Southside Redevelopment Corporation, DBA Canopy South: Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership




Southside Redevelopment Corporation, DBA Canopy South


2411 O Street, Suite 1 Omaha, NE 68107





César A. García, PE


Executive Director



+1 (402) 916-9293




Representatives from nonprofit organizations serving the Q Street Corridor sit on the Economic Recovery Partnership leadership team and include: Representatives from nonprofit organizations serving the Q Street Corridor sit on the Economic Recovery Partnership leadership team and include: César García (Executive Director, Canopy South), Meridith Dillon (Executive Director, Front Porch Investments), Roberta Wilhelm (Executive Director, Girls Inc.), Albert Varas (CEO, Latino Center of the Midlands), Andrea Skolkin (Executive Director, One World), and Osuman Issaka (CEO, The Simple Foundation).


The Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership includes these nonprofit organizations working along the Q Street Corridor: Canopy South Front Porch Investments Girls Inc. Latino Center of the Midlands One World Community Health Center Simple Foundation These partners were brought together by leadership from local philanthropy in summer 2022 to discuss ways to work collaboratively to support the economic recovery of South Omaha. Leadership of these organizations have been meeting weekly in preparation for this collaborative submission and will continue to work together to implement their projects if funded. Please refer to the Partners Letter on Page 1 of Attachment A – Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for more about the partners and their commitment to continuing to work in partnership to support the work described in this collaborative proposal.


As individual organizations, the Partnership members have decades of experience and accomplishments improving the quality of life in Omaha. Please see Attachment A – Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for details on the completed projects and accomplishments of each partner organization. As a collaborative partnership, these partners were brought together by leadership from local philanthropy in summer 2022 to discuss ways to work collaboratively to support the economic recovery of South Omaha. If funded, the members of the Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership will continue to meet regularly to coordinate efforts, share resources, and collaborate on future funding proposals to ensure maximum impact of this funding in the community. Please see the Partners Letter in Attachment A – Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for more detail.


Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership






Combination of capital project and service/program


The projects in this application collectively address all LB1024 funding goals and priority community needs. All eight projects will be 100% complete by July 2026. Canopy South: Community Investment Trust – $543,160 Omaha’s first Community Investment Trust will support economic mobility and wealth creation by inviting residents to invest in a low-risk commercial property, with annual dividends of 6-8%. Canopy South: EPIC at Upland Park – $144,250 EPIC will provide free public Wi-Fi in a neighborhood that has historically experienced disenfranchisement and suffered from the Digital Divide. Canopy South: Q Street Multimodal Improvements – $7,680,083 Transforming Q Street into a commercial corridor and business district through a road diet, a 10’ multi-use trail along Q Street, an 8’ tree lawn, consolidated utilities, and additional parking. Front Porch Investments: Home Equity Loan Program - $1,885,000 A revolving home equity loan fund will provide approximately 60, twenty-year, 0% interest loans for homeowners along the Q Street corridor for home repairs or improvements to build wealth and improve community vibrancy. Girls Inc.: New South Omaha Center - $20,000,000 A new center will provide workforce development, health and youth development to girls and families living along the Q Street Corridor. Four times larger than the current center, it will support more afterschool and summer programming. Latino Center of the Midlands: HQ Renovation: Powering Workforce Development and Community Health - $4,959,162 Rehabilitation of the aging headquarters will include restoration and preservation of the exterior, a new elevator for accessibility, roof and HVAC replacement, and other exterior and interior renovations. One World Community Health Center: Healthcare Workforce Training Center -- $17,000,000 A three-story, 24,000 square foot building will include expanded behavioral health services and a health workforce training center. Renovation of 102 units of affordable housing in the Livestock Exchange Building will promote safety and dignity. Simple Foundation: All Building Starts With A Foundation - $13,800,000 Renovation of unoccupied former Southside LaFerne Williams YMCA to offer year-round programming and community supports including youth athletics, recreation, childcare, and more. See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for details.


The Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery projects will launch without delay, with the first projects launching within 30 days of award notification. Many projects involve renovations to land or buildings that have already been acquired which allow for commencement of construction activities. All eight projects will be 100% complete by July 2026. See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for the specific timelines and key milestones for each partner project.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)


youth workforce development, safe after school activities


The projects contained in Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application address all five of the community needs identified through LB1024 to support economic recovery and community vitality. This multifaceted array of projects in a concentrated geographic area will maximize the impact of Recovery Act funding. Examples of projects supporting each identified community need include: Sustainable Community: Revitalizing vacant community landmarks Offering home equity loans to low-income homeowners for home repairs and investments Renovating aging affordable housing stock Increasing education and recreation opportunities for girls Expanding child care and after school and summer care that allows parents to work Expanding access to behavioral health services Developing the healthcare workforce Supporting emerging entrepreneurs Multimodal Transportation: Investments to turn Q Street into a vibrant, flourishing, commercial district that is accessible to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists Other Infrastructure: Expanding broadband and free, public Wi-Fi to neighborhoods that have suffered from the digital divide Quality of Life: Recreational indoor and outdoor space for youth and adults Planting trees along a busy urban thoroughfare Policy: Context-sensitive, culturally and linguistically relevant programming and services for youth and adults Investing in community members’ leadership and as systems change agents Other: Workforce development and job creation and supporting educational attainment through GED courses and English classes Not only does the Economic Recovery Act support collaboration among nonprofits and between nonprofits and the public sector, it also provides an opportunity to leverage the assets and talents of private sector partners who share a commitment to prosperity and economic opportunity. For example, with LB1024 funding, Midwest Maintenance Realty, LLC will develop mixed use buildings along Q Street through its "Q Metro" initiative. Midwest Maintenance CEO Jaimie Gutierrez participated in planning calls with the Q Street Collaborative partners and, while the Q Metro application was submitted separately due to the timing of preparing the collaborative application, the nonprofit partners in this Q Street Corridor partnership are excited about its plans to accelerate economic growth, create jobs, and support entrepreneurs and small businesses, thereby enhancing the neighborhood and contributing to our shared vision for Q Street.


The projects in this proposal reflect the community needs that emerged throughout the Visioning Workshops and which are consistent with the partner organizations’ deep knowledge of the needs and opportunities in South Omaha. Projects address lack of infrastructure through broad scale investments in both the built environment (roads and buildings) and the digital infrastructure of broadband and Wi-Fi. The partner organizations are well positioned to support development that fits within the cultural context of this community, and projects will provide residents with tools to leverage community resources in support of economic recovery and community vitality. See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for detailed discussion of the gaps and community needs addressed by each project and how each project aligns with the findings that emerged from the Visioning Workshops.


The projects in this proposal will advance LB1024’s strategic priorities of promoting desirable transformation, fundamental change, and long-lasting economic growth in South Omaha. See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for descriptions of how each project aligns with these strategic priorities.


See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application


See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application


See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application


See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application


See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application


A sampling of the community benefits contained within the projects in this application include: Revitalizing and preserving historic and vacant buildings as community resources Encouraging wealth creation, entrepreneurship, and asset building Removing barriers to accessing information and technology Making neighborhoods greener, safer, and more walkable Supporting a new business improvement district Improving the safety and quality and increasing the value of owner-occupied homes Providing high quality child care and summer and afterschool care for working families Increasing access to free educational, health, and career resources in multiple languages Increased access to behavioral health services Career opportunities in healthcare through training and upskilling Increased leadership and system change by community members, including youth See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for the community benefits associated with each project.


The community benefits described above will be sustained through intentional engagement of community members in project development, leadership, and implementation. See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for details on how each project contributes to sustained improvements in the economy, built and natural environments, and quality of life along the Q Street Corridor.


The projects in this application include a mix of scaling proven practices to benefit more residents and piloting innovative new approaches to enhancing economic vitality. See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for details.


Each project has identified its own set of outcome measurements – see Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application. Examples include number of participants in a variety of educational/training sessions, number of users of new broadband and Wi-Fi and corresponding data usage, number of home equity loans originated and type of home repairs completed, increases in high school graduation/GED attainment and secondary education, number of new, well-paying jobs, and completion of major capital projects.


See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for details on outcome measurement.


The Q Street Corridor partners have leveraged a variety of public and private funding sources to support these projects. A Letter of Support from several local foundations is included in Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application, as are funding details and plans for leveraging LB1024 funds to attract additional investments in each partner’s submission.









An Impact Map illustrating the geographic focus of this proposal can be found on Page 5 of Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application.


Within one or more QCTs


Please see individual collaborators’ attached applications (Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application) for their complete submission materials.












A high-level summary of the budget requests from the six Q Street Corridor partners may be found on Page 6 of Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application. For detailed budgets and request rationales for each project, see each partner’s complete application.


See attached partner applications (Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application) for details on how LB1024 funds would support each project in this collaborative proposal.



See attached partner applications (Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application) for details on how each project will be funded beyond the LB1024 funding period.


See attached partner applications (Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application) for other funding sources.


See attached partner applications (Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application) for timelines associated with pending funding requests.


See attached partner applications (Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application) for details on other funds each project may be reliant upon.


See attached partner applications (Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application) for more on the scalability of each project.


See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application.


Every project contained in this application is leveraging significant financial resources and in-kind time and effort. See Attachment A: Consolidated Q Street Corridor Economic Recovery Partnership Application for discussion of each partnering organization’s financial commitment to its project.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Environmental assessment of subject site. Is the property a brownfield site? Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Schedule