Midlands African Chamber, Inc.: Midlands African Chamber Center (MAC Center)




Midlands African Chamber, Inc.


7930 Blondo Street Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68134







Karine Sokpoh


Board President




+1 (402) 203-7891




Midlands African Chamber (MAC) has a broad group of community members and partners dedicated to the organization's mission of providing small business tools and education to minority-led businesses in Nebraska. The goal of MAC is to provide opportunities and resources that will assist individuals and families in achieving a meaningful future. Through marketing and engagement strategies, MAC was able to reach a wider population and assist them in concentrating on the relaunch. Through community outreach initiatives and community gatherings, MAC has been able to engage sponsors in dialogue and planning for the larger projected project, as well as the management of teams and individuals, in order to continue to build a robust "team" comprised of minority lead groups and consultants. These team members are valuable collaborates to the mission of MAC which is to  "empower, connect, and champion the African and African American communities in Omaha, Nebraska and the Midwest"  


Please see attached Organizational Chart


By providing more training to members of the black community and enabling them to "pitch" their ideas for first round financing, community engagement activities like "Pitch Black," according to MAC, help build capacity. This helps with the founding of Suit UP, the introduction of Rising CEOs, the planning of a conference, and the partnership with Pitch Black. The focus of upcoming program development will be on sustaining membership and community services like "roll call," "power hour," and "Suit UP." Due to a lack of resources, advocacy, education, and empowerment for populations like those MAC serves, strong community engagement is crucial. According to MAC's plans, the benefit will be the use of staff, new members, and volunteers to continue building more equity in the community. If this proposal is approved, MAC will be able to expand its programs and renovate a building so that it can be used for services, programs, and classes.


Midlands African Chamber Center (MAC Center)






Combination of capital project and service/program


The synopsis of the project contains the following elements: Community participation and capacity development via the construction of a facility for the Midlands African Chamber (MAC). The site will be in the neighborhoods of North and South Omaha. The physical location of a center for programs such as Rising CEOS, a BIPOC program for youth entrepreneurship and leadership, promotes the healthy growth and development of children and adolescents. In addition, the center would offer resources and programs to promote the health of individuals, families, and communities. The MAC Center will offer structure by providing a physical location to serve as a gathering place for inclusive communities and members of these communities to interact and prosper in the Omaha region and to conduct outreach initiatives for the whole state of Nebraska. Purchase an existing structure, remodeling it if necessary, and putting active services for current programs into place with the help of a vibrant local community. using the kids from all of our communities in our pipeline.


Purchasing the building, starting renovations, North Omaha. The schedule is proposed to be 100% completed by 2026. There are several submitted community grants and funding requests pending for 2023 including Weitz Foundation, Lozier Foundation. Completion of program through United Way of the Midlands and anticipate exploring for this proposal.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The Midlands African Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (MAC) was founded in 2020, at the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic, and it is still prospering and overcoming challenges two years later. The request of this proposal will allow MAC to renovate and create a infrastructural project that will bring benefits to the North and south Omaha communities for years to come.   Karine Sokpoh, the current board president, founded MAC during the height of the pandemic to provide a voice and a significant presence in the North and South Omaha community for small but powerful minority businesses and entrepreneurial groups that did not have a voice or a significant presence in the Omaha community to network and grow. Since then, the group has helped the Omaha community by developing dynamic communities, supporting economic development, strong neighborhoods, change systems, capacity building, greater linkages, equitable access to people of color, and cultural knowledge. The purpose is to "empower, connect, and advocate the African and African American business communities in Nebraska and the Midwest." This is MAC and its philosophy's basis and cornerstone. As an organization  m embership has gradually expanded since the organization's establishment, as has support from community partners and contributors to work on community-related problems.


Attracting and maintaining diverse talent will benefit Nebraska. By fostering economic justice and equality for all members of the community, MAC is always trying to accomplish our strategic tracking report road plan for success. According to MAC, success requires having access to resources that many minority groups do not have. As a consequence, this grant proposal expressly demands technological grant support. This would mean acquiring financing to cover the costs of the software and technology necessary by MAC to conduct successful programs like Pitch Black Accelerator and Rising CEOS. The


MAC believes in diverse talent acquisition and retention will benefit Nebraska. In order to achieve its strategic tracking report road map for success, MAC works continuously to promote economic justice and equality for all community members. Success, in accordance with MAC, necessitates having access to resources that many minority groups do not. Our grant application explicitly asks for technical grant assistance as a result. Obtaining funding to cover the costs of the software and technology needed by MAC to run popular programs like Pitch Black Accelerator and Rising CEOS would be part of this. The results of the Visioning Workshop, which involved community stakeholders from North and South Omaha, will guide MAC and their leadership in making decisions to better serve the communities and people of color who require services the most. Reviewing the LB1024 Visioning Workshop that the Project Team held with community stakeholders from both North and South Omaha to better understand the needs and goals of the neighborhoods assisted MAC in comprehending the essential elements of success. These seminars were designed to gather pertinent feedback from community stakeholders, including business owners, faith-based organizations, service providers, real estate experts, and elected officials. Their contributions and outcomes will be minority-led, minority-driven attitudes that will give BIPOC people access to initiatives and services that will promote long-term facilitation as well as sustainable living and employment.


In order to enhance the social, economic, and cultural development of African and African American communities, MAC places a high priority on forging proactive collaborations with local community stakeholders and influential change makers. The objective is to help Nebraska's underserved communities realize their small business goals. This grant proposal suggests using the Google Grant to fund 20 computers, printers, and servers for MAC's business lab in order to support the company's objectives and vision. These technological gifts would be put to use in the computer lab we're proposing. In order to help underserved populations in Nebraska advance technology, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship, the lab will support MAC's Pitch Black Accelerator and Rising CEOS programs. Again, MAC's main objective is to build a community that will live, work, and prosper in the locations mentioned in this grant. As a result, MAC will have a significant economic impact on the Omaha neighborhood. In order to support minority business owners like African Americans and other multicultural groups, the organization believes in cultivating leaders who will become renegotiating authority champions. When everyone in the community has access to the same resources, this is referred to as community empowerment. MAC will first develop the necessary infrastructure before educating the local population through recently developed services and programs. When there is a way to promote community empowerment by looking into social, cultural, political, and economic factors to increase the community's wealth and health, there will be an economic impact. This is referred to as economic resilience, and the objectives, approaches, and measures that can lessen the effects of an economic incident, such as income inequality and Covid-19 recovery to support successful long-term recovery efforts, as well as the restrictions of this grant request, are known as these terms.


30-60 including construction, consulting, and workforce development for MAC along with its strategic partners.


There would be 30 to 50 depending on the start and end dates of the project for starting and maintaining the project and development.


50,000-60,000 pay personnel would be hired on a contract-for-hire basis. Along with personnel, MAC activities will focus on capacity development.


White community members make up 85.31% of the state's population, according to the State of Nebraska Census. Black or African American people make up 4.78% of the population. 3.95% if you participate in two or more races. Other ethnic groups would account for only 2.53%. MAC is committed to utilizing and collaborating with the QCT as a strong predictor of success as they begin scouting locations and even as renovations begin. Again, as programming and services expand to assist relief efforts in afflicted areas, these small number of minority groups will be addressed, and MAC will follow QCT tracks to report on and raise awareness for these minorities. Small business owners and firms in Qualified Census Tracts (QCT), such as the proposed coffee shop, will concentrate their employee engagement and recruitment efforts in the OCT regions identified in this effort. Contractors, merchants, and suppliers will also make their way to the designated OCT regions.


MAC is a unique organization because it addresses community business issues and focuses on individuals who are frequently underrepresented by traditional organizations. As a result of the large number of members it serves and continues to serve through its organizational structure, MAC has a significant community impact. The focus of MAC's commitment to assisting and advocating for businesses is on immigrant, refugee, and BIPOC-led small businesses. From the board president down to the board members, the organization is 100% diverse and serves a diverse community in Nebraska. MAC employs people from Togo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin, and Burma. The majority of the group's members are African immigrant or African American-owned small microbusinesses. The MAC board of directors, foundation, Suit Up program, volunteers, advocacy, resource distribution, ribbon-cuttings, use of black and African American vendors, and marketing with various community members are just a few examples of the organization's diverse ecology. For example, the Rising CEOS program addresses the community's need for minority youth technology and financial literacy. In today's society and economy, technical training is required to effectively start or operate a company and run a sustainable small business. As a result, the technology award will aid in the transition of these programs to sustainability by facilitating efficient information use and sharing and raising awareness of the importance of technological literacy within the diverse ecosystem. Through our Suit Up and Rising CEOS programs, we serve BIPOC and refugee youth ages 14 to 19, as well as men and women through our Pitch Black Business Accelerator program.


MAC intends to continue its sustainability efforts by ensuring that all efforts such as reducing, resting, and recycling are maintained. MAC will provide resources for businesses and community members by reviewing policies to ensure the ongoing program and services' long-term success. MAC also reduces corporate expenditures, allowing for more creative ideas and allowing businesses to think smarter rather than hard. Thus, MACs long-term financial health can be improved by developing a detailed, well-researched strategic development plan through which we can fund projects that promote an environmentally conscious culture that not only benefits the community but also allows it to be self-sufficient in its own right.


MAC plans to open a new resource center in the North or South Omaha region since it is difficult to forecast how many individuals will be affected because MAC is a business-oriented organization that emphasizes business goals above human affects. Despite servicing more than 250 customers via Pitch Black the previous year, MAC now has 170 company members. This year's live event drew over 250 participants, and 28 entrepreneurs took part in the Pitch Black Business Accelerator program. As a result, this resource center will have an impact on countless people in the Omaha area by bringing an innovative approach to teaching and guiding community partners who are often marginalized due to their diverse backgrounds and do not have a location where they can do all of their training and funding projects.


MAC will utilize the center's resources to enhance education and create new high-wage employment opportunities. MAC is committed to using its powerful curriculum and services. Through research and development on best practices for fostering workforce development in marginalized communities, as well as community citizen surveys. MAC seeks to apply a research-based approach to achieve excellence in its workforce development operations.


Outcomes will be assessed by the number of new members who join and enroll in programs and services at the planned MAC Center.


Yes, this project will serve as a catalyst by raising awareness of concerns impacting the North and South Omaha areas, which this grant is eager to serve and accomplish. As a result of innovation and hybridization, and by providing a resource center for individuals to grow and develop at their own pace.




MAC partners with area Chambers of commerce such as the Sarpy County Chamber, the Greater Omaha Chamber, and the Nebraska Hispanic Chamber. We also partner with Metro Community College, Nebraska Black Women United, Omaha Journal Star, Nebraska Business Development Council, Nebraska Enterprise Fund, Heartland Workers Center, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, Salem Baptist Church, 75 North, Urban League, OPPD (Omaha Public Power District), Nebraska Business Ethics Alliance, 100 Black Men, The Bloc Inc., the League for African Advancement, Afromaha, Taste of Africa, 95.7 FM The Boss, Metro Women’s Business Center, I Be Black Girl, and NET. Some of the statewide advocacy groups we have teamed up with include the Nebraska African Commission and the Nebraska Latino Commission. Joint efforts have enhanced MAC efforts through joint program planning/support, member resources, strategic planning, advisory, data sharing, and advocacy for members.







The physical location may be anywhere in the QCT area, including but not limited to buildings in North and South Omaha that need renovation and repurposing.


Within one or more QCTs














Costs will be determined when a final location is decided.






Midlands African Chamber, Inc. seeks $2 million in funding for a facility and full-time personnel, as well as a $18 million endowment fund, in order to expand its services. By fostering racial and economic fairness, the MAC hopes to recruit and maintain diverse talent in Nebraska. This endowment will aid in the promotion of three essential areas: Entrepreneurship. Personnel Development. Developing Talent We advocate for, empower, and connect companies. We are pitch black!


MAC will utilize funding for the project to address problems such as economic, social, and financial inequality in Nebaskra. In addition to the guidelines of LB1024. The MAC was created in 2020 with the goal of assisting emerging companies in Nebraska's African and African American communities. To carry out this objective, the Chamber acts as a corporate voice and engages both the public and private sectors in community leadership. The Chamber offers live and online events that focus on education, leadership development, company growth, and networking. We provide company owners the chance to get expertise in the areas of communication, marketing, money management, legal, and overall business ownership. At our events and in our print and digital media, we seek memberships, contributions, grants, sponsorship opportunities, and ads. As we grow, we want to broaden the Chamber's services with specialized programs to attract membership and support with the gudlines of LB1024 being the basis of the construciton for the proposed MAC center. 





MAC is seeking funding from the LB1024 bill with the exploration of anticipated funds for the proposal focusing on long-term viability and sustainability.






Yes, the project is entirely scalable and will open in stages, with the community and resource center opening first to allow for direct access and the remainder of the project, including conference rooms and office space for MAC-related groups, programs, and administration, starting with phase 2. In the last phase of the renovation, the building's executive leadership office, conference rooms, and event facilities will be fully operational.


The financing for this project is determined by the outcome of the proposal for funding.


The organization is completely dedicated to this project and has acquired private contributions and personal funds in addition to reserve funds from the organization for this larger-scale project. The objective is to distribute these funds for match donations and long-term project sustainability. The construction will be finished by 2025, as planned, with a significant portion of the funding coming from donor contributions.










Organizational Chart Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses