Newdoom Enterprise LLC. DBA Newdoom Business Services: Newdoom Business Services for Community Development




Newdoom Enterprise LLC. DBA Newdoom Business Services


1299 Farnam St. Suite 300 Omaha, Ne 68102


Attention: D. Wright-Reed 272 Kapiolanai St. Unit 304 Hilo, HI 96720





Devin Wright-Reed





+1 (531) 777-0193




Devin Wright-Reed Director, Jasmine Tate Board Member, Kim Anderson Board Member, Cat Rehberg Board Member, Erick Abernathy Board Member,


Newdoom Enterprise or DBA Newdoom Business Service is governed by 5 board members with oversight of business logistics, finances, and operations. Newdoom Business Services staff consists of 3 Admin positions and 3 managerial positions. Lead staff flow next on the chart followed by various operations and labor workers between the Distribution Center and the Recycling Center.


Newdoom Business Services is the DBA of Newdoom Enterprises LLC, the founding parent company of the nonprofit N3WDOOM Inc. This collection of entities is centered around the necessity of “flipping the status quo” which has historically led to race-based gaps of opportunity within the QTC population this grant application is intended to uplift, and the all too often incarceration of Black and Brown folks on a disproportionate level. Newdoom Business Services recognises the need for providing a path forward for previously incarcerated members of the community to contribute to society and create upward mobility for their families, rather than make choices that lead back to further incarceration. The nonprofit sector of the entity provides key training on financial literacy, emotional intelligence, interpersonal skill support and professional development opportunities through enriching coursework and a network of 20+ local businesses and other nonprofit mentors and partnerships. In support of the foundational groundwork the nonprofit builds with participants through the four pillars of focus: Youth Services, Educations Union, Return to Citizenship and Workforce Development, the LLC realized the need for creating tangible employment opportunities for eager community members combating the stigma associated with incarceration. Newdoom Business Services has prepared a 2 tiered business model, establishing a Donations Center for receiving and sorting donated household items that will be fed into the N3WDOOM Inc nonprofit’s second hand store, also facilitating the shipment of surplus items to international partners as well as a Recycle Center for the processing of recycled materials in the most green way possible. Newdoom Business Services wants to help the North and South Omaha community to clean itself up both literally and figuratively, with the former allowing for the collection of excess household waste and the latter through creating job opportunities that provide a meaningful alternate life to the one that led to incarceration in the first place. The plan starts with creating 32+ job positions ranging in skill from management to general labor with a scalable model allowing for an increase of 11-15 positions each year.


Newdoom Business Services for Community Development






Combination of capital project and service/program


Newdoom Business Services seeks to obtain a Distribution Warehouse to process donated items and a Recycling Center with green technologies for materials sourced from North & South Omaha to literally clean itself up by removing waste and creating jobs for low-income previously incarcerated community members disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.


Newdoom Business Services (NBS) has identified two potential properties to purchase as the Distribution Center warehouse for processing donated goods collected from the North and South Omaha community as well as a Recycle center with space for industrial green technologies to manage recyclable materials that otherwise would sit in the Omaha landfill for generations to follow. Newdoom Business Services strives to cultivate a legacy of upward mobility for those upcoming generations, rather than the current reality consisting of cycles of incarceration for disadvantaged community members across the race-based gap. Within 6 months of the release of funds for this grant, properties matching the necessary criteria (see addenda) will be purchased to establish the Distribution Warehouse and Recycle Center. Local contractors will be hired to rehab the properties and convert them into productive spaces per zoning and regulation mandates regarding the unique scope of operation. An initial staff of 32 community members will be hired from within the associated nonprofit (N3WEDOOM Inc) program participants. NBS will then purchase a fleet of service vehicles and pursue the industrial equipment necessary for processing recycled materials in an eco-friendly green way by the end of 2024. In 2025, with the brick-and-mortar buildings secured and operational processes in place, Newdoom Business Services will be able to grow the team with an increase of job positions totaling 11-15 new staff members every year following. By 2026 Newdoom Business Services will have reached a surplus of donated household items through the Distribution Warehouse, greater than the thrift store it supplies through the nonprofit can handle, leading to shipping pallets of second-hand goods to third-hand outlets in Africa through international business partnerships, generating sustainable revenue off items that have already cycled through the North and South Omaha community twice. The Recycle Center will establish alternate uses for recycled materials by 2026, creating streams of income by converting what was previously declared trash into modern building materials or base products for further innovation. Cardboard can become mulch for agriculture purposes over time, glass melted down for new purposes and 4 of the 7 types of recyclable plastic converted into reusable bricks that are stronger than concrete, as demonstrated through the green technology invented by Gjenge Makers in Kenya ( The potential income streams possible through generating modern building supplies out of recycled materials is immense, barring the necessary permitting process with environmental impact assessments spanning the two years prior. It is important to note that the mission this grant proposal supports will continue to grow and evolve well past the initial funds spent and grant completion date, as a long-term strategic management plan is underway. 100% of the grant funds will be spent by 2026 through procuring the brick-and-mortar buildings and investing the funds into the community via construction jobs to convert the properties for NBS specific uses and through the creation of employment opportunities for underserved community members such as those previously incarcerated, thus completing the scope of the grant proposal.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)


Social Cohesiveness


Newdoom Business Services is eager to establish an ethically operated Recycle Center and Distribution Warehouse in support of sustainable community development in South Omaha, seen as a civic duty and service, believing that “recycling is more than an environmental act, it’s also an act of social justice” as reported by the Napa Recycling Center ( The literal benefit of helping some of the most underserved communities “clean up their lives” through establishing facilities that receive household excess and recyclable waste, not only saves the environment from over-taxing the landfills but also improves infrastructure and provides a way for communities across the race-based disparity gap of resources to envision higher standards of living for themselves, with goods, funds and skill-building educational opportunities cycling these resources directly back into the community. Newdoom Business Services seeks to support innovation by utilizing green technologies and methodologies for waste management, improving overall health for the community, starting in each home. NBS has strategies for overcoming barriers such as those pertaining to transportation needs and physical limitations of elderly and differently-abled community members. NBS will maintain and staff a fleet of service vehicles able to pick up items directly from households and deliver them to the Distribution Warehouse for processing towards second-hand retail store maintained at the N3WDOOM Inc Center of Empowerment (see separate grant for more details) and the Recycle Center under NBS stewardship. Furthermore, Newdoom Business Services will contribute to long-lasting, transformational change and enhance the quality of life throughout the community by providing gainful employment at spanning 3 facilities operated by NBS and the sister organization nonprofit N3WDOOM Inc where the community will receive a multi-tiered structure of support through youth services, educators union, Return to Citizenship program and Workforce Development mentorship to name a few.


The Visioning Workshop voiced key perspectives identified by the community itself regarding the deficit inherent within the race-based gap of economic growth that was highlighted throughout CVOID-19. Newdoom Business Services proposal fulfills the overarching goals pinpointed by the Visioning Workshop by addressing the needs for transformational change, long-lasting economic growth, and fundamental change, working to significantly improve the lives of South and North Omaha communities, through job creation for some of the most vulnerable populations (previously incarcerated men and women) and waste management services ranging from household goods to recyclable materials. In alignment with the Visioning workshop findings, Newdoom Business Services will strive to address both North and South Omaha community needs, supporting efforts to clean out what is not serving individuals and make space for new opportunities rooted in personal development and entrepreneurial endeavors in partnership with our collaborative nonprofit N3WDOOM Inc. Both communities possess rich cultures and adding our services within these demographics allows us to improve significant areas of weaknesses both communities face regarding transportation and access to supportive civil based initiatives that literally “meet people where they are at”. Our Workforce development opportunities and partnerships not only improve overall social cohesiveness but build bridges across industries and communities. Having constructive and environmentally conscious outlets for surplus home goods and recyclable materials that simultaneously cycle money and resources back into the community while creating employment opportunities at industry-competitive rates will lead to healthier and happier homes and prosperous future generations.


One of the profound impacts the COVID-19 pandemic era had on the communities of North and South Omaha was a stark increase in crime (70% increase of speeding tickets, 50% increase in homicide, 13% increase in rape, 7% increase in theft with “violent crimes skyrocketing” per the Omaha World-Herald article dated 4/11/21), leading to an increase of incarceration. Desperate times of scarcity and fear can lead people to hazardous behaviors and bad decisions. Newdoom Business Services understands that given the right support network (such as that provided by the nonprofit N3WDOOM Inc through education and soft-skill training) and opportunities for gainful employment, these individuals can return to society in a constructive and meaningful way, making healthier choices for themselves, their families and the community at large. Newdoom Business Services seeks to cultivate a path forward as such. Newdoom Business Services believes a key component to improving the economy (in addition to the community’s mental and social health spectrum) is through closing the race-based gap of economic power by providing gainful employment opportunities with integrity and fair wages ahead of the minimum standard. Newdoom Business Services will hire community members who are committed to overcoming the challenges they have experienced in life and those exasperated by COVID-19, through participating in rehabilitation and skill-building workshops such as those currently available online through the N3WDOOM Inc nonprofit. With COVID-19 in the rearview and the potential awarding of a separate grant application submitted by the nonprofit to establish a community center, the QTC population identified via LB1024’s strategic priorities will hopefully be able to receive additional educational, professional development and emotional-social support in person to be ready for career opportunities provided through the NBS Distribution Warehouse and Recycle Center. Newdoom Business Services seeks to address the unprecedented impacts COVID-19 has had on communities of Color in Omaha, by providing professional skill development opportunities at the Distribution center, generating innovative building materials via the Recycle Center, and overcoming stifling unemployment challenges for previously incarcerated community members.


The economic impact of Newdoom Business Services can be measured by jobs served, and donations collected. The outline for the distribution center employees sits at a projected 18 staff members with an ever-growing collection crew. The first-year projections for outfitting collections will be 10 employees. 15 positions will be necessary for the recycling center totaling upwards of 35 employees in Newdoom Business Services in year one projections. These 30-plus employees will be a mix of full-time and part-time employees on the budget for an annual basis. With Davis-Bacon regulations and wages in consideration, space will be budgeted with the employee's quality of life in mind. With the most recent “Nebraska Initiative 433” we aim for N3wdoom Inc. to be a desired place of employment and strive to stay ahead of the curve, aiming to start our part-time employees off at the 2026 projection of $15 dollars per hour. Full-time employees and administration roles will be competitive compared to the market average.


Newdoom Business Services will initially aim to create 18+ labor positions at our Donations Distribution Warehouse and 15 positions at the Recycle Center with an additional 14 positions spanning admin, management, grant compliance, and research and development. Over time the team will grow to include an additional 10 positions needed for the collection of donations and recyclables each year as the business grows and expands, more employees will be added for day-to-day operations especially pertaining to donation collections with a focus on creating as many jobs for as many people as possible. All positions can be filled in alliance with the nonprofit N3WDOOM Inc which supports community members who are investing in themselves through program participation.


The proposed properties for purchase will both need to be outfitted to best suit the unique needs of a Distribution Warehouse and Recycle Center. Local skilled labor sourced from community business partners and/or members of the N3WDOOM Center of Empowerment (see separate grant proposal) will be used to outfit the distribution facility to receive the second-hand donated items and recycled waste. The Recycle Center will have to be updated to house industrial strength processing equipment and machinery implemented with modern green-based technology approaches to waste management. We have projected services for HVAC, cleaning, painting, landscaping, electrical, general contracting, and other essential services. This projected budget is under $1,000,000. Once grant funds are available, properties matching the business's needs will be pursued and an exact plan for construction needs and labor costs will be determined based on the unique particulars of the industrial spaces available for purchase at that time.


Our proposed minimum wage for our employees stays ahead of Initiative 433, with the base pay for general laborers (service vehicle drivers, collection and recycle center staff) starting out at $15/hr in 2023 upon purchase of the facilities. We support the general idea that more money for workers means more money for local small businesses. Please see the budget attached to the in as Addenda for wage rate and job title/quantity breakdown.


Newdoom Business Services was founded with the primary intent of job creation within the South and North Omaha community and support of the nonprofit parent organization, N3WDOOM Inc mission to provide professional development training for our underserved Black and Brown communities, with special attention to youth and previously incarcerated and disenfranchised members of society. The North and South Omaha communities experienced a stark increase in crime rates and incarceration during the uncertainty and stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. These individuals within the QCT require support to cultivate a life that doesn’t lead back to jail. Together this collection of community-focused entities will provide an immediate and ongoing opportunity for personal and business development throughout Omaha.


Newdoom Business Services was founded with the sole purpose of community betterment with a focus on job creation, minimizing consumerism of “new” goods, and maximizing financial prowess within a historically disadvantaged community (due to the race-based gap of equitable access to resources and opportunities), and harnessing the immense potential of the entrepreneurial spirit inherent in the Black and Brown community. From a proof of concept standpoint not only do we plan to diversify group economics by recycling wealth within the community, but we also plan to greatly improve the quality of life for many from a non-traditional educational role while doing so. Collectively, Newdoom Business Services and the N3WDOOM Inc. nonprofit, will provide the community and businesses alike with key elements necessary to thrive. We have a proven track record for attracting like-minded entrepreneurs that collectively seek to improve the quality of life within Omaha. Through our stewardship of the Recycle Center and Distribution warehouse (in partnership with the N3WDOOM Inc Center of Empowerment providing professional development training,) the community will benefit in innumerable ways, connecting individuals from similar backgrounds with professional advancement opportunities. When it comes to success, representation matters and Newdoom Business Services strives to be at the forefront of innovation, paving the way for up-and-coming entrepreneurs to develop a strong work ethic through a supportive professional, community-based work environment. Our hope is for future generations to have a foundational awareness of the systems that shape their lives and how their own entrepreneurial spirit and self-determination can change the world around them for the better.


N3WDOOM innovation comes in the form of a built-in reward system for program participants to have access to the household items they need through receiving program-based non-fungible tokens (called DoomDollars) rather than burdening their often strained or limited financial resources. During the successful completion of the educational coursework and for each business created through the mentorship think tank, members will receive 10k in DD’s (Doom Dollars) to spend on goods and services within the network and our resale store. The community members then feel the importance of investing in themselves as a way to manifest the quality of life they need. One of the limiting factors for the community to lessen their household waste is the lack of transportation. We envision a second-hand store equipped with service vehicles to pick donations up at the household doorstep. Upfront costs will be heavy initially due to the allocation of service vehicles. Half of those vehicles will be deducted when the duplication process begins. This Self-Sustaining Model has a Quadruple Bottom Line. We will beat out “The Goodwill’s” model by the collection of goods alone. The marketing component will attract the masses with the FUBU Model. With support for BLM movements at an all-time high, and the support and pride for investing, and recycling in our model, the N3WDOOM Model will be exponential. Contextual facts that support the secondhand model of consumerism: Goodwill Industries employs roughly 300,000 individuals. The United States is the world's leader in incarceration. There are 2 million people in the nation's prisons and jails—a 500% increase over the last 40 years. Employment opportunities following incarceration are often insufficient in scope when it comes to helping folks contribute to the community in a meaningful way and prevent repeat offenses. Yet another layer of innovation will be in the export of excess material second-hand goods being shipped internationally to business and nonprofit partners in developing countries, such as Kenya Africa. These “3rd hand distribution” will be done at local markets initially and future N3WDOOM empowerment satellite locations. Regarding staffing, we seek to provide intentional internships leading to employment opportunities for recently incarcerated individuals. We take pride in our model that gives people another chance, but with comprehensive and balanced guidance, pertaining to emotional self-awareness married with professional development. Whether through retail positions at the N3WDOOM Inc second-hand stores, sorting and stocking donations or operating service vehicles for donation pickups, there are plenty of opportunities for professional development in alliance with the nonprofits parent company Newdoom Business Services LLC which seeks to establish warehouse facilities for the collection and processing of donated goods, recyclables and eventually waste.


Innovation comes naturally to Newdoom Business Services which was born out of a network of community mentorships such as that of The Simple Foundation and has since developed the nonprofit chapter of the organization (N3WDOOM Inc) into a think-tank, having facilitated the successful start-up of 20+ companies since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Omaha in 2020. Newdoom Business Services has innovative green strategies primed to reshape how we process recyclable waste into viable and beneficial products for new purposes. Through studying industry leaders in the green-technology pertaining to processing materials that would otherwise end up in the Omaha dump, NBS looks forward to bringing a more environmentally sustainable approach to waste management from the success stories abroad to making it the reality in our own hometown. Similarly, the Distribution Warehouse will be stocked with its own fleet of service vehicles intended to overcome barriers to access to transportation within the low-income communities that need to alleviate themselves of household waste and excess. NBS seeks to support the community at large with access to healthier and more intentional lifestyle choices, creating solutions to course-correct obstacles that have maintained the status quo of low-income levels and damaged their sense of self-worth. Regarding staffing, we take pride in our model of giving people another chance through the Return to Citizenship program offered through our sister nonprofit, N3WDOOM Inc, and the soon-to-be in-person community center (see separate grant proposal). Newdoom Business Services will intentionally employ recently incarcerated individuals with a temporary job initially at a minimum, with plenty of positions generated through the Distribution Warehouse and Recycle Center.


Key metrics pertaining to the scope of successful community impact within the Newdoom Business Services model can be measured through the number of jobs created, annual pay rate increases, and quantities of pallets of secondhand goods shipped to international third-hand retailers. Additionally, the ongoing development of innovative streams of income related to the processing of recyclable materials into sellable base fragments or new value-added end products will be a strong indicator of fulfilling the Newdoom Business Service mission of spurring entrepreneurial development within the South and North Omaha communities.


Success metrics will be measured and recorded throughout the lifespan of the grant by our on-staff Grant compliance manager. They will be responsible for documenting all monies spent, budget adherence or alterations, partnership terms and negotiations, employee pay increases and position expansions as well as the development of innovative streams of income pertaining to recyclable base products or value-added end products.


Co-investment partnerships are inherent in the Newdoom Business Services model of success. Not only do we feel our proposal will attract other investments, but we also welcome any and all investments through our major gifts director. We anticipate co-investments once the recycle center is operational, with a target date of 2025. We aim to have an extensive manager relationship network and a robust due diligence process which will be important ingredients for the success of co-investment efforts. Our goal is to leverage a percentage of our network to project assets as a collective.




Yes. One of the key partnerships for the success of Newdoom Business Services is with the collaborative nonprofit sister organization N3WDOOM Inc which seeks to establish a community center providing workforce development training among others (see separate grant for details). The community members who graduate through the self-improvement workshops, such as the previously incarcerated populations, are primed and ready for reliable employment opportunities such as those Newdoom Business Services seeks to provide. NBS reaps the benefit of a shared partnership between N3WDOOM Inc and its fiscal partner with The Simple Foundation in addition to being a proud member of the nonprofit of the Midlands and many North Omaha Community Partnerships. As Newdoom Business Services establishes its Recycle Center it will lean on the ingenuity of future partners like that of Gjenge Makers in Kenya, that figured out a way of converting 4 types of the 7 recyclable plastics into building bricks that are stronger, lighter and 15% cheaper to produce than concrete blocks. NBS looks forward to bringing the forefront of green waste management practices to Omaha communities with many more partnerships to follow.






Newdoom Business Services has identified several potential properties for purchase as a Distribution Warehouse for processing donations and a Recycling Center, both in South Omaha. : 1: 1920 Dorcas St, Omaha, NE 68108 (Sorting & Distribution Center Warehouse) 68,845 sqft, 7 overhead doors, Fenced outside storage, Close to downtown and interstate access, Multiple entry points 2: 1200 S 17th St, Omaha, NE 68108 (Recycling Center) Two buildings totaling 22,839 sqfr, Heavy Industrial Zoning, and 3-phase power ideal for operating industrial equipment and machinery for processing recyclable materials. The property currently undergoing renovations. In communication with the listing agent and waiting to see the results of the grant process before moving forward. *In the event the designated properties are no longer available for purchase, Newdoom Business Services will pursue alternative locations until the centers for operation are established and the funds all designated.


Within one or more QCTs


The Distribution Warehouse and the Recycling Center for Newdoom Business Services fall into QCT Area 20 of the South Omaha Census Tract. It is a heavily residential area on the main traffic street on the # 13 public transit line. It is zoned R4 and has a park within walking distance between 5-10 min. There are no major community resources regarding a Library or any other major points of interest. It is not in a flood zone and has little specific danger regarding natural features. Air Quality is 50-60 percentile. The Environmental Health Index scores the property under 40-60 while the obesity health factor puts residents in the 37.2 - 44.1percentile. According to the data, these properties also have relatively low health factors. According to the survey, 76 to 90 percent of residents in the area have access to the internet. Amongst the 2 grant applications being applied for with the N3WDOOM Inc Center of Empowerment (see separate grant proposal) and the Newdoom Business Services operations proposal, our entities are seeking 3 properties within the same census tract, with obvious and unlimited benefits. The close proximity of these 3 operations will culminate in a synergy between community members on a path to professional development and business partners with opportunities for employment.













Online Estimate Calculator






Our request includes all the major start-up costs of Newdoom Business Services. These costs include the funds for Distribution Warehouse, and Recycling Center, and the staffing expenses for over 40 employees. Without these funds, the process to execute our mission and vision would be very gradual and the impact of our programs would have significantly less reach. We all firmly believe in the potential and the model this nonprofit is built on, with the ever-changing and evolving challenges our community members are facing gradual approaches could hinder our effectiveness and accelerated growth of programs due to the time and current events. For a quality program to flow it is important to project foresight, With the allocation of funding operations can start as soon as possible, this includes the hiring, and training. Newdoom Business Services address several concerns outlined in the LB1024 Request for Proposal pertaining to providing a strategy with a “multi-tiered performance management framework to understand if and how we are making progress to advance economic mobility for residents and close race-based gaps.” Advancing economic mobility is inherent to the Newdoom Business Services approach as it will source its employee base through the partnership with its sister organization providing professional development opportunities through the N3WDOOM Center of Empowerment for one. The Distribution Warehouse will be a safe space designated for receiving second-hand goods from within the community, where items will be sorted, cleaned, and delivered to the thrift store operated from within the community center partnership. Additionally, the warehouse will be a designated point for receiving and sorting recyclable materials that will then be delivered to the Recycle Center, housing the industrial strength equipment necessary for breaking the materials down into raw forms to be remade into other beneficial uses. The grant funds available through LB1024 will be implemented to procure 2 brick and mortar buildings to be operated by Newdoom Business Services with, one needed to house donated items and recyclables received at the Distributions warehouse and the other to process the recyclable materials using industrial strength green technologies. Beyond the physical structures, the funds will be used to provide wages for staff until the Recycle Center has passed any Special Use Permits needed and the creation of potential base materials derived from recyclable materials is operational by 2026. Additionally, grant funds received for Newdoom Business Services will be spent investing in a Minority Owned Business (EC 2.9a) founded by the Director Devin Write-Reed who grew up in the streets of Omaha and knows the community’s needs and disparity gap firsthand, which has since been further exacerbated by COVID-19 with the disproportionate closure and delay of PPE funds for Black and Brown owned businesses. Furthermore, the core values as expressed through the mission and vision of Newdoom Business Services and its sister nonprofit N3WDOOM Inc focus on Career & Skill Building through Green Industry Pathways (EC 2.7b), sourcing the workforce from within the nonprofits community center of educational skill building programming, and expanding the community's thinking about waste management and recyclables. There have been groundbreaking advancements in converting plastics into building bricks that are stronger, lighter, and 15% cheaper to make than the concrete blocks they could replace. These innovations are thriving in Kenya under the stewardship of Gjenge Makers ( a future international business partner of the N3WDOOm network.


The Legislative 1024 bill fits into our program outline so well it would be hard not to think the two would be synonymous. Our programs centered on entrepreneurship, economics, and even the adjustments made during COVID-19 pandemic have made it necessary to address the workforce. The innovation required to excel within the parameters of the designated census tract makes it significantly more challenging to get access to more resources. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes at a much-needed moment in time when access to resources has been withheld or gate-kept from the Black and Brown community of Omaha for so long. First and foremost the funds will be implemented to procure brick-and-mortar buildings for Newdoom Business Services Distribution Warehouse and Recycling Center in addition to providing salaries for 30+ until membership, sponsorship and donated items roll in adequate enough to provide long-term sustainability by 2026.




Yes! By 2026 the Recycle Center will have secured all necessary permits for operation and pursued any relevant environmental impact studies for the end products produced from the raw materials originating in recyclables.


Ideally, the business models proposed herein for the Distribution Warehouse and Recycle Center will support their own operating expenses by 2026. The goal of Newdoom Business Services (NBS) has never been profit or personal gain, but rather to become a key component in the success of the community as a whole through job creation and generating revenue streams in order to support the sister nonprofit N3WDOOM Inc. Proof of concept will speak for itself within 1.5 years of procuring the properties necessary for operating the Recycle Center and Distribution Warehouse, for there is no shortage of disposable containers being consumed and discarded in Omaha. Furthermore, as the recent Black Consumer Spending Statistics account for $1 trillion dollars spent annually, there will be an abundance of items being discarded to make way for new purchases despite the race-based economic divide of wealth in the region. The second hand-thrift store operated by the N3WDOOM Inc Center of Empowerment (see separate grant proposal) which will be the primary outlet for the goods received at the NBS Distribution Warehouse will produce revenue from the community yet to enroll in the Empowerment Center’s training programs where they will receive DDs for further community enhancement.


Yet to be determined.


Yes, at this time the grant funds are needed to procure the brick-and-mortar facilities for operation. In the event insufficient funds are awarded to for the intent of this business, the board will convene for creative problem-solving and source funding through strategic partnership and other pursuits. The brains behind Newdoom Business Services and its sister nonprofit N3WDOOM Inc are tenacious and determined to see imminent success and upward mobility for the community it hairs from.


In terms of scalability, the Recycle Center can grow to accommodate the QCT supply of recyclable materials and the cultivated demand for the base product of those materials to be converted into building materials, packaging materials, composting materials, etc. The Distribution warehouse will naturally scale itself based on the number of donations received from the community. Both facilities have an internalized scaling of job opportunities based on projected growth and the success and necessity of these key social services.


Please see Pro Forma


N3WDOOM Inc and Newdoom Business Services (NBS) have an unwavering financial commitment to each other. This may not be measured in a specific dollar amount per say, but is inherent in the capacity to carry the other entity's service expense if needed. The whole intention of designing the two entities as being separate but codependent provides for a strong strategic partnership that allows each to function individually with the support of the other. Both business models feed into each other from an operation, financial and manpower standpoint, cycling resources cohesively. Each entity is responsible for the division of its own expenses, yet provides a backup fail-safe support that bonafide the other, ensuring neither fall short. This is particularly evident for the nonprofit, N3WDOOM Inc which is program-driven (aka quality courses that increase membership) and not profit-driven, with its greatest asset being successful program participants ready to provide strategic value through reliable workforce as staff for the NBS Recycles Center and Distribution Warehouse. Concurrently, the intention behind founding Newdoom Business Services was to provide financial backing for the N3WDOOM nonprofit and upward mobility for the community it serves. We intend on providing the same structural support to the 20+ businesses within our N3WDOOM LLC Professional Network for exponential economic growth across diverse sectors of economic growth.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule