Men Against Domestic Violence Action Coalition: MADVAC MEN




Men Against Domestic Violence Action Coalition


Omaha, NE




Facebook-menagainstdv, Instagram-menagainst_dv, Twitter-menagainst_dv, LinkedIn-Men Against Domestic Violence Action Coalition


Dr. Bradley Ekwerekwu


Education Chair



+1 (817) 875-7226




Mr. Bobby Brumfield, Co-Founder; Mr. Charlie Venditte, Co-Founder, Eddie Saunsoci, Marketing and Communications Chair; Catherine Bosley, External Relations Chair




This proposal will better allow our organization to deepen its roots in the Omaha community. To date, completed presentations include those to major for-profit corporations, Universities and Colleges, nonprofit organizations, social service entities, prison and jail facilities, after-school youth programs, and various community members. We intend to expand to a larger number of individuals so that we can provide consistent programming and greater impact in our communities.










The Men Against Domestic Violence Action Coalition (MADVAC) remains committed to its mission of disrupting and dismantling domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and toxic masculinity behaviors in our community. Proudly standing alongside those in the greater Omaha area, MADVAC will continue to engage boys, young men, and adult men in conversations related to healthy masculinity, emotional maturation, thought processing, impulse control, domestic violence and sexual assault causes and effects, as well as unique impacts and nuances within the diverse cultures of our communities. MADVAC strategically plans to recruit and empower a group of men that are committed to becoming Ambassadors in our community. Each Ambassador will complete training from a well-researched curriculum, as well as gain valuable skills to enter the workforce as leaders. The curriculum units support each Ambassador through a series of personal and communal experiences to allow for more immediate awareness, factual and theory-based evidence and verified education, as well as innovative and creative tactics to mobilize action efforts in the community. Each ambassador is challenged to learn, or "unlearn", about perceptions, definitions, theories, personal and lived experience, as well as implementation methods. Transferable job skills such as public speaking, content creation, relationship/partnership building, résumé and interview prep, as well as bystander intervention techniques will be a part of each Graduate’s portfolio. Each cohort of Men will serve as “MENtors” for those that matriculate through the trainings in future years. The intention is to consistently and effectively influence populations of Men to stand together, unified in a common foundational practice of ending domestic violence and sexual assault in our communities. Over time, the societal and cultural expectation will further eradicate unhealthy behaviors and promote the respect, protection, and edification of healthy relationships in our communities.


We anticipate our work beginning right away. Once the funding secured, we will implement our strategy to fully organize, mobilize, and track data for program impact. We anticipate creating at least five cohorts of Men, inducting a new cohort every year starting in 2023.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Domestic violence and sexual assault are pervasive enemies to any community, and the greater Omaha area is not immune to its devastating reach. Specifically in North and South Omaha, domestic violence and sexual assault reports vastly outweigh other parts of the city and region. We know that a creative and innovative, disruptive action must occur to address these issues. Further, we are absolutely convinced that Men should be the Leaders of this conversation and action in our community. To provide a safe and sustainable community, Men can actively participate in healthy relationships, which will greatly improve their personal, and environmental quality of life. Decreasing harmful and unhealthy behaviors, and potentially fatal outcomes is the ultimate goal. A more concerted effort around awareness and education will inevitably lead to more intentional decision making and impulse control, especially when it comes to crimes of passion in intimate partner violence occurrences. We intend to show decreases in the number of individuals becoming justice involve due to a domestic violence or sexual assault interaction. We understand the extreme stress that these occurrences put on individuals, families, as well as the community to be able to cope with and through the healing and recovery process.


According to the visioning workshop summary, North and South Omaha residents described a need for resources to support education, quality of life, youth and adult employment, and sustainable communities. Within our proposal, we organize our trainings to further educational efforts and provide much needed upskilling for those seeking meaningful employment. As more Men are empowered to become Ambassadors in our community, they will set a tone of societal majority that improves the quality of life in all environments (home, work, school, etc.). Additionally, community members put forth a desire to have culturally relevant information disseminated on a consistent basis. Our trainings are built with multiple identities in mind, and specifically address culturally relevant information in order to promote comprehension and direct action. Lastly, residents stated that resources are not readily available for these, and other types of social and mental health programs. Many nonprofit, community-based organizations are overwhelmed and overbooked to say the least. Providing resources to support these community needs will lighten the load on existing providers and allow more community members to participate in engaging programming and community activation.


The priorities of this proposal directly in line with LB 1024 strategic priorities to combat the striking increase in domestic violence and sexual assault cases through the pandemic timeframe. At many points during the pandemic, domestic violence and sexual assault reported cases were at new all-time highs for the Omaha region (a reported 117 -reported- incidents in one summer 20202 weekend). Public health, mental health, as well as the safety and security of the family unit in North and South Omaha continue to be high priorities and this proposal seeks to directly impact family members, individually, and as a unit. The promotion of healthy relationships and decreased violence and assaults will specifically address many issues caused by the hardships presented through and after the pandemic. Many men found themselves without meaningful employment through and after the pandemic, as well. This proposal seeks to empower and retool these individuals to reenter or promote within the workforce toward higher paying, meaningful career placements. The ideal vision is to secure this generation of earned income and create generational wealth for family members in the future.


This proposal will create 4 permanent, full time jobs and possibly 2 part time appointments. Ultimately, this team will work diligently to help create hundreds of jobs for program participants in years to come.




Possibly 2


E.D. $75,000-$100,00, Program Director $55,000-$70,000, (2) Program Assistant $45,000-$55,000


This proposal will create opportunities for up to 4 individuals to work in this training and community activation organization in North and South Omaha. Additionally, the impact of adding well-trained and equipped workforce members to the applicant pools in our community will provide employers with more opportunities to satisfy employment demands of the intended geographical region.


The paramount community benefit of this proposal is to provide healthier, safer, and more thriving communities by focusing on Men, and their personal role in the relationships that they participate in all environments. The workplace, school, place of worship, place of play, and other community settings will see immediate benefit for all individuals participating in healthier interactions.


Men will lead themselves and provide examples for other men to eliminate toxic behaviors that inhibit the health and happiness of others. Living in safer homes and neighborhoods will create an ease amongst residents, will attract others to congregate, and intentionally cause residential and commercial expansion in those neighborhoods.


Engaging certain identity groups with mental health and career placement is not a new concept. Many cities across the United States are currently employing models that engage individuals, some from blighted and under resourced communities, in order to elevate the perception and reality of the community, and foundational economic development. Our training is well researched and grounded, mentorship models continue to evolve with best practice, and community led cohort-based programming in the Omaha area has proven not only popular, but a vital tool toward networking and business development.


We intend to create well educated and critically trained Graduates who are more aware of how domestic violence and sexual assault affects our communities. We will provide fact-based educational material for Graduates to use in their personal and communal environments, ensuring comprehension through periodic assessment and application exercises. Graduates will create community events/initiatives that will continue the positive momentum around disrupting domestic violence and sexual assault in our communities.


These efforts will be measured by recording the number of participants trained, the knowledge gained, change of circumstance (justice involved), and number of community events/initiatives implemented. The Executive Director and Program Manager will be directly responsible for collecting and analyzing this data. If funds are available, an outside data evaluation entity will be consulted to validate outcomes/findings.


Additional investments could be made to specifically include populations outside of the initial population served. Region wide and statewide efforts are visioned, but under resourced at this time.




Womens Center for Advancement---acts as a community organizer, and ultimately a partner in programming and community engagement efforts. Womens Fund---acts as a fiscal agent and community partner in educational and intervention efforts. Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce GrOW Program---acts as a facilitator of educational sessions and community partnership advocate Survivors Rising---acts as a community advocate for educational sessions, Board direction, community engagement and empowerment of community members Heartland Family Services--- acts as a community organizer, and ultimately a partner in programming and community engagement efforts. Smart GEN Society--- acts as a community organizer, organization infrastructure advisor, and ultimately a partner in programming and community engagement efforts.


Women's Fund





We plan to use different (rented) locations across North and South Omaha to provide trainings for Ambassadors.


Within one or more QCTs



















MADVAC requests this grant award to solidify a team of trained professionals. Each highly dedicated individual will receive a livable wage comparable to market rates and regional cost of living. Additionally, costs associated with operations such as facility rental, professional development, mileage reimbursement, and training needs are factored into the total request for funding. Ideally, this MADVAC team would completely function with 4 total team members, but this team could simply start with an Executive Director and a Program Manager and grow from there. We do truly believe that positive momentum will be highly beneficial to the program’s initial launch; therefore, a complete and cohesive team is vital from the beginning of the program’s launch.


Funds from this grant will directly support MADVAC professionals with specialized training and curriculum development, professional development opportunities, facility use, transportation needs, as well as food costs for educational sessions. Grant funds will support overall operations and special events/conferences held by MADVAC, as well as the ability to provide insurance stipends for MADVAC team members.




Ideally, this program will continue to impact our community for generations to come. After the award funding, this program will need to seek additional funding to continue to edify cohorts of Ambassadors in our community. The initial investment will equip MADVAC operations for at least 5 fiscal years. At that time, further consideration is necessary to assess fiscal operations. Like other nonprofits, MADVAC will likely need to engage Foundations and private philanthropy to secure funding for future operations and programming. Fiscal agents and accounting services will play an integral part in this strategy moving forward.


None at this time.






This proposal for programming is scalable to a statewide or regional model.


Theoretically, yes, this proposal can be completed in smaller components, which simply equates to fewer numbers of participants trained by fewer MADVAC team members.


Additional grant and philanthropic support will be sought depending on the outcome of this grant award process.










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation