
PPRP Innovations


2922 Ames Ave; Omaha NE 68111


11130 Jones Street; Omaha, NE 68154





Raheem Sanders, MPH


Founder of PPRP Innovations




+1 (803) 235-1300




Charles Drew Health Center Maurtice Ivy ivysportsacademy@gmail.com 4027144130 Charles Drew Health Center Kenny McMorris kenny.mcmorris@charlesdrew.com One World Health Center Josie Rodriguez, jrodriguez@oneworldomaha.org One World Health Center Andrea Skolkin askolkin@oneworldomaha.org Family Housing Teresa Hunter teresa@fhasinc.org 4024908023 Metro Community College Tammy Green tjgreen5@mccneb.edu 4029620159 Urban League of Nebraska Dr. Wayne Brown wayne.brown@urbanleagueneb.org 5312050230 DHHS Ashley Newmeyer Douglas County Health Department Dr. Huse lindsay.huse@douglascounty-ne.gov 4024447471 OPS Lisa Utterback lisa.utterback@ops.org OHA Sal Issaka sissaka@ohauthority.org Interdenomination Ministerial Alliance Pastor. Portia Cavitt cavittp@gmail.com 4023500783 Julian Young Business Advisors Julian Young  julian@startcenteromaha.org 402-578-2578 Center of Holistic Development Doris Moore demoore@chdomaha.org Community Health Development Partners Jamie Noelle jamie.nollette@communityhdp.com Empowerment Network/Carver Bank Willie Barney wbarney@empoweromaha.com 402-290-5627 Stable Gray CharDale Barnes chardale@stablegray.com 402.965.1726 Appsky Labs Taylor Korensky taylor@appsky.io 402-214-1194 UNMC - College of Public Health Dr. Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway swatanabe@unmc.edu 402.559.5387 UNMC - College of Public Health Dr. Ali Khan Ali.Khan@unmc.edu Creighton University Dr. Sade Kosoko-Lasaki SadeKosoko-Lasaki@creighton.edu The Wellbeing Partners Aja Anderson ajaa@thewellbeingpartners.org 4029807445


A business ecosystem is a purposeful business arrangement between two or more entities that work together to create and share collective value for a common set of customers. Every business ecosystem has participants, whether orchestrators or participants, where all participants have a collective responsibility to support the ecosystem while having their brands present in the value propositions offered. The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem is a model that promotes innovation, technology, and collaboration to prepare Nebraska public health & public safety professionals & organizations to find digital solutions to address and mitigate priority public health issues and challenges - together. The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem consists of local participants (consumers, businesses, government agencies, and non-profit groups) who serve customers in minority & disadvantaged communities in Nebraska experiencing major public health challenges & have needs for digital technological products and services to enhance public health detection, testing, & treatment. The aim of the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem is to enhance the support & resources provided to minority & disadvantaged communities in North & South Omaha, with the goal of expanding & scaling our resources to increase the quality of life and economic health for minority & disadvantaged communities across Nebraska. To successfully develop this ecosystem, nine (9) core organization structural components are necessary: 1. ECOSYSTEM GOVERNANCE – all ecosystem partners will be required to have an organization member serve on the Ecosystem Governance Committee. The role of the committee is to exert influence without formal power, make & execute key ecosystem decisions, and adapting internal governance processes to accommodate for ecosystem dynamics. Based on the roles & responsibilities, partners will be disseminated & broken into one of four subcategories: 2. SERVICES PROVIDERS – organizations responsible for providing training, coaching, procurement, technical assistance, networking or other wraparound services to help businesses meet their customer and services needs; 3. CAPITAL PROVIDERS - organizations responsible for deploying and distributing capital directly to small businesses. Types of capital include, but not limited to: debt, equity, and grants; 4. INNOVATORS - organizations responsible for identifying and supporting new technological offerings and products to provide small businesses with research, data and insights to help businesses thrive; 5. CAPACITY BUILDERS - organizations responsible for building skills and capability of operators, helping implement system enhancements, providing quality assurance of programs and elevating best practice; 6. FUNDERS - organizations responsible for administering and aggregating funding for ecosystem program and initiative delivery; 7. CONVENERS - organizations responsible for creating platforms to organize, collaborate, and solve pressing issues; serve as a thought partner and foster connections for system improvements; 8. ADVOCATES - organizations responsible for advancing local small business priorities by spreading awareness for policies, protections, and legislation; 9. INVESTIGATORS - organizations responsible for researching and sharing learnings to inform collective understanding, priorities and actions within the ecosystem.


The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem is a new organization comprised of a collaborative, multi-disciplinary mix of community partners who work & practice in areas of public health and public safety in Omaha, Nebraska. This is the first initiative this particular group of partners have organized to implement. Individually all of our partners have years of experience that highlight completed projects & major accomplishments; however, this collaborative ecosystem is a network of partnerships who work together to foster & develop new technology that is ideal to fit the needs of disadvantaged communities within Nebraska. Our overall goal together is to collaboratively develop solutions that increase & enhance the efforts of the public health and public safety providers that serve them on local and state level.










Social determinants of health, or the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, have a substantial impact on an individual’s health. In general, individuals with higher incomes and education levels report better health outcomes. Before COVID-19, minority & disadvantaged communities in Nebraska were disproportionately underrepresented and lacking access to resources necessary to reduce disease burden, decrease social determinants of health, & improve quality of health. After COVID 19, the lasting impact of COVID-19 is projected to be experienced the most in communities of color – especially in Nebraska. Before, during, & after COVID-19, state & community health organizations have been ill equipped to sustain successes as they address the complex health threats we face today - including the morbidity and mortality associated with persistent chronic diseases, mental illness, and emerging infectious diseases that will increase as a result of COVID-19. To be better prepared for the current state of minority health & the inevitable next pandemic in Nebraska, we must improve the built environment, broaden and deepen the social safety net, and ensure that everyone has access to the health resources they need in order to flourish. Therefore, we propose the development of a Public Health Innovation Ecosystem. The Ecosystem will focus on these priorities: • Innovation: Creates a standard of the future of healthcare through a focus on streamlining & enhancing public health practice through the development of technology, & • Ecosystem: Supports cross-collaboration and aligns current social-purpose business ventures to develop economic-driven, public health-based technology & enhancements The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem is a model that promotes innovation, technology, and collaboration to prepare Nebraska to find solutions together. The aim of the ecosystem is to support disadvantaged communities in Nebraska and support local & statewide goals including increased quality of life and economic health by creating a system that identifies & detects priority public health problems, trains Public Health Outreach Specialists to address the problems, and utilize Public Health Outreach Specialists to develop tangible technological solutions. With a focus to use technology to eliminate health disparities & increase social determinants of health of the minority & disadvantaged communities of North and South Omaha, our Public Health Innovation Ecosystem can serve as a scalable process for disease prevention and economic sustainability. We forecast our ecosystem can create over 600 Public Health Outreach Specialists jobs, decrease mental illness, chronic disease & social determinants of health, and create organic economic stability for North & South Omaha over the next 10 years.


Our Public Health Technological Outreach Ecosystem involves 3 key steps: 1. Identifying priority public health issues within the community, 2. Training Public Health Outreach Specialists to design technology-based solutions for the identified problems, and; 3. 3. Nurture & grow technological solutions for larger usage. Our ecosystem model projects that each year we can host community engagement interactions that identifies key public health priority problems, where 15 problems can be used to develop technological prototypes, and 3 prototypes are advanced into larger-business oriented systems. To produce these results, on-going training & support towards the development of competent Public Health Outreach Specialists will be conducted year-round. However, the following timeline can be used to identify annual activity: (Below I would break this out in Quarters such as Q1 2023 Q1 2023…etc… • Quarter 1: January: Ecosystem partners convene to discuss and identify the overall strategic plan. Also during this period, new Public Health Outreach Specialists are identified and trained for public health & innovation-based technical certifications. • Quarter 2: Once training begins, outreach workers will engage with community members through partner organizations to identify 15 priority public health problems. Public Health Outreach Specialists will develop technology-based minimum viable products that demonstrate potential solutions to the identified public health problems. During this phase, products are tested and validated by Public Health Outreach Specialists and presented to the Ecosystem Committee. • Quarter 3: The Ecosystem Committee will meet and vote on the top 3 products that will be further developed. Based on the Ecosystem Committee vote, startup businesses will be developed to support future growth of the top 3 products. Public Health Outreach Specialists & ecosystem partner organizations will work together to develop the teams & infrastructure necessary to further test & validate the startup business structure and technology. • Quarter 4: An annual conference and fundraiser will be hosted to showcase the Public Health Outreach Specialists the new public health technology, and discuss key action steps for the new year. In order to accomplish this goal, our first 2 years will be focused on seizing the market opportunity, developing competent Public Health Outreach Specialists, and developing the infrastructure to build, support, & grow new analytic & digital technology solutions. Years 3-5 will focus on evolving the ecosystem model and developing a system that identifies and produce cutting-edge public health technology. Years 5-10 will be focused locking in key ecosystem to work to scale our model state & region wide and developing a sustainable and profitable digital ecosystem. Our goal for the ecosystem is to develop a sustainable framework that works to enhance and elevate current direct public health services and integrate collaborative efforts to allow for more strategic, impactful, individual-centric public health solutions. In the next 5 – 10 years, our milestones include developing a collaborative method for disease prevention & preparedness for future health-related crisis, developing technology that decreases disease & social determinants of health, and developing public health & public safety-based businesses that increases jobs and economic stability in the same communities we focus to increase the overall quality of life. By this period, the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem will have generated a large, organic audience aggregation of community members utilizing the technology produced. Through focus on developing digital public health solutions for high usage & engagement, digital purchases & subscriptions sold from our aggregated audience will financially support the further ecosystem sustainability, and the state and region wide scaling of our ecosystem.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem is a model that promotes innovation, technology, and collaboration to prepare minority and disadvantaged communities within Nebraska to find solutions together through sustainable community efforts that work to increase overall quality of life. The goal of the ecosystem is to make public health services relating to chronic disease, mental illness & social determinants of health more readily available via digital means to help contribute to the reduction of disease & increase financial inclusion in disadvantaged communities. The focus of this ecosystem is to utilize partnerships and collaborations to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to disease treatment and prevention to provide greater support for disadvantaged communities and community members within North and South Omaha. Through use of this health innovation ecosystem initiative, we can collaboratively create a multi-level influence on health behaviors through use of partnerships to foster and develop new technology that is ideal to fit the needs of disadvantaged communities within Nebraska and to increase & enhance the efforts of the public health and public safety providers that serve them on local and state level. By supporting the development of a Public Health Innovation Ecosystem , we can collectively create an economic-driven system that works to detect, test, treat, and prevent the diseases and illnesses most impacted & accelerated by COVID-19. With implementation over the next 5 – 10 years, we can forecast an increase in the ability to: • Attract and retain talent, enhance skill and professional development; • Develop a statewide conduit focused on reduced health disparities & positive behavior change; • Reduce factors related to poor social determinants of health and health disparities; • Provide enhanced solutions for disease detection, testing, and treatment; • Use real-time data to develop more focused strategies for disease & illness prevention • Use real-time data to increase preparedness and response to health crisis, • Provide adequate resources that work to increase health equity and equality, and; • Reduce the economic burden of public health outreach & treatment services. By full support and implementation of the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem, we can predict in the next 5-10 years that we will be able to successfully reduce the disease and illness that result in the largest cause of death within the State of Nebraska by 35% (did you state somewhere the largest cause of death in NE- this would be a good specific metric to put in). This will in turn reduce the overall economic burden of disease, increase collaborative impact & response to emergency & safety, increase initiatives focused on public health growth and sustainability and increase the overall quality of life for minority & disadvantaged communities throughout the State of Nebraska. In addition, by implementing our ecosystem for the next 10 years, we forecast this initiative to create over 30 new businesses, over 600 new high wage jobs, and an economic impact over $1 Billion within the minority & disadvantage communities.


Acknowledging Nebraska’s health disparities is an important step in achieving health equity, which has been defined as being achieved when all individuals have the opportunity to attain the highest level of health, and no one is disadvantaged due to their socioeconomic status. . As Nebraska becomes increasingly diverse, it is imperative to eliminate health disparities among all populations, especially the most vulnerable ones. Identifying and understanding where disparities exist is the first step towards achieving health equity, requiring a multifaceted approach and the combined efforts of communities, health care providers, partner organizations, and government agencies across various sectors. With a focus to use technology to eliminate health disparities and increase social determinants of health economic sustainability minority and disadvantaged communities, our Public Health Innovation Ecosystem can serve as a scalable process for disease prevention. This Ecosystem has empowers minority and disadvantaged communities of Omaha, Nebraska by training new Public Health Outreach Specialists to identify priority public health issues and develop new technology-based solutions. Through support of our ecosystem, we can collectively develop new technology that works to: • Enhance and elevate current direct public health services; • Integrate efforts to allow for more strategic, impactful, individual-centric public health solutions, • Develop a collaborative method for disease prevention and preparedness for future health-related crisis; • Increase connections to mental health and preventative resources; • Increase access health & healthcare related education programs, and assistance; • Increase access to resources that promote increased activity levels; • Develop solutions that address increased risks and awareness of chronic disease, mental illness and social determinants of health prevalence of at-risk populations; • Leverages current residents and entrepreneurial efforts into recyclable economic activity and economic investments; • Provides public health & business education resources to support community organizations and health professionals; • Builds upon existing local & cultural vibrancy and demand; • Promotes and leverages diversity of culture and talent; • Provides education, certification, & training for high demand jobs & careers; • Aligns existing resources that addresses community-specific racial, ethnic, & environmental public health issues; • A system that positively impact health & economic development strategies for sustainability and longevity; • A system that nurtures and supports local networking, entrepreneurs, and community groups opportunities • Access to resources that provide accessible affordable health care solutions for youth & adults, and; • Education & pathways to business creation that provide chronic disease, mental illness & social determinants of health advocacy, resources, awareness.


The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem aligns directly with LB1024’s strategic plans to create public health solutions to reduce the burden of impact experienced by classes of minority and disadvantaged community members in Omaha, Nebraska. The goal of the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem is designed to identify priority public health issues, train and equip Public Health Outreach Specialists and utilize workers to develop tangible, technological solutions. These solutions can be used to respond more efficiently to public health emergencies, developing technology that works to provide the resources needed to fight the pandemic, sustain and strengthen the economic recovery , maintain vital public services, and make investments that support long-term growth, opportunity, and equity. In addition, the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem works to identify and develop talented Public Health Outreach Specialists who have the technological ability to respond to the public health emergency and its negative economic impacts. Through the output of the ecosystem, we can provide essential data to better equip workers performing essential work during the COVID-19 public health emergency, provide premium pay to the newly developed Public Health Outreach Specialists; and provide essential data to assist with the provision of government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue due to the COVID–19 public health emergency. By supporting the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem, we work to make necessary investments into the public health infrastructure of Nebraska – an investment that works to stop the spread of COVID-19, reduce the impact of disease because of COVID-19, create sustainable communities, and increased quality of life for minority and disadvantaged community members within North and South Omaha.








All proposed jobs developed through the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem will have annual salaries of $50,000 and above. Examples of the proposed Public Health Outreach Specalists jobs to be created include: • Public Health Community Engagement Coordinators - $50,000; • Public Health Specialist $50,000 • Project & Innovation Managers – $75,000 • Business Development Managers - $75,000 • Business Development Specialists – $65,000 • Public Health Analyst - $60,000 • Product Development Engineers - $50,000 • Software Development Engineers - $75,000


All operational programming for the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem is organized to allow our ecosystem to annually identify 15 priority public health problems within the community, train 66 competent Public Health Outreach Specialists who are capable to engage the community and work with health and safety practitioners to identify process-oriented solutions, and develop technological solutions to address priority public health problems – with the aim to allow for 3 solutions to advance into further organizational development & growth. All proposed jobs within the Public Health Innovation Ecosystem are designed to attract competent talent and provide certification training to develop high waged, high demand Public Health Outreach Specialists within census tracts 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 42, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59.01, 59.02, 60, 61.01, 61.02, 63.01, 63.02, 63.03, 65.06, 66.03, 68.06, 71.01, 73.12. Through the collaboration with the university and public health organization partners included in our ecosystem, pipelines will be created to provide the training & certifications necessary to prepare the different roles for our Public Health Outreach Specialists - to help them understand how to practice community-based public health, and provide a multi-disciplinary skillset and knowledge base in analytics & software development. Our Public Health Outreach Specialists will be prepared to provide value-add to the community & community organizations through workforce development & economic development.


The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem’s aim is to create a framework that consistently identifies, enhances priority community health problems into business ideas to develop validated proof of concepts that can be accelerated into business opportunities that stimulate the growth and success of the North Omaha community – providing technological solutions that decrease health disparities & increase social determinants of health. This in turn, creates new jobs, diversifies the industrial base, increases positive innovative opportunity, and enhances quality of life in Nebraska’s minority & disadvantages communities.


By full support and implementation of a Public Health Innovation Ecosystem , we can predict in the next 5-10 years that we will be able to successfully reduce the disease & illness that result in the largest cause of death within the State of Nebraska by 35%. This will in turn reduce the overall economic burden of disease, increase collaborative impact & response to emergency & safety, increase initiatives focused on public health growth & sustainability & increase the overall quality of life for minority and disadvantaged communities throughout the State of Nebraska. The outcomes of this ecosystem include (but not limited to): o Creating and implementing pooled-resources, skill development and training activities to enhance community capacity; o Identify priority community problems to provide support and research that generates groundbreaking technology that, in turn, generates economic value; o Provide multi-disciplinary opportunities to attract & grow Nebraska’s professional talent; o Develop a network that helps translate fundamental public health research into the industrial marketplace, and; o Scale public health innovation from the local to national level – improving the quality of life for all Nebraskans & minority & disadvantaged communities internationally; o Develop a network that is skilled & prepared to mitigate future health threats for all levels of the community. o Creates a databank of fundamental public health data that can be used to improve & enhance health improvement strategies for the community & community members


The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem is a new concept – a collaborative approach to enhance and elevate current public health services and developing them into new tangible, technological solutions. By blending organizational business goals with community and environmental needs to develop new health-related innovation and technology that works to address root issues and produce innovative technological enterprises that works to address health promotion, disease prevention, health-care services, and the social determinants of health challenging our communities. In addition, this initiative will also provide job exposure, skill development and certification trainings to the community, educational opportunities that will create a new approach to workforce preparation and diversify job prospects within our community through muti-disciplinary public health entrepreneurship & technology development. Through shared collaboration, we can create an ecosystem of public health-related innovation that fuels entrepreneurship rooted in funding and implementing solutions to cultural, social, or environmental problems – one that combines business management, venture capital, software development, and public health knowledge and skills to strengthen existing system, encouraging cross-disciplinary collaboration, increase financial viability, to achieve health promotion, disease prevention, and the social determinants of health goals within our community.


• 66 Public Health Outreach Specialists trained per year; • 15 health priorities identified per year; • 3 of digital public health-based solutions produced per year, and; • 25% of the minority & disadvantaged population engaged & impacted


All ecosystem data collection, data analysis, performance reporting & program evaluation will be conducted by PPRP Innovations and UNMC.





Service Provider Center for Holistic Development problem identification, community activation, cultural & behavioral understanding of priority public safety issues, social capital development, social relationship development, community competency assessment, entrepreneurship support programming, Ecosystem building programming/events YES problem identification, community activation, cultural & behavioral understanding of priority public safety issues, social capital development, social relationship development, community competency assessment, entrepreneurship support programming, Ecosystem building programming/events Omaha Housing Authority problem identification, community activation, cultural & behavioral understanding of priority public safety issues, social capital development, social relationship development, community competency assessment, entrepreneurship support programming, Ecosystem building programming/events Family Housing Advisory Services problem identification, community activation, cultural & behavioral understanding of priority public safety issues, social capital development, social relationship development, community competency assessment, entrepreneurship support programming, Ecosystem building programming/events Charles Drew Health Center problem identification, community activation, cultural & behavioral understanding of priority public safety issues, social capital development, social relationship development, community competency assessment, entrepreneurship support programming, Ecosystem building programming/events Urban League of Nebraska problem identification, community activation, cultural & behavioral understanding of priority public safety issues, social capital development, social relationship development, community competency assessment, entrepreneurship support programming, Ecosystem building programming/events Investigators PPRP Innovations Product & Business Research & validation, ecosystem evaluation University of Nebraska Medical Center Product & Business Research & validation, ecosystem evaluation Innovators Julian Young Business Advisors mobilization of resources PPRP Innovations Technology product development, Skills Training - Entrepreneurship Metro Community College Technology product development, Skills Training - Entrepreneurship Capacity Builders Julian Young Business Advisors Skills Training - Technical sales, Skills Training - Software development, Startup accelerator programming PPRP Innovations Skills Training - Technical sales, Skills Training - Software development, Startup accelerator programming Metro Community College Skills Training - Technical sales, Skills Training - Software development, Startup accelerator programming University of Nebraska Medical Center Member engagement, social influence & community building, mobilization of resources, social influence & community building, Skills Training - Public Health, Skills Training - Technical sales, Startup accelerator programming Center for Holistic Development Member engagement, social influence & community building, mobilization of resources, social influence & community building, Skills Training - Public Health, Startup accelerator programming, business development and growth Charles Drew Health Center Member engagement, social influence & community building, mobilization of resources, social influence & community building, Skills Training - Public Health, Startup accelerator programming, business development and growth Creighton University Member engagement, social influence & community building, mobilization of resources, social influence & community building,Skills Training - Public Health Conveners Clark Connection Group Network development, Ecosystem building programming/events University of Nebraska Medical Center Member engagement, network development, organization adoption & change Metro Community College Member engagement, network development, organization adoption & change The Wellbeing







Within one or more QCTs














based upon partnership investments & commitments






The ecosystem is designed to provide a collaborative approach towards increasing the quality of life for minority & disadvantaged communities in Omaha, Nebraska. Our ecosystem is projected to increase community exposure & fostering local talent product new, novel technology, train local talent to create new methods to detect, tract & treat disease, and utilize community-based solutions to develop larger technological structures that helps to increase the economic impact of the community.


The focus of the ecosystem is to create an infrastructure that can better detect, test, and treat public health issues within minority & disadvantaged communities. Therefore, the LB1024 grant funds will be used to establish the core operational framework necessary to conduct the process. LB1024 grant funds will be used towards fostering the environment necessary to develop and provide certification training for the Public Health Outreach Specialists who can be utilized to identify priority public health community issues & develop technology and analytical solutions. Training will include, but not limited to, essential public health & public safety, entrepreneurship & technical sales, & software and analytics development certification trainings. In addition, events necessary to assess and identify competent talent & identify priority public health problems & the operations necessary to implement include but not limited to programming, events, fundraising, operation management All LB1024 grant funds will be dedicated towards developing the environment and process necessary to design & implement its technology development investments. Through the inclusive Public Health Innovation Ecosystem , will also be funded b LB10.





All operational programming is organized to allow our ecosystem to annually identify 15 priority public health problems within the community, train 66 competent Public Health Outreach Specialists who are capable to engage the community and work with health and safety practitioners to identify process-oriented solutions, and develop technological solutions to address priority public health problems – with the aim to allow for 3 solutions to advance into further organizational development and growth. By annually investing into the output listed above, our first 2 years will be focused on developing our foundation to seize market opportunity & develop the public health outreach infrastructure. As we advance into years 3-5, capacity necessary to host our initial advances are expected to increase. Therefore, our focus will be understanding the best methods & direction to help evolve the ecosystem model, build & grow our audience impact, and developing a system that identifies & produce cutting-edge public health technology. Years 5-10 will be focused locking in key ecosystem to work to scale our model state & region wide and developing a sustainable & profitable ecosystem. Throughout this statewide model scaling, we foresee our ecosystem to obtain larger audience growth, a growth that will have huge impact on the economic growth of the ecosystem & its technology. Overall, In the next 5 – 10 years, we forecast to develop a collaborative method for disease prevention & preparedness for future health-related crisis, develop technology that decreases disease & social determinants of health, and develop businesses that increases jobs and economic stability in the same communities we focus to increase overall quality of life.



All funding is pending; verbal commitments have been obtained depending on the organizational development of the ecosystem.


The Public Health Innovation Ecosystem ’s aim is to create a framework that consistently identifies and turn priority community health problems into business ideas developed through validated proof of concepts that can be accelerated into business opportunities & scalable technology that stimulate the growth and success of the North and South Omaha communities – providing technological solutions that decrease community-level health disparities and increase environmental social determinants of health. This in turn, creates new jobs, diversifies the industrial base, increases positive innovative opportunities, increase economic development, and enhances the quality of life in minority & disadvantages communities in North and South Omaha, and across the State of Nebraska. The outcomes of this ecosystem include (but not limited to): 1. Creating and implementing pooled-resources, skill development & training activities to enhance community capacity; 2. Identify priority community problems to provide support and research that generates groundbreaking technology that, in turn, generates economic value; 3. Provide multi-disciplinary opportunities to attract & grow Nebraska’s professional talent; 4. Develop a network that helps translate fundamental public health research into the industrial marketplace, and; 5. Scale public health innovation from the local to national level – improving the quality of life for all Nebraskans & minority & disadvantaged communities internationally; 6. Develop a network that is skilled & prepared to mitigate future health threats for all levels of the community. 7. Creates a databank of fundamental public health data that can be used to improve & enhance health improvement strategies for the community & community members Once technological systems have been validated to produce & sustain the listed outcomes, the ecosystem model can be scaled state & region wide to support other minority & disadvantaged communities.



All partners involved in the ecosystem are required to provide financial commitment towards the development & implementation of the initiative. Once proposal approval, all partners will be required to submit a Memorandum of Understanding outlining their roles & responsibilities & financial commitments to be provided to support the ecosystem growth & development.










Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses