Lantex LLC
3217 Ohio St Omaha, NE 68111
James Overton
+1 (402) 612-7910
We have provided commercial and residential housing/ single family homes in North Omaha for over 15 years
Operation Rehab
Capital project
There are many many dilapidated homes/Commercial Properties in North Omaha that are condemned or on the verge of condemnation. We would use these funds to acquire and rehab these homes into livable and affordable housing.
Within the next 2 years
Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)
Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)
There currently is a significant housing shortage. We get calls daily for housing
Thru this program we pan to teach the individuals how to obtain and maintain a home
Housing is desprately needed
We will need construction workers and maintnace men to maintain the properties
$15 - $25per hour
This Grant will allow us to continue our long term plan of providing affordable housing
Many of the homes we are looking to acquire are in terrible shape. We specialize in turning trash into treasure
This will give the potential tenants something to be proud of
we are enthusiastic to show what North Omaha is capable of with the right investments
Educating these individuals on credit matters and money management is key to long term growth of the community we live in
By the number of renovated homes and individuals with housing
Yes we plan on using these funds to make long term reoccurring investments in the community
Omaha Land Bank, The City of Omaha, The Omaha Housing Authority
Within one or more QCTs
Community Based Research
The average price of these dilapidated homes we plan to rehab is 20k to 40k with a minimal estimated rehab cost of 10k to 30k . with these numbers we estimate that we should be able to rehab and place 50 homes in North and South Omaha
The funds will go towards the acquisition and rehabilitation of the properties
Purchase Acquisition Rehab Placement
It can be implemented over time
We have been providing homes and jobs in the community for over 30 plus years
Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule