Completely KIDS: Completely KIDS Family Resource CEnter




Completely KIDS


2566 Saint Marys Ave Omaha, NE 68105



SocialMediaAccounts;; Twitter - @CompletelyKIDS1


Carla Rizzo


Chief Executive Officer



+1 (402) 397-5809




• Carla Rizzo, Chief Executive Officer. Carla has been serving KIDS and families through Completely KIDS for nearly 24 years. Following many years working directly with KIDS and families, she moved into management roles beginning with Program Director, then Chief Operations Officer, and Chief Executive Officer as of January 2022. In her tenure, she has extensive experience with strategic planning, proposal development, relationship building/collaboration, and contributed to the successful 2017 Completely KIDS Capital Campaign. • Kimberly Norman- Collins, Chief Operations Officer. While Kimberly is new to her role at Completely KIDS, she has worked in both North and South Omaha in various roles serving KIDS and families including running an afterschool program at Belvedere Academy and will complete her Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership in 2023. Kimberly oversees facilities, human resources, and public policy initiatives. • Ann Lawless, Chief Program Officer. Ann has been building relationships with families at Completely KIDS for more than 20 years. Ann is responsible for ensuring Completely KIDS programs are responsive to the community, utilize best practice, and operate with transparency and accountability. Ann was the primary person responsible for building utilization design for the successful 2017 Completely KIDS capital campaign to renovate and expand our existing building.


uploaded - As a not-for-profit 501c3 organization, Completely KIDS is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, currently led by Patrick Groves. Board members serve up to two consecutive three year terms. Board members bring a variety of expertise including professional affiliations and experiences and community connections. Daily operations are delegated to the Chief Executive Officer and her chosen team (c-suite structure including Operations, Finance, Development, and Program with associated direct reports).


Completely KIDS disaffiliated from a national youth development organization more than 10 years ago led by the belief that local dollars should stay in our community to achieve the most impact. Now a local nonprofit, Completely KIDS serves more than 2500 children and families annually– through after school programs located in 10 Omaha Public School buildings (Field Club, Forest Station, Gifford Park, Gomez-Heritage, Highland, Jackson, Liberty, Marrs, Norris, and Walnut Hill), two private schools (All Saints and Cathedral), and five community locations (Salvation Army, Stephen Center, the Domestic Violence Shelter, Ronald McDonald House, and the CK 26 building serving children from Kellom and Liberty elementary schools); family strengthening/parent education; mental health services; teen employment; and food security. In 2019, Completely KIDS completed a successful $11 million campaign to renovate and expand our headquarters on 26th & St. Mary’s Avenue. This expansion allowed us to serve more KIDS, teens, and parents through high quality programs. While this impressive facility houses programming that meets expressed needs of KIDS, families, and the community, we are unable to meet community needs that were exacerbated by COVID (specifically in the areas of mental health and food security). As needs change, Completely KIDS has the agility and community support to respond quickly to help KIDS and families to achieve their goals as demonstrated by the scope of services provided during the pandemic and continuing to date. Completely KIDS is working in collaboration with Youth Emergency Services (YES) and Together Inc. to provide complete wrap around services that serve not just our families, but all the families in our community. Completely KIDS has long believed that the issues facing KIDS and families are bigger than one organization can tackle alone so creating synergy is key to having a lasting impact. Every year we partner with over 100 nonprofit organizations and businesses to meet needs. Collaborations and partnerships range from joint hygiene drives to providing educational opportunities, to referrals/warm handoffs for families in need of a service. Completely KIDS also successfully tripled our bilingual mental health team in alignment with the crises exacerbated by COVID during a time when many other organizations could not fill therapist positions. Our deep connection and reputation with the community were instrumental to building and sustaining this programming at a critical time.


Completely KIDS Family Resource CEnter






Capital project


Completely KIDS is seeking $8,000,000 in ARPA and state funding for the construction of a three-story building on the corner of 24th Avenue & St. Mary’s Avenue. This 30,000 sq ft facility -built through public-private investments- will transform an unsightly, dilapidated block into a bright, welcoming facility that houses early childhood education, weekend food distribution, mental health training and services, and adult education. Childcare as a Workforce Development Strategy - Access to high-quality, affordable childcare is essential to restore and grow our workforce. If caregivers do not have safe, affordable places to send their children, parents cannot participate in the workforce and contribute to our economy. This project allows Completely KIDS to create space to provide high-quality, affordable childcare for families in the area. Youth Development – This project allows Completely KIDS to serve up to 50% more school-aged youth through after-school and summer programs our facility next door. These programs help KIDS develop the habits and skills necessary to be successful inside the classroom and eventually in the workforce through academic support, 21st century skills, and access to opportunity. For KIDS that were most affected by COVID shutdowns, these programs are critical for re-engaging and supplementing classroom learning. Adult Education – A variety of Adult Education classes and experiences help caregivers develop the skills to achieve their future dreams and enable them to meet today’s needs. Caregivers are learning English, completing their GED, taking financial literacy classes, learning computer skills, or participating in a class about being an entrepreneur to achieve the goals and better provide for their family. Additionally, caregivers expand their support network with other caregivers, better equipping them to meet today’s demands. This facility is projected to serve 400 adults annually. Mental Health – Health disparities play a substantial role in limiting access to opportunity. Completely KIDS’s mental health services help children and caregivers work through trauma and other barriers to develop the skills to thrive. This facility will allow Completely KIDS to provide up to 50% more services as well as implement a training program to better prepare tomorrow’s mental health professionals to meet community needs. Project will be completed by June 2025.


Attached - Program Planning & Community Engagement • Community listening sessions – 1/1/2023-2/28/23 Design • RFP and selection of architect 1/1/2023-1/31/2023 • Design 2/1/23-7/31/23 • Construction Documents 8/1/2023-10/31/2023 • Permitting with City of Omaha 10/1/2023-12/31/2023 Fundraising & Financing • ARPA funds recommended for Appropriation 1/1/2023-1/31/2023 • Project Phasing & Budgeting 3/1/2023-5/31/2023 • Community Campaign Kickoff – 5/1/2023-5/31/2023 Construction • RFP & Selection of General Contractor 2/1/2023-3/31/2023 • Contract Finalized 11/1/2023-12/31/2023 • Construction 12/1/2023-5/31/2025




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The proposed project includes the building of a 30,000 square foot facility on the corner of 24th Avenue & St. Mary’s Avenue. The proposed building will service the 2500 children and their families Completely KIDS annually serves as well as the larger community. This facility will have dedicated spaces for early childhood services, weekend food, mental health services, and adult education. Additionally, the neighboring Completely KIDS headquarters will be able to expand services for youth and teens upon the completion of this project. The Completely KIDS Family Resource Center is directly aligned to the community needs above: • Sustainable Community – The CK Family Resource Center provides a place for early childhood education, learning spaces for youth and adults that meet their specific needs, recreation for KIDS and adults, access to health services through partnerships with a regular presence at the facility (mammograms, diabetes, dental, eye), and so much more. The versatility of this new space combined with the existing Completely KIDS building next door will allow Completely KIDS to provide a vast array of opportunities for all ages. • Quality of Life – A primary function of this space stems from increased neighborhood safety and walkability. Increasing lighting and foot traffic in the area will make both 24th Avenue and St. Mary’s Avenue safer places for all to be. Additionally, this new space will function as a mixed-use space including education areas, weekend food access, mental health services, and a space for neighbors to gather and build community. In some respects, at its core it is a community center, complete with beautiful outdoor spaces for KIDS and families to enjoy. • Policy – The mental health floor of this facility offers the opportunity for innovative, transformational work and partnerships. Completely KIDS is working with higher education institutions to increase our partnership to play a larger role in providing educational opportunities and experiences with the future mental health workforce. The Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker on staff will work with students on specific interventions, increase training opportunities, and help to further build cultural competency in practice for up to 12 masters level social work, counseling, or similar students at any given time. Completely KIDS will be able to serve more KIDS and families while we are also preparing tomorrow’s therapists! This infrastructure will create a pipeline for future mental health professionals in our community.


The specific gaps and community needs addressed by the Completely KIDS Family Resource Center include developing a structure and program that fits well into the existing cultural context. We look forward to knocking down three dilapidated buildings and replacing them with a beautiful, well-lit facility that any kid or family would be excited to enter for services. As a consistent, trusted presence for South Omaha families for more than 20 years (our North Omaha services were minimal until August 2020 when we were awarded after-school programs at two Omaha Public School elementary sites), Completely KIDS works with families to develop the programs that they want to meet their needs. We are excited about the opportunity to continue our strong programming for Spanish-speaking families and to intentionally and strategically bring in additional opportunities to engage our families from more diverse backgrounds. Another gap that this project will help fill is in access and tools to leverage community resources. The Leavenworth Business District is the home to multiple well-established nonprofits that have good working relationships. As part of this process, Completely KIDS is working with Together Inc., Youth Emergency Services, and others to create a multi-organization collaboration focused on creating synergy in this area. Completely KIDS has strong partnerships in both North and South Omaha. We are excited to engage our partners to bring new and enhanced culturally responsive programming to this building and throughout our service areas. Completely KIDS intends to engage a community partner with expertise in early childhood services to provide that programming. We will continue our work with Together Inc, the Food Bank for the Heartland, and more to meet needs with Weekend Food. Possibilities exist for leveraging partnerships in adult education including building on existing relationships and forging new collaborations. Latino Center of the Midlands, the Mexican Consulate, Immigrant Legal Center all have collaborated with Completely KIDS on recent programs. We also look forward to continuing to expand our partnership with Creighton and UNO for our mental health professionals pipeline and training opportunities. Services provided also will assist with mitigating health concerns among vulnerable families including diabetes and access to healthy food and education in nutritious food preparation. Completely KIDS regularly partners with One World, Methodist Health Systems, and others to house mobile clinics (diabetes, mammograms, dental, vision) needed by our kids and families. Additionally, dozens of jobs will be created that expand employment opportunities to residents in North and South Omaha (many of the projected jobs are most appealing to young people!) Finally, Completely KIDS believes in leveraging public-private partnerships to create opportunities that could not exist alone and would be difficult (if not impossible to sustain over time). Completely KIDS recently successfully completed an $11 million campaign for the renovation and expansion of our current facility. We are confident that with a public investment from this committee and the State of Nebraska, we can raise the additional funds quickly to make this project a reality. As the attached letters show, we already have a lead donor in place and several major donors and foundations are willing to consider the proposal if ARPA dollars are awarded. A few examples of the major gifts from the 2017 Capital Campaign include the Mammel Family Foundation, the Robert B Daugherty Foundation, the Peter Kiewit Foundation, the Sherwood Foundation, and many more.


The Completely KIDS Family Resource Center aligns strongly with the priorities listed in LB 1024. Not only is the facility itself located in a qualified census tract (QCT), all 16 Completely KIDS program locations are located in a QCT, therefore expanding the reach of these critical services to thousands of people throughout North and South Omaha. This facility is located on the bus route for the primary artery that connects North and South Omaha – 24th Street/Avenue making it accessible across our community. Additionally, this project will help clean up the St. Mary’s corridor. We will replace three dilapidated, currently vacant, buildings on the corner of 24th Avenue & St. Mary’s Avenue. As we build up this key area of our city, we are ensuring the buildings are well kept, beautiful, and play a role in the perception of the neighborhood and whether or not people feel safe spending their time and money in the area. As this block is in a key location on the Metro to Metro corridor along 24th Avenue/Street, the appearance of the buildings will make a difference. The Central 24th Street Multimodal Transportation Corridor Study completed by Olson in 2021 identifies this area as having an unacceptable level of pedestrian comfort as well as limited green space, and variety of other opportunities for improvement. This is directly related to livability (transportation, health, neighborhood, engagement, and opportunity) and enhancing the economic development of the area. Completely KIDS looks forward to being a part of the solution and improving the area including potentially partnering on the pocket park called for on 24th Street between St. Mary’s Avenue and Leavenworth Street. Finally, the job training opportunities embedded in the parent programming (and the Teen program, which will be able to expand next door once these services are all relocated) as well as mental health services are critical for the long-term growth and economic impact of the area.


The Completely KIDS Family Resource Center will create the following jobs: • Temporary Construction – 15-30 ($24,000 - $47,000 salary) • Permanent Full time – 6 ($45,000-$70,000 depending on role) o Part time – 20 (minimum $15/hour)


at least 26




• Temporary Construction – 15-30 ($24,000 - $47,000 salary) • Permanent Full time – 6 ($45,000-$70,000 depending on role) o Part time – 20 (minimum $15/hour)


• Completely KIDS believes in keeping local dollars recirculating within our economy whenever possible. In our preliminary conversations with general contractors we have been clear about obtaining bids and prioritizing local businesses for subcontractors whenever possible. We have also stated a preference for utilizing women, minority owned, and emerging small businesses whenever feasible. • Beyond the initial economic impact of the project, Completely KIDS keeps money circulating throughout the local economy in several ways. Firstly, we have structured professional development opportunities to “grow our own staff”. Several of our full time staff (including our Clinical Director) are alumni of our programs! Also, Completely KIDS utilizes contracted community partners/providers to facilitate most classes/opportunities for parents and some for youth. Annually, an additional $50,000 or more will go to other nonprofits and/or community individuals from this site alone. Most of our providers independently own and operate a business in North or South Omaha or work for a partner nonprofit located in either area. Currently Completely KIDS spends approximately $325,000 per year working with these providers. Completely KIDS also plans to collaborate with a partner who has expertise in early childhood education. The intention is for the partner to sustain this programming through their budget and revenue streams, although Completely KIDS will write joint-grants for programs that incorporate Completely KIDS’ programming into their services.


The Community Benefits of the Completely KIDS Family Resource Center include: • Improved neighborhood safety and appearance – removing old, dilapidated buildings and structures and replacing them with a beacon of innovation, learning, and community investment instills additional pride and investment in the area; • Access to early childhood education and services (including childcare), adult education, access to technology, a central location for weekend food distribution during difficult times, access to mental health services for kids and adults in a central location; • Access to beautiful green space for kids and adults to enjoy and build community; • Increase livability of the area – having all of these services in one beautiful location makes an area more desirable (and safer) to live in for families.


• Increased community sustainability – significant improvement in the built environment through the streetscape and transformational, visible investment in the area; • Economic impact – more jobs and job training for multiple generations including career exploration and internships for young people; and • Improve quality of life – barrier-free access to resources and opportunities that meet the needs of kids and families as defined by the kids and families (not outside influences).


The Completely KIDS Family Resource Center is an expansion of the innovative, high-quality programming that Completely KIDS already provides in the Omaha area. Completely KIDS established a model that put meeting the needs of our youth at the center through high-quality after-school and summer programs years ago. Best practices and quality measures have been embedded throughout these programs for years. In order to address the social-emotional needs of youth, Completely KIDS uses PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) across all of our programs. This has helped establish a foundation for strong mental health services throughout our organization. Completely KIDS also focuses on STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) and literacy programming to ensure KIDS are engaged in learning throughout their time after school. We utilize the national Youth Program Quality Assessment Tool and conduct several surveys in partnership with the Collective for Youth and United Way to measure our impact and progress. Recognizing the need to address other areas of influence in a child’s life, Completely KIDS has added several complementary family well-being components over time. • Weekend Food – if a child’s basic needs are not met, they are substantially less likely to be successful inside or outside of the classroom. The Weekend Food program is designed to make sure that all children have access to child-friendly, reasonably healthy food over the weekend • Family Strengthening/Adult Education recognizes that kids spend more time at home than they do in their after-school program. If we can help parents/caregivers identify their own goals and help them to access the knowledge, skills, and resources to meet their needs, the kids are substantially better off. • Mental Health services for kids and families – stress, anxiety, depression, bullying, the impact of trauma, etc. are not new phenomena that kids are just now dealing with. However, community awareness and awareness among the children has substantially increased. Ultimately, we think it is a good thing that kids, caregivers, and the community now have the language and are developing the skills to recognize some of these issues and get help. Prevention and/or early intervention is much easier to deal with than waiting for a crisis to unfold. As kids and parents learn the language and the skills to navigate their mental health, they are able to achieve more success and ultimately their goals inside and outside of the classroom. Completely KIDS’ licensed mental health practitioners apply a variety of mental health best practices and are innovative (hip hop therapy!) to meet our kids’ unique needs.


Completely KIDS measures outcomes in each area of services • Youth – the primary measurement tool is the Youth Outcome Survey developed in partnership with the Collective for Youth, United Way of the Midlands, and Ava Insights. Pre/post surveys are scored by Ava Insights with results shared back to the organization. 21st century skills measured include fostering curiosity/future focus (future orientation, growth mindset, and self-confidence), developing positive behaviors (self-regulation, persistence, and positive peer relationships), and providing caring adult relationships in alignment with the research on best practices for youth development programs. Grades, school, and program attendance are also collected. • Parents/Caregivers – several surveys and outcome measurement tools are administered depending on the classes that each person utilizes. The overall survey is based off of the self sufficiency matrix and measures parents’ perception of their growth in self sufficiency (financial education, ESL, employment skills, GED), well-being (access to a support system, preventative health care, nutrition, self-confidence), and parenting. Specific scores are also tracked for ESL and GED tests. • Teens – Teens outcomes are tracked through a satisfaction survey administered by Completely KIDS as well as attainment of their self-identified goals in areas of personal growth, academics, and future planning. • Mental Health – primary tools used include the BESS (Behavioral and Emotional Screening System) that measures behavioral and emotional strengths and weaknesses of students specifically looking at adaptive skills, externalizing problems, and internalizing problems; and the DESSA (Devereaux Student Strengths Assessment) that monitors progress of social and emotional competence. Each therapist is trained in administering and scoring the assessments using universal scoring guidelines. • Weekend Food – Completely KIDS administers a survey to parents/caregivers annually to assess impact of the program and obtain feedback about what is offered.


As stated above by each area, outcomes are measured internally (by trained staff) and externally by the United Way of the Midlands/Ava Insights, Collective for Youth partners and more. Completely KIDS also has engaged in external evaluations with the Monroe Meyer Institute and University of Nebraska at Omaha.


The Completely KIDS Family Resource Center is a fantastic opportunity for a public-private partnership. With the $8 million investment from the State, Completely KIDS will raise an additional $6 million (on top of the $4 million already in hand) from a wide range of private, corporate, and family foundations together with individual and family contributions. As evidenced by the attached letters of support, funders believe this is a good opportunity to move this important programming forward at a critical time. Without the State’s investment, it will take several years before this project kicks off.




Completely KIDS believes in the power of partnership and collaboration. Every year we partner with hundreds of entities – nonprofits, corporations, schools, etc. Attached you will find several letters of support from some of our partners that we currently utilize. As part of this process, Completely KIDS has met with YES and Together Inc. to talk about a joint vision for our community and how we can best collaborate. We look forward to continuing to strengthen those partnerships for the overall improvement of our community. Below is a partial list of Completely KIDS partners: • Collective for Youth – contract for Completely KIDS to provide after school programs at 10 Omaha Public School buildings. While the signed contract is with Collective for Youth the programs, the partnership extends to OPS and each school building • Salvation Army – provide after-school program twice per week. MOU in place • Stephen Center – provide after-school program daily. MOU not in place • Ronald McDonald House – provide after-school and family strengthening programming for families in residence. MOU not in place • All Saints School – provide daily before and after-school programs for up to 100 students. MOU not in place • St. Cecelia’s Cathedral School – provide daily after-school programs. St. Cecelia’s pays all direct costs for services. MOU in place • Early Childhood Partner – partnership has been solidified yet. Preliminary conversations are taking place with partner organizations and there is interest. Potential partners could include Kids Can, Educare, Montessori schools, etc. MOU not in place • Together Inc – Completely KIDS refers families to Together Inc for food pantries and case management services when appropriate. Together has assisted Completely KIDS with storage and access to resources for families. No formal MOU • Youth Emergency Services – the CEOs work together regularly to discuss opportunities and any potential partnership strategies. No MOU in place. • Food Bank – Completely KIDS provides three Kids Cafés in partnership with the Food Bank. Additionally the Food Bank partnered with Completely KIDS to provide mobile food pantries during the pandemic and has been an invaluable thought partner in establishing best practices to serve kids. – MOU in place • Immigrant Legal Center – Completely KIDS provides support groups for their clients including unaccompanied minors and caregivers; ILC provides legal consultation for CK families, MOU in place • Latino Center of the Midlands – contracted to provide GED classes, MOU in place • Centris Federal Credit Union – partnered to develop a financial education curriculum that meets the needs of our families. Centris teaches the course. No MOU in place • Bridges Out of Poverty – provide Getting Ahead in a Just Getting by World for CK participants at least once per year. MOU in place • Whispering Roots – provides cooking and nutrition classes for adults and families as well as aquaponics and gardening for kids. No current MOU • Police Athletics for Community Engagement – provides soccer and tennis instruction and league participation for kids. No current MOU in place • Omaha Conservatory of Music – provides String Sprouts for kids and adult violin lessons. MOU in place • Junior League of Omaha – provides Kitchen Connections programming once per month. Parents partner with a volunteer and they prepare a healthy meal together. No MOU • Rose Theater – provides weekly acting/drama classes for the students in our after school program. No MOU in place • UNMC Department of Pediatrics and Child Health Research Institute – provide Saturday educational programs for kids to learn about health careers. No MOU • One World Community Health Center – Completely KIDS partners with One World’s mobile dental clinic to provide preventative dental care for the students at Completely KIDS when school in not is session. No MOU in place. • Methodist Health System Mobile Mammography – The Mobile Mammography


MOUs vary as stated in the above question. Completely KIDS is working on obtaining remaining MOUs.





The corner northwest corner of 24th Avenue and St. Mary’s Avenue will be the site of the Completely KIDS Family Resource Center. Currently there are 3 old air conditioning buildings on four parcels of land there that are owned by Completely KIDS. The primary address referenced is 2450 St. Mary's Avenue.


Within one or more QCTs















Kiewit Companies provided an estimate based on square footage and similar projects. RDG also provided a rough estimate. Neither company has been selected for the project at this time.






From the projected total cost of the project, Completely KIDS subtracted committed funds and divided the cost approximately in half - resulting in approximately $8,000,000. After talking with several key private funders they were most excited about a true public-private partnership where the remaining costs of the project were equally shared.


The requested funding will be used as a key funding source in the capital project including costs associate with design and construction. We believe this award will be a catalyst for obtaining the remainder of the private funding for this project.




The requested funds will be to support the public-private partnership needed to complete the construction of the Completely KIDS Family Resource Center. Completely KIDS currently has an annual operating budget of over $6 million, which is supported by diverse funding streams (a healthy mix of private, government, foundation, and corporate). Currently Completely KIDS maintains a 14 month operating reserve demonstrating significant financial sustainability. Completely KIDS anticipates supporting the increased operating costs of this facility through increased Medicaid and private insurance payments from increased mental health services, new and increased grants and major gifts from private funders, and through restructuring our existing partnerships to strengthen fundraising efforts. The attached budget describes the proposed increased annual operating costs of the facility. The majority of the incurred costs are for direct services (therapists, weekend food bags, more contracted providers), which have historically been well funded by Completely KIDS’s committed private donor base. Completely KIDS also currently has a building maintenance fund of over $1,600,000 to ensure our facilities are well kept.


Completely KIDS has not made any formal asks to support the Completely KIDS Family Resource Center to date. The lead donor, Henry Davis, purchased the property and committed an additional gift of $1 million at the end of 2021 with the understanding that Completely KIDS would develop the property at a later time. Because of the intensity of the needs and the transformational nature of this funding opportunity, Completely KIDS has approached several key funders about moving up the timeline substantially if ARPA/state funding is awarded. Of the $18-$20 million project, Completely KIDS has approximately $4.125 million dedicated. With an $8 million award from the state/ARPA, that leaves $7 million -$8 million in additional private funding to secure. Based on our donors’ giving history we believe we would be able to have funds committed within 12 months of the award. We also have a line of credit ready through Security National Bank if we need to bridge any gaps between pledges and receiving funds. Based on the 2017 Capital Campaign, likely funders include the Mammel Family Foundation, Robert B. Daugherty Foundation, Peter Kiewit Foundation, the Sherwood Foundation and many more.


No formal asks have been made but preliminary conversations based on ARPA funding have occurred. Completely KIDS anticipates being able to have private funding committed within 12 months of receiving ARPA funds.


At this time the project cannot continue without the ARPA funds. Donors are willing to consider the proposal now because of the once-in-a-lifetime timing of these public dollars to transform the community.


This proposal is scalable to be both slightly smaller and substantially larger. However, reducing the scope of the project would be a tremendous loss for the overall service model. The Completely KIDS Family Resource Center could be scaled down to two floors and fewer services would be expanded. While Completely KIDS would talk to our stakeholders (starting with our families), the likely cut would be removing early childhood services and moving the adult education to the first floor of the facility. If this were to happen, it is unlikely that the early childhood services would be added back into this building at any point in the future due to the very specific design needs required for those services. It should also be noted that this program could easily be scaled up if funding (capital and operating) were available. A similar Family Resource Center could be implemented at multiple sites across the city utilizing established and new partnerships.


Removing the Early Childhood Program would likely reduce the overall project by approximately $2,000,000.


Completely KIDS is willing to commit at least $1,250,000 to this project immediately. The last capital campaign came in under budget, AND we were able to raise more revenue than projected. We would like to take this surplus and reinvest it in the proposed facility. The lead donor, Henry Davis, already purchased the property for $2,000,000 and has committed another $1,000,000 to the project. We look forward to working with our committed donor base to raise the additional $7 million - $8 million once the ARPA funds are awarded. Completely KIDS has also committed to raising the annual operating funds (approximately $700,000) required to deliver these services.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule