Ital Vital Living: Ital Vital Living Health Hub Expansion




Ital Vital Living


2323 North 24th Street


2323 North 24th Street



Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Youtube, Linkedin: @italvitalliving


Imani Murray, Latisha Taylor, Deborah Taylor





+1 (402) 681-6777




Imani Murray, CEO (chief executive officer) Latisha Taylor, COO (chief operations officer) Deborah Taylor, Executive Art DirectorImani N Murray Imani has more than 5 years experience in marketing/sales with special expertise in the retail sector. Her Jamaican roots are what inspired Ital Vital Living’s brand. When diving deep into her culture and its history. 7 years of experience with plant based research. 3 years of of operation with Ital Vital Living Previous Nutrition Services, Food Handlers 7 years of Marketing experience & intense research Deborah Taylor BA Degree - Commercial Arts - 20 years in Marketing and Design. Meat and Meat Department Island Manger - 10 years of training staff, inventory control and ordering product and supplies. Graphic Designer - 30 years in mutli-media production, website design, illustrator, videographer , and photographer. Cultural Design - 8 year freelance entrepreneur Girls Inc. - Director - 1 year in management youth Boys and Girl Club - Computer Tech Specialist teaching youth entrepreneurship classes, coding, graphic design, Photography, Art, and STEP - UP Employment Skill Training Latisha Burrell Latisha has spent 13 years working with food and Nutrition and is knowledgeable on what healthy eating looks like. She also has years of experience in management and food production. Latisha is very familiar with food safety and working in fast pace operations. Latisha’s experience with office skills include computer skills such as Microsoft office, excel, and word. As well as organizational filing. 10 years experience with management in Nutrition services 3 years of operations of Ital Vital Food production, food handlers and kitchen operations. 6 years of Managerial skills. 2 years of legal document filings and office skills Data entry


It’s the chart hierarchy of Ital Ital Living from CEO down to the dishwashers. See attachment of full chart.


Other Completed Projects and/or Major Accomplishments Organizing New Annual Events on the 24th Street corridor including Fall Festival, and Trick or Trunk. Collaboration with various shops located in Omaha, selling our cold pressed juices. Collaboration with nonprofits including the Omaha Performing Arts, The Union, and No More Empty Pots. Put together lesson plans and taught classes to the youth teaching entrepreneurship and healthy ways of eating at Kneko. Since Ital Vital Living opened we have had various media coverage. This includes but is not limited to: Omaha Magazine, KETV, KMTV, Business Journal and Various local food podcasts. In 2022 we became seasonal vendors at the Aksarben Farmers Market which allows us to return every year. Done collaborations with other organizations with special smoothies for cross promotion (CHI HEALTH, Broadways Musicals, Fusion Medical). Large Scale Catering Gigs providing products for staff at Google Headquarters in Omaha. Won investors choice at the Annual Pitch Black 2022 competition. Received start up funding from Nebraska Enterprise Fund. Received investment capital from No More Empty Pots for Mass Production Juicer. Retailers including: Carter & Rye, Dusk Goods & Gifts, Sonny's Bar Aksarben, Gravy Train in Inner rail, Best Burger, Shellytown Market, and Mullhalls. Grew social media following over 15,000 across all platforms. Created a strong Unique Brand since 2017. Created new patented recipes with our cold pressed juices and smoothie owned by Ital Vital Living. Various Video content with patented recipes


Ital Vital Living Health Hub Expansion






Combination of capital project and service/program


In the sixties there were neighborhood riots, commercial real estate investments near and along the corridor have been scarce and infrequent. Though some investments have been made on North 24th Street (e.g. Union, Fair Deal, Lake Point etc.), a large portion of the corridor is still characterized by derelict buildings and empty lots. As a result, North 24th Street is home to some of Omaha’s poorest residents. The loss of personal revenue through the loss of jobs has impacted small businesses directly in the community, steps away from our location that many black small businesses have closed due to the pandemic in a dire need to rebuild. COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted the black community of North Omaha causing death, job loss leaving the community stagnant and lack of economic growth, hindering the community’s ability to grow. North Omaha is feeling the impacts of increased violence resulting from the pandemic, and access to food and mental health services for the most vulnerable residents of North Omaha. Ital will...Prioritize community needs of healthier choices of food and drink and snacks. Our goal is to hire people who experienced unemployment during the pandemic, and promote job growth to build resiliency. By...Providing services and collaborative partnership with other small businesses and organizations in the corridor of North Omaha to directly support the individuals, businesses, and communities most impacted by COVID-19. Then...North Omaha can be transformed, and it will become a more vibrant and resilient community. Our focus is on social economical impact and improving the lives of all North Omaha residents in the community as a whole. We are an all black women business that is looking to expand our business and create job opportunities for our community. Our focus is community well-being. Our vision is to close the gap of food deserts by providing healthier health food choices right in our own neighborhood. As a small business we would like to be part of the recovery plan to revitalize and build a stronger Community of resilience for North Omaha. ( see attachment for more in depth)


( see attachment for full timeline dates)




Fundamental Change (i.e., a proposal that will continue to elevate North or South Omaha's presence and perception within the region, significantly improving the lives of area residents through physical development) Long-Lasting Economic Growth (i.e., a proposal that will foster gainful employment opportunities and financial investment in the area, leading to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North and South Omaha) Transformational (i.e., a proposal that will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North or South Omaha's function or appearance)

Community Needs

Policy (i.e., develop or improve context-sensitive education, finance, health, training, zoning, etc.) Quality of Life (i.e., create or enhance natural spaces, mixed uses, parks, safety, etc.) Sustainable Community (i.e., create or enhance housing, services, education, civic uses, recreation, etc.)



Our Proposal ties into quality of life. Having a health Hub for the community is very important. Many gyms are very far away from the North 24th Street corridor as well as healthy options for food dining. We are creating a strong sense of community with our gym programs, members can sign up for memberships. This will grow a community of like minded people with the same goals. This health Hub we are creating is very unique because it combines all areas of healthy living in one spot improving one's quality of life. The more they come to the Ital Health Hub they will be improving their health with each visit. We are also creating a sense of community through our health hub as well. It will become a part of our members daily routine allowing them to form connections to peers and instructors. Transformational because rebuilding will help energize, recharge, or spur significant and favorable advancements in North Omaha’s appearance bringing more business to 24th street corridor as a whole. Fundamental Change because providing healthy foods and juices reduces the food desserts which significantly improve the lives of area residents through physical healthier lifestyles. Long-Lasting Economic Growth because applying employment opportunities and financial investment at our business, leads to the creation of generational wealth and widespread economic vitality in North Omaha. We will be creating many jobs with a full service restaurant, rooftop health bar, service gym with fitness instructors.


Ital Vital Living Health Hub ties into many aspects brought up in the Visioning Workshop Finding Alignment. Our location is in the 24th & Lake Street corridor which has so much new development happening in this community. The corridor is very walkable including many small businesses as well as local Non Profits. Truly building upon the work being done in the community can become a true destination spot in North Omaha. It's proven that when one business thrives we all thrive as a collective. Creating a high connectivity and maintaining strong cultural significance. North Omaha is a proven food dessert. We will be closing that gap by providing healthy affordable food right in our community with our cold pressed juices, smoothies and vegan/healthy meals. The statistics show in the North Omaha Map health factors that Obesity numbers are very high being 44.1 - 52.1 % and many households are struggling with diabetes, cancer & other diseases. The community also has a strong lack of activities for residents to keep active and have healthy movement. The Vital Gym will truly help the overall wellbeing and health of our North Omaha residents including the two gym rooms, outdoor and rooftop workout area. The biggest aspect of this funding is the economic growth in our community.Creating so many jobs from managers, personal trainers, chefs, line cooks, waiters. Our pay will be very high for our staff to be able to sustain economic wealth.


This proposal aligns deeply with the LB1024’s Bill because we are touching on so many aspects with transformational change, Quality of Life, Collaboration and economic growth.


We will need a lot of temporary and ongoing jobs during the Ital Vital Health Hub. The construction of the two existing buildings will take over a year which will create multiple jobs working on site to get it finished. Once everything is up and going we will be hiring a full staff. Creating an assortment of jobs that include juicers, cooks, smoothie makers, yoga instructors, nutritionist, cashiers, laundry service, delivery service, custodian service. The wages associated with our company will be more competitive than others in our industry. Wages being at the highest $16.55 also very competitive for even our waiters $7.75 in addition to tips included on that hourly rate. We will be hiring the most trained fitness instructors in Omaha to elevate our space with wages being $25 an hour. Creating the best experience for both staff and customers. Our plan for employee sustainability is to partner with Step Up Omaha for some of our staff and that will include some part time positions that have the potential to become full time. The Kids from this program range from 14-21. Their hours will range from 10-20 hrs based of age and training.




2 -3 construction companies over 20 temporary worker jobs throughout the entire project.


7.75 (waiter's + tip) to 17.50 per hour and up depending on job title and experience.


Ital Vital Living will be providing various jobs. First starting with the build out of the gym and rooftop health bar. This includes Blair Freeman & Deold Anderson Architecture. We will be hiring various roles for the gym including instructors to host classes on the hour. Over 25 positions including: Line cooks.waiters,cashiers, dishwashers, juicers,managers. Each of our workers will have very high competitive wages. Focusing on hiring people throughout the whole process located in the same Qualified Census Tracts as us.


Ital would deeply impact the community of North Omaha because we are very focused on the health of our customers. Health and overall well-being is the most important aspect of our livelihood. Ital Vital understands this and we are creating a Health HUB. A powerhouse and an all in one step to become the best healthy version of yourself. North Omaha is a food desert. Not having access to many food options and none of them being healthy we want to be that change. Not only with food but also the gym promoting healthy exercise.


We also focus on the economic growth of our community and care about taking care of our staff and providing opportunities for our staff to grow into new roles that fit them best with very competitive wages. Overall improving the neighborhood of North 24th Street because we are creating something so positive that many people will gravitate towards. Creating a hub in this nature will create a large momentum towards the neighborhood. It will bring a new attitude towards a health forward generation. We will see an uprising of health issues go down and more productivity and vibrancy in the neighborhood due to the Ital Health Hub.


Ital Vital Living will be the first Health Hub in north Omaha being a one stop shop that includes food, gym, market, roof top juice bar/ Rooftop Garden. Teaching the importance with workshops/classes of healthy eating, nutrition and healthy food preparation. So that not only can our customers practice these healthy steps in our establishment, but it will form healthy lifelong. creating real change within their lives. Ital Vital Health Hub will be on customers' personal health journeys that will be important throughout each phase of life. We will be bringing in many talents when it comes to physical fitness in our gym. Culinary Arts, Nutritionist for our workshops. Truly thinking of each and every way to improve, inspire, educate, nourish the collective of North Omaha. Our project is very niche and health focused. All moving parts will tie back to the health of our community in North Omaha.


We will measure it by how many jobs we will create from this health Hub, our pay will be very competitive than others. Also the innovations we are doing in North Omaha that have yet not been explored before. Our location is very close to other small businesses that have been hit hard due to not having other large scale businesses nearby to explore the smaller shops. If Ital receives this funding it will directly impact our neighbors for the best just as much as it does with us.


This will be measured by community improvement in health, access to more knowledge on how to live a healthy life. Also improvement of our staffing with fair wages to improve quality of life. Truly all feedback from our community and how we impact daily lives. The economic growth to North 24th Street as a whole improving after this development will show true upward positive outcomes. Small businesses have been struggling since Covid-19 especially on North 24th. When one improves and brings more business/customers in we all improve for the better.


Yes it does. This project with the Ital Vital Health Hub is very unique and will attract tons of new prospects to learn about our new design layout. The health hub is all connected including gym, health workshops, healthy restaurant, rooftop juice bar. This layout can be easily grown into a secondary location. We hope that this first location will be an amazing start for the future and attract investors to expand into an even bigger health hub facility.




Yes, partnership is a big focus with Ital Vital. We are in the heart of North Omaha 24th & Lake and since being a part of this community we make it a mission to work together on projects & events to help 24th & Lake Street grow and spread the word about all the current business on the corridor. These partnerships include 24TH & LAKE corridor business. With our expansion and use of the funds we will be partnering with OEDC, Blair Freeman Construction Company. We also partnered with other small businesses that are very health focused like ourselves in the past 3 years to work together with the similar mission to spread health in the community. We also have other partnerships in Omaha that carry our cold pressed juices products in Aksarben (inner rail food hall) Omaha Farmers Market in Aksarben. Retail shops like Dusk Goods and gifts in little bohemia, Small business Bakery Carter & Rye. We also partner with No More Empty Pots that provided us with an investment opportunity to be able to mass produce our cold pressed juices. Since being in business in 2019 we have always partnered with Local Farmers. This will continue in the future as we use organic produce with all our cold pressed juices and smoothies. This spreads economic growth using local farmers and produce grown here in Omaha.Ital Vital Living will be partnering with OEDC for the long term leasing of our expanded restaurant and gym studio. Blair Freeman will also be partnering as CONTRACTORS for the reconstruction of the studio. Ital Vital will also be creating new career opportunities for the youth through Step Up Omaha. Last but not least we will be looking into IHUB as an opportunity to provide seed funding for assistance in our new business. To secure stability for our staff we will also be applying for the small business economic assistance grant because this grant could possibly provide funding support for our staff for 3 years. We will also be working with No More Empty pots with funding opportunities.


All of the above, See attachments for MOU’s and letters





2118 North 24th Street


Within one or more QCTs


see attachments


















Our general contractor is with Blair Freeman and we have started the process of planning our final space but its not completed all the way.


The request rationale for the grant is needed because we are starting up a restaurant, hiring 30-35 employees, to run a health hub and a destination point of interest for all of Omaha. (see attachments for more details)


The initial cost of the buildout, contactors, equipment, training for all staff, cost of the designer, start up cost, the cost of the architect, interior designer, construction workers, and web development ect…: we wouldn’t have to repeat the majority of this cost until an opportunity to scale up with a new location. Once the flow of profit stabilitizes for the business, we will not require ongoing funds for operation, or any other request for this location.




This funding will be a huge start up for our health hub. The funds that are being used on a build out that we could not accomplish on our own because we didn't have enough of the funding. With the help of this fund, if awarded, we will be able to create a facility that is centered around health and also build a large team creating long term jobs. This will be a strong start to the future of the Health Hub that will go on for years and years to come. It is proven that most start up business struggle with 1st year cost, and it's hard to recover from the start-up cost alone. This funding will be transformative to the sustainability of Ital Vital because the start-up cost will be covered and launch us to success for future years from 2026 and beyond.




None pending




Yes, we can take the same idea of a health hub and build out in a different location for scalability for health hubs.


we describe this in budget see attachments


We acknowledge full compliance, reporting and transparency.










Additional Location Documents (see application for list) Data table of uses (breakdown of how the requested funds will be used for your proposal) Documentation of site control (proof of ownership, option, purchase contract, or long-term lease agreement) Organizational Chart Plans and detailed descriptions, including pictures and a map of the site location/surrounding area Proposal Budget/Sources and Uses Request Rationale Documentation Schedule