UNMC iEXCEL (Interprofessional Experiential Center for Enduring Learning): The North and South Omaha Digital Equity Program




UNMC iEXCEL (Interprofessional Experiential Center for Enduring Learning)


University of Nebraska Medical Center 986160 University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, Nebraska 68198-6160


University of Nebraska Medical Center 986160 University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, Nebraska 68198-6160




LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/iexcel-at-unmc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNMC.iEXCEL1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/UNMC_iEXCEL Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/iexcelunmc/ Contact us: https://webmedia.unmc.edu/iexcel/apps/gateway/iEXCELGateway.html


Pamela J. Boyers, Ph.D


Associate Vice Chancellor, iEXCEL - UNMC




+1 (402) 559-2446




See Attachment - Organizational Chart.


See Attachment


IEXCEL (Interprofessional Center for Enduring Learning), is a unique UNMC and globally recognized program designed to transform health professions education. An interdisciplinary iEXCEL team, led by Dr. Pamela Boyers, has accumulated a vast amount of experience in deploying a transformational model that utilizes advanced technologies to propel education, training, research and entrepreneurship into the future. IEXCEL utilizes advanced simulation technologies and software, advanced visualization techniques, (2D, Holographic, 3D Augmented & Virtual Reality), data capture and entrepreneurship skills, and is engaged community outreach, with special focus on STEM and the Arts. The intent of this application is to extend the initial iEXCEL concept, combined with lessons learned in futuristic program design and operations, with the goal of helping transform the North and South Omaha communities and ensuring long-lasting economic impact. The combined skill sets of the iEXCEL team, in collaboration with their local, national and global industry and business partners will help drive and guide innovative North and South Omaha Digital Equity Programs. iEXCEL is housed within the Davis Global Center on the UNMC-Omaha Campus and, therefore, centralized between the North and South Omaha communities. The Davis Global Center opened March 1st 20 and is a “state-of-the-art" training center resulting from successful public private partnerships, including the State of Nebraska and the City of Omaha, that secured 120M in capital dollars. iEXCEL enables local, statewide, and global outreach capabilities utilizing state of the art and highly advanced technologies and technology integration located within the Davis Global Center. As a Nebraska Board of Regents Center of Excellence, iEXCEL balances both academic and business/entrepreneurial missions. The state of Nebraska provides the iEXCEL program $3.5 million annually for the academic mission, the economic impact of iEXCEL has been estimated (by external consultants) as $6.85M of value back to the Omaha and the State of Nebraska.


The North and South Omaha Digital Equity Program






Combination of capital project and service/program


Digital equity, inclusion and digital skills are the foundation for growing and sustaining the local and national economies and ecosystems. The proposed iEXCEL Digital Equity Program, for North and South Omaha, will help stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship in these two areas of Omaha that have been deeply affected by the post-COVID economy. This program will aim to address high unemployment, low wages, and business and economic development for the North and South Omaha communities. Leveraging the knowledge and proven success of the iEXCEL team, primary emphasis will be placed on addressing significant regional workforce shortages in digital skills and technology advancement, and especially 5G expertise. This initiative will be accomplished through the creation of an iEXCEL Digital Equity Program focused on specialized training and access to advanced technologies, including specialized tools and expertise. The proposed program would include the selection, integration, and installation of specialized technologies and tools, including 5G capabilities, within mutually selected sites in the North and South Omaha communities including the proposed IHUBS. Select schools within these communities and other sites to be determined based on collaboration with the targeted communities. The experienced iEXCEL team will provide a robust and organized advanced training infrastructure that prepares individuals in these low-income communities to enter new, well-paid jobs that require special skillsets. Building an advanced training program infrastructure within these communities, individuals will be able to train and build skillsets within the following areas: 3D Content Creation for the expanding Virtual and Augmented Reality market, network management, cybersecurity, healthcare skills training programs, high speed broadband operations, data analytics, software development and remote and distributed 5G communication capabilities. The establishment of this program will additionally ensure learners in the North and South Omaha communities to be on the forefront of the higher education’s evolution towards micro credentials, badging, certifications, and other noncredit training avenues. This will provide validation of participants skillsets and accomplishments from a higher education institution. Nebraska's investment in this program today will assure the state catches up with peer communities regarding recruitment, skills training, and retention of a robust technological workforce.


The UNMC iEXCEL program has constructed the following timeline to successfully execute upon the Legislative Bill (LB1024). The iEXCEL Digital Equity program with community and state representation, will first create a special task force team for execution. The project will require a phased approach to ensure all participants are fully aligned from planning through execution phases. Progress and execution of this project will be tracked using a finalized timeframe plan. The following is the proposed timeline which outlines milestones and dates. Milestones and Proposed Start Dates: Phase I: Planning, Coordination, Community Alignment and Marketing: Feb 2023 Phase II: Selection and Contracting: January 2024 Phase III: Technology and Digital Equity Program Design: July 2024 Phase IV: Program Integration and Stand-Up: July 2025 Phase V: Distributed Learning and Program delivery Go-Live: July 2026 Phase VI: Program Outcomes and Assessment: December 2026 Phase VII: Program Results and Iterations: December 2027




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)


As the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program matures, all aspects of community needs will benefit, since having well-paid jobs and developing pride in self-sufficiency will enhance the quality of life. The economic survival and morale of North and South Omaha communities will be impacted as will the whole region. Companies and start-ups will be drawn to these regions due to the existence of a well-trained and motivated workforce, providing further economic benefit.


SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY & ALIGNMENT In 2020, the University of Nebraska system launched 5 Year Strategic Plan emphasizing multiple initiatives related to iEXCEL offerings, which included fostering talent development and institutional partnerships. Talent Development goals included providing each student with experiential learning opportunities through partnerships. Furthermore, micro-credentials and non-credit coursework are emphasized as a new strategy within this initiative. iEXCEL leadership was selected to contribute to the NU Digital Education Task Force throughout 2022 to help formulate the strategic plan for NU digital education for 2027-2032. The outcomes of this task force also emphasized badging programs, micro-credentials, experiential learning opportunities and cross-campus curriculum that would further facilitate application of the iEXCEL model across the entire NU system and beyond. Leveraging the unique technologies of the Davis Global Center, the iEXCEL model for experiential learning and simulation-based training, and the unique capabilities of a world-class staff should be disseminated to create a prosperous and sustainable STEM workforce in targeted areas of Nebraska. IMPACT ON HEALTH AND WELLNESS iEXCEL proposes to provide training in advanced digital and technology skill sets for those who live in the North and South Omaha communities so they can partner with iEXCEL to create relevant health and wellness adaptive learning modules that can be delivered through advanced technologies. These visual and interactive modules will be used to inform the community about health and wellness, as well as any actions that can be taken related to healthy living options and utilizing primary healthcare services. OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE There is a well – documented shortage of a workforce that can manage 5G networks, bandwidth, and especially a workforce with the skills necessary to keep the internet secure and operational. The installation of a secure 5G system within the North and South Omaha communities will ensure tremendous bandwidth at selected sites to increase wireless bandwidth for the development and viewing of health - related modules. The availability of the next generation of 5G resources will provide high speed, cutting–edge connectivity placing the communities at an advantage for health - related education, specialized training, entrepreneurship and, tele-health capabilities. A secure 5G hub is essential for example, to transport medical images across distance. The economic and psychological impact on a community with an aligned vision to create a digitally competent city is immeasurable - especially if a trained work force is focused in distressed communities who are already feeling left out of the present and, by default – the future. Creating and disseminating data and healthcare information requires specialized “hands-on” training, as does creating the 3D content and images for the fast - growing digital worlds – including the rapidly emerging Metaverse. IEXCEL and business partners will provide specialized training in workforce skills in this new and emerging technology. These capabilities can be realized through the proposed iEXCEL Digital Equity Program. QUALITY OF LIFE The iEXCEL Digital Equity Program will also help meet community needs by embedding overall wellness throughout the training programs. Healthy lifestyles are a critical factor in reducing risk factors such as weight, blood pressure and cholesterol. Engaging and stimulating interest in middle school and high school students and young adults, to promote healthy living at an early age, will encourage wellness habits that propel them into positive sustainable routines. As with food, shelter, clothing, and health, that are basic human needs, having a fast and efficient internet network that can propel images and data across distance at high speed, is also becoming an essential ingredient for the success of individuals and communities.


The proposed program helps to address the identified concerns and needs of the Visioning Workshop document. These Include: Medical Training and Education (Areas of program focus include Fundamental education to promote wellness, mental, physical and exploration of telehealth) Skill Up Omaha! Collaboration – Educate and Empower Workforce (Helping close the employment gap by investing in North and South Omaha Workforce) Technology (Hands on Technical training within the Davis Global Center to prepare for the IHUB launch date which will prepare for self-sustaining and successful IHUB program which will include 5G networking, security, content creation, database, development, nd hands on support) Marketing, Community and Youth Employment Program (Step Up Omaha!) (Empowering communities through integration of Technology assets within the Davis Global Center to help promote and raise awareness and promote a K-12 pipeline) HUB Resource 5G Integration at select sites in the communities will allow for distribution of Program Content from UNMC to established IHUBS and/or schools. The iEXCEL 5G hub will provide the ability to transport images across distance as well as provide training onsite at Davis Global Center for support at the iHubs and selected sites. North and South Omaha Permanent Staffing - Establish a train the trainer program working through the iEXCEL team to build a sustainable and independent workforce within the communities identified. The goal is to work with the community towards establishing self-sufficiency in managing their own 5G network, train others, and stimulate entrepreneurial activities, as well as attract existing businesses.


The UNMC iEXCEL team has thoroughly reviewed Legislative Bill (LB 1024) as well as the Public Engagement Summary to ensure true alignment between the UNMC iEXCEL Digital Equity Program proposal and the select requirements outlined within the bill. The project framework mentioned within the policy section above, proposes a system to measure the efforts aligned with the findings of the Visioning Workshop focused on: Building on existing strengths, mitigating identified weaknesses, and leveraging opportunities.


IEXCEL is already a major success story in Nebraska. Since opening in March 2020, more than 85,000 learners and visitors have engaged with the iEXCEL program. The total economic impact of iEXCEL on the Nebraska economy from operations, visitors and business mission impact has already grown by 61% in the past two years from $13.3 million in 2020 to $22.4 million in FY22. Extending the successful iEXCEL model into North and South Omaha will allow for rapid workforce development which will increase the creation of higher paying jobs. An economic impact was produced by Tripp Umbach and estimates are conservative as they are based on experience with commercialization of research at other academic medical centers. However, with advancements being made in technology and innovation at iEXCEL, industry, military and government partnerships are projected to accelerate over the next decade. Improving Lives through fostering economic independence based on relevant training resulting in well - paid jobs in areas of need related to workforce shortages. These jobs will be in: • The digital technology revolution arena – related to 5G, Data Capture, Cybersecurity and AI (man-machine learning). • Specialized and new healthcare technology positions • Data Capture and management • 3D, AR/VR and holographic content creation (modules) • Education/Training Curriculum • Remote and Distributed Training with emphasis on South and North Omaha • Performance and Outcomes Assessments


40 Total Permanent jobs projected. Engagement of the UNMC iEXCEL program will stimulate employment within North and South Omaha. This commitment to the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program will help the North and South Omaha Communities thrive which will in turn ensure the current businesses thrive as well to attract new business. Transformational change will be realized by utilizing iEXCEL strong partnerships and collaborations across industries. The North and South Omaha communities will benefit from the success of the iEXCEL model to build stronger leaders, communities and increase profitability of local businesses which will advance jobs, knowledge, wealth and extend pathways for those communities. The iEXCEL program will focus on growth within the following areas: a) The digital technology revolution arena – related to 5G, Data Capture, Cybersecurity and AI (man-machine learning).; b) Specialized and new healthcare technology positions; c) Data Capture and management; d) 3D, AR/AR and holographic content creation; e) Education/Training Curriculum; f) Remote and Distributed Training with emphasis on South and North Omaha; and g) Performance and Outcomes Assessments. The following permanent jobs will be created by utilizing funding and employed by UNMC iEXCEL within the following areas: a) Expertise in advanced technology; b) Creation of a digital workforce; c) Specialized healthcare training opportunities; d) Skill Up Omaha! Collaboration – Educate and Empower Workforce; e) Business, Marketing, Community and Youth Employment Program (Step-Up Omaha!); f) Complement and support IHUB Resources. Once funding is secured UNMC iEXCEL plans to immediately engage community members from both North and South Omaha to determine the final scope of work and approach to planning the program. The end goal is to achieve a pay scale of between $60,000 - $75,000 per annum for those who participate and receive “badges” in the technology training and 3D content creation and production programs. The priority will be to prepare the workforce to support the IHUBs and selected sites planned for physical location in North and South Omaha. Annual funding is required, through the legislative bill, that will support permanent employment for this project for up to 10 years at a cost of $49,776,375. Community members that engage in the training programs will become empowered to continue the training of the future workforce and ensure a self-sustaining community. The initial 40 new permanent jobs created by this project will continue to grow and expand through an active train-the-trainer concept, as well as develop new entrepreneurial initiatives. The regional workforce will continue to expand through the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program concept, as well and through additional revenue from community corporations, industry partners and resulting start-ups, the number should significantly increase beyond initial projections.




$60,000 – $75,000 annually


This UNMC iEXCEL proposal provides an opportunity for selected community members within the North and South Omaha districts to receive job training in preparation for the transition of working within the communities once the proposed IHUBs are complete. Participants will gain the skillsets required to run and operate the IHUBS and associated sites and become subject matter experts in their own rights. They will develop to the point of being able to train additional community members and business owners. Hence this energy combined with new skill sets will become “generational.” The goal is to extend existing and expand businesses and provide newly created businesses with expertise in digital technology and products. In turn, these will expand to increase revenues, increase hiring, and continue to expand.


Community benefit & sustainability will be achieved by building and empowering a digital and business workforce, thereby diversifying the economy and increasing livability in the N and S Omaha communities The iEXCEL program collaboration will maximize the impact of this new investment to the North and South Omaha communities, thus increasing economic opportunities for North and South Omaha. These communities can be promoted across the UNMC iEXCEL technology platforms to increase awareness of key communities, parks and businesses. These communities will bring a strong sense of culture to this project which can be shared using the advanced technologies, newly learned skill sets, and innovation can occur through the meld of art, science, and technology through the creation of 3D images and productions that can be applied to market the newly emerging tech communities and businesses.


As the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program helps to these communities to become self-sustaining, the quality of life of the community will improve due to having sufficient income and resources that, for example allow families to afford to repair or upgrade their existing homes, resulting in improved quality of life. Strong community alignment and extension into the UNMC iEXCEL brand will allow positive interactions across communities. A cradle to career concepts will allow learners in these communities to be at the forefront and help create fundamental change as they progress through the system.


EMPOWERING PEOPLE. Ultimately this project should disseminate more broadly to Omaha and across the state. Regardless of age, location, or situation, the population can benefit from the opportunities provided by the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program as it will: a) Offer 5g high speed and secure digital access to all digital services. Help everyone to become confident internet users; b) Give plentiful opportunity to feedback, recognizing the importance to people that their voices are heard and recognized; c) Investment is in security and privacy of the systems that hold public data – cyber security is paramount. New streamlined digital systems will connect Omaha professionals, such as healthcare and education staff, enabling them to work together and deliver care that better supports the whole family. ENABLING INNOVATIVE PUBLIC SERVICES. The project supplies and tests exemplar digital approaches and practice to delivering public services, linking innovative business, academic and public sector thinking with the needs of Omaha communities by: a) fostering innovation by engaging with best digital practice to find better solutions to local problems; b) using data responsibly and effectively to improve decision making and support those people most in need, c) linking key initiatives and re-use digital assets and investments where possible, d) making non-personal data open by default where it is of value to the people of Omaha; e) ensuring digital services are consistently available and resilient, with clear contingency plans; f) Provide open, transparent information on how we are progressing towards these aims and how decisions are being made. STRENGTHENING THE DIGITAL TALENT PIPELINE. This program will inspire young people to think about a career in digital technology and give them the skills and confidence to do it; Future-proof the tech talent pipeline; connecting education and industry through harnessing real role models and industry mentors – fuelling the needs of local employers; Ensure that the system of post-16 technical education in North and South Omaha provides young people with a clear pathway defined by employers into all priority digital/ tech occupations; Address the immediate digital skills shortage and support employers to diversify their workforce through developing a new model of ongoing reskilling and retraining. It will ensure that Omaha is poised to be a “Smart City” with N & S Omaha leading the way. Fundamentally, this means tackling the levels of digital exclusion, removing barriers to accessing digital services and ensuring that ultimately all Omaha residents have the access, skills, and confidence to go online to maximize the opportunities provided by advances with the internet and digital services.


The ROI (return of investment) outcomes measurement matrix will comprise a comprehensive list of outcomes related to digital access, improved education and morale, better paying and an increase in available jobs, workforce recruitment and retention, professional and cultural development, educational and healthcare qualifiers, as well as community engagement and perceptions. Data will be collected to measure the direct, indirect, and induced effects of the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program on a community, programs, and at the individual person level. Examples of potentially measured outcomes for the North and South Omaha communities are the number of households with a computer and access to broadband internet, new hires and unemployment rates, number of new local business and startup companies, and public and private investments and revenue allocated to these areas. Examples of Training Program Outcomes are metrics related to number of attendees and sessions offered, impact on professional development via improved education and knowledge-based, assessment, capacitation for new roles, exposure to technology and progression in the pipeline program, which will capture college admissions rates, increased interest in STEM-related careers, and established jobs in these areas. Healthcare qualifiers, such as better health literacy and access to care will be documented via qualitative data capture, such as focus groups, and during the evaluation of the Education Training Programs. Finally, qualitative data collection will allow for documentation of change in statewide perception of the North and South Omaha communities.


Selected members of the Digital Equity Community Task Force will be assigned to track performance qualifiers and outcomes of the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program. This team will be invited to attend training Sessions at the Davis Global Center and become empowered to work on both the developmental and data capturing phases of this program. The team, in collaboration with iEXCEL team experts, will develop and establish an ROI outcomes measurement matrix, which will be built upon key findings of the Visioning Workshop to target relevant areas to North and South Omaha and to the State of Nebraska. Initially, the team will collect existing public data from the U.S (United States). Census Data and other reports available to the State of Nebraska, in addition to applying the ROI outcomes measurements matrix to establish the current state of the North and South Omaha communities. Subsequently, various methodologies will be applied during the data collection process throughout the program and after its full implementation. These include the automated iEXCEL Data Capture System, local and state reports, questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups held for stakeholders and participants of the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program. Both qualitative and quantitative data pertaining to the matrix will be collected at all participant locations, in the North and South Omaha communities, as well as in the State of Nebraska. This innovative approach and use of technology will provide a self-sustainable tool to capture current and long-term outcomes of the iEXCEL Digital Equity Program, besides serving as a template for other state initiatives.


Yes. Aggregated results from the ROI outcomes measurements matrix will be available to the State of Nebraska to provide pilot data and guidance for policy and research development. Additionally, a framework will be implemented for other non-profit organizations, and entities in the private sector who would like to request permission to query these results to foster investments, research, and development in North and South Omaha.









The physical location of the proposed project is at multiple sites that will be determined in collaboration with the community. One hub will be iEXCEL, located within the Davis Global Center on the UNMC Campus in Omaha. This center will serve as one of the training sites for work force development. Other remote sites within the North and South Omaha communities will be identified through the established task force. These sites can include the prosed IHUB sites to be constructed in these communities.


Within one or more QCTs


See Attachment













See Attachment






See attached Budget Rational.


See attached Budget.




Fiscal responsibility and sustainability will be determined through the development of a long-term business plan focused on successful entrepreneurships built within these communities.



None, but suggest strong partnerships with corporations and industry leaders.




The iEXCEL program proposed will be managed in an iterative approach in which smaller components of the plan will be executed and stood up. This will allow benefits to be realized quickly to ensure investments are maximized through the full standup and implementation.


The following are the components which can be scaled and executed within multiple project parallels. The iEXCEL program team will execute within an iterative approach and this also is reflected within the budget, including medical training and education, skill up Omaha! collaboration, technology, marketing, community and youth employment program, hub resource, North and South Omaha permanent staffing.


The iEXCEL team has a vast array of experience in advanced simulation training, advanced visualization (2D & 3D Augmented and Virtual Reality), business entrepreneurship and operations, community engagement and strategy, transformational program design and implementation. These skill sets will help drive fundamental change by transforming these communities and ensuring long-lasting economic impact.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Organizational Chart Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses