Duchesne Academy: Duchesne Academy Community Center




Duchesne Academy


3601 Burt Street Omaha, NE 68131


Same as above




Instagram: @duchesneacademy; Facebook: www.facebook.com/duchesneacademy; Twitter: @duchesneacademy


Katie Risch Bakhit


VP of Advancement




+1 (402) 810-9989




As a well-established school with a history of responsible business practice, Duchesne has an organizational infrastructure in place that includes positions that are comparable to the CEO, CFO, and COO of a business. These respective roles will provide the business oversight of the Community Center including the financing/budgeting, operations, maintenance, rental, and marketing/communications related to the space. The individuals who fill these three roles have a combined 87 years of experience. Additional members of the team include the architects (BVH Architecture) who have created the current design and renderings of the new space and the contractors (MCL Construction) who are doing the construction and renovation currently underway. MCL will be the retained contractor for the new Community Center, as well, and is ready to move forward as soon as funds are secured.


Please see uploaded organizational chart.


Duchesne continues to invest in the campus as evidenced by over $50MM in capital investments to the campus over the past 30 years. Recent projects include the construction of a Performing Arts Center, barrier-free entrance and second elevator, installation of a new HVAC system, and installation of new windows throughout the building. It is part of Duchesne’s vision and strategic plan to remain a strong and positive anchor in the Northeast section of Omaha. Duchesne has a long history of partnership and collaboration and is committed to building relationships with the neighborhood associations, businesses, and non-profit organizations that serve the community in which the school exists. Additionally, we have partnered with organizations who use areas of the existing building. Some more recent examples of the groups from the neighborhood who have used the building include a North Omaha youth basketball league, several soccer and tennis leagues, a yoga group, the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Gifford Park Neighborhood Association, and a handful of family reunions/events. Duchesne has demonstrated throughout the past several years its unwavering commitment to the Northeast Omaha community by remaining in its current location despite the pressure to move west.


Duchesne Academy Community Center






Capital project


Duchesne Academy seeks funding to support the construction costs of a two-story, 46,000 sq ft structure that will serve as a Community Center that is accessible and available for rental by the public and for partnerships with other organizations. The structure will include a competition-level gymnasium with a capacity to hold 1200 people in a field house concept, athletic training and conditioning facility, commercial kitchen, and event space with a capacity to seat up to 500 people at traditional round tables. Part of a greater capital project that totals nearly $30,000,000, this state-of-the-art Community Center will provide much needed event and community space in this part of town and will be an economic asset to the greater neighborhood and surrounding area. Specifically, the Community Center while provide space in which to offer services through formalized partnerships with other organizations that benefit the surrounding community (ACT Prep courses for students from the Omaha Public Schools, blood drives with the American Red Cross, and back to school physicals for school-aged children through Charles Drew Health Center, for example). The space will also serve as a venue for events while also providing employment opportunities in the way of construction workers, caterers, cleaners, security personnel, and valet parking companies. Additionally, creating event space on the corner of 38th and Burt Streets will elevate the North Omaha presence while bringing people and groups to the neighborhood. Duchesne Academy has long demonstrated a commitment to the neighborhood by operating at its current location for over 140 years. Investing millions of dollars more in capital further cements the school’s intention to remain an anchor in the North Omaha neighborhood for many years to come. It remains Duchesne’s goal to positively impact the community in which we’ve had a footprint for 140 years and to create long-lasting economic growth for the citizens of Omaha.


Construction on the Community Center will commence as soon as 100% of the funds have been pledged and 50% of the pledged funds have been received. To-date, $16,700,000 has been pledged. Although a specific “groundbreaking” date has not yet been set, one main factor contributes to the urgency of the timing and size of request: construction costs including labor and supplies continue to escalate at unprecedented rates. It is our goal that all funds are raised/secured by the end of summer 2023 in which case construction would commence immediately. Once ground is broken on the new structure, it is estimated to be completed in 24 months.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Duchesne Academy seeks funding to support the construction costs of a two-story, 46,000 sq ft structure that will serve as a Community Center that is accessible and available for rental by the public and for partnerships with other organizations. The space is adequate to serve as large event or gathering space, of which there are too few options in this part of town. The structure will include a competition-level gymnasium with a capacity to hold 1200 people in a field house concept, training and conditioning facility, commercial kitchen, and event space with a capacity to seat up to 500 people at traditional round tables. Already designed by BVH Architecture, it will sit within the current boundaries of the school’s campus with access to a parking lot that can hold 114 cars. Duchesne seeks to expand its partnerships with organizations in the nearby community and the Community Center will offer the space in which to do that. For example, Duchesne is interested in collaborating with the American Red Cross to host blood drives. Blood drives might especially benefit those with sickle cell disease, a disease that disproportionately impacts the African American community, the very people that populate the neighborhood in which and around which Duchesne exists. Other strongly considered partnerships might include OPS to offer ACT and other standardized test prep courses, Charles Drew Health Center to provide vaccine clinics, and Girls Inc, Boys and Girls Clubs and other youth development organizations to provide summer camp experiences. It is our deep desire and strategic initiative that this new structure is used in ways that benefit the greater community so that Duchesne can be of service to populations beyond the walls of our school community. Part of a greater capital project that totals nearly $30,000,000, this state-of-the-art Community Center will provide much needed gathering and event space in this part of town and, through the financial investment of the building alone, will be an economic asset to the greater neighborhood and surrounding area, further solidifying Duchesne as a critical anchor in this community. The event space will provide employment opportunities in the way of caterers, cleaners, security personnel, and valet parking companies. Additionally, creating event space on the corner of 38th and Burt Streets will elevate the North Omaha presence while bringing people and groups to the neighborhood. The point is to offer the Community Center as a valid option for neighborhood residents who desire to hold milestone occasions (wedding receptions, birthdays, anniversaries) within their own neighborhood, ultimately contributing to widespread economic vitality in North Omaha. Duchesne Academy has long demonstrated a commitment to the neighborhood by operating at its current location for over 140 years. Investing millions more in capital further cements the school’s intention to remain in the North Omaha neighborhood for many years to come. It remains Duchesne’s goal to positively impact the community in which we’ve had a footprint for 140 years and to create long-lasting economic growth for the citizens of Omaha.


This project addresses a multitude of findings specifically related to the needs and opportunities within North Omaha. One finding that was voiced repeatedly is the need to create real transformational change through economic investment. Duchesne’s Community Center will do exactly that. It is a multi-million-dollar investment within the confines of the North Omaha boundaries that will provide much needed usable space for the community. Providing space will address the opportunity to build partnerships and collaborations between Duchesne, a private entity, and the greater public. The visionary workshop highlighted a number of long-time threats around safety and security in the neighborhood. This Community Center will provide a reason for people to come to OUR neighborhood to witness and experience the great sense of culture that exists in North Omaha which is what ultimately needs to happen in order to help dispel safety concerns. This project also creates jobs that exist within the community for those who need them most. Whether it’s the approximately 175-200 construction workers, caterers, cleaners, security workers, and/or parking companies, numerous employment opportunities, both temporary and on an ongoing basis, will be an impactful result of building and operating the Community Center.


Located at 3601 Burt Street in Omaha and within qualified census tract (QCT) 50, this project includes an emphasis on business development and economic recovery, both of which are listed among LB1024’s strategic priorities. The new space will serve as space in which to partner with other non-profits and businesses. The Community Center will provide regular and ongoing employment opportunities for those who live within the neighborhood, it will elevate the presence of North Omaha, and further cement Duchesne Academy as a vital, thriving anchor in Northeast Omaha.


A total of 3 full-time, permanent jobs will be created; estimated 12-15 part-time, permanent service-industry jobs will be created; over 200 temporary (approximately 2-year in duration) construction jobs will be created; all jobs will offer wages that commensurate with their respective industry.


One full-time event planner, a full-time assistant athletic director, one full-time maintenance person.


It is estimated that the project will employ approximately 175-200 construction workers as the structure is built. Once it’s ready for operation, we estimate renting it out 25 times during the first year (with a plan to gradually increase by 5 every subsequent year for 5 years). Each of these weeks would employ approximately 5 caterers, 1 security guard, 3 professional cleaners, and 3 valet parking employees.


Because the jobs vary in terms of industry, each will be considered separately. Professional level wages that commensurate with the respective industry will be offered for all.


Jobs associated with the new construction whether that be through the main contractor and numerous sub-contractors and jobs associated with the ongoing operation of the new Community Center will be accessible and available for those who live within the Qualified Census Tracts.


The Community Center will include an investment of millions of dollars, providing immediate and direct improvements to the local neighborhood. This project also has the great potential to increase livability in an area that some in the visionary workshop identified as among the most detrimentally impacted by the economic hardships presented by Covid-19. Duchesne’s significant financial investment in new construction demonstrates a commitment to ongoing improvement of the neighborhood; it quite literally makes a statement that says, “this area of town is valuable and worth investing in for the long-term” during a time when some North Omaha neighborhoods are struggling to attract new businesses and homeowners to its boundaries (a concern noted at the visionary workshop). People want to live and work in neighborhoods that are thriving; Duchesne is doing just that. Additionally, this project has great potential to bring people to this neighborhood in celebration of monumental life events such as wedding receptions, family reunions, anniversaries, and birthdays. Visitors to the neighborhood are an important contribution to its overall health and sustainability. As stated throughout this proposal, Duchesne will be very intentional about forming partnerships in order to provide necessary services to the public that will potentially impact the mental, emotional, and physical health of those who live in our community. Also improving the local neighborhood is the school’s plan to invest the revenue that is generated by rental of the new facility into need-based scholarships for students of color. Part of our school’s strategic plan includes a deliberate effort to diversify our student body by recruiting and admitting more students of color so that the percentage of non-white students that attend our school matches that of the overall Omaha population. Over the past five years, we have drastically increased recruitment within North Omaha. To-date, Duchesne’s enrollment of 320 students includes 22% who identify as non-white, 14% of whom qualify for need-based aid. Duchesne is, by investing millions in its property and committing to investing revenue in need-based scholarships to students of color, positively contributing to the economic vitality and livability of the area.


By investing millions of dollars into the campus and inviting the greater Omaha community to use our facilities and spend time on our campus and within this neighborhood, Duchesne is directly contributing towards the economic sustainability of the area. Throughout the past couple of decades, Duchesne has continued to reinvest in the campus, making necessary improvements and adding important spaces in order to continue to operate a successful high school for young women. This recent addition is the largest single project that signifies that Duchesne is “putting the stake in the ground” and announcing to the rest of the community that it is here to stay and in this specific neighborhood. Providing event space that is available to the entire community for milestone life events certainly has the potential to impact the quality of life of those who live in or near the area. Imagine a couple that lives in the neighborhood and renting the space for their 70th wedding anniversary. Generations of family members convene in their very own neighborhood with their extended family members in celebration of one of life’s most monumental and memorable celebrations.


Through partnerships with other organizations, this project will provide space in which to offer necessary community services including but not limited to education, health, wellness, and youth development. It will also provide much needed event space in this area of town.


Once the Community Center is available for rental, the number of times it’s rented, the specific groups, and how many rent the space will be tracked. This will allow Duchesne to assess exactly who is renting the space and the impact it makes on the neighborhood. Additionally, this project will employ approximately 175-200 construction works for a period of about 2 years. It will also provide ongoing employment for numerous workers in the service industry. We will measure the revenue that is allocated to need-based scholarships for students from North Omaha. Measurable goals will be set around community partnerships to ensure that the Community Center is widely available for the greater community.


Duchesne will hire an event planner or community outreach worker to coordinate partnerships and the use of the Community Center by outside entities. These positions, in partnership with the CFO, will measure the outcomes along with other outcomes yet to be determined.


Yes, absolutely. We are keenly aware that potential funders look at current funding sources as they make their decisions. Funds that are secured from this proposal would add great credibility to the project.




Prospective partners include American Red Cross, Omaha Public Schools, Girls, Inc, Boys and Girls Clubs and other youth development organizations.


None have been formalized yet.





3601 Burt Street, Omaha NE 68131, located within Tract 50 of the QCT. The campus extends N-S from Burt to California Streets, E-W from 36th to 38th Streets. The Community Center will sit on the southeast corner of 38th and Burt Streets. It’s a new structure located on property that Duchesne currently owns that will include 46,000 sq ft of space including a competition-level gymnasium, athletic training and conditioning facility, commercial kitchen, and event space that has the capacity to hold up to 1200 people in a field house concept and 500 in a traditional round table seated capacity.


Within one or more QCTs


Please see uploaded renderings and proof of ownership.



















The uploaded form lists the donors and dollar amounts secured from each. It also lists the names of prospective donors and the ask amounts of each. We know that many donors do not fund the full ask amount and, therefore, we have to take that into consideration when we consider the dollar amount of this request. A grant of $7M will allow us to move forward with construction and complete the project in the timeliest manner. This will ensure that we lock in cost estimates now, before they escalate further, and will also help us provide a Community Center for use by the Omaha metro.


Funds will be used to support construction costs of the new Community Center structure. Funds are needed solely for capital and with the ever-increasing costs of construction, supplies, and labor, time is of essence, which contributes to the amount we are asking.




The annual operating expenses of the new structure will be accounted for in the operating budget. Every new fiscal year, an annual budget is proposed by the school leadership and approved by the Board of Trustees. Revenue generated through student tuition, rental fees, and annual fundraising will support the annual expenses. Duchesne will cover the maintenance and operating expenses of this space as part of its commitment and investment to the project and overall community.


To-date, $16,700,000 has been pledged toward the new structure. A list of donors and prospective donors has been uploaded to this proposal.


Please see attached document with this information.


The total cost of the Community Center is $24.4MM. We must secure the remaining $7M to complete the fundraising phase and move into the active construction phase. Construction may not begin until 100% of the funds have been pledged.


While the total project will likely be broken down into 2-3 different construction phases, one phase will immediately follow the next until completion. Additionally, when we considered what possibilities exist if we build one floor and then added the second floor years later, the cost increased exponentially.



Duchesne remains committed to building this new structure as both a necessary addition to the school community and as a benefit to and partnership opportunity with the constituents of North Omaha. Duchesne will assume responsibility for the costs associated with ongoing maintenance and operations.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses