 2022, has provided over 100 tours and $100,000 in direct economic impact. A Demystifier of North Omaha’s Legacy, history, and culture, to vast audiences, including visitors to North Omaha, and conduct strategic communications for all of the North Omaha Economic Development Coordination plan strategic initiatives. A good news story of North Omaha, including the venues, businesses, and services, ensuring increased success across all LB1024 initiatives, affecting economics and increasing the dynamics of a recovering, vibrant community. Upon request, the North Omaha Legacy Tour team is available to advise and assist South Omaha leaders in developing a similar South Omaha Culture & Heritage Tour to capitalize on South Omaha’s rich arts, culture, and dining. In summary, the North Omaha Legacy Tour emerges as a CATALYST and CONNECTOR for the present and newly-emerging North Omaha economy. A successful Tour, workforce development, visitors center, and support to South Omaha are vital elements to a successful North Omaha Economic Development Coordination Plan.


2023 July 2023 Receive Funding $950,000 August 2023: Evaluate Market on Charter Bus Obtain Lease Site for Operations & Maintenance (Ernie Chambers History-Arts-Humanities Multicultural Center; 4401 N 21st ST; Omaha, NE 68110) Research the CRM Scheduling tool and obtain a marketing partner ($75,000) September 2023: Purchase Charter Bus $250K Purchase 15 PAX Bus $44K Purchase 15 PAX Van $38K Begin Hiring Process for FTE positions 2024 & 2025 Expand Tour Operations & Maintenance Establish North Omaha Visitors Center Establish CDL Academy & Job Fairs July 2026 (DESIRED END STATE) North Omaha Legacy Tour is self-funded North Omaha Visitors Center established CDL Academy operating Routine Job Fair are being conducted Sustained $1M in Economic Impact to North Omaha (annually) Enhancing the value and impact of all other LB1024 strategic initiatives




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The North Omaha Legacy Tour, with the Omaha Economic Recovery Act grant funding, accelerates the tour's success to become a true catalyst, connector, and collaborator in sustainable community, quality of life enhancement, multimodal transportation, and Infrastructure projects and strategic initiatives support. Specifically, this proposal advances the North Omaha Legacy Tour to be a daily offering for North Omaha Tourism and professional development, creates a North Omaha Visitors Center as critical infrastructure and a center of excellence for North Omaha information, creates a CDL Drivers Academy and Monthly Job fair program to fill critical job shortages. We have tentative, potential collaborative agreements to ensure these projects are successful. Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.) The North Omaha Legacy Tour is a proven catalyst for all economic development (direct and indirect) in the recovery of North Omaha, including North Omaha-owned retail outlets, restaurants, small businesses, and agencies, including nonprofits, museums, religious institutions, and cultural centers. In the first nine months of the pilot program North Omaha Legacy Tour since January 2022, conducted over 100 tours generating approximately $100,000 in gross revenue. Tour participants return to North Omaha-owned businesses after positive tour experiences (increased circulation and exposure) Every tour markets the prevalence of North Omaha entrepreneurs and cottage industries doing great things in North Omaha. A North Omaha Legacy Visitors Center contributes to infrastructure while championing culture and community resources providing synergy to the dynamics of the North Omaha culture, environment, and future growth. A Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Drivers Training Academy and regular job fairs allow for job creation for critical shortage positions, such as CDL drivers for the North Omaha Legacy Tour, Arrow Stage Lines, Omaha Public Schools, and more. Youth participants learn about their own North Omaha community instilling pride in the next generation of leaders. Our national BVM Youth Tour establishes our expertise in youth development and experiential learning. Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) All North Omaha Legacy Tours buses improve mobility around North Omaha with custom for-hire events. This proposal creates Multimodal transportation DRIVERS through workforce development and a paid Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Drivers Training Academy to create more drivers with known jobs, specifically the North Omaha Legacy Tour, Arrow Stage Lines, Omaha Public Schools, and more. Job fairs have already begun and the CDL Drivers License Academy development is ongoing. Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) The North Omaha Legacy Tour is already a significant feature of the business district and cultural hubs (24th street and 30th street) of North Omaha. The Tour CONNECTS strategic initiatives and infrastructure projects. The tour TELLS THE STORY of the historical North Omaha, the emerging economy and LB1024 strategic initiatives. Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) The North Omaha Legacy Tour IS QUALITY OF LIFE; The Tour PROMOTES and INSTILLS community PRIDE from within and outside of North Omaha. Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) The Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Drivers Training Academy establishes a training center of excellence for a known job shortage.


The critical point concerning LB1024’s strategic visioning process is that all Omaha Economic Recovery Act grant funding provided to the North Omaha Legacy Tour Stays in North Omaha to be recirculated, recycled, and reinvested into North Omaha. In line with Keynesian Economic Theory, dollars spent on tours support a bus owned by North Omaha Legacy Tours and hire a tour curator, driver, scheduler, and marketer. In turn, the tour participant’s lunch fee goes 100% to the restaurant, which helps sustain the lunch establishment and pays for the restaurant's cooks, servers, and manager. Whether a tour participant purchases goods or services at a retail location or returns after the tour, the purchasing power is recycled, recirculated, and reinvested into the North Omaha community. The North Omaha Legacy Tour, Visitors Center, and Drivers Academy Proposals address specific gaps and community needs by addressing economic investment being recycled within the community while accentuating the strength of North Omaha neighborhoods’ culture and character. The tour, job fair, and drivers’ academy support Black-owned, or North Omaha-owned businesses by bringing new consumers to North Omaha. Visioning workshop summary Strengths • Physical grid facilitates access and walkability • Culture and character are integrated in the neighborhoods • Economic Hubs proximate to North Omaha Weaknesses • Physical infrastructure divides the community • Economic investment does not recycle within the community • Broadband and public infrastructure do not meet current needs • Additional finance and business education resources are needed to support Blackowned businesses


The proposal aligns with LB1024’s strategic priorities in these ways: Transformational - The proposal spurs significant and favorable advances in North Omaha’s function by improving mobility around North Omaha with custom for-hire events. The proposal spurs significant and favorable advances in North Omaha’s appearance by being a consistent and high-visibility representation of the hope, pride, and success (current and future) of North Omaha. Similar tours are operated in some larger cities, such as Chicago and Detroit, and have proven effective in transforming targeted communities. North Omaha Legacy Tours has also proven effective, since January 2022, as a messenger to individuals, private and public organizations, religious groups, and health provider organizations, of the good news of the recovery of North Omaha. Fundamental Change - This proposal will elevate North Omaha’s presence and perception by continuing the demystification of North Omaha’s legacy, history, and culture, for residents of, and visitors to, Omaha. As a Catalyst for growth, a Connector of communities, and a Collaborator with established entities and the new projects funded by LB1024, North Omaha Legacy Tours is an Aggregator and Amplifier of all strategic initiatives’ impacts. Long-Lasting Economic Growth - The proposal will foster gainful employment in the increase to 1 FTEs for North Omaha Legacy Tours, as well as spurring job opportunities in North Omaha as traffic and revenue increase for the businesses and attractions introduced during tours. This, in turn, will stimulate financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North Omaha. The indirect economic impact of North Omaha Legacy Tours is modestly calculated to be a 4x multiplier of the direct revenue brought in to North Omaha. In its first 9 months, the tour had gross revenue of $100,000, which led to an indirect impact of $400,000 for the area. That’s a total of $500,000 in economic impact, both direct and indirect, for North Omaha. Therefore, it is reasonable to modestly expect that this grant funding of $950,000 will have a total economic impact of $4,700,000 on North Omaha! With its dynamic programming, North Omaha Legacy Tours is a strategic messenger for all other projects taking place in North Omaha. In addition, the purchase, housing, and maintenance of the additional tour bus, a capital investment Economic Impact: For example, in the first nine months of the pilot program North Omaha Legacy Tour since January 2022, conducted over 100 tours generating approximately $100,000 in gross receipts. We estimate our direct economic impact to other businesses $50,000. The North Omaha Legacy Tour has a direct and indirect impact on North Omaha employment (through part-time drivers, tour schedulers), coffee shops (Fabric Lab), restaurants (Revive, Big Mama’s), retail establishments, companies (Omaha Star) and nonprofit organizations (Great Plains Black History Museum). Modestly, our indirect impact is a 4x multiplier of the direct revenue brought to North Omaha. Therefore a $100,000 in income will bring an indirect economic impact of $400,000 for a total economic impact of $500,000! Therefore, the Omaha Economic Recovery Act grant funding of $950,000 will bring a total (direct & indirect) economic impact of $4.7 million. These are modest figures, and they could be applied to all LB1024 initiatives. Therefore, the North Omaha Legacy Tour, therefore, becomes a strategic messenger for all projects as a catalyst to maximize all projects, as a connector to bring projects together, and as a collaborator to ensure projects are sustained.


We anticipated a job creation of 17 FTE when the North Omaha Legacy Tour is operating at full capacity beginning January 2024






All job wages will be above industry standard for those in part-time capacities. Full-time employees will receive benefits commensurate with industry standards. Our nonprofit follows the NAM guidelines for wages.


All Requests for Proposals (RFPs) will be communicated as a viable opportunities to all businesses and contractors in the Qualified Census Tracts. Value will be given to proposals submitted from within the Qualified Census Tracts.


This proposal will benefit the community by diversifying the economy, in that it will bring in revenue from outside the neighborhood. As the greater Omaha population and visitors to the city learn about the legacy, history, and culture of North Omaha, they will become comfortably inspired to return to the area to support retail outlets, restaurants, museums, and events that they were introduced to by the North Omaha Legacy Tours. This will, in turn, improve the local neighborhood, as increased traffic encourages even more commerce. And, as more diversity in available amenities increases, so does the livability of the area. I. The Value of Tourism in North Omaha The North Omaha Legacy Tour highlights the beauty, history, and potential of North Omaha. From North 24th ST to the 30th ST corridor and the Malcolm X Foundation, chronicle and celebrate the past and embrace the hope of a bright future with us on this beautiful, entertaining tour of North Omaha. North 24th St., known as "The Street of Dreams" and affectionately named "The Deuce.", has hosted some of the greats in American Jazz history and is still a home for the arts. Our expert host is eager to share the stories of the rich legacy of this area and the African-American community, including the stories of Malcolm Little, later known as Malcolm X. Venues are within the 24th and 30th Street Cooridors and outside, including the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation and Bud Crawfords Gym. Hear authentic local stories about why North Omaha is a beacon of the past and essential for the future. The North Omaha Legacy Tour is capable of customizing tours and is primed to maximize emerging strategic initiatives of the Omaha Economic Development Coordination Plan. With its nationally recognized BVM Youth Tour, 4Urban.org has the experience to deliver first-class professional, memorable tours. 4Urban.org gained experience running the BVM Youth Tour since 2018, over six years of successful tours! The seed for the BVM Youth Tour is a response to the lack of knowledge of black history and the civil rights movement. The Black Votes Matter Tour was designed to address this void for our youth to become influential leaders. Likewise, the North Omaha Legacy Tours aims to educate its own, those of North Omaha that do not know their history and those outside of North Omaha, those who are curious about the unique culture of “24th & Glory.” The tour may include notable restaurants, such as Big Mama’s, world-renowned sites, such as the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation, and unique venues, such as the Great Plains Black History Museum, Bud Crawford’s Gym, the Union for Contemporary Art, and developments coming out of the new LB1024 strategic initiatives. For these reasons, the tour is uniquely positioned to support and positively impact the success of projects while also affecting the North Omaha economy in its own unique way. This proposal will benefit the community by diversifying the economy, in that it will bring in revenue from outside the neighborhood. As the greater Omaha population and visitors to the city learn about the legacy, history, and culture of North Omaha, they will become comfortably inspired to return to the area to support retail outlets, restaurants, museums, and events that they were introduced to by the North Omaha Legacy Tours. This will, in turn, improve the local neighborhood, as increased traffic encourages even more commerce. And, as more diversity in available amenities increases, so does the livability of the area. The North Omaha Legacy Tour already owns a 25 Passenger Shuttle Bus. This tour is profitable and the grant will only build the capacity of an already successful tour to support more of North Omaha’s growth, revitalization, and recovery.


This proposal contributes to community sustainability by increasing visibility of all the amenities available, and increasing revenue for each entity in the community. An example of this is a recent tour for 45 guests from Lincoln, NE. This group spent ~$700 in North Omaha for lunch, shopped in two retail establishments, visited the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation and the Great Plains Black History Museum, as well as 15 other “quick stops.” They were so enamored by the area that they asked to stop for a group picture in front of one of the many beautiful murals along the way! NETV joined the tour to develop a story about North Omaha Legacy Tours and its impact for the “Nebraska Stories” series. Great Plains Black History Museum reported that, due to the increased visibility provided by the tours, first-time and repeat attendance is up at the museum. The North Omaha Legacy Tour, with the Omaha Economic Recovery Act grant funding, accelerates the tour's success to become a true catalyst, connector, and collaborator in sustainable community This grants sustains us through July 2026 when we are self-funded, self-sustaining.


Similar tours operate in larger cities like Altanta, Kansas City, Chicago and Detroit. It is a new and innovative concept in Omaha that can be replicated in other target areas. North Omaha Legacy Tours is committed to sharing its success and best practices with leaders in South Omaha who desire similar outcomes in increased visibility, visitors, and revenue. Conduct workforce development for North Omahans through regular job fairs and a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Drivers Training Academy to create more drivers with known jobs, specifically the North Omaha Legacy Tour, Arrow Stage Lines, Omaha Public Schools, and more. The Job Fairs will be collaborative for all LB1024 initiatives to seek applicants. Create a North Omaha Legacy Visitors Center contributing to the current North Omaha infrastructure while championing the planned and future growth resulting from future LB1024 funding. This synergy creates a dynamic of the North Omaha culture, environment, and future development. All three legs of our proposal are unique innovations, but proven concepts for success.


Job Created (Job Fairs) CDL Drivers licensed Profitability and Economic Impact # tour participants # visitors (Visitors Center) # Collaborative Partnerships Support to South Omaha (as requested)


Establish a dashboard for tracking specific outcomes (build internally) Include regular surveys by outside Leverage Creighton Business School students (Student project)


This proposal is a catalyst for more investment in North Omaha. When searching for a location for a new business, or expansion of an existing business, elements determining selection are foot traffic and visibility. This proposal provides both, and will make North Omaha a more desirable destination. The North Omaha Legacy Tour introduces bus participants to numerous venues. These venues report INCREASED foot traffic after the tour began in January 2022. The North Omaha Legacy Tour has proven a successful pilot program. The request for LB1024 grant funding is to ACCELERATE our growth to make an even greater IMPACT on the North Omaha economy.




Great Plains Black History Museum & Dreamland Ballroom North End Teleservices LLC Fair Deal Market The Omaha Star The Union for Contemporary Art Shirley Tyree Theater Project Revive! Omaha Carver Legacy Center Broomfield Rowhouse Terence "Bud" Crawford Gym & TBC Shop SPARK / Black Votes Matter Institute Carnation Ballroom Forever North Development CULXR House The Highlander & Big Mama’s restaurant Urban League of Nebraska Malcolm X Memorial Foundation Historical Black Churches, Additional Partners include: League of Women Voters, Common Cause, Nebraska Appleseed, NAACP, Urban League of Nebraska, Civic Nebraska, Nebraska Civic Engagement Table, Election Commission Voter ID Task Force, North Omaha Area Health (NOAH) clinic, NONA, SONA, Heartland Workers Center, Anti-Defamation League, National Council of Negro Women, Delta Sigma Theta, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Alpha Phi Alpha, and a large number of clergy and black churches. Tour participant organizations include: Religious organizations, Academic Institutions (UNL, UNO), Government agencies (NDED, Douglas County Health Department), Nebraska Historical Society, Nonprofits, Foundations, and Corporate Omaha.


24th & Lake Historic district Economic Impact Collaborative; Collaborative Agreement North Omaha Legacy Visitors Center





North Omaha Legacy Tour Headquarters: 2514 N 24th ST; Omaha, NE 68110 Storage & Maintenance Facility: Ernie Chambers History-Arts-Humanities Multicultural Center; 4401 N 21st ST; Omaha, NE 68110)


Within one or more QCTs



















We are requesting $950,000. Half of this amount will go to capital investment in the purchase of additional bus fleet and Business Operations Investment including CRM Software, Marketing, and lease hold improvement. The other half is to supplement the personnel expenses of 17 FTE employees when running at full capacity. This grants sustains us through July 2026 when we are self-funded, self-sustaining.


$275,000 Charter Bus Investment $44,000 15 PAX Shuttle Bus $38,000 15 PAX Van $74,000 Lease $444,000 Personnel Costs $75,000 Business Operations Investment (CRM Software, Marketing, lease hold improvement) Total $950,000




The North Omaha Legacy Tour operations ramp up into 2024 with up to 15 tours per month to bring in $22.5K revenue per month. We will have the maximum capacity of doing up to 3 tours per day, but this modest goal allows us to maintain operations. With increased tours, we are able to fully fund our personnel costs, establish the North Omaha Legacy Visitors Center, and the CDL Drivers Training Academy. Given our nine month successful pilot program, these numbers are modest and certainly achievable.








The North Omaha Legacy Tour requires a $432,000 investment for bus fleet expansion and business operations capacity. The personnel costs of $444,000 allow for 17 FTE employees through the period of the grant and the $74,000 allow for leasing in North Omaha properties.


The North Omaha Legacy Tour owns a 25 passenger shuttle bus from nine months of operations, including the public service commission licensing, secured insurance commitments, marketing and branding.










Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation