North Omaha Rising LLC (NOR): The Dreamland Project




North Omaha Rising LLC (NOR)


1702 N. 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110


1702 N. 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110




Jonathan Nash, Jr.


Principal, Esq.



+1 (402) 204-4650




Jonathan Nash, Jr., Esq., (UPenn ’94) – Jonathan is managing the Development Team. Jonathan was born and raised in North Omaha, attended Belvedere Elementary School, McMillan Junior High School (now McMillan Magnet School), Northwest High School (now Northwest High Magnet School). Throughout his childhood, he was an active member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Omaha, the North Club, and later served as a Boys & Girls Clubs of Omaha Board Member while working for Kutak Rock law firm in the 1990s. Jonathan is a licensed Nebraska real estate broker and has been involved in real estate acquisitions and redevelopment projects in North Omaha going on thirty (30) years. Tim Holland, AIA, (Harvard School of Design ’85) - Tim Holland is the principal of Holland Basham Architects and will be the Project Architect and Project Manager. Tim was born and raised in Omaha, was an active member of the Boys & Girls Club as a youth and now serves as Chairman of the Board. Tim brings over thirty (30) years of architectural and city planning experience to the team. Davielle Phillips, Associate AIA, MBA, (UNL ’19) - Davielle Phillips is an Associate at Holland Basham Architects and will work with Tim as the Project Architect. Davielle was born and raised on the Southside of Chicago and studied architecture and business at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. As a resident of Omaha for the past 5 years, he is heavily involved in the North Omaha community from participating in community clean-ups to serving as a board member for groups such as The Urban League of Nebraska Young Professionals and The Great Plains Black History Museum. Ben Gray is a North Omaha Economic Strategic Advisor, Consultant and Development team member. Ben championed economic development in North Omaha and was responsible for several noteworthy real estate development projects in North Omaha when he represented District 2. Michael Maroney is the CEO of Omaha Economic Development Corporation and serves as a Community Partner to the Development Team. Mike has been part of the transformational change and growth that North Omaha has gone through for over 40 years. He brings a wealth of knowledge and connections to the community that is needed and desired for this project to be successful.


Our Development Team is primarily Jonathan Nash, Jr, Tim Holland, and Davielle Phillips. Our other partners will be more like consultants and mentors throughout the process.


Holland Basham Architects has a wealth of knowledge in numerous project types, especially in housing and master plan development. The building types of duplexes, townhomes, rowhomes, and apartments are a specialty at Holland Basham. Featured Projects include Forty9Place Rowhomes, Capitol Rows, and master planning such as Midtown Crossing at Turner Park and Crossroads.


The Dreamland Project






Capital project


The Dreamland is a collection of three impactful community housing developments with a goal to create a transformational result. We will support the community by creating new housing solutions, including bike, running, and walking paths, providing green space and pocket parks/play areas for kids and adults, and by using passive energy solutions for reduced utility expenses for residents. Miami Place is an affordable housing development consisting of 40 to 50 new units just north of 30th and Lake Streets. This site is between 31st Street and 32nd Street to the east and west, and from Ohio Street to Miami Street to the south and north. A majority of the lots are currently vacant. Kountze Place is also an affordable housing development on vacant lots. This infill development consists of 50 to 60 new units primarily concentrated in a 2-square block area with Corby Street to the north, 25th Street to the east, Ohio Street to the south, and 26th Street to the west. Kountze Place is also located along the new North Omaha Trail. Optima is a multistory commercial office space at 1702 N. 24th Street. It has a poised and strategic position along North 24th Street as it serves as a gateway into the Historical District towards 24th & Lake. This is a great project for an exterior façade upgrade and restoration as part of the North Omaha Business Improvement District. These three projects are scheduled for completion in 2025.


These three development projects can start immediately upon receipt of ARPA funding. All projects can yield quick, impactful, and sustainable community wins. This sets us at target completion of 2025.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



The DREAMLAND Project addresses the following issues deliberately as described below: Sustainable Community – We are enhancing housing by infilling over 40 vacant lots and modernizing the living experience in an area where many of the houses were built in the 1940s. Additionally, with adding recreational spaces such as pocket parks and open green space, we are supporting community growth and bonding. We also will provide some seating and public trash collection to keep the neighborhood clean. Multimodal Transportation – We are connecting to an existing new bike route called The North Omaha Trail. Connecting our project to this route allows us to access the businesses on North 24th Street and North 30th Street without a car or bus pass. There are electric bikes and scooters along the route that allow pedestrians to access these forms of transportation at an affordable cost. For instance, this new bike route allows our site to connect the historical district at 24th and Lake to services such as The Urban League of Nebraska on 30th. Other Infrastructure – Since this is an older area of town, we believe that some of the vacant lots had houses on them and that their foundations are buried. This may create some infrastructure and remediation improvement efforts. Quality of Life - We aim to create open space and areas for recreation for residents. It is important for families to feel safe in their communities and to have amenities to get exercise, and fresh air. Our development supports this type of community engagement and will help improve the landscape for new and emerging business to engage with our residents.


Our proposal aims to assist in remedying issues identified in the Visioning Workshop such as outdated infrastructure, negative media perception and community beauty, and abundance of vacant lots and disinvestment. Additionally, we want to take advantage of the opportunity to create and support public and private partnerships, create community cohesiveness and consensus, and community connectivity/access to goods and services.


We have acquired large amounts of vacant lots over time in an effort to create cohesive block developments that are transformational and good for the community, will elevate perceptions and wealth in North Omaha, and will create an environment that will have long lasting economic effects just as other areas of Omaha are, such as Dundee and Aksarben.


We anticipate retaining 60-70 full-time construction contractor jobs for 30 months, 8-12 full-time engineers and architects for 12 months, and 6-8 part-time development team and professional consultants.


We believe 45 of the anticipated 90 jobs will be permanent


We believe 45 of the anticipated 90 jobs will be temporary, 70 of the 90 jobs will be construction related.


We will pay wages that are competitive with today’s market. We will also make a deliberate effort to create economic growth in the area by engaging with residents and employees to educate and provide opportunities regarding financial and mental wealth.


Construction will be competitively bid with a focus on engaging local Minority and Women Owned Businesses. Also, design engineers will be local and competitively selected. We want to prioritize engaging people who live in and are from North Omaha. This project is important to us and the community, we want to ensure that we bring on team members that share this passion.


The DREAMLAND Project aims to create mixed income, affordable housing. We will also include community amenity spaces and street cameras to protect residents and the general public in these community areas.


This proposal’s goal is to uplift, improve, impact and positively change the perception of North Omaha and the lives of North Omaha residents by providing quality affordable housing and a commercial business ecosystem designed to spark business growth and job growth.


1. Passive Energy Solutions include 2x6 exterior wall construction to allow for thicker insulation and 1” insulating sheathing to bridge studs, R-39 roof insulation, high quality Low-E, insulated windows. 2. Active Energy Solutions include 6 Photovoltaic solar panels per home to generate power onsite to reduce demand on North Omaha OPPD power generation plant. Home will continue to be connected to OPPD grid. Panels will also be included at the Pocket Park gazebo to generate local power for lighting and phone charging 3. Componentized wood frame construction: Walls and roof framing will utilize off-site manufacturing of wood wall panels. Each home’s framing can be erected in a matter of days as the panels are delivered to the sites. 4. Architecture and Engineering BIM: Design and construction drawings will utilize the latest 3D design and drawing standards to improve design communication (3D headset walk-throughs), construction estimating, material conflict resolution and opportunities for greater construction efficiencies (componentized construction).


We are firm believers in our communities supporting our growth in education and opportunity. Many areas that experience the level of disinvestment that North Omaha has, end up with high crime rates, scared and worrying residents, and poor living conditions. We believe that with creating new and exciting places to live, our residents will experience improved crime rates, better educational experiences, and feel safe to hang out in the community with neighbors and friends.


We aim to create a program to measure our desired outcomes. These programs could range for simple tasks such as sending out resident surveys, to hosting community town halls and establishing or joining a neighborhood association that assists residents and takes requests for assistance. Additionally, we will create an online resident portal and maintenance request system and hire specialists to facilitate these tasks.


Yes, once businesses see the investment in the area and new and improved conditions, we believe that they will come here. Our goal is to see a grocery store and fresh market in North Omaha.




NOR is minority owned and has had positive discussions with OEDC about joint venturing and/or partnering on projects in this proposal. NOR is also open to working with other community partners.






Each site has unique characteristics and at the same time, are very similar. There are large amounts of vacant lots in the Miami Place (16) area and Kountze Place (27) locations. Our goal is to infill these lots, potentially renovate or reconstruct the occupied lots, and create common community space such as pocket parks and open green space. Nearby each of the three sites, there are schools, businesses, non-profits, and transportation lines along 30th and 24th Streets, and Lake Street. Specifically, each site is also conveniently located along the new North Omaha Trail. Below are the addresses to the land NOR owns: 1. 1720 N. 24th Street 2. 2620 North 26th Street 3. 2518 Ohio Street 4. 2520 Ohio Street 5. 2526 Ohio Street 6. 2601 North 26th Street 7. 2603 North 26th Street 8. 2529 Miami Street 9. 2525 Miami Street 10. 2523 Miami Street 11. 2703 North 26th Street 12. 2707 North 26th Street 13. 2709 North 26th Street 14. 2711 North 26th Street 15. 2713 North 26th Street 16. 2715 North 26th Street 17. 2723 North 26th Street 18. 2519 Corby Street 19. 2517 Corby Street 20. 2513 Corby Street 21. 2802 North 25th Street 22. 2804 North 25th Street 23. 2806 North 25th Street 24. 2814 North 25th Street 25. 2519 Ohio Street 26. 2523 Ohio Street 27. 2423 Ohio Street 28. 2620 North 25th Street 29. 3101 Miami St 30. 3102 Miami St 31. 3106 Miami St 32. 3107 Miami St 33. 3111 Miami St 34. 3112 Miami St 35. 3114 Miami St 36. 3115 Miami St 37. 3124 Miami St 38. 3126 Miami St 39. 3102 Ohio St 40. 3104 Ohio St 41. 3112 Ohio St 42. 3131 Ohio St 43. 3135 Ohio St 44. 3229 Ohio St 45. 3233 Ohio St 46. 3018 Ohio St


Within one or more QCTs


Please see attached.













We engaged with our contractor partners and architects to determine rough square footage costs.






Our rationale for the dollar amount of our request is to offset construction cost including Passive and Active Energy solutions, Infrastructure upgrades (MUD, OPPD, Alley development), Parcel purchases, Site demolition and preparation, Pocket Park development, and Soil remediation.


LB1024’s grant funds will be used to fully fund the project and offset construction costs on site work and professional service fees.




The real estate development will begin.


We anticipate going for TIF funding and are exploring other funding sources at the City and State level.


We expect to have a greater sense of funding sources during the design process, to begin after notification of acceptance or rejection of this proposal.


If this proposal is not accepted for ARPA funding, this will drastically delay our project start and completion dates. We feel that our proposal will create transformative change in the area; we will continue to pursue the project if denied ARPA funding.


Yes, The Dreamland is designed to happen in phases or simultaneously at the three sites.


Our Capitalized Costs Statement separates each project’s construction cost.


To the point of submitting this proposal, we have committed funds, time and work into the planning of DREAMLAND. We have purchased the properties, created a specific LLC for management of the project and properties, held a pre-application meeting with the City, created a new website landing page, engaged architects and engineers to provide drawings and preliminary project costs, engaged with lawyers and accountants to work through compliance and planning, and met with community leaders and residents to inform and gather support.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation