Hayes & Associates, LLC: Financial Education, Counseling, Consulting and Wrap Around services for Small Businesses and Grant Expenditure Review on behalf of Sankofa IHUB




Hayes & Associates, LLC


1015 North 98th Street, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114 134 W Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503 Services will be primarily provided within the prescribed census tract






Linked In; Facebook


Frank L. Hayes


Managing Shareholder




+1 (402) 390-2480




Frank L. Hayes, CPA – Managing Shareholder Gregory Johnson - Shareholder Michael Beverly, Jr. MBA - Director Bryan Broekemier, CPA - Director Austin Hanke, CPA – Senior Manager Latricia Harris – Senior Administrative Manager Other Work Performance Team Members – Managers, Seniors, Staff, Paraprofessionals, Bookkeepers


The H&A Way is based on the following precepts: The H&A Way encompasses Planning, Performance, Expert Review and Deliverables, consistently applied regardless of the nature of the services we are asked to perform. The included organizational charts incorporate this approach. This chart is the template for this project. Depending on the volume of work, the numbers will be adjusted to cover the workload. Organizational chart uploaded. See attached.


Hayes & Associates is the only Black owned CPA firm in Nebraska, certified as Minority Business Enterprise by the US Small Business Administration (SBA), City of Omaha, the Nebraska Department of Transportation and the Iow Department of Transportation. We understand the challenges that minority and more specifically Black owned businesses face. We have faced them in the past and continue to face time in the present. But we know how to overcome and impart that knowledge to other businesses. Over the years, the firm has received recognition from numerous organizations for its business success, as well as its contributions to the community. Annually, the Midlands Business Journal has annually recognized Hayes & Associates as one of the region’s most successful CPA firms. In 2009, Frank Hayes, our President, and Managing Shareholder, was inducted into the Omaha Chamber’s Business Hall of Fame in part due to a recognition of the firm's long tradition of involvement in the Omaha community. We mirror the community that the funds will support. Over the years, Hayes & Associates has provided significant support to the community in various forms, including support for youth programs, housing for low and moderate-income individuals, disease prevention and cure, and employment programs through Hayes Cares, a nonprofit managed by Hayes staff. Each year, staff members serve on the boards of, and volunteer with, various not-for-profit organizations. We reflect the communities we serve with our staff and with our approach. We are partners with the communities in which we do business, and our history reflects that perspective. We recently began our 40th year in business serving the business community in the region (Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri). We are licensed to practice Public Accounting in the state of Nebraska, Iowa, and Texas. We have collaborated with aspiring entrepreneurs, newer and more mature businesses. Clients we have served • Douglas County, Lancaster County, & Sarpy County, Nebraska, the three largest Counties in the state of Nebraska • St. Louis Housing Authority, the largest Housing Authority in the state of Missouri • Omaha Public Schools, the largest school district in the state of Nebraska • Federal Contracts with the US Small Business Administration, US Department of Justice, and United States Department of Agriculture • Nebraska Department of Education • Nebraska Emergency Management Agency • Nebraska State Treasurer • College Savings Plan of Nebraska • Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services • We have assisted most of our clients as they have scaled, expanded, increased their revenues and created new jobs. • We have a 100% success rate in accomplishing this work and meeting prescribed deadlines.


Financial Education, Counseling, Consulting and Wrap Around services for Small Businesses and Grant Expenditure Review on behalf of Sankofa IHUB






Combination of capital project and service/program


Part A of this proposal is for the Financial Education, Counseling, Consulting and wrap around services and the expansion of our office and service area. We understand that financial literacy and education is the key to success for communities which have traditionally been disproportionately impacted by the Covid 19, affordable housing, rising inflation, tax burdens, quality health care, and challenged career/ work opportunities. We plan to have an office in Lincoln which will allow the community of North Omaha to work with State officials for procurement of state contracts, competitive subcontracts, and receive hands on assistance with our Lincoln office. This will also allow Hayes to secure more partnership opportunities and increase the number of jobs available to perform the work. In addition, we propose to partner with the Omaha Public Schools system to provide financial literacy classes/ training, teach or have a club that educates students on the financial services industry and specifically train them on bookkeeping. The bookkeepers will then be paired up with small businesses in the community, to assist them with day-to-day bookkeeping task under our supervision. We will partner with MentorPlus services to assist with student training and engage other financial professionals within the community that mirror the community. In additions, this proposal is for an expansion of services that we already offer directly to our clients or via a collaborative arrangement with Omaha 100, an existing nonprofit corporation. We will administer and deliver the financial consulting and counseling wrap around services in coordination with Omaha 100 on behalf of Sankofa Economic Development IHUB to assist the IHUB with its goal of creating and developing strong new entrepreneurs and existing businesses that can scale, leading to sustained economic growth for Omaha and more particularly the North and South Omaha communities. The services will include: an initial assessment of the businesses’ needs; an initial consultation to set expectations; provide general training and seminars around financial education; a preliminary plan to execute that may be modified throughout the service delivery process as circumstances warrant; face to face, email, and written communication on best business practices; periodic (at least monthly) training seminars on various business and personal financial topics; ongoing counseling/coaching; and specific financial management services available for client’s success will be as follows and customized and priced to client’s business needs specifically to include financial readiness required for capital acquisition. tax compliance and business plan execution; business development services or client acquisition services with federal and state government. These services will be provided from our Omaha location or Lincoln location or from the IHUB operated by Sankofa Economic Development Corporation. Services are ongoing as the client needs arise. The Grant Expenditure Review, Part B of this proposal, will be an important requirement in maintaining compliance and accountability by supporting a series of financial reviews with the grantees. The review will confirm that projects are proceeding as planned and there are no financial irregularities. In the event there are concerns raised as a result, the review will allow corrective actions to minimize the risk of misuse of ARPA funds. These reviews will also help grantees identify ways to strengthen their capacity and operations.


Upon award of grant funds Nov/Dec 2022; Secure expansion space December 2022; December 2022 – Develop curriculum for OPS financial literacy/bookkeeping training; December 2022/Jan 2023 start recruiting and on boarding additional financial professionals; Jan /Feb 2023 start providing Consulting / Counseling and Wrap around services; Spring /Summer 2023 start financial literacy and bookkeeping classes; Work may extend beyond these dates depending on on funding.




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Multimodal Transportation (i.e., enable connectivity through driving, biking, taking transit, walking, and rolling) Other Other Infrastructure (i.e., develop or improve broadband, business districts, roadways, sewer, etc.) Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)


The work contemplated by this proposal will be performed by an organization, Hayes & Associates, that is of the community mirrors the community, understand the needs of the community and is trusted by the community for which these funds are allocated. the community and


Impactful, transformational solutions are never simple, but having the necessary advice, counsel and support is essential to business success. Healthy, financially successful businesses ensure a healthy community. These services professionally delivered will have the following positive impacts on your client’s business enterprises and their owners and the community benefits across the board. We propose to be the Prime resource for the community and uplift and bring along other subcontractor financial professionals within the community. Business owners will understand the success factors for business, i.e., capital, entrepreneurial mindset, professionalism, customer service, delivering, Understand the value of professional advisors, i.e., accountants, lawyers, insurance professionals, banking professionals etc., know the importance of their financial reports, both business and personal, understanding how to take advantage of other available resources in the community, understand the different legal structures for conducting business, Improved financial literacy. Ensuring that the funds granted are utilized for the purposes for which they were intended is paramount to the success of the initiatives undertaken by these dollars. Oversight of the policies and procedures necessary to conduct the program to align with relevant statutes and regulations is necessary for the completion of tasks to be performed during the program grant lifecycle from grant application to grant closeout.


These services will support the building of the necessary business infrastructure to sustain a better life for the community’s residents, the services will be delivered in a culturally sensitive manner and will afford access to community resources through coordination with Omaha 100 and the IHUB that is proposed by the Sankofa Economic Development Corporation and other community partners. In addition, the community has had access to other institutions with these resources however their needs apparently were not being met. We have a demonstrated track record of working within the community to build trusting relationships to meet people where they are. See comment in previous answer. Accountability for how funds are spent is paramount to develop and sustain trust with the community.


These services will aid in the economic recovery of the North and South Omaha communities and neighborhoods within qualified census tracts located within the boundaries of the Omaha metropolitan area that were disproportionately impacted by the Covid pandemic and related challenges with an emphasis on small business and business development. We understand that we must abide by the requirements of the ARPA and state of Nebraska laws.


This work will employ a minimum of 30 professional positions and a total of 40 to 50 employees at an average salary of $85,000 per year and has the potential of subcontracting with up to 10-15 other small or individual firms and professionals. We will establish internship programs for individuals within the community to train and develop professionals for employment with Hayes & Associates as well other business enterprises. We will ensure that we do business with other businesses in the community. As a result of this work, fundamental positive change will occur in North and South Omaha.


50 - 75 including those that will be created through subcontract arrangements with other businesses.



Average $85,000 annually for professional jobs; $15 to $25 per hour for paraprofessional/bookkeeper jobs.


All of the work contemplated by this application will occur within the prescribed census tract as we will be working in collaboration with other community organizations (Omaha 100) and the and if funded, the IHUB that will be operated by Sankofa Economic Development Corporation.


See comments above under around alignment. As noted in LB 1024, the social and economic challenges in North and South Omaha have persisted for multiple generations, partially fueled by past racial segregation and the historical practice of redlining. These and other practices have caused distrust in the communities. Having a well-regarded and trustworthy partner (Hayes & Associates) perform this review can create enduring trust in the legislative process and in key the decision makers. From our inception, Hayes & Associates has been a strong community partner. Our values include excellent service, approaching our work with a passion to understand, appreciate and exceed client expectations by providing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Timely) solutions, community engagement, employing a diverse team of professionals actively engaged in the areas where we live and work, expertise bringing thought leadership to what we do, diversity and inclusion, being committed to being culturally rich, inclusive and diverse in our service areas, client base, and with our team members. Our work will be infused with these values and the residents in the community and small businesses we come into contact with will feel it. Long lasting economic growth spurred by profitable, successful businesses will occur. We believe a financially well-educated community empowers the community to continue to invest and grow within the community and is a catalyst for influencing financial dreams to experienced realities. We also believe in collaboration, hence our relationships with other community members such as Omaha 100 and Sankofa as we deliver these services. We believe in empowerment, partnering with our clients and team members by equipping them with the tools and resources that foster development, innovation, and positive growth.


Healthy businesses spurn good jobs, good jobs create the opportunity for healthy lifestyles with the flexibility to make positive choices. Positive choices lead to a healthy community.


Hayes & Associates has proven over the 40 years of practice that our services are beneficial to our clients and the community we serve. We bring to this engagement the most up to date technology to ensure that our clients have the most up to date tools to manage their businesses. On Grant Review, Hayes & Associates has performed compliance audits for nonprofits, state and local governments and quasi government organizations for over 25 years. Grant Reviews are the same. We bring the breadth of knowledge to this engagement, the latest tools to perform an efficient review and a proven system of meeting the necessary requirements of this review of this type. In addition, we have been a staple in the community, and understand the cultural challenges that the residents and business owners face when dealing with financial and business affairs. We have a unique skill set of compassion and empowerment.


Our goal is to ensure that everyone in the community has the opportunity to have access, and receive assistance with financial and wrap around services, in way that promotes dignity and respect. This will create an unpredictable number of new jobs and the creation of new businesses. Businesses will be able to scale each year with a double digit increase in the number of employees with high paying jobs. At the end of each review, we would provide a written report of findings which will disclose whether the funds are being used for the purpose for which they are intended.


These outcomes can be measured by the number of healthy, financially sound, well run businesses that are providing jobs in the community as compared to those that are now. It can be measured by determining the wages that are being paid by these companies as compared to today. It can be measured by a review of the revenues that are generated by these business as compare to similar businesses in the Omaha area. The funded IHUB will have the resources to monitor and gauge the success of these outcomes. Other organizations such in the community also has these resources.


Our goal is to ensure that everyone in the community has the opportunity to have access, and receive assistance with financial and wrap around services, in way that promotes dignity and respect. This will create an unpredictable number of new jobs and the creation of new businesses. Businesses will be able to scale each year with a double digit increase in the number of employees with high paying jobs. Investment is primarily driven by the return on that investment. The outcomes of this work will show that money invested in the services that Hayes & Associates will provide provide significant returns in dollars as noted by measurement and in an improved, safer community where all people will want to live, work and play.




We plan to partner with Omaha 100, Sankofa Economic Development Corporation, and Mentor Plus in this effort. Over the 40 years in business, we have partnered with a multitude of organizations


We have MOUs with both Omaha 100 and the proposed IHUB operated by Sankofa Economic Development.





Proposed IHUB operated by Sankofa Economic Development Corporation - Address TBD. Omaha 100: 2401 Lake Street, Omaha, NE 68111 1015 North 98th Street, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114 - Our Primary Office New Branch Office located within the designated census tract.


Within one or more QCTs













The request is based on the Visioning Plan and needs of the community. The estimated cost of adding an additional office, the cost to develop manage and oversee the OPS educational program and the cost to recruit, obtain and attract other financial professionals that mirror the community. We estimate that will be employing 20 to 25 professional staff at a competitive average annual salary of $85,000. Along with 20-25 support staff at an hourly wage of $15-$25 hour.


The funds will be used to support the efforts of LB 1024 and have a sustainable economic impact. Create opportunities for entrepreneurship education, workforce development, create jobs, and make a transformation change for the lifestyles of the people in the community. This includes, but not limited to funds to support jobs, expansion of office locations, development of educational programs, pay benefits and related administrative costs.




This is an expansion of existing services that Hayes & Associates already provides to small businesses. We will continue to provide these services after the LB1024 funding ends. It is our expectation that these funds will allow Hayes & Associates to scale its operations far beyond its current status. In addition, the State has appropriate funds for the ongoing support of financial counseling and consultation services.


The only other source of funding is from the Hayes & Associates. Provided that Sankofa is awarded the IHUB, there will be funding available from our partnership with them.


Not at this time


LB Funding


The funds provided by LB1024 for this proposal ensure immediate scalability for Hayes & Associates as well as for Omaha 100 and Sankofa Economic Development Corporation



Until fully staffed, several of the current staff of Hayes & Associates will be committed to this proposal. Hayes & Associates will fund all of the upfront infrastructure costs to ramp up for this proposal.










Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Organizational Chart Pro Forma Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses