National Community Of The Disadvantaged Enrichment, NCODE Inc: North Omaha : Business Building Renovation and Business Program




National Community Of The Disadvantaged Enrichment, NCODE Inc


c/o S Boatman 3946 Kansas Ave, lower Level Omaha Nebraska 68111


PO Box 11714 Board Administration Office Omaha, Nebrask 68111


SocialMediaAccounts, ( In progress); (In progress)


Sheila Boatman


President/CEO; Corporate and Government Programs Analyst



+1 (531) 239-2372




Dr. Erma Jeffries, PHD, RN , Former Mayor of East Spencer North Carolina, Clergy: General Board; Committee: Health Concerns, Social Solutions and Grant Research. Sheila Boatman, President. CEO; Committee chair of NCODE Board administrative committees; NCODE Social Solutions; Finance Committe; Restore Dreams Program Evaluation committee ; Larry Bolen: Board Officer; Interim Vice President ; Finance Committee; Masters in Education Former Technology business owner and Pastor of Good Shepard Church. Oscar Miller- General Board and Treasurer I ; National Network Analyst. Latshia Griffin, General Board Interim Secretary; Fundraising committee; Womens' Concerns. Steve Childs, Retired Veteran; General Board; Treasurer Assistant-Omaha. Sylvester Wright (parting secretary); Committee Mental Health Concerns; VOLUNTEER -Advisors to board, (not on board): Gerald Boatman, National Network Administrator; Adam Sasse: NCODE Communities Historian


We have 1 legal Board-The General Board We have administrative board that help us to carry out the scope of the task of the mission of NCODE: 2. Executive Board- 3 persons, should the president not be available in emergency matters that effect the legal and or financial standing of the corporation,. This board when call also has a fiduciary who can effect executory document. This board is only activated when the absence of the board president risks the corporation standing or financial opportunity. Regional Board -composed of 2 board directors, 2 local volunteers and professional experts of any concern areas, this board handles administrative functions matters central to the program and projects of NCODE and reports program needs, complaints and concerns to the general board.


We have accomplished much since 2005. We fed over 10,000 families, individuals, homeless, homeless Veterans, clothed, provided needs such as personal needs and dreams for frail elderly, furniture toys, transportation, and other needs for disadvantaged persons. We started in a rural small town, the the outer rural communities in adjacent counties, the states. We were in large featured articles in the Salisbury Post 5 times; The Independent Tribune and 1 local television capture. We are now featured on ( thousands of charity, as a Platinum-Level charity which is the highest level: for our program, mission, new program approach, and public transparency.


North Omaha : Business Building Renovation and Business Program






Combination of capital project and service/program


Research shows that business has declined in North Omaha and low-income residents, especially those in the QCT area have suffered tremendously. In order to restore business to the community and help QCT area residents to recover, North Omaha will need a central strategic location to attract business in order for the community to remain competitive. The Carnation Ballroom building which sits empty has been the business and social building for North Omaha families and is a valuable part of the cultural heritage and business community, and sits in the corridor of the business district. If renovated, and equipped with a key acitive and live business, it can return vibrancy to North Omaha. The Carnation building and its location is essential to North Omaha and its people's ability to transform, have a place to create jobs, provide job readiness, and provide generational wealth for generations to come. The proposal is for the immediate purchase of the building and renovation and program support for NCODE live interactive program. The program will attract and accelerate business growth, serve as a place for job creation and job readiness and entrepreneurship training participation for North Omaha and QCT area residents. Currently the Carnation building sits ready to renovate and has been designated as a local City of Omaha Landmark but now sits in disrepair. The owner has agreed to sale and has a real estate agent. NCODE would like to assist North Omaha deserving populations to recover from the social and economic harms of the pandemic and revive business opportunity and entrepreneurship to and in the North Omaha commercial district. NCODE's program is a magnet to attract business activity and by functioning within the renovated Carnation building as a live-interactive business, it will not only transform the lives of underserved residents, but will spur local and nationwide business interest and investment growth in North Omaha. This activity will increase traffic flow to the 24th street business district and attract visitors to its nearby shops, companies, and increase market for more businesses and entrepreneurs to open in North Omaha. This combination of renovation and NCODE's program is a win-win for North Omaha, Omaha, and Nebraska. Location 2711 N. 24th Street Timeline: Purchase immediately, for the specific purpose of recovery to North Omaha Construction: June 2023


Timeline: Building needs immediate purchase to realize the business growth opportunity Renovation: Can begin June- (post winter)




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



This proposal will aligns with the community needs by providing access to tools to leverage community resources toward opportunities and provide business learning to increase potential in a multi-layered platform that simultaneously helps provide the community with a business and economic impact. This proposal will allow National Community of the Disadvantaged Enrichment, NCODE Inc, program to provide in a cultural-relevant environment: 1. Job readiness and entrepreneurship discovery which will result in job re-entry potential for those restricted by policy decisions, jobs empowerment creation, creation of potential toward higher paying jobs, job opportunities with new rare specialized high-demand skills, will provide a interactive live learning business work environment, will provide an incubator of transformation and a business magnet to help QCT residents to recover this proposal address a need for a business-learning HUB for 24th street of North Omaha, for its QCT area residents and residents of all QCT areas. 2. The proposal will address the community need for communication with businesses and investors to market north omaha services and products, business, development business or build in needed business markets in North Omaha 3. This proposal will provide the QCT area residents of n. 24th street and North Omaha an active Solutions Business Center building in cultural, historic, significant, and valuable building This proposal will provide the need for a deserving low-income QCT with empowerment to save a social and business relic that has cultural significance to two migratory wave of descendants of families that migrated to North Omaha This proposal will address the need for building renovation as a key link to North Omaha's business corridor in the business district.


This aligns with job creation, creates potential toward high paying jobs; office direct service through live-environment community education to the underserved QCT to recover from economic and social harms caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program and the completed renovation will recycle investment back in to the community through program participation, program complete and success, job offers acquired and businesses entrepreneurship created and opened


This proposal creates sweeping economic growth through eligible uses such as "investment in employment, job creation-end result and entrepreneurship ; helps recovery from the harms of the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposal will provide a place for QCT underserved and low-income communities, plagued by the physical, social and economic harms of the pandemic. Fundamental Change: North Omaha QCT residents, the low-income, those who suffer from systemic barriers, newly released with limited resume, will have a healthy environment, an office space and ventilation, light, professional area with comfort to learn and grow and make professional mind-set changes and decisions such as personal goals, employment path, entrepreneurship opportunities, and other business endeavors such as self-employment. This proposal leads to community and individual transformation, fundamental change and spurs community economic growth


Live Training experiences creates jobs through experience and skill potential; unique specialized knowledge and skills that lead to high-demand or self-employment or strengthen entrepreneurial capacity. create new marketable and specialized skill titles in high demand Comparable jobs when program participant volunteer finishing experience, the new specialized titles range from $27- 35 per hour. We want them to rise above lower paying position unless this is the goal. Return on investment The primary goal after investing in the experience and skills is to increase mind-set toward entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, scalable start-up to invest in North Omaha or QCT area. The program participant has " choice." Business owners, developers and investors will be contacted an initiate North Omaha business opportunities.


Estimating 20-30 participants will create potential toward higher paying jobs or opportunities- per 6-12 months (depending on the program level reached, participant level achieved, the number of stations and the average hours available at each learning station)



An objective is to assist program participant volunteers to experience train, and intern above the $20 level or the Federal Poverty level. The hope is to empower their decision.


Supplies are and will be local businesses with emphasis on North Omaha. Also we will align our need to partner for professional expertise, Internships, mentoring will open doors for collaborating. 2. Business station leads will also be generate for local.


When it comes to sustainable community development, the business community has a key role to play. Sustainable growth requires investment in new businesses and skills training for professionals. But businesses can also help to improve the quality of life in low-income communities by investing in projects that empower residents and improve cultural resources. Businesses from various SiC industries, private and government sectors will be an interactive component of our program participants live experience, the common integer will be the invitation to Omaha and the end result should open opportunities, economic gain, and investment knowledge from a showroom visual virtual presentation. The presence of the Carnation Building will have external features which will attract business beautification and interest. Collaboration and coordination of services and products and the program participant will help the economy thrive as the businesses will want to understand the market and opportunity in the area and sales. The proposal will build respect, integrity and sense of community pride which when community reputation increases so does property value, and as resiliency to want to thrive and be a part of the North Omaha, QCT area and neighborhoods or the community, livability increases and so does the quality of life., The overall proposal is a win-win for a new economic impact, and a higher quality of life through transformation, that is what our program brings to North Omaha, QCT residents and also to Nebraska and Fundamental change, that is the renovation of the Carnation Ballroom and the revival of its meaning and value to the North Omaha Community.


This proposal will contribute to job training, new specialized skills will lead to job creation for those skills, or entrepreneurship using those highly sought skills. The community in which persons of the QCT can thrive when they are able to thrive at a high-level, higher-pay which leads to economic growth in the community because people remain in the community and buy in the community. This proposal will attract and is a magnet for business growth within the doors of the program and externally to the community. The return on the investment is persons stay in the community. The program is a catalyst to retention and generational wealth within the community. The proposal renovation of the Carnation Building is also has an economic component which will return and sustain the community as it is positioned at the corridor of the 24th business community and its financial, entertainment, and social history will attract visitors, tourist, this will also help to sustain. Renovation of the building will bring a clean professional appearance to a community, and transform it to spur more change. The building is a relic and one of the first Fire Brick buildings built. The exterior has remain strong because of the architect who designed the building to withstand tornados and fires. The renovation is a capture of the value of the building, to North Omaha, the first families that built the buildings in the 24th street area, to Nebraska for the families that originated in the area prior to settling on farms throughout small towns in Nebraska and to the construction history of Omaha. The building is on the Local Historical list. State Historically may be warranted, but the relic needs renovating prior to Federal Historical which may require additional time and requirements could be done at a later. date. Renovating the building would increase community spirit, provide a clean appearance and a voice to African American experience in the Midwest, and increase the quality of life in its QCT area, 24th street business district and provide 24th a business presence and a business corridor and landmark. When it comes to sustainable community development, the business community has a key role to play. Sustainable growth requires investment in new businesses and skills training for professionals. But businesses can also help to improve the quality of life in low-income communities by investing in projects that empower residents and improve cultural resources. Businesses from various SiC industries, private and government sectors will be an interactive component of our program participants live experience, the common integer will be the invitation to Omaha and the end result should open opportunities, economic gain, and investment knowledge from a showroom visual virtual presentation.


The proposal has a program which has am empowering interactive business platform and components; also a Building Renovation Request. The building has a history and slight controversy on its relevancy. Best practice would be to share and reveal the building origin, importance and presence the opportunity gather opinion . The program is an innovative concept with processes and procedure that can be clarified and shared. Invitation prior would be beneficial to ensure it is understood and acquire interactive communication and feedback for growth.


1. How many completed and received the opportunity ? Are happy with the experience. 2. Change in family life 3. Went further to college, vocation or additional education. 4. The value of the program experience they received a job at a high-level high quality position. Based on their experience will they refer at least 10 people to move to North Omaha?


1. The building the Target would be those that live in the community, then those near to the building , then the visitors that read its history and purpose and came to the building. These measures are important business industry indicators, to evaluate, improve and increase tourism by providing tours and North Omaha History with the Carnation Ballroom-as renovated. 2. The program: Our proposal will and can measure many social, economic, and financial measures. Our outcome should measure an increase in quality of life from program participants, disadvantaged persons by opening accessing higher-quality opportunitiess, remove systematic barriers, those hidden and unknown. The ultimate measure will be North Omaha, Omaha, and Nebraska Community Pride Qualitative and Quantitative: Applications: Google Forms and Docs Analytics; CRM, WinCati and VCM Case Management 1. Program Participation- Surveys ; Levels attained surveys ; Performance indicators and Reviews; Success: Random Sample Surveys; Employment Internship Progress or Success follow-up and Benchmark for evaluation compilation, findings and reporting. For those who select Intrapreneurship or interest in experience toward franchises as a end-result of the program but not a part of the program. B. The proposal building renovation: Visitors to the building from our local Travel company 4URBAN,: director Preston Love Jr ; and adding the building to the Chamber of Commerce. Utilizing surveys to observe the return on the building renovation through measure the visitor experience and responses to tabulate a increase monetary budget for the building and maintenance.


No. The proposal has no co-investor. It does have a seller through a real estate which the sign is public known.




NCODE has many vendors and suppliers who have partnered in the past to provide in-kind support. We are now in the funding stage; Pending receipt of fund to accomplish the goals of our mission: These have shown interest but not confirmed, to voluntarily participate on a voluntary basis; University of Nebraska at Omaha: College of Public Affairs: to provide volunteer students ; Grow Nebraska-voluntary-not confirmed : Financial Education education for those final program participants with interested in Business Entrepreneurship; Workforce Nebraska. We have plans to partner with other businesses on a voluntary basis.







2711 N. 24th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68110 The building is on the corner of N. 24th and Miami. This is the business corridor for the future of n. 24 st. The importance will be large attractive sign " welcome to North Omaha Business District"


Within one or more QCTs





















not available at this time


Program 2. Building renovation





Grant sources; Capital campaign;Fundraising



n/a at this time


Building is a 1 time purchase. Program will continue



n/a at this time










Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area