Destiny Cafe: Destiny Cafe




Destiny Cafe


2800 South 110 Ct. Omaha,Ne 68144





Joan Allen


Board President



+1 (402) 689-9695





See attachment


Destiny Cafe (DC), a registered nonprofit organization, with a leadership system. Joan Allen, the creator, is personally responsible for engaging the board, which is made up of a diverse collection of collaborators in strategic planning, health and yoga, and community impact. The leadership team consists of a restaurant facilitator, a director of development, a baker, an architect, and numerous educational leaders and facilitators. As a consequence of the founders' attention and devotion to developing a responsible, honest, and successful model, DC has a strong group of educated professionals who will add a broad variety of opinions to the cafe's debate. During the first few years of a nonprofit's existence, board members function as employees and wear numerous roles. Encourage board members to bring their unique skills into the domain of what it genuinely means to empower and transform persons with developmental impairments.


Destiny Cafe






Combination of capital project and service/program


Destiny Cafe (DC) was able to create a strong network of community leaders, sponsors, and volunteers by promoting the concept that being "differently abled" does not imply exclusion from society. Joan and Mark Allen's personal journey is remarkable because it demonstrates the power of resilience and determination to build a successful organization that guides young adults with developmental diabetes through a tired system skills that will grow into prosperous careers and a sustainable livelyhood. DC highlights the importance of its catchphrase, "TRAIN, WORK, THRIVE," and will employ individuals with disabilities from a variety of backgrounds in a training setting, resulting in sustained independence and flourishing in our communities. The goal is to assist all people with developmental disabilities in finding meaningful employment in occupations of their choice, as well as to promote equality in the Omaha region. Team synergy uses the concept of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts to collaboration, and DC cultivates a strong synergistic culture to support their efforts to teach mentoring via a three-tier structure.


The timeline of the project includes securing $50,000 initial investment with a $25,000 match donation. This will secure the space and start of renovations. Then the project will complete renovations all will keeping the focus of a 2025 completion date.




Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



DC will leverage capacity development, finance, and training, with the LB1024 award and fundraising requests providing first seed support. The alignment with the project through the founders' leadership and board structure, DC will encourage diversity and inclusion for all persons with developmental disabilities in the workplace. More cooperation will occur among the personnel as they design and get grant-funded training. Our company would want to focus on two areas of leadership: aid with the next stage of engagement and building, and best practices advice through NAM. The next stage will be to construct our own training and development center so that we can prepare the essential skills before arriving on site. The curriculum is more substantial than at the café site, with a focus on behavioral and life skills development.


Yes, the project is planned for an existing space refurbishment (see attached pro-forma), but it is adaptable to redevelopment in the identified OCT regions in North and South Omaha.


Yes, Destiny has identified creating their strategic tracking report with the outline and guidelines of LB1024


DC recognizes the challenges that minorities, refugees, and immigrants experience and prepare them to be strong leaders in the café. The skills taught are rewarded with certification, which may be utilized to enhance their careers while they look for full-time work. Nebraska's restaurant business is understaffed. Destiny Cafe intends to alter that for the better. The three basic goals of DC are to understand differently abled minority perspectives and context, establish coalitions to make an influence, and manage challenges to the change process. As a result, equality is critical, and each future leader must commit to a strategy that fosters the creation of a more equitable society. The training in this program will be used to develop the Three-Tier Model for Success. The Destiny Café approach is comprised of three components: training, certification, and aid in securing rewarding job in their chosen sector. Omaha programs are necessary to produce leaders of color. People with developmental impairments who have sought for work at least once in the last year have a 33.5% unemployment rate. Poverty affects more than 20% of Americans with developmental impairments. With an unemployment rate of 82%, there are 1.2 million persons in the United States who can execute easy occupations. DC will lead this group and develop skills that will be critical to their success in elevating future leaders of color.


15-20 these jobs will rotate


Several, by using contractors for renovations.


15-20 hourly for team mates, this will also depend on funding for the training curriculum.


Destiny Cafe will seek team members from areas that are in the QCT tracks.


Destiny Cafe (DC) employs people with developmental impairments and provides them with training and real-world experience. Students' knowledge and talents gained while working here will better position them for other local job prospects. Workers in DC will be able to care for their families, form long-lasting community relationships, and acquire respect, admiration, and courage for people who are not neurotypical. The purpose is to make a positive difference in all of its undertakings in order to make the world a better place for everyone. In DC, there will be opportunities for folks who have never worked before. The café will provide quality coffee beverages, as well as other drinks, salads, sandwiches, and desserts. Customers will soon be able to visit the shop, where they will discover a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere in which to connect with our "teammates." DC will compete in a competitive market, but it will be able to distinguish itself via its uniqueness in order to give customers and patrons with a memorable experience. Customers are expected to return not just because of the excellent quality of the food and drinks, but also because of the welcoming environment and workers. DC aspires to be a force for good and wants clients who are as enthusiastic about its mission as it is. Destiny Cafe (DC) hires people with developmental disabilities and provides them with training and hands-on experience. Students' skills gained while working here will better prepare them for other career opportunities in the community. DC will be a location for employees to care for their families, create long-lasting community bonds, and foster respect, appreciation, and bravery for non-neurotypical persons. The goal is to improve the world for everyone by having a positive impact on all of its undertakings. People who have never worked before will be able to find jobs in DC. The café will provide high-quality coffee drinks and other beverages, as well as salads, sandwiches, and desserts, among other things. Customers will soon be able to visit the store, where they will find a pleasant and inclusive environment in which to interact with our "teammates." DC will compete in a competitive market but will be able to identify itself via its individuality to provide clients and patrons with a one-of-a-kind experience. Customers are expected to return not just because of the high quality of the food and beverages, but also because of the friendly atmosphere and employees. DC strives to be a positive change agent and seeks customers that share its passion for the cause.


DC advocates for the rights and duties of those who face the stereotype that those who are not neurotypical do not make contributions to society. Devlovemntly delayed Minorities, refugees, and immigrants endure prejudice and stigma in the community, which may be exacerbated if they are neurodiverse. These organizations must be prepared to cope with the personnel shortfall that is affecting our Omaha neighborhoods' diners, cafés, and small commercial food companies. The three major goals of DC are to manage change process issues, comprehend minority viewpoints and circumstances, and establish coalitions to persuade neurotypicals who can be added as productive workers at DC and in the wider Omaha community advocating equality. Because equity is so crucial, every future leader must commit to developing a more equitable society. The expanding DC pilot program's training will be used to construct the Three-Tier Model for Success. The three components of the DC idea are training, certification, and aid in finding a rewarding career in a person's desired field (placement). Because the unemployment rate for persons with developmental disabilities who have sought for job at least once in the last year in Omaha is now 33.5%, programs are necessary to build leaders of color who can. Poverty affects more than 20% of Americans with developmental impairments. There are 1.2 million persons in the United States who can do fundamental tasks, yet they have an unemployment rate of 82%. As a result, DC's leadership of this group will raise future leaders of color by acquiring skills critical to their success and improved quality of life.


 Destiny Cafe, which was inspired by Hugs Cafe in Mckinney, Texas, has created the framework for future expansion, especially in the area of a research-based approach to actively engage and proactively push non-neurotypical young people to become active members of the food service industry. Sheltering Tree is another local nonprofit in the Omaha metropolitan region that helps families with developmentally delayed children and young adults. Desinty will be the first of its kind cafe in the Midwest. 


Outcomes will be measured statically by the number of individuals served, along with the work of an outside consulting for to keep track of KPI's for success.


Measured by TLE staff and leadership with amount of individuals served and gone through trainings, programs, and services through Destiny.


Yes, Destiny acts as a catalyst since it is the first of its kind to exist using a unitized workforce. DC will create collaboration amongst individuals of diverse cultures and backgrounds allows for better invention. This is because there are more people with different perspectives and solutions to challenges, increasing the possibility that a workplace issue will be handled. The DC team will be totally made up of handicapped people from diverse areas of life. Participants brought their real selves to the performance, together with their distinct life experiences, points of view, abilities, and communication preferences. Joan's involvement assisted the governing board and advisory board by encouraging, embracing, and involving participants and key change agents in the discourse and structure of DC's theoretical conception to pilot test concept.




Sheltering Tree, Omaha Community Foudnation, No More Empty Pots, Omaha Chamber of Commerce






The proposed site will be refined when information on the actual number of community members serviced becomes available. The strategy is to bring together community partners and individuals from targeted OCT regions for the Destiny Cafe construction, program pilot, and ongoing facilitation.


Within one or more QCTs


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Destiny Cafe (DC) was able to develop a strong network of community leaders, sponsors, and volunteers by pushing the notion that being "differently abled" does not imply exclusion from society. Destiny follows the guidelines of LB1024 but also showcase Joan and Mark Allen's personal journey is notable because it exemplifies the strength of tenacity and tenacity to establish a successful organization that assists young adults with developmental diabetes. Their story helps in navigating a complex system and developing skills that will lead to successful careers and a sustainable lifestyle. DC highlights the importance of its catchphrase, "TRAIN, WORK, THRIVE," in order to achieve long-term independence and thriving in our communities. In a training environment, DC will hire persons with disabilities from a variety of backgrounds. The goal is to assist all people with developmental disabilities in obtaining meaningful job in professions of their choosing, as well as to improve equality in the Omaha region. Team Synergy uses the concept of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts to create collaboration. DC fosters a strong synergistic culture to support their efforts to provide mentoring via a three-tier system.




The cafe will be fully operational and able to generate funds through the food service model.


Grants submitted through Omaha community foundation, Weitz Family Foundation, totaling $30,000 dollars.


Anticipated funding of $20,000 will be awarded on December 11th 2022 for Weitz family foundation.



Yes, this model can be used for future Destiny Cafe locations and can serve anywhere from Urban to Rural areas.


See attachment


The organization is 100% dedicated to Destiny Cafe's work; the end-of-year request will be representative of Destiny's achievements and will enable them to completely expand as an organization to reach the set objectives and match funding requests appropriately.










Organizational Chart Pro Forma