Heartland Workforce Solutions: Heartland Workforce Solutions – Connecting People with Opportunities 2.0




Heartland Workforce Solutions


5752 Ames Ave






Erin Porterfield


Executive Director




+1 (402) 332-8948




Erin Porterfield, ED, services as agecy and project lead. Stan Odenthal, is Director of Business Engagement and second in charge to Erin. Stan will ensure business connection and will coordinate with Jon Van Deun, consultant, and Erin to support career pathways. Michael Phillips, Manager of Finance, will ensure budget and expense accountability. Stephanie Torres Chan, Manager of Solutions Integration, will support the south Omaha Coordinator, pending hire. The Coordinator with work with the workforce One Stop Operator (for three counties) for seamless coordination of workforce services. The Coordinator will schedule trainings, recruiting events, partner and community coordination for excellent customer service for career seekers and business talent recruiters. The Navigator will coordinate public greeting and service delivery. Donna Knerr, Office Manager, will ensure the environment and furnishings are secured, installed and service ready.


See attached current Org Chart. The South Omaha Coordinator and Navigator will be added upon hire.


Heartland Workforce Solutions (HWS) proudly services as workforce development board leading the for Douglas, Sarpy, and Washington Counties through an interlocal agreement since 2010. The American Job Center (AJC) located at 5752 Ames Ave. is the one-stop for workforce development serving career seekers and businesses seeking talent. Workforce programs are available for veterans, dislocated workers, adults, adults 55 years old +, youth, Native Americans, people with disabilities, people who are justice involved, English language learners, and people with basic skills needs. Services include resource room computers, unemployment assistance, funded training, job fairs, talent recruitment, digital literacy classes, job search classes, GED classes, skills assessment financial literacy and more. The goal is to close the gap between in-demand occupations and talented people. Twenty public programs are collocated or connected by an MOU for collaborative service delivery. These partners will also be collocated or connected through easy access for the south Omaha location opening March 2023. These partners include: Adult Education and Family Literacy, WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth, Career and Technical Education (MCC), Employment and Training Activities (OHA), Employment and Training through Community Block Grant (ENCAP), Jobs for Veterans, Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker, WIOA Native American Program (Ponca Tribe), Unemployment , Senior Community Service Employment, Trade Adjustment Assistance, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Hearing Impaired, Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation, Wagner-Peyser, Employment Service, Temporary assistance to Needy Families – work, education, and training (HHS), SNAP Employment and Training Programs, Career Readiness to Eliminate Disparities. The Department of Economic Development will also be collocated in south Omaha. We highlight three main accomplishments of many: 1) During the pandemic HWS was one of a handful of AJCs in the nation remaining open to help people apply for and solve problems related to an overwhelmed online unemployment system or obtaining a job after layoffs. People accessing the AJC experienced barriers like, disabilities, illness, poverty, limited digital literacy, veterans, poverty, limited English literacy, and more. Due to closures of offices, libraries, schools and community centers, people experienced layoffs depended on HWS to mobilize program workforce partners onsite and virtually for training, virtual interviewing stations, creating drive through job fairs and adapting public service to align with COVID-19 safety measures to continue service at all costs. The AJC on Ames Avenue successfully serves thousands of people per year since 2011. 2) HWS has successfully served as the designated entity to operate federal job training programs since 2010 under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (2015-present) and the Workforce Investment Act (2010-2015). This program provides $3,038,717 for adults, dislocated workers, and youth in 2022 and similar allocations annually. These dollars leverage additional public and private funds to connect talent to in demand industry. 3) HWS was awarded $600,000 ARPA through the City of Omaha for an affiliate site AJC in south Omaha to expand our reach across the community. Canopy South is remodeling 4425 S. 24 St. to suit our leasing needs aimed to open March 2023. This site is in the south Omaha QCT to ease access to south Omahans for culturally and linguistically relevant workforce service delivery. It will reflect service at 5752 Ames Ave. and be a talent hub for in demand occupations and informed by the community. This proposal supports our goal for excellent public workforce services accessible, especially to people who experience disproportional impact for COVID-19 and employment barriers in north and south QCT. These locations also serve industry to efficiently obtain and grow a diverse workforce.


Heartland Workforce Solutions – Connecting People with Opportunities 2.0






Combination of capital project and service/program


The proposal is transformational – augmenting staffing and equipment for the south Omaha affiliate American Job Center opening in March 2023. This supports the partially funded ARPA project funded through the City of Omaha. The project will create fundamental change and long-lasting economic growth as training and talent connection hubs in north and south Omaha. The north QCT location on 5752 Ames Ave will be updated to reflect vibrancy and responsiveness for public workforce development service by replacing old computers in the resource room and computer lab, replace furnishings worn by public use, adding welcoming reception seating, improve Wi-Fi, and add copiers with WIFI printing. We will provide tents for shade during outside job fairs. For the south QCT location on 4425 S. 24 St. HWS will increase staffing estimated for public service estimating high intensity needs. Other furnishing and equipment costs are covered in the City of Omaha APRA award. For both locations we will increase the inspiration and understanding of workforce development by displaying pictures of local employment success stories. Finally, we will contract with Jona Van Deun to facilitate industry stakeholder clarification and illustration of local career pathways for easy understanding, communication, and service connection. This proposal’s combination of modernization efforts and enhanced career pathway connections aggressively pushes forward our ability to serve job seekers and business now and well into the future. In summary the timeline is as follows: 2023-2024 Functional updates and career pathways clarification - complete 2023-2026 Staffing for South Omaha. Staffing sustainability secured.


Please find a timeline attached. In summary the timeline is as follows: 2023-2024 Functional updates and career pathways clarification - complete 2023-2026 Staffing for South Omaha. Staffing sustainability secured.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The proposal aligns with the North and South Omaha ERA Coordination Plan categories. Sustainable Community Needs – industry and workforce, and Policy – Trainings. The eligible uses of funding proposed include services for employment, entrepreneurship, and small business assistance. The AJC, located in QCT north and south, coordinate training leading to employment connection or business growth. Onsite workshops with collaborators include digital literacy, entrepreneurship and small business assistance for workforce needs. The north updates for equipment and furnishing are necessary for public service to career seekers, business seeking talent and for partners service delivery. Meeting rooms at both locations are free and tech ready for training and employment connection activities. This is a huge asset to the network of local nonprofits, businesses, and industry associations that regularly utilize our meeting room space and tools to continue to grow their individual efforts and business plans. South Omaha staffing included in the proposal will ensure responsiveness to the population with English language learners and multiple service needs. We identified this as a crucial need to ensure the long-term success of our newly opening south Omaha center. In demand business talent needs identified through local labor market information, are healthcare, construction, manufacturing, IT, transportation distribution and logistics. This goal workforce system relationship with industry will fill vacancies easily. Workforce participation rates are high in QCT and people may fill multiple jobs while still experiencing poverty as noted in the Recovery Plan. The goal is to enable connection with higher paying jobs through the workforce system strategies that focus on both unemployed and underemployed individuals. Additionally, HWS will clarify the career pathways across the education systems, informed by sector stakeholders, to illuminate, communicate and engage people to train and connect to hire paying occupations. This career pathway effort will engage and connect businesses, local training providers at all levels, as well as programs that have available funding streams (federal, state, local, and foundational). We believe this tool will increase long-term program participation and help to create new pathways where existing pathways may not be readily available. It will be a fantastic benefit to job seekers in addition to all the partner stakeholders mentioned.


The visioning workshop using the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis found the North Opportunity key take away is to leverage current residents and entrepreneurial efforts into additional economic activity within the local area. This proposal addresses prepares a welcoming, inspiring environment and up to date equipment for workforce service delivery at the Ames Ave. AJC. The equipment must be updated, and furnishings must reflect a respectful and modern service environment which is best for training, public meetings, job fairs, and service connections. SWOT analysis for South -Weaknesses key take away Community resources are lacking. The Opportunity key take away - Diversity of culture and talent can be leveraged. The south Omaha location will be the public workforce hub for talent connection. At the location training, job search, resume development and occupation connection will be easily accessible. Bilingual staff are a must for this location. Additionally, a language line will be available to serve diverse language needs at both locations. Like the north location, the south will adhere to physical accessibility and assistive technology for diverse public needs. Through the SWOT exercise for north and south, needs for higher paying jobs was emphasized and repeated. The work of the public workforce system is to connect people with good jobs, with support for retention. For the south area the population is growing at a high rate, a strength for the area and a boon for business growing talent. This site will enable a multitude of modern workforce resources to bring people and business together.


The proposal is transformational – augmenting staffing and equipment for the south Omaha affiliate American Job Center opening in March 2023. This supports the partially funded ARPA project funded through the City of Omaha. The project will create fundamental change to elevate north and south perceptions and improving lives through a vibrant up to date AJC access to high wage jobs. The project with offer long lasting economic growth as training and talent connection hubs propel employment opportunities and economic vitality in north and south Omaha. The proposal perfectly aligns with the priority of workforce development that results in connecting people with occupations in high paying, in demand jobs. Workforce programs located in the QCT in the north location and soon to be in the south location are poised as this hub or one stop connector of occupation opportunities and business. To continue this thriving role in the north community the equipment and environment must be updated. A one-time infusion of funds for the north location enables the necessary updates. For the south location opening March 2023, we estimate the need for increased staffing to offer top service delivery. Staffing will be sustained through other funds after 2026. With 50-120 people daily entering the American Job Center at the Ames location, we see the public desire for workforce service connection. Input from south Omahans is that the Ames location is hard to access, too far with difficult transportation. The request is for easier access in the south area, delivered in a culturally and linguistically responsive way. The location will also provide meeting space for community events, especially focused on training, employment connection and entrepreneurial learning. As the designated recipient of WIOA funding, HWS will continue to be able to receive future funding for federal workforce training on a yearly basis through formula funds. By increasing the number of individuals walking through our doors, these funds, along with the program funds of our MOU partners, will be utilized by more Omahans. This will increase the likelihood of fully expending all funds in the best way possible, and reducing the likelihood of giving back funds that have been appropriated for use in the Omaha metro area. The input from the SWOT underscores the priories to focus on high paying jobs. Clarifying career pathways and connecting to funded training for to higher paying jobs is key. Business informs the pathway skills and agrees to interview candidates for hire. The workforce system collaborators act to connect people to opportunities. Collocation is a key to making this happen for public customers.


Two permanent positions will be added for this proposal. The navigator salary is $44,000 plus benefits, and the coordinator is $75,000 plus benefits. Aside from the two positions, the effect of this funding will have a profound economic impact on both north and south Omaha as more individuals are connected with higher paying wages at each of the centers. According to NEworks, on September 13th, 2022 there were 25,908 unique jobs available in the Omaha MSA. The number of job openings is up 13.8% from August 2021 to August 2022. Many high wage jobs are currently going unfilled which inhibits the ability of Omaha’s businesses to continue to grow in this state. If we can connect more individuals with these jobs, it will have an immense economic impact on Nebraska by allowing businesses to continue to grow and invest in this community and state.






Coordinator - 75,000, Navigator - 44,000, each with benefits


Proposed jobs will serve the public in the QCT, both business, and career seekers


The project, already ARPA funded for leasing and furnishing the south location, will transform a vacant, gutted funeral home into a thriving community talent connection hub with meeting space. The quality of access and maintenance is assured as required for affiliate American Job Centers. The two staff positions proposed in this proposal will serve the public from that location and coordinate onsite workforce partners, ensure linkage with nearby community partners, coordinate workshops, trainings, and communication. Updating the Ames location will continue top service equipment and environment for years to come. Access to modern and technology-enabled conference rooms will allow for our business and community partners to continue their growth. Our locations will allow for the biggest impact to be realized by these north and south Omaha partners.


The north location continues to be an access point and vibrant connection to training and occupations by updating the equipment and furnishings that naturally are worn in service to the public. Refreshing is necessary for the pubic to receive the best service now and into the future. The south location will experience for the first time, the AJC in their own neighborhood for easy access to one stop workforce services. It will be the go-to for industry talent needs. The location will transform workforce development for people in south Omaha and bring culturally responsive service to people disproportionally affected by the pandemic and persisting lower wages.


We are initiating a best practice for south AJC, then will gradually fold a similar way for the north location. As we conduct listening sessions for industry focus areas, we expect Healthcare and Construction to rise to the top for industry talent needs and higher wage occupations. We will have industry representatives onsite informing pathways and recruiting directly from the location for hirer paying jobs. Workforce partner programs working alongside industry recruiters closing the gap of communication about skills and opportunities. With Department of Economic Development staff onsite, the strategic synergy is a unique coordination of partners to ignite opportunity and mobilization of workforce resources.


# People seeking workforce services at AJCs, # Higher wage pipelines, # People hired through higher wage pipelines, # Increased training on site, # People trained, % Business satisfied with talent acquisition, # People receiving adult basic education, % People coming to the AJC satisfied with service


The One Stop Operator in the north AJC and the south Omaha coordinator will collect the measurements and provide to HWS administrator for reporting.


The project will be a catalyst for co-investment/secondary investment. The career pathway work will create a framework that will function as a launching project for further investments into making the pathways more accessible to career seekers by means of more advanced technology. The enhancements to our centers will result in increased traffic flows to these centers and will help to bolster the data-driven evidence for continued and increased investments in workforce system funding currently being received from the City of Omaha and multiple local philanthropic foundations. This in-turn will continue to allow us to serve more people through the development of creative and effective workforce programming.




MOUs that outline service delivery, referral linkage, coordination and infrastructure are: partners include: Adult Education and Family Literacy, WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth, Career and Technical Education (MCC), Employment and Training Activities (OHA), Employment and Training through Community Block Grant (ENCAP), Jobs for Veterans, Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker, WIOA Native American Program (Ponca Tribe), Unemployment , Senior Community Service Employment, Trade Adjustment Assistance, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Hearing Impaired, Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation, Wagner-Peyser, Employment Service, Temporary assistance to Needy Families – work, education, and training (HHS), SNAP Employment and Training Programs, Career Readiness to Eliminate Disparities. The Department of Economic Development will also be collocated in south Omaha. Additional cooperative partner with referral relationships include but are not limited to RISE, American Works, Latino Center of the Midlands, Lutheran Family Services Refuge Empowerment, Omaha Refuge Task Force, Program, Legal Aid, Project Reset, Urban League, Step Up Omaha, Greater Omaha Chamber and more. We are the coordinator for workforce services with community entities. We work with partner agencies to create access through outreach and referral relationships for business and career seekers.


These partners include: Adult Education and Family Literacy, WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth, Career and Technical Education (MCC), Employment and Training Activities (OHA), Employment and Training through Community Block Grant (ENCAP), Jobs for Veterans, Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker, WIOA Native American Program (Ponca Tribe), Unemployment , Senior Community Service Employment, Trade Adjustment Assistance, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Hearing Impaired, Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation, Wagner-Peyser, Employment Service, Temporary assistance to Needy Families – work, education, and training (HHS), SNAP Employment and Training Programs, Career Readiness to Eliminate Disparities.





The two American Job Center Locations are 5752 Ames Ave. and 4425 S. 24 St. These are already determined and are not requested in this proposal.


Within one or more QCTs


The 5752 Ames Av location is mid lease. The 4425 S. 24 St location is pending lease but through the RFP the board selected this site. Leasing is not requested in this proposal.














Details are fund in the budget and narrative is describes the rational for the request. See attached.


Details are fund in the budget and narrative is describes the rational for the request. See attached




Sustainability plans are similar to what has sustained the 5752 Ames Location over the yearsThe combination of funds following this initial investment includes similar arrangements as 5752 Ames Ave. : MOU partner infrastructure funding agreements, WIOA funding, fund development from local foundations and businesses.




The two staffing positions are vital to success for the south Omaha public.




Technology updates and furnishings can be completed smaller. The career pathways may be completed smaller. The two staff are vital to the success of the south location.


HWS is fully committed to the proposal for implementation. These funds with the City of Omaha ARPA $ position service delivery for excellence to the community. HWS is determined to fund the projects into the future.










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule