Fallen Giant Films, Inc.: The Nebraska Film & TV Project




Fallen Giant Films, Inc.


13110 Birch Drive, Suite 148-222 Omaha, NE 68164





Randy J Goodwin on IG, FB, LINKEDIN and IMDB- https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0329537/


Randy J. Goodwin


Founder & CEO




+1 (818) 919-6165




Randy J Goodwin - Founder/CEO, Troy Allen-Chairman & Head of Studio Production and Operations, Mike Corkle-Head of Post Production/Writer/Director, Corey O'Shaunessy-Line Producer/Capital Acquisitions, Sean Summers-Line Producer/Investment Advisor, Brian Sabata-Lawyer/Producer/Consultant, Tristan Rogers-Exec Producer/Lead Writer, Stacy Heatherly-Dir. of Development & Distribution, Paul Miller-Head of Lot Operations & Special FX Supervisor, Dan Reeves-Marketing, Media Strategy & Branding, Patrick Stibbs-Writer/Producer & Marketing Strategist, Quincy Christian-Staff Writer


Uploaded at end.


Randy J. Goodwin, founder of Fallen Giant Films, has starred in more than 60 projects and over 100 episodes of television. He recently produced/directed and starred in, “The Job”, a faith-based film that was picked up by Sony Pictures-PureFlix streamer, and premiered on June 1, 2021 to rave reviews It is consistently posting 8/10 and 3.7/4 star numbers. Jim Schubert, Sr. VP of Acquistions for PureFlix has requested we turn the movie into a series for the streamer. Mike Corkle and I are currently writing episodes to be produced by PureFlix, which will be shot in Omaha and on the sound stages that will be built by these funds. We also recently wrapped the sports documentary, “Look Like Somebody: The Ricky Simmons Story”, about the Nebraska Cornhusker star receiver who played every game since highschool, HIGH on drugs and alcohol. From the NFL to prison, to sobriety and turning his life over to God, to public speaking to help the myriad of young athletes avoid the pitfalls of sports fame and fortune. We are currently seeking distribution as Ricky uses the film for speaking engagements to spread his powerful message. Fallen Giant Films has several projects in the pipeline awaiting funding for production, but most of my work has been as an actor for nearly 30 years. You can see a list of my credits from shows like Grey’s Anatomy to CSI to Dynasty. My resume and bio are attached, or you can click on the link below. I believe you’ll be impressed. Click the link for Randy’s credits: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0329537/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0


The Nebraska Film & TV Project






Combination of capital project and service/program


The Company’s efforts will build a solid infrastructure and a base of talented and experienced local film professionals and artists for future productions. As such, the goal of the film slate is to prove the viability of a professional film industry in Nebraska, which can bring revenue to investors, individual communities, and the state as a whole by creating jobs, businesses, a myriad of opportunity, and hope. This LB1024 Grant Funding Request amount represents the portion of the project that will be located in north Omaha. While there are additional budget requirements for the full project, we are only requesting funding with this proposal for the needs of north Omaha. Timeline: 2025 The Nebraska Film & TV Project is broken up into several stages over several years. The “Short Term” goal, Stage 1, is to build a viable film industry NOW, that proves Nebraska, more importantly Omaha can, not only sustain the industry but create an endless revenue stream and opportunities for future generations of Nebraskans. With offices and Post Production facilities set up in North and South Omaha, we will excite and empower these sectors by shooting several projects in and around said areas, as well as education and eventually employment of up and coming creatives in front of and behind the camera. We are also creating projects directly from the litany of creative talent right here in our own “backyard”. Nebraska has all we need, but...in order to raise the level of quality of product, and professionalism, I will be bringing in veterans from Hollywood to help achieve that goal. Hollywood writers, along with myself, will add to our already hearty slate of films and tv series by adapting from works already created by Nebraskans. Like Omaha police officer, Brian Bogdanoff ’s book, “Three Bodies Burning”, about a homicide case that opened the door to Mexican drug cartels and human trafficking, and is currently being scripted into a streaming television series. Also, “Demon: A Memoir” by Lincoln native, Tosca Lee, a 3X New York Times, best selling author, is being adapted for the big screen. What most people outside of Hollywood think of when “Hollywood” is mentioned, are actors, directors, writers, producers, etc. But what most do not realize is that we need plumbers, electricians, construction workers, architectural planning, grounds keepers, location scouts, transportation, caterers, food service prep, COFFEE and much, much more to create the worlds seen on the big and small screens. Jobs and businesses will be created through this process, and businesses already in existence will be utilized.


The timeline is 2 years from the day the funding is available for checks to be written! We would like to bring in our Hollywood actors to begin shooting and educating Nebraska’s talent in front of and behind the cameras for our first project as soon as the first dollar is released into our hands. As stated in “Stage 1”, we NEED to begin productions asap. While project #1 is in production, we would like to acquire the the physical property at: 2724 N. 24th Street, Omaha 68111. The former OOIC property. 3 acres. QCT-11 To begin demolition of the current structure, and the building of our facility, which consists of 2 sound stages, post production facilities, production offices, ADR and audio stage, etc.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)


The film industry is a unique business that brings great prosperity to the regions in which it operates. A prime example is one (1) season of the Paramount plus tv series, Yellowstone. In one year, and be clear that one year of filming a show is NOT 12 months. It’s actually 5 months, or 20 weeks. This show was moved to Montana in its 3rd season. In ONE SEASON, Yellowstone made $70M in revenue for the state of Montana, and created 562 PERMANANT JOBS. (Link to the article attached below) https://mtstandard.com/news/state-and-regional/report-yellowstone-tv-series-meant-70m-for-montana-economy-in-one-year/article_fffcb893-1886-585f-9eb3-b1a438b950c1.html?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_The_Montana_Standard&fbclid=IwAR1Gcwpl3hTY8l-aoPV4cXurQP-ltwFcNIQ8-qwMD5gnXCpsZPrdSnYfLWA Films typically employ hundreds of people for short periods of time at high rates of pay. Most employees are hired from the filming location or its immediate surrounding areas. Along with injecting new salaries into the region, film productions also boost the local economy in the following immediate ways: * Office and production space rental (In this case, WE will have space to rent to other productions looking to shoot in NE when we are down.) * Housing for out of town crew and actors * Patronage at local restaurants and coffee shops * Catering for entire crew on all production days * Employment of local experts including carpenters, painters, Teamsters, location scouts and managers, plumbers, electricians, etc. * Rental of filming locations * Purchases at local stores including thrift stores for wardrobe, antique stores for props, etc. * Employment of local actors for supporting roles and population for extras * Employment of local law enforcement for security, road closures, etc. * Use of local advertising and marketing services * Local rentals including generators, heavy equipment, etc.


The first thing this studio and its productions will do is get everyone excited that something of this caliber is located in North Omaha. It will inspire kids and adults alike, as we’ve all grown up watching movies and tv shows. I’ve talked about this often, and mentioned it several times in this application, I WAS THAT 8 YR OLD KID that no one in the film industry came back to help. This project will give dreams a real chance of becoming a reality, and real people FROM North Omaha, who have made it in Hollywood, are the inspiration to show kids, “You CAN do it!” It will be aesthetically pleasing, bringing a level of quality and trust to the region. Being able to see celebrities from the big and small screen right here in our own neighborhood is a huge WOW factor. It’s a business model that is proven in other cities/states to bring revenue and other businesses to its front door. There will be a need for restaurants, coffee shops, transportation, etc. to be nearby for it’s patrons and employees. All of these things and more will greatly improve the quality of life for it’s neighbors, and we are the neighbors who will inspire ideas and motivation to dig deep and reach higher for a better life in general. We will hold seminars, festivals and open houses at the lot to draw attention from its neighbors and show that, “We see you and we are here to help.”


North and South Omaha are laced with talent and culture. Our project will nurture that talent and strengthen that culture. The Nebraska Film & TV Project will do for many others, what I was searching for as a young boy in North O. The opportunity for growth, empowerment, education in the arts as well as life, because “Art IMITATES LIFE!”, is paramount! I, Randy J. Goodwin, still have many relatives residing in these areas, and we have businesses as well. I want to highlight and publicize “Who” North O is, and we are more than crime and poverty. I will prove that there is value in our culture, like the many inventors and creators “of color” throughout the globe. Fallen Giant Films will tell these stories, and who better to be cast in these roles than our very own, very talented but largely sheltered North Omaha natives. The “Threates” in the SWOT are largely due to the perception that crime and poverty are our lot. I don’t believe that. Fallen Giant see beyond the veil and will expose the truth of the brilliance of black and brown skin. Black, Hispanic, Asian and White all get along in North O. Let’s highlight humanity in its strength of community, not color. North Omaha, South Omaha are beautiful and brilliant. They just don’t know it yet. Let’s use the connectivity of it’s streets and interstates to bring people together in one of the most barrier crossing genres in the history of the world. FILM. TELEVISION. MUSIC. Because Filmmaking encompasses all of these things. I don’t see weaknesses here, only opportunities! Help me help North Omaha. Please!


What more can I say that I haven’t already covered? The film and tv industry in Nebraska IS the priority! It is the glue that will bring Omaha together. It will bring people together. Is not the true priorty Love? Respect? Self worth? Courtesy? Putting others before oneself? This industry can, and WILL do that. I’ve live it for nearly 30 years. I’ve seen communities brought together in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Toronto, Vancouver, New Orleans, Miami…and I reiterate…HELP ME, HELP NORTH and SOUTH OMAHA.


Temporary and permanent, professional, high paying jobs are a “No brainer”. As listed in the “Yellowstone article” previously listed in the above answers, ONE show created 562 permanent jobs in less than one year. What most people outside of Hollywood think of when “Hollywood” is mentioned, are actors, directors, writers, and producers, but what most do not realize is that we need computer programmers, plumbers, electricians, construction workers, architectural planning, grounds keepers, location scouts, transportation, caterers, food service prep, COFFEE and much, much more to create the worlds seen on the big and small screens. Jobs and businesses will be created through this process, and businesses already in existence will be utilized. With temp jobs like “Background performers” at an average of $187/8hr day, per SAG (Screen Actors’ Guild rates), and on many productions, we need from 50 to 100 background performers, which will ALL be Omaha’ans, to “Day Players”, who will make an average of $636/day, and supporting actors at a rate of $1082/day and $3756/week. This does not include Lead actors who’s pay is negotiated by agents. The goal is to employ as many Nebraskans as humanly possible until we have enough Nebraskans who are “Lead Actors” who remain IN Nebraska. As for the jobs that are not considered “Artistic”, like construction workers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc. those rates will be based on that industry’s standards for the region.


150 minimum in the first year


100 minimum


High paying is all I can offer due to the diverse number of jobs in this industry. Definitely above average.


Along with injecting new salaries into the region, film productions also boost the local economy in the following immediate ways: * Office and production space rental * Housing for out of town crew and actors * Patronage at local restaurants and coffee shops * Catering for entire crew on all production days * Employment of local experts including carpenters, painters, Teamsters, location scouts and managers, plumbers, electricians, etc. * Rental of filming locations * Purchases at local stores including thrift stores for wardrobe, antique stores for props, etc. * Employment of local actors for supporting roles and population for extras * Employment of local law enforcement for security, road closures, etc. * Use of local advertising and marketing services * Local rentals including generators, heavy equipment, etc.


The job and business uses are across the board. As we create fictitious worlds on the big and small screen, they are all created from reality. We need to utilize every business you could possibly think of, to make our imaginary worlds as realistic as possible. Not just the re-creation of a physical business like Johnny T’s, but the consultation of what it takes to be a bar owner, or a lawyer, or a grounds keeper. We pay for consultation and “On Set” producers to consult in their individual expertise. Mechanics, line cooks, bus drivers, etc. We need to know how it’s really done in order to make it look right on film. PAID CONSULTATIONS!


The project is committed to being a good neighbor, and good neighbors are there through thick and thin. I’m a Nebraskan, a native of Omaha, and I’m ready to fully relocate back to Omaha, where my family is, so we can build and continue something great. A legacy for our families and friends that I grew up with! My family, the Goodwins, have deep roots in Omaha. Once I’m able to return to do what I’ve done for many years, I’m not going anywhere.


This project is the first of its kind in Nebraska. THIS is the start of something great. Once the film industry makes an impact in a city, it doesn’t go away. It also continues to snowball, and the success of this industry spills over into other industries, thus elevating everything around it. The proof is in the cities that are making Billions from the very same industry.


This is an industry that brings out the best in people. It tests their metal and pushes them to dig deep inside themselves, and not just in front of the camera. Education in script writing, producing a project all their own, directing actors to do their best or to try something different to get to that emotional finishline boosts one’s confidence and assurance to push past fear and face life head on!


They are measured by the individual first, and then by those who experience the final product. How would you feel, sitting in a theater or your livingroom and seeing your neighbor that you’ve known for 20, 30 years, on the screen convincing you of whatever character or story, is so real that it brings you to tears, or laughter, or anger, to know that your son or daughter or niece was the Director of Photography, or hairstylist, or make up artist on a movie with Samual Jackson? The measurements of success are all around us. When you see your neighbor’s grass greener than it’s ever been and manicured because the studio down the street looks awesome and you begin to feel the pride that exudes from this entity that makes you proud and honored that they would open up shop “Next to me”. That would make me feel pretty darn good.


YES. The Company is seeking equity investments for future full and ongoing productions, including early marketing and publicity, production and post production offices (per project as needed), as well as expanding the LED Sound Stages as more production enters the state.




The Digg Site Productions, The Omaha Film Festival, The White Lights City Film Festival, Rejuvenating Women, The Eastern Nebraska Film Office, 88 Tactical, Keene Memorial Library, Metropolitan Community College, Midland University, Fremont YMCA, UNL, GBT Academy For Performing Arts, Nebraska Department of Economic Development Diversity campaign


The Digg Site Productions, 88 Tactical,





The physical location is within QCT-11. 3 acres. The former OOIC gov building that’s been abandoned for many years. I’ve drivin by it a hundred times when I come home to see my family and to build the film industry here. I’ve envisioned this place being home to something great! 2724 N 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68111


Within one or more QCTs


I’ve reached out to the realtor on this property, but since I’ve only recently received this application, she has not gotten back to me. But, the proposed site IS available in the link provided below, as FOR SALE. https://www.commercialcafe.com/commercial-property/us/ne/omaha/ooic-building-2/ No, this is not a brownfield site.













Harold Paine, contractor for 88 Tactical is a professional and helped determine an estimated pkg.








The LB1024 grant funds will be used to purchase the 3 acres the property is on, and will not only build the facility and purchase all of it’s hardware and software, but also be used to begin production of its firs projects. In essence, it will kick off the beginning of a real, viable, revenue building industry, creating jobs, businesses, and utilizing current businesses and job skills that are overlooked.




Uploaded as The Nebraska Film & TV Project


Three of our studio team members specialize in grant writing and/or fundraising. We wil continue to go after private equity and grants to keep operations ongoing in down markets. With the appetite of viewable content coming out of the pandemic, we don’t foresee a lack of interest, but will always anticipate and plan for the unforeseen.


Currently no other sources




It is scalable. $66M is for Stage 1 and Stage 2a, the building of a viable film industry by moving directly into production on 5 features and 2 tv series pilots starring recognizable names and faces from Hollywood, and utilizing Nebraskans for all other roles, and the building of the physical LED Sound stage facility with production offices, post production and film finishing suites.



All commitment from the organization is physical labor for the last 17 years of coming back to Omaha from Los Angeles, teaching free filmmaking classes to young people, ages 9-13 and teens from high school into college at the YMCA in Fremont, NE and Metro Community College, as well as the Dundee Theater and coffee shops. I’ve had approximately 1000 personal sit down with Nebraskans who were sent to me in Hollywood over the years. I’ve scouted and spoken to senators for years. I’ve had talks with governors over the years, mayors, etc. My commitment has been blood, sweat, and many tears. I’ve had more meetings than I can count, with private investors, corporations, friends and family to help build this industry. If I had $66M in my personal bank account, I’d have used it 20 years ago to build the film industry in NE. I don’t know where else to go at this point. I can continue to live in LA and shoot projects and make money, but what does that do for all of those people who keep coming to LA and going back home with their tails between their legs. What does that do for the 8 yr olds, like me, who don’t know where to go or who to turn to for acting and filmmaking. I need…WE need help in order to help.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses