Cali Commons
518 N 40th Street Omaha ,Ne 68132
FB Cali Commons and IG Cali Commons
George Garrett III
Executive Director
+1 (402) 513-2321
5 member board that include president treasure, vice president and secretary and program assistant
Cali Commons has collaborated with the Joslyn Castle Neighborhood Association on many projects and has provided space for community meetings and many host of activities and fund raisers. The proposal will allow us to continue to keep this building a space the community will access to and provide the art events and programs that will bring and maintain art culture.
Cali Commons Art Hub
Capital project Combination of capital project and service/program Service/program
We are requesting a 3 year budget $ (454715) for art programs in our neighborhood, to be located at 518 N 40th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68132. We believe this request fits under your giving area of the north Omaha area North Omaha. Cali Commons is in a historical neighborhood that supports arts in this community and would like to follow the mission of the late Sarah Joslyn who was an advocate of the community having access to the arts that may not be able to afford to participate and keep this space in the in this area. Our vision and mission are central to our efforts in generating funds for this art pace and continue provide art culture, art advocacy, opportunity for artist further their career. An art space is needed in our community for the following reasons: Cali Commons is a great space for hosting hosting art programs for emerging artist forth youth and adults. With this grant, we will build a strong art community with (Number of art programs and activities. This art space will serve number families and artist in the neighborhood and many youth. Cali commons will work with 40-60 emerging artists a year who will learn become entrepreneurs. We have collaborated with 4 organizations to help us make this dream come true.
January 2028 will look to anticipate our completion.
Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)
Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)
This proposal will address the barriers emerging artist face , easy walking distance, art therapy and a pace for youth to develop their artistic gifts. Cali will develop an art hub for the creative community,
By creating an art hub Cali Commons will work connect from artist to the community from all populations in North and South Omaha, and promote art advocacy and provide programs that will be beneficial to their economical, mental and artistic growth.
Cali Common has history of supporting this community in the creative arts and has assessed with economic growth of artist.
Produce more entrepreneurs in the field of art and employ artist on future art projects and Art therapist long lasting job opportunities in the community.
2 full permanent jobs
The construction jobs will be temporary and contracted for any building renovations . At this time the number of jobs can not be identified.
Wage levels for construction will be based on the bid of the job.
Identify local contractors in the community and provide opportunity to new contractors in the community.
Community access that will allow the creative community to generate income through the arts and the neighborhood to support the space.
Cali Commons a art space for all the family to enjoy and future artist like youth to develop into successful artist and promote social awareness.
These meetings will happen every other month alternating each month between the two meeting types. These meetings will be scheduled to last 1.5-2.5 hours long either in person or virtually, depending on the needs of the community at the time. Similar to the community focus groups, collaborative focus groups are also recommended. This means forming collaborations with nearby art districts and art organizations and institutions. The purpose would be to discuss or maintain collaborations, maintain ongoing knowledge of the art community for referral purposes, and decide as an art community which key players are meeting what needs of the greater Omaha metropolitan area. This will serve as a professional avenue for leadership of organizations to determine any needs not being met by the collaboration of organizations, and how Cali Commons can help meet that need or bring ideas to the table to empower other organizations to do so. It will also act as an opportunity for community partners to provide constructive feedback to Cali Commons on the quality and impact of their services.
The success of of artist that have participated in our programs and worships
Create a art caseworker that will do a 6-12 month follow up with the artist and provide continue mentorship.
At this this is being looked into.
Hotshops, Old Market Artist Gallery, Landlock Gallery and Joslyn Castle Neighborhood Association,. Cathedral art and Artbykreation
None at this time.
518 N 40th Street Omaha, Ne 68132
Within one or more QCTs
Speaking with a contractor.
Grant will used for purchase of the building renovations, programs , workshops, staff salary and operation cost
In the process of working on fiscal operation proposal.
Exploring membership donors and business sponsors and identifying other grants.
The proposal can be scalable if the capital funds were awarded to purchase the building and do renovations.
A Monthly report will be documented to reflect the breakdowns.
Cali Commons aligned with what has been laid in the grant and will what is advised to commit financially.
Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses