Brittany’s Balance
1905 N 31 St Omaha NE , 68111
Brittany Parker
CEO/ Founder
+1 (402) 885-3435
CEO/ Founder Wellness Director Director of Operations
Brittany Balance successfully laughed 6 online wellness challenges some being free and others being affordable to grant access to wellness. Brittany Balance also launched an online store to sell wellness gear that has a positive message to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Partnered with the organizations to host bootcamps to speak about the importance of health and wellness within the black community. We’ve designed programs and resources specified to your unique needs of black women.
Brittany's Balance App Development
I became a business owner, because this symbolizes everything I am, and everything I have wanted to be as a woman. We as women go through so many changes throughout our lives. However, one thing that proves to be constant is the struggle to find balance. Now, imagine trying to navigate these spaces as a woman of color. It is extremely difficult, especially when everything is catered to women, who don’t look like you or me. When you turn on the television, or scroll through social media, there are these constant images of lifestyles that seem unattainable for women of color. We know that this isn’t the case, as there have been many before me, and many after me, that will change this status quo. Brittany’s Balance would like to launch an app to better serve the community. Followed by hosting a series of bootcamps, workshops, support groups to help promote health and wellness for women of color. An app to make wellness accessible to all. This will make my business national which helps with job creation.
Phase 1 - building our market and content Phase 2 - Secure longterm funding for app We are working with the Nebraska Business Development Center to assist with this process, as well as developing our business. Phase 3 - Running feasibility analysis for our app Phase 4 - App Development Phase 5 - Beta Testing Phase 6 - Launch App This will take approximately 6 months to a year
Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)
Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)
This proposal align A wellness center designed to support the health and well being of black women. You want people to stay housed and employed? It starts with health, and I’m not talking about access to affordable healthcare that’s a problem our company hopes to tackle down the line, but wellness. Preventive care is underutilized in our community. Our program will provide an incentive program to help encourage health and wellness, while provide space for people further in their wellness journey. What if we help educate and support individual before a medical emergency accrues.
Brittany Balance is a wellness company promoting health and wellness. This proposal aligns with health and wellness component. I believe of community need a company proactively working to maintain their health.
This proposal address food insecurity and overall health. Covid-19 taught us that health and wellness is important and should be at the forefront of policy and community. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you. If the aid of this grant I would like to collaborate with other entities to cover food deserts, access to health care, and the importance of preventative care.
3 permanent and 2 temporary jobs
Wellness Director – 55,000.00 First Year Director of Operation 55,000.00 First Year
Home office is within Census Tract
Job creation, providing wellness to a disinvested community,
This will be an app the housing all wellnesses needs. Like workouts meal plans wellness tips, and more. There is a high need for black women in tech I would hire professionals from the BIOPC community allows funds to support black owner businesses.
Are people healthier and pre/ and post test would be conducted.
Improve the health and well-being of the people.
Are people healthier and pre/ and post test would be conducted.
Are people healthier and pre/ and post test would be conducted.
Within one or more QCTs
A business consultant
BUDGET PROPOSAL - Brittany's Balance Budget Line Item Amount App Development Cost App Developer $20,000.00 Testing $2,000.00 Promotion $1,000.00 Salary Subtotal $23,000.00 Staff member Staff member $40,000.00 Staff member $40,000.00 Satff Salaries Subtotal $80,000.00 STAFF TOTAL $103,000.00 EQUIPMENT CATEGORY EQUIPMENT PURCHASE Computer $2,000.00 Camera $1,000.00 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $3,000.00 OTHER CATEGORY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Attorney $1,000.00 Audit $5,000.00 Bookkeeping/Accounting $3,000.00 Information Technology $1,500.00 Marketing/Outreach $1,000.00 Worker's Comp $5,000.00 Payroll Service $5,000.00 Printing/Reproduction $500.00 Staff Training/Education $1,000.00 Computer Software $1,000.00 Meeting Room Charge $1,000.00 OCCUPANCY EXPENSES TELEPHONE/INTERNET/FAX Cell phone service $1,000.00 Internet service $1,000.00 TRAVEL OTHER TOTAL $27,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $133,000.00
App Development, Hiring supportive staff, equipment to host bootcamps, workshops engage with community.
Yes, developing an app will place my business in a position to reinvest and find additional funding sources. Accepting marketing for free version will generate revenue as well.
Once staff is hired I will have the capacity to apply for other grants to support work like I Be Black Girl Black Girls in Tech Womens Fund CHI Health Center
I would at-least need the funds for app development to succeed
Yes, this is a model that can be followed. With success a wellness center can be developed.
100 % Commitment I have used my funds to support the efforts thus far.